YJ\NGUIUID. MONDAY. S£PTEM8£R 26. 2 011-1 t
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Edo Assembly moves to stop FRSC's collection of licence fees
Armed youths invade mobile court in Delta
4P Set convicts free BY FESTUS AftON
GHELLI-THREE armed ycuths, weekend, di5lupted the Delta State monthly ~nvlron· mental sanitation exerrlse in the Ughelli N(·rth Locs] Government Ar ~a. They dhrmanlled II mobile cowt a nd chased a"'/ay two unarmed polic( ofllcers attached to the C'lurt. The Invasior 01 the !nobile caurtln theoutskht 01 Ekiugbo- Ughelll
metropolis on the East-West Road by the youths, forced sanitation officers of the council to scamper lor safety. The Irate youths, who bl andished cuUasses, released PfiSOns already apprehended for contravening the ltateenvironmeotal laws. The offenders, which included one rest surant operator, four
IllHng s tation attendants, II super market owner and an abattoir worker, alrelldy
convicted and s lammed with lines ranging Irom N5,000 to NtO,OOO by the mobile court, ...150 took to their heels when they saw those prosecuting them running fOf dear liIe. Trouble, Vanguard gathe red, started barely two hours afler the exerdse commenced. The youths,lt was gathered. were on a rescue mission of a female worker at the abaHoif at E1dugbo Junction. Shewas said 10 have been found culpable by the court. The youths reportedly beat up th e driver 01 the bu!S auached to the court
The Chief Magistrate, Mr. Carl Moeteke, who Ipoke with newsmen a.t the Ughelll 'ftI. f'tIlice Division, insisted that the law would ta.ke Its course on the maHer. He expressed hope that the youths would be apprehended and made to face the law. Deputy Director, Envi r onment , Ugbelll North Council, Mr. Stephen Jewhen, said he was taken aback by the incident. He appealed to police authorities in the area to fish out the OOy5 to !Serve Il5 deterrent 10 other youths.
ENOGH QLASE EN I N- A motion directing the Federal B Road Safety Commission, FRSC. to stop the collecti.on of driver's licence fees as IIts a tlU/rate to be collected by slele governments in the CoWlby is 6pCCted to come up today belore the Edo State House 01 Assembly. Sponsors or tbe motion, Mr. Momob Abdu l- Razaq (Elta ko West II), Shaibu Philip (Eslako -We sl II) , Oghuma Johnson Egwakhlde (Eslako Centrlll). among others, said th e s ta te was being denied N650 million annually from the over
100,000 drivers' licences and vehicle plate numbers Issued in the stale. According to th e m, Ihe ·Taxes and levies (approved lisl for collection) Act No 21 of 1998, Palt II. eIpressly stated that road taxes and olher tlllIes inddenllll 10 It shall be. collected by state govenunenls. The sponsors of the motion said that before the advent of the FRSC. motor licence, driver licence and other inddental road laxes and rates wherecoUected by the various regional and state governments. They added thai this poslUon was nol changed by either the Taxes and LevtesAct. or the Joint Tax Board.
1.To~Iur __ ).8b, ~b\MngIl1d~~ 2.ToF"D"'l* ..... ntpnlgnPlllllShlDl!MSgtnOw~1n
~....,.,........~IofIlllYoulh, WI!men...toflerless ~1n"1OdItt·
Mr obIedicro kilN BM ~.tIIMt bI bwIIIdH 10 lie R9hr Gei.II,~AIIIh~PIaI420, l1grIs~ . OII'Iq.ryI IrorISi Shtl Meltlmt.Abo,fI"'" 28lS2ysolllilj.'l.dcl!tion.
From tell: Air Marshal Nsikak Edu ok (rld), for mer Chief of Air Siafl; Mr. Nsima Ekere, Depuly GovemorofAJtwilfbom Sidle, iVJd Air Commodore OJult"arotiJni O!funjobi, Commanderol207 Spedal Moil/Iii}' Group of the Nigerian Air Force, Calabar, during th e 201 J Small Arms RdIlge ClassiHealion exercise of Ih~ :JI"Dup al the 60alVJJon of ll,e Nigerian Arm~ IharrwiJAbak. Akwil I bom Siale, Sa lurdaf
Stakeholders condemn sack of Operation Farnall Tangbe in Bayelsa EI'IAGQ.t,- THE dissolution of Operr::rIiOll romou Tongl~. OFt aspecial security outfit esla llished by the Bayel~a Statf' Covemm ent to hand lf- !;pecial security matters has drawn condemnetion born some stale stakeholder!;. eprmng hi'S "i '!'f,o"S OIl Ule diSllolution, King .'oshua Ig-
bagen!. Ch Airman of th e Beyelsa State 'D-adillonai ruI· ers Coundl and member 01 the Security Council, described Ihedi!iSOl.ution as unfortunate. He seid: "It is unfortunate. 1111adS4lvagedJivesandpillperty in this state since it came on board. Before now; people couldn't go to bed !iilfely. Cult
FADAMA III: Oshiomhole
db.tributes N48m to fannem OVERNOR Adams OshlomhdecfEdoStale bl!,'; presmtedcheques of N48 inillion to 30 ccmmunlty assocIalions in theflale as part c( FAOAMA III p:lIject. The communities are Dade up 01 145 FADAMAusergtoups. The stale government has mo engaged some Vietnamese fanner s in rice production. While presenting the cheques 10 Ule beneficiaries, the governor saie' the st .... te go\·e rnmen t wa~ worJdng towGrds attracting mO I'e fundsfrorn lhe"VO£'dBankfct
dJsbursenlent to more farmers. H e said: "FADAMA LU project Is In line with 9ovmunent's forus wWch is to develop agriculture as a renewable tool fo r job creafion and -.tth crealion The challenge we face today Is that many youths do not want 10 remain in the farm as Uley want 10 mlgrnte to the wbanolllw." Os hiombole noted that th e state had also di s tributed over 7 ,000 metric lonnes of fertilizer t n f!'trmers.
kililngs were rarnpomL Looting of ptopeJtywas the order of Ule dey. But Off came 10 Sl!\Ie the state hom Ule5e odds." Though the di$$Olulion of theoutfilhadnolbeenlmrnalIy announced in the state because the RlIiceCommissioner refused comment an the issues when COOIMled. lgbagara noled thel if the 1le\\"S of Its dissolution was re&.lt will be anllnWJfOl"tllesecurityliilua-lion In lliestale. He said: "u it is rea.lJy dis· solved, it Is a setback to Ule secwity apparatus of thestate. There may have been some compla.lnts against OFT. These problems must have come from people abetting crimes in thestate. 'To me. O ff did nothing WfOllg. Their alertness toduty Is good Call them IUl}' time, they are there. Except otherwise pt'OVed. OFT should m.y 10 save Uve!: and property of
Chief Richrad-Kpodoh.lhe Special Adviser 10 the Gover· nor on Security Matters. who was lhecarete.kerof the outfit s ince it came on board C':'[+ pressed l!hnck at Ute dl.5sohJ.
lion 0( Ule OFt Kpodoh expressed dismay Ulat an outfit e;tablli;hed by the slale Security CUndl to save lives an d propertycould be unllatenilly dissolved by the Inspector_General of Police. Describing the JG's aclion as 11I·lnformed, Kpodob said since the IG was once th e Commission· er of Police in Bayelsa State. he Is s upposed to have understood the secu· rlty situ a tion in the state and eppreclate whal in· formed the establishment of the O ff He saJd: 'The ne\Oo"$ Dr dissolving the OfT by the IG cametomeasashodtbealuse itwas established by Ibeslale Security Coundl ln the state. TheformAtiono(theOFTv.""I!IS thebeginningpf peace In the state. . "Even when he. the IG was the Police C ommissioner h ere, he knows the security situation. He is supposed to haVe!! found out the truth abou l Ule s ituation here before taking this unilateral action ."
ThIs is inform !he !l(!nerai public that lhe alxM! named J.tnisIry has applied to the Corporale Mairs Commission, Abuja, for regisll'alion under Part 'C of Ihe Companies and Alfted MaIlers 1<d, No. 1of 1990.lawsoflhe FederalionoIN!geria . THE TRUSTEESARE. 1. EVlngelIsI OV. PaUl B.Olyt!:eh 2.8m. Paul C. luke ~ 3. Sis. VIvian A.. Iykeh
Chairman TreasurM
AtMSANO OBJECTJVe S 1.10 praach 1he gospel 10 aR creatures 2. To~GodInSpirilandlntruth
JESUS REIGNS CNRISTIAN Am MlIlY 1M ~. ~ " hoRby naIifi!!d hllhe .00.. named ,.,..." IIzI
1IWIed!of,.1raIIon 10 the CorpntlJ NI" COmrnIItiDn IrI ICCOIdarIOI wIIh . . pr!)'iIsIons 01l1'li' Cco:npanIn MIl AIIiJd MM\Iq Ad No. 1 olll1!1O .... 'C". ntETltUSTEESARE: 1.REV. R08ERTAKUGBEEDUGHAEN
Z. 'h'InI*"IJ toub 101M KJ,gdomolGod. 1. To~F~amangOwlstianl. Any
shao.Jd be kIrw»nIed 10 !till RegI5lw~
CGrpcntl,t,hlrsCmwrOulon.pIot5tlS~~, WuseZ_5.~
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