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26- V alngtAard, MONDAY;. AUGUST 8# 2011

First Bank:

Financing the entire agric value chain he p articipatio n of Fi rst Dan k of Nigelia Pic in the Commen:ial Agricultu ral Cre1it Scheme tCACS) is driven by Its commitme nt to su pport Government's e fforts lowards the atta inment of food securi ty a nd econom ic diverSlficalion. It IS this samecommitmenl that prompted the Bank to deve lop and Introduce 8Farmers Firs t", a SUIt 0 1 agricu ltural finan d ng solutio ns speciall y designed 10 help Il!IaU scal!' larmers to acress fundin g , li n k t h em wit h i ndustri a l e n d- u sers of t heir products, and prom ote agricultur e as an a ll raclive p rofessi on and business to youths. nle IJanks' commitm ent to the aglicl.lltural s ector is rooted in the fi nn belief that agriculture is very importan t to lIle nation's economic development. Hence it bas been partidpating in various go\'ernment inilialives to boost lending to Ule sector. For example, th e Blink p artici p ated and exceeded ex pecta lions in Ihe A9.ricultura[ Credit Support Sch eme /ACSS) i niti ated by th e O basanjo admini s tration 10 In c rease ba n ks' lending to th e sector by NSO billion. '1\lthough we ~-ele s upposed to le nd N2 billion, we did NJ .7 billion", thereby de monstrating our stalus as m ajor stakeholders in th e agric ul tura l sector. We do n 't do things only uecause of government policy but beca use o f our passio n for the secl ar The Bank said . ConliequenUy, when the CACS w as introdu ced in 2009, the bank embraced il as an opportunity to further demonstrate ilJl passion for the sector and contribute to its growth . Thus, U,e Bank has funded 31 com me rcia l IIgric u Jtura l bU lil nesses with l oanS amounting to N12 .8S billion. The businesses funded by th e Ban k cover all the eligible activities s pecified und e r th e sch e m e lI nd the entire velue c h ain. This Include lives toc k prod uction, poulby fanning, fis h la rming, crop production an d crop processing. 11le Bank also supported bus inesses in stock piling and marketing of produce, animal husbandry, process ing and mMketing.




The Bank's funding support h ll!ll been guided by the objective of the scheme, which Is to Increase th e scal e of agr i cu ltu r a l productton In the country. Thus . ag r icu ltura l b Usinesses s uppo rte d by th e Bank h ave eithe r doub led capaci t y or improved production e Ui dency. " For exam ple we have poultry p rojects th at h ave the capacity for ten lhousand layers that are c urrently runnin g on fo rl y Iho u sand l aye rs~, said Ernest Ndubisi Ibedigbo. H eod of Agric

- Onasanya, GMDICEO Firs! Bank


The bank's commitment to the agricultural sector is rooted in the firm belief that agriculture is very inlportant to the nation's economic development


Fin4llce Department, FlrstBank conve rted In t o closed bio· O n ho w the Banles' fun di n g security hOUSeS wi th tunn e l support is e nhancing ve ntil ation a nd a utomate d agricultural businesses th rough waste removal, au tomated feed, th e scheme, h e sai d "We h ave automated egg collection and crop processing businesses like au tomated egg grading ve ge table oi l extraction projects functions ful ly built up, whicb Is tha t have b a d 10 increase 1'1 complete departure from wh at crusbing capacity h om barely they were d oing. So aside Irom one thousand tonnes of gnlin to th e lact that the expanded scale about five tbousand tonnes of in terms of th e number 01 bhds graios and 10 be able to do this they c an raile, the system of they have h ad to invest In new produ ction has also been equipment, new m achinery and c h a nge d wit h up to d a t e new Infrastructure and bad technology, enhandng not only to expand their s t a ff oUlpu t in te rms o f volumes co mp lement. Some of t h e but also prod uction efficien cy a.s businesses h ilYe even engllged we U. ezpatrlate management in other The n in the area of vegetable to fuUy m ana ge the n ew scale 0 1 oil processing like I menUoned, operation as a res ult of this we have funded businesses that scheme. And some h ave invested have had to shift from ordinary in completely n e w lechnology, mech anical extraction of pu re something comple te ly dillerent vegeta b le a ll to solvent from wbat they are u sed to. extractioD whic h Is lhe latest For example in the poultry tech nol ogy. Wltb solvent sector, w e h ave bwinesses who ' extraction their extraction rates were operating simple deep litter life higher and Uley are making laye r farm s th at bave now more profit relative to when Uley

were doing m ech anical extraction. And i n terms of c r o p productton too, OUI Commercial Agriculture Credit Support b as helped businesse s 10 \Dclease lheh Reel 01 trllclors and some b ave intro du ced irrigation factIi ties. ~ AnlBank is a lso impacting th e agri c ultural seclor IIHOUgb its Fanners First s uite of agricul tUIallinancing products, designed to address the need of the retail- e nd of the sector. Launched in 2007, It comprises six p roducts namely Guaranteed Fund C redit, th e fndustrlal End·V5er Out Grower Scheme , the Agricul tu ral Produce Finance, Ihe C oopera ti ve Unkage Banking Scheme, Ule First BankAgTicultural C redit to Schools and Muill -Channe ls Agricultural Fin ance Schcm.e . Eac h of th ese prod u c ts was structwed to addless some of Ute known cons uaints of small scale farm ers i n accessing credit. These constraints revolve around accep table co\late raJ, Interel t rate, tenor of credH as we ll 1'15 obligor type. The products were destgned to provide sol utions for the small scale fanners wbo 011 their own ma y not be a ble to qu al Hy lor the bank's con ventlon!! 1 term loans a nd ove rdraft fo r l arge scale Investmenl in agriculture. G u a r ant~ed Fun d Credit (G Fq, The Gua ranteed Fund Cred!t (GFC) e:nables farmers to access credit facility of up to Nlmlllion even when they can only provide 2S% casb securi ty

cover an d a guarantol. Farmers w i th collateral can access as m uch as N10million. unde r this schem e. Tn e Fund G u araoteed Credi t provides credit for va r iou s a gri cu ltur al enterprises under a guarantee fund model It deri vC!!'; its essence from th e Agricultural C r e dit G u a ran t ee Scheme o! the Central Bank of N ige lia. It enables farmers to enjoy a re fund of up to 4 0~ of in terest paid on credit faciliti es und er an inlerest Draw Back Prog r a mme s ponsored by the Fed e l al Government an d C BN M ultl ·Cha nnels Agricultura l Finance Sch e me (Multi · eAFS ), The p roduct farm e rs helps ease th e cash fl ow problems of sahuy ea rn us Im·olved in farmi ng /lS it provi d es capital 5u pport lor the small scal e farmi ng activ iti es o f salary eamels. Such huming activilies M e pursued alo ngside with regular p aid e lll ployment as a m eans of augmenting hou seho ld in come . C r e d it fa c ilities granted und e r thi s progr a mm e can b e repaid fl om th e mon thl y salar y, the farm operill.tlon , a n d an y o the r income genera ti ng activi ty of the farmer:. Flls tBank Agriculturl\l Credil To Sc hools (FACTS ): This p r oduc ts p rov ides worki ng capita l loans to secondary schools and tertiary in stitutions wiUI agricultural and a!Jfo.allied p rojects. th e " fac ilita t es commerclallzallon o f sc hoo l farlll proje ctsl busi n esses in seconddfY a nd terti a ry Institu ti ons that ha\'e agricu ltural science plograms, demonstratlonl p il ot fa rms, bakeries or r e late d p rolec ts. Although serving primarily 10 impMt knowledge to studenu, sucb school p rojects provide an avenue for th e schoo ls to diversify their sources of revenue i n th e l ace of insuffici e nt fu nding . It a ls o stimulates interesl tn agri busin ess and the a gric u ltural profession among youth l. Ve r y recently, FIr SIBank introduced an Innovative tractorl farm machinery finance scheme call ed "FirstTRAC" . Thi s is deliberately designed 10 move tra c t or service away fr om gove rnment to a sustai nable and purely priva t e-sec lor le d initiative. The objective js to drive fa rm m echaniza tion by iocreasing ave r age tracto r d e nsily per h ec tar e, ex pand avera ge farm holding and output pe r farmer a nd elimina t e ' drudg e ry in farmi ng . Thi s Initiative is being Impleme nled in p a rtnersh ip with DFID · PrOpCom.

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