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Vanguard.. AllDAY,. JUNE' 2., 2.11-13



A WKA-ABotrr N1. 2

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Mixed reactions trail Nnaji's nomination as minister BYTONV EDl.KE


NUGU-THE nominalion of Prol. Barth Nnaji by President Goodluck Jonathan (15 mmisterdesignate has continued to generate mixed reactions Irom various groups in the Eastern part of the country. While a pressure group, Nkanu Unity and Oevdopmenl Jnititllive, hailed !lIe nomination 01 Nnaji, who is

./"billion has gone into the execution of 2,600 Fadamll. III projects in the Soutb-East:/:one. Anambra State coordinator of the project, Mr. Chudi Mojelcwu. who disclosed this yesterday, saJ.d aboul260 projects had been completed, while others were on.golng. Mojekwu made the revelalions during the presentation of reports lor the live Projecl hnplemen· talion Units. PIUs. in the zone, explaining th ai over583 Fadama Community Associations, FCAs, and 7,712 Fadama Users Groups, FUGs, were already

benefiting trom FaddlJla III. Mojekwu said Anambra State had funded 525 subprojects to the tune of over N35Q million, adding that 128 of the sub-projects had been completed. According to him, out of the 182 registered FCAs, 120 or 65.93% are cunently benefiting trom the project through the implementation of their Local Development Plans, LDPs. Headded that ;,WoutD.COO people in the Slate had been touched positively, The coordinator said Anambra Siale w as particularly commended 'or keeping 10 '!be project's implementation arrangements as contained in the project development objective.

Igbo youths caution Boko Haram over RMAFC boss' safety

BY PFfER OKlJI"U given the massive support the people gave the Presi· A BAKAL I KI-IGB O denl in thelasl election. Youth C oalition lor Thegrouppr&sedtllewis- Development, IYCD, yes· dom and courage shown by terday. cautioned the Boho the Presidentinnominapng Haram sect over its threat Nn(lji, saying it was lI.rel1ec· agai n s t C hairman 01 the lion of the President'svision- . Revenue Mobilisation and aJY leadership and detenni- Fiscal C ommission, RMA· nation to place merit above FC, Engineer Bias Mbam. parochial interest and conAccording to the group, sider(ltion. "any affront on the inter_ It nOled thaI Nnaji's head- est or personal safety of lUI ship 01 the Puwer Ministry IgOO man is an affront on

Part of the statemen t read: "We have read with Ulmost pain an d discomfi. ture the evilvituperalion of the faceless Boho Harom . and wish to state thai the threalagainsttbeChaJ.rman 01 Revenue Mobilisation and Fiscal C ommission, RMAFC,Engr: EliilS Mbam, is the height ofinJamy. "It is evjdenl trom the belligerent posture of tile BoJro Harwn thai it is in a hwry to transJorm quasi-reli-

"It Is, therefore, against this ominous reality that we. th e members of the Igbo Youth Coalition for Development, IYCO, wis h 10 remind Boho Hamm and its' patrons that the threal (lgainsl the RMAFC Otair. man represents ajokelaken too Iar. "IYCD is pilTticularJy piqued that Boko Haram, which has wasted the blood 01 innocent Nigerians, now wants to acquire the of

set an agenda lor its devilry and criminality." The group called on tbe Feder-alGovemrnentandail security (lgcncies to lake specialnoteofBahoHarnm's latest antics. llsaid: "lIisourresol.vethat if BohD Hamm insists on ex.

IBidingilsmadnes5tothetilttens of this country, outside their catchment area, by carrying out its threats on En91 "'fbam. oranylgboperson lor thallQatter. wesba1l nottJesi-

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~~theNatiOllaJ' ~&H.;"·EJedZirirt~~ _ beil:!,g, tip'p. e d to EaSie~ . pIOj'ees', }iu:Ei: zone, sald iI was opposed to III p roblem of hisappo.inlInenL and near comalose slate 01 In II stalementby its Pub- our economy, since no na· !itity Secretary, Afamefuna lion can develop without

~:th!h:p~!:nn:n~~uo': ::~c:;ate supply Nnaji, wbohails from.Nkanuland, had given their peGpie a sense of belonging,

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01 e1ec·


UEnergy Is the lifewire lor all industrial and mecha-

states and NationalAssemas an attempl

nised agrkultural growth."

. '0

~r empowerment packages for the youths 10 include em· ployment opportunities and skill acquiSition. Earlier in his speech, Mr. Vic tor Osadolor, Deputy . Managi ng Director, UBA. said they Were in the gover·

BY MICHAEL EBOH, willi agency reporl

TH E Central Bank of .I. Nigeria,CBN,issettolift the one-year restrictions lor holding of Federal


in Federal Government Bonds

hold the bonds Iar; alle<l5l, one year before sdling off tlle


The Governor of CBN, Mr. Lamido Sanusi, who disclos ed this to the

international community in laKIon,apressedcxOidern:e Ihalthe naira may appreciate in response 10 thelifting r:I the restrictions. He said: ''Wi th controls


planned Gadio, a emerging-market strategist at Standard Bank G roup limited, said that the restriction had impeded the flow 01 ctlpllal inlo the country over IhE"years .



BUYER BEWARE!!! Due 10 the unlortunale oc livities 0' some Importers to Hood the markel wilh lake I · 5Lib-$tOf'ldofd SlJMEC Petrol ~a1or' DeIOW 10 KVA. W9 lfIuoduced A.NT1-fAKE ""',.;""" In 2010. 5UMEC MACHINERY a. ELECTIlIC CO. lID , therekxe aliJrts the

1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~: ernmen t OWerri, Governor Rochas Qko(pcba said his adqlinJs~on ba4security as a priority. , He stated that his government had setup the necessarymachinery, in linewith



Enugu" described Ihe threal agrunsl efforts 01 the RMA-




2 : '. ~ . engraved on fuel tonk.

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