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Vanguard, FRIDAY, JULY 8,2011


Abia to employ 50,000 youths MUAHIA-NO (ewer than 50, 000 youths arl!' to be employed across the 17 local government areas

Commerce, in collaboration with its Local Government Affairs counterpart, 'Those to bl!' r egistered

OIC~::fState, Emmanuel Ihedioha, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Local Govl!'cnment and C hieftaincy Affairs, made this known in Umuahla, yesterday. He said the gesture was part of the empowerml!'nt scheme 01 the current administration geared toward lighting poverty and redudng restiveness In the state, He said the governor had approved the registration of the unemployed, which, he noted, was to be carrled

Association of Small Scale Indll.'5tries, NASSI," hI!' said. Ihedioha noted that the move would also establish smllllscale industries in all the local council a re as, adding that each of the councils would attract more than one hundred enterprises. He said the state government had concluded arrangements to send a team of professi onal business promoters to identily and empower businessmen and women in the private sec-


CELEB..RAIlO~Jtrchblshop olOo ltsh il Diocese, !llosl Rev. 1'iJ/erian Okeke (rigb t); Pilrish Priest, Sain t IIl1chflel, Rilphael .& Gilbriel's Cillhollf: Church, Sa/elllle TOlt'll, lAgos, Rev. Fr. Celesline Okah (Ie/t); iJn d iJ Knlgbt wailing to receive Virgin f/.lflry's I con, during th e celebration ollJnnual Parish Dily/ Feast 01 Motber 01 Perpet ual H elp, In L4g05.






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laments 5-yr power outage in Abia communities BY ANAYO OKOU MUA HI A GOVERNOR Theodore Dejl of Abla State ha.s lamented thaI some communities in his state had been in darkness for over five years due to vandalization of a 33 KV line in 2006. Orji stated this Thesday when the Chairman! Chief El;ecutive O fficer of Enugu Electricity Distribution Company, Mr. Suleiman Yahaya, visited him with his management team at Government HOll se, Umuahia. According to him, the problem has been negatively a!fecting thl!' socia l and economic development of the people in the aHeeted communities. Crji, who expressed fean that their woes would continue 1I the line Wa.!i not restored soon, named the aIfected communities to indude Ozu Hem, LoduImenyi, Isuikltruato, Ovim, A1ayi, Igbere, Abiriba and Itumbuzo, all in O ld Bende


zone. The governor said the vandalised Umuahla Abirlba 33KV Une was, however, Undergoing rehabilitation and would be commissioned soon, According to Orji, steady power supply and water remain a measure of the dividends of democracy by any government. He pointed out that any government that suct:eeded in providing steady power to its people had achieved somelhlng,

.... As govt moves to check multiple taxation BY ANAYO OKOU MUA HI A The Federal Inland Revenue SelVice, FIRS, said yesterday that revenue from non-oil sectors in the economy was gradually aver-shadowing that from oil This came as Governor Theodore Orji of Abia Sl<lte


A BAKAUKl-EBONYl J-t...state government said it would adopt Electronic Voti ng System ahead of 2013 loca l government e l ection in the s tate . The government, which sponsored the training of 83 slalf of Ebonyi Stale Independent Electoral Commission, EBSEIC on a three-month Information Communication Training,





noled that ICT was essential to the eradication of electoral disputes during elections . Governor of the slate, Martin Elechi, dlsc\osed this yesterd ay durin!1lhe presentation 01 certificates to Ebony! State University

said his administration was streamlining the stale's tax system to solve the problem of multiple tu:atlon and eliminate froadste'5 from the


FIRS Board member, Dr. Mark Ubani, who disclosed this during a courtesy visit to GovemorOrji at Government House, Umua hia, by the hoard members, said the country's over-dependence on oil revenul!' would soon be


2013: Ebonyi to adopt e-voting for LG polls BY PETER OKlITU

He gave the iLSsurance that his administrlltion WIIS prepared to partnerwlth the Enugu e lectricity distribution company and urged Abians to cooperate with th e company by paying their electricity bills, In his remarks, Mr. Yahaya disclosed that 50 per cent of the state had been severed from power supply for more than five years due to vandalism of various forms in communities.

Healso noted thattheARS

had raised. the country's tax

trainee members and staff of the State Independent Electoral Commi ssion, EBSIEC, in Abakallki. He said the importance of e-voting system could not be overemphasized as it would reposition and en.hallce the electoral system in the state in no small measure , According to him, the state government will continue to place much ~remlum onn the trainin


retraining of electoral staff in thestllte. He stressed that it was paramount for the country to ca tch up with other countries of the world in the conduct of fTee, fair and credible election which Ier was capable of pmviding.

revenue from N600 billion annually to N2.7 trillion. Receivlllgthe ARS team in his office, Governor Orjl said his administration was making etforts 10 refOtnl its tax system, with a view to eliminating fraud in the


Orji, who also noled that some Nigerians often shied away from paying taxes, said some people also often tmderdeclared their tax status In order to cheat governmenL Represented by his Deputy, OLief Emeka Ananaba, Orji stres:sI!d theneed for people to pay taxes since It was the revenue generated by the gOVl!'mment through Its tax alld other channels that would be used to fund all the activities and development apected from a responsive """""",m'

Frvm lelt: RegIonal Director. H HP Samsung Eledronlcs West Africa, !I" r:. Fady Khatib; Hl!ild, Product k l arliet/n g, f/.lr. Jude Omozegle; lind Business DIrector, Inslghl Communication, ft-1r.J Sara h Agilb , during the Silmsung ,\l obile Easler Ga lruyglve-lJl4'lIJ' promo drall"ln Lagos. Photo: Kehinde Gbadamosi.

Experts raise alarm over dangers of climate change BYTONYEDIKE N U G U SCIENTISTS working on a trans ~ disciplinary platform converged on the University of Nige ria, Nsukka, UNN, Yl!'sterday and raised an alarm over the devastating effects of the growing scourge of climate change in Africa, especially Nigeria. The experts, who spoke


at a symposium on climate change adaptation strategies , paint ed a gloomy picture of the future of the continent if immediate measures, devoid oj tbe disease 01 corruption, were not applied to effectively contain the disasters associated with the global scourge They warned that if not checked, the globaisCOUfge would continue to ruin food

security, while exerting a devastating .attack on public health, with the over 70 percent 01 the populace that Inhabits the rural communities b e ing the wont-hit by the menace. TIle event was organized by the UNN committei!' on climate chanIJc, in conjunction With the Nairobi -based African Technology Policy Studies Network and Open Sodety Foundations 01 U.S.A..

NASS: Rep restates commitment to quality legislation BY KENNETH EHI GlATOR AGOS-A member of Ihe House of Representatives, Mr. Akpodlogaga Sunnx Emeyese, has said the 7 National Assembly would offer quality lawmaking to further Nigeria's democratic growth and provide Nigerians



Goodluck Jonathan for his non-interference in the selection of the Senate President and Speaker of

the House 01 Representatives, He assured that current members of the National Assembly would not disappoint millions of Nigerians who voted them inlo office, as they carried out their mandate of making laws for the good governance of the country. Emeyese, in a statement issued by his Special Assistant on Media, Mr. Fred Latimore Oghenesivbe, noted that

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quarters to influence the

choice of leadership 01 the national Assembly, he restrained (rom doing so. Al:cording to him, "this signi fi es a good omen lor the enthronement of true democratic structures and leadership b}路 example." He expressed optimism that the National Assembly, as currently constituted, was made up of members whose Integrity and intellectual capacities were unquestionable, attributing his evalulltion to the transparent mannl!'r they were elected in the last election

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