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Vanguard, WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 7, 2 0 12-21

Business Statistics: Bureau calls for agencies' collaboration to minimise conflicts on data use

ATIONAL Bureau of

N Statistics (NBS) has l:aJ1ed agenaes

He also called for


collaboration to utilise the

on relevant to coUaborate with it to mirumise

available human and material resources for lhe development of statistical system in the country. The statisticiangeneral urged participants to

conflicts in statistical figures released in the country. Dr Yernl Kale. lhe Statistician-General of the Federa -

note and diSCUSS issues bordering on statistical development in the country. Kale said the issues bordered on the journey so far in the implementation of the National Strategy for the Development of Statishcs and support through Ule Statistics for Results Facility. ~Dther ISSUes include users'

tion, made the call in Akwanga, Nasarawa State, at oil two-

day workshop on User Satisfaclion



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Kale, who was represented by Mr George Oparaku. the

Director, Real Sector and Household Statistics. NBS. said the workshop was to interact with users of statistics in order 10 get their feedback

feedback on current data use, currenl stalt.stical surveys and programmes, data avatlability and accessibility as well as statistical products and dtsseminabon strategy" Also speaking, Mr Alcun Gaugris, a Statistician. Development Data Group, World Bank. stressed the need for sustainable Improvements in the productIOn, availability and use of quality statistics. Gaugris said the avaLiability and use of stallstics would increase the capacity in poUcy formulation and decision making for development.

FGtoimport 100 large-scale rice mills

He commended Nigena for making head way in the "Staltstlcs for Results Fadlity" project, one out of the five pilot countries selected by the World Bank. Gaugaris Listed the other pilot countries as Afghanistan. ORC. Ghana and Rwanda He said the World Bank had started phase one of the project with sa pilot states Anambra, Bauchi , Edo. Kaduna, Niger and Dndo TIle statistlcilm Said the aim was 10 drive the process of reforming the Nigerian Statistical System \ :,.,,,.

press confe rence on the first Lilgos Seil Food Feslivill al Alilusa Serrelarlill, Lilgos.

Pholo: Lamidi Bamidel e


Okonjo-Iweala faults provisions on NCS bill INISTER of Finance. M Dr. Ngozi-OkonjoJweala. on Monday faulted the proposed Nigeria Customs Service (NCS) bill. saying that it vested too much power in the Customs. The bill aims to repeal the Customs and EXCise Managemenl Act (2004) and enact the Nigeria Customs Service Act. Okonjo-iweala made her observatlons known at the pUblic hearing on the bill organised by the Senate Committee on Finance in Ahula. She noted that the Customs Service ....'<15 an important 1001 for revenue collection and lor facilitatlon of trade between countnes being supervised by

the Ministry of Finance. She turtherobserved thallhe bLil vested too many powers inlhe Customs at lhe expense of the president and the minister. lhereby makmg It inimica1 to the economic goals of the government. "We do not consider ttus a good bill at the moment. In terms of the economic development of the country and we think that it would need significant amendment of some sections. "With the present bill, the policy malting and execultng powers are all vested largely in the Customs and are not separate. NWe believe that the bill should separate policy making powers from the

executing powers, so that theyean be properly ahgned . "Many of the powers of the president that are granted in the former bill have now been reSCinded and many of the powers of the minister IJ1 the former bill have also now been rescinded ." shesaid. According to her, the existing law proVldes lhat lhe board of the NCS shall be under the control of the Mimsteror Finance, who has the powers to make appointment into the board Dkonjo-)weala said that the minister's powers to appoint members of the board were limited to a lew persons while large powers of appointing the member were vested in the Customs Service

in the country, Dr Akinwunrlll Adesina, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, sald on Monday. Adesina said this in Abuja at the Nationa1 Aglicu1tura1 Commodity Chain Development seminar organised by the llonn-based Agricultural and Rural Management Training Institute (ARMTJ) Government's delemtination to meetils target of making Ule country self-sufficient in nce production by 20 15 'These nce mills, not owned by government, owned by a private sector. would put III place the capadty of 2.1 million tonnes. ''-Illat means that lhe rice value chatn in Nigeria will lor lhe first bme In our nallan!!' history, make us to have full Industrial capaCity, be lI1temaltonally competitive and can export to the rest of Weil Africa. According to the Minister; "13 new nee mills with the total capacity of 240.000 lannes. aU owned by the pnvate sector, have been created in the last 12 monUts." In his remarks, the Executive DirectorofAJU\.m. Mr Samuel Molayan. said that the institute had embarked on a study all the prevailing situatIon in selected agricultural commodity value chains.

From Jell: Or. Oliliitle BilShorun. Permilnenl SecrelilI}: AlinistTY 01 Agriculture ilnd Cooperiltives, ugos Stille; Prince GbolilJli:ln UtlViIl, Hon. Commissioner and Dr Nureni Funsho, Spedal Ass/slant 10 Gov Babalunde FilSholii of I.agos if

lANS are under way P to import tOO large-scale mills to boost rice production

He reiterated the Federal

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Stale on Agrlcullure during





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