38 - Vang ua rd" MONDA Y, MAY 7 , 20t2
Fin ancial Vanguard
FG gives N276bn loans to Sm farmers in 2012 another means through wblch tbe commodity would reach the real
ByJIMOIl BABATU DE ..,IUt .geDC"Y reporu
'T'HE Feder,lI Govern
.I. menl
ct mmltting
N276 billion, • ecured AS loans lrom ccmmerclaJ banks, to ~ac I five rrulhon IarIntn lh s yeer, the MinISter 01 AJncuhure dnd Rural Dev~lopment. Or Aklnwunml Adesrna, has said Adtslna said thIS al Onn-EI.lh rn IdoOst Local GoVf'rnment Area of Ekltl ~Iate at the Iaunchof""·ou:h U1 Com-
'1"bat means lhatsome
Wallet lOtarget real fann -
ers and reach Ulem With their fertilLser Without tnvolvlllg the thud party." Arlesina explamed that the new syst m would be ro lled ~ut eCl"05• ...1h.e _ country, begiimmg from thIS planting season Wbile comlnendrng EklU State Governor, Dr Kayode Fayeml lor the Youths tn Agnculture 111Itlallve from wbtch 2000 yo uths will benefit from III hrs1 p~ , the mJJUSter said there 15 no sector that can creale}Obl faster than theaqnculluntl ~ tor Adesma decned the attitude of treating agncu lture Wee a development programme· "To unlock thf' of
!Westna 'lIld that Prt-oi~fGoodluckJonalban
have de-
lhat henceforth , we wtll be u.smg direct mobiJe phones . called E-
nf'ver get the fertiliser5 What ~ have found out IS that the system was so c( rrupt. Inelhoent and dl'iplaces the pnvale sec-
h.d dtn!Cted the mmlStJy k' rorruneDa': mearungfuJ p.o.rtner5rup programmes w th aJl states 111 order to buost employmenl of Y'"'uths througb agncul tu~ . The rtluusteuald tM n'CIE',.1 Government had 5t )pped !he !oaIe of terti IL"ers to fanners through wtE'rme<:hane!'i to SlOp c:r rrupUon m the exertl:!ie \ccordtng to blm. the g"vt'"mmf'nt haJil adopted
89 pel cent of farmers
m~IAqri~ 1l~"-1lS
SessIon tn E1D I Siale Wehavec.-or Ipif!tedtM .Ioll.basf' of farmers, ·.....uch WP willI onlmUf' to tlpgrade. su U al we can IttW 51eady U" formaUQn ·m farmen in (roer to put \ hnaJ stop Ie the huge ("'Irruptlon In Ihp sy'item 'Ii dlstnbul1ng fertlilSt'1"5 In the past. (n1y 11 >nloltMLun
" What
Signed as a second optiOn
well as thf' lIYurruratJOn
.,f the 2012 Agnculture
hllser procured by the Froera.1 Government and sold to fanners through th~ vanous state govern
agncullull" tocrealepbs. ~ must engage the .. ne"lY. dyna.mlSm and entrepreneurship of Ihe youth We are no longer trealmg agnculture as • development program We are tre.111ng ag ncullure as a bUSlness Our goal IS to make Nlgena an agncultwally tndustrl4l1Sedeconomy NSubslstence agneulture IS not able to feed a
nallOn WhallS Ilf'f'ded IS commeroaJ agncuJture, which can be done by small medium arwt large scale fanners We must modemlSE', 10 be abk> to attract Ow youth mto agnrulture- We must expand 1M level of use of tractors In tMrountIy ThecountJy does not haw moT"!' than 20,000 whereas about 300. 000 tractors are needed " Earlier. Gov Kayode
Fayenu 5ilId 1M Uuust of thf> youth 111 Agnculture programme was to commt"lClahse farming and ".......~
genelilbon of employment
and Improved revenue He said that 58,000 peas ant fanners had being registered In the Slate wbJ.Ie the youth fannmg programme would proVide .ddltlonal 20.000
810m Slouch Head 01 Pm'ole Banking S'andard Char/ered BanJr. RIchard Howarth. EXeC"ulwe Dllector. PmOff" Banjrjflg S'andald Chollered Bank. Colh enne F,$her. Semol D'rector. PfI\olp BanJunq. SC8 and Aledo Pclcls.de. dur 1119 an Art exhlb.lJon IPOll5Ored b) Standard Chartered bank In Lago.1 Photo
by l.amldl 8amldele.
""--_eom_ '_nMn ,"o . . nu
Thete twv. been many w-t re.dIn Nt n.te po.iNeIy ~ "'" country. Ib detw'll'lop'.1l. tb . . . . Mel fMWI !he , . of !he 'III'OI1d One such
man II Comradil Adams Oshiomhole, whom we\llOOld lib to express 01.1' eppreaahon lei" dIspIa)'lf"lg such I'IetoIsm .nd ~ Ie«lentip tn
We. the ImegbII
o.c-.tants ClO (toe
Wamt ....... medium to uy. SKi TlWIK YOU 10 ... tomriIde goomnor at Edo &ale Connde AdCII'M 0shI0rm0Ie e~ leeder5Nr Team for lhe oonstrucion of Imtegba North Ibia
We are more !han certa.,..I"" YItIory II ycus In !he bth corning &cbon by Goers GracI (AMENI """ . . 1tMt Gfu~ GoYemor In \he tislOr)' of Edo Slal~' lDTWI"IIMrI'to
We alia wYItI you on the recent motor 8CCIdent Be rut assured
thai God AImghty • WIIh _ ..... yo )'OJ and your
Comrade Adams Oshiomhole E...c:uUyoe GovetnGf. Edo State
Kano to allocate free farmland to women By ABO LSA.1.AAt MUHAMMAD, Kano "VANO stale Govern
~~ enl IS to allocate free fannland tomterest~
Wornen larmt>r!; .1 Kadawa Imgallon Site lor all year round fann -
m9 The CommISSioner of Agnculture. HaJI~'a Baraka Sam lold a gather· 109 of rural women In Nasafilv.a local Government that the measure was adoptt"d to boo"il food sl"CUnty In !he state Hallya Baraka SaRi revealed that the slate Government has also secured stratt"Qlc partnersbtp With somt" CommernalBanb that will grant farubes to women fann ers to enable them contnbute meamngfully to lheeconomy Baraka Sam notre thai no meamngful development could tw a("h.Ieved 'n areas of \u"ilamablt> '("onromy ·Qth<1ul full rtl<"paIJ' n ~J women ~'ro'lth"'K -,mtc--'iln fe'a
IZed thIS 100 well aod IS stnYlng to lu: the' va("u-
urn Baraka Sam said that thf' women empowermf'nt programme that accommodate over 44 000 women across Iht' state was past of bohstlc approach at addressing povPrly among rural
women, adding Ihat the ultimate goal IS 10 glYf' women a level plafLOg field for then conlnbu-
""" Sbe stated that women group WlU be necgr~n
essary support to reahu thetr set goaJ adding thai the second phase of the women empowe'rment programme 1000'11' soon kick oU 10 cover the second set of benE'hc:aanes'
Sokoto farmers to smile home with 296,000 bags of fertilisers "r;ABDAUAJI E KUREBE OKOTO statE' gOY S emment IS set 10 rro("urt' bags 0 as296.000
ferulJseB from !he Fed eral Government for the 2012 farming season. COmml"iSIOner for Agrl· culture. Dr. Jabbl KLlgon has disclosed K!lgorJ who $ookf"m ... "Ie- ef'k"!Id ... 0 I),al h .. ~ rtiillf"r "Lt, dE" .... o
.. ..
Iy enabled system called "e-wal1f't voucher system uSing GSM Accordmg to him. the consig nments would rompnseof 1048.000 bags each of NPK and Urea brands Ollhf" commodl· ty ~We Will buy N("h bag of the commodity at N 5.500 while both the Ff!deral and sokolo iitate govf'rnmf'nt5 ""-Ili pre. df" a 15 Dt'rC-f'nt '1'Jh
v "'"rr.
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