Saint-Petersburg, November 15 – 16, 2010
Teacher Development Policies and Programs 1. The Activity and its Purpose 2. Statistical Summary of the Situation in the
Five Countries 3. Teacher Development Policies and Innovative Programs 4. Review of the Questionnaire 5. Review of the Analytical Report Outline
The Activity and Its Purpose To review teacher development policies and experiences in five countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Republic of Moldova, and the Russian Federation Suggest practical policies and strategic actions to address needs for teacher recruitment, development and retention placing special emphasis on information and communications technologies (ICT) and open and distance learning (ODL)strategies
Statistical Summary of the Current Situation in the Five Countries
Statistical Summary of the Current Situation in the Five Countries Pre‐Primary Education
UNESCO Institute for Educational Statistics Global Education Digest 2010
Statistical Summary of the Current Situation in the Five Countries Primary Education
UNESCO Institute for Educational Statistics Global Education Digest 2010
Statistical Summary of the Current Situation in the Five Countries Secondary Education
UNESCO Institute for Educational Statistics Global Education Digest 2010
Projected Needs for Teachers to 2009 to 2015
Teacher Development Policies and Programs Research analysis: Attracting, developing and retaining effective teachers: A global overview of current policies and practices By Bob Moon Professor of Education Research Group on International Development in Teacher Education The Open University UNESCO, July 2007 p.5
Key Issues Teacher supply and retention Teacher education reform Innovations in pre‐service and continuing education development of teachers
Other Emerging Teacher Development Issues Standards and competencies and reward systems for good teaching and teaching in less desirable settings Ways to enhance effectiveness of open and distance learning Interactive teaching Combining formative and summative evaluation in the classroom
Issues Emphasized by the OECD Concerns about the attractiveness of teaching as a career y Concerns about maintaining an adequate supply of good
quality teachers, especially in high‐demand subject areas. y Long‐term trends in the composition of the teaching
workforce, e.g. fewer “high achievers” and fewer males. y Concerns about the image and status of teaching, and
teachers often feel that their work is undervalued. y Teachers’ relative salaries are declining in most countries. Source: EDUCATION AND TRAINING POLICY ATTRACTING, DEVELOPING AND RETAINING EFFECTIVE TEACHERS, OECD 2005
Issues Emphasized by the OECD Concerns about developing teachers’ knowledge and skills ‐ Almost all countries report concerns about “qualitative” shortfalls: whether enough teachers have the knowledge and skills to meet school needs. ‐ There are major concerns about the limited connections between teacher education, teachers’ professional development, and school needs. ‐ Many countries lack systemic induction programs for beginning teachers.
Issues Emphasized by the OECD Concerns about recruiting, selecting and employing teachers y There are concerns in most countries about the inequitable distribution of teachers among schools, and whether students in disadvantaged areas have the quality teachers that they need. y Schools often have little direct involvement in teacher appointments. y Some countries have a large oversupply of qualified teachers, which raises other policy challenges.
Issues Emphasized by the OECD Concerns about retaining effective teachers in schools y Some countries experience high rates of teacher attrition,
especially among new teachers. y Teachers express concerns about the effects of heavy
workloads, stress and poor working environments on job satisfaction and teaching effectiveness. y There are only limited means in most countries to
recognize and reward teachers’ work. y Processes for responding to ineffective teaching are often
cumbersome and slow.
Teacher Development Policies and Programs Innovative Programs
Research analysis: In England a shortage of teachers in some Attracting, developing secondary subject areas has stimulated a range and retaining of initiatives. These include: effective teachers: y the allowance for schools to recruit graduates A global overview of without prior training provided an education current policies and and training program can be put in place; practices y a provision for unqualified graduates to enter By Bob Moon teaching for a two year period in an almost Professor of Education “peace corps” structure Research Group on An initiative by the State Governor to provide International funds for California State University to run a Development in Teacher Education program of school based training, based The Open University around the use of ICTs and distance education. UNESCO, July 2007 This program titled “CalState Teach” operates p.5 across California.
Teacher Development Policies and Programs Innovative Programs Research analysis: The Eastern Cape (South Africa) had over Attracting, 130,000 Under qualified teachers working developing in schools in 1995. and retaining effective teachers: The University of Fort Hare working closely A global overview of with the Provincial government developed current policies and a school‐based distance education program practices that had at the core a new model of the By Bob Moon teacher education curriculum. All courses Professor of offered were built around a series of Education activities that teachers carried out with Research Group on International their classes and in the school context. The Development in course mirrored in its conception the style Teacher Education of teaching and learning that teachers were The Open University expected to adapt with their classes. UNESCO, July 2007 p.5
Teacher Development Policies and Programs Innovative Programs
Research analysis: Attracting, A major research report from the UK’s developing Department for International Development and retaining (Leach, 2006) has demonstrated the values effective teachers: of mobile communication systems for A global overview of current policies and teacher education… The Digital Education practices Enhancement Program (DEEP) has been developing strategies for primary teachers By Bob Moon in the Eastern Cape, South Africa and in Professor of Education Egypt to develop their skills in the teaching Research Group on of literacy, numeracy and science through International resources and communication systems Development in Teacher Education derived from handheld computers, cell The Open University phones and other related technologies. UNESCO, July 2007 p.5
Teacher Development Policies and Programs Policy Implications
Preparation Recruitment and Align teacher preparation with the needs of diverse learners, content standards and contemporary classrooms Retention of Simplify and streamline hiring practices so teachers are not Teachers by James M. Cooper and Amy Alvarado UNESCO International Academy of Education (IAE) and International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP) 2006 p.9,10
discouraged from teaching particularly in “hard‐to‐staff “schools
Ensure that all new teachers participate in quality induction and mentoring programs Address working conditions so that schools become learning communities for both educators and students Reinvent professional development for teachers so that it supports sustained growth and is organized around standards for accomplished teaching Ensure better pay for teachers who demonstrate knowledge and skills that contribute to improved student achievement Design incentives for increasing the diversity of the teaching force and for teaching in critical shortage areas
Recommendations to Policy Makers Common European Principles for Teacher Competences and Qualifications (for 2010) EUROPEAN COMMISSION Directorate‐ General for Education and Culture p.4
To implement policies in line with these Common European principles, the following recommendations are made to those responsible for policy‐making at national or regional levels: 1.
The teaching profession should be well qualified.
y Teachers should be graduates from a higher education
institution or equivalent; y those teaching in the field of initial vocational education
should be highly qualified in their professional area … y Teacher education programs should be delivered in all
three cycles of higher education … to increase the opportunity for advancement and mobility within the profession; y Research and evidence based practice … should be
Recommendations to Policy Makers Common European Principles for Teacher Competences and Qualifications (for 2010) EUROPEAN COMMISSION Directorate‐ General for Education and Culture p.4
2. The teaching profession should be seen as a continuum which includes initial teacher education, induction and continuing professional development. y Providing adequately resourced lifelong learning strategies… in subject‐based and pedagogical training, y the content of initial and continuous professional development programs should reflect the importance of interdisciplinary and collaborative approaches to learning.
Recommendations to Policy Makers Common European Principles for Teacher Competences and Qualifications (for 2010) EUROPEAN COMMISSION Directorate‐ General for Education and Culture p.4
3. Teacher mobility should be encouraged. y Mobility projects for teachers should be facilitated and promoted… y Teachers have the knowledge and experience of European co‐operation to enable them to value and respect cultural diversity. y Opportunities to study European languages, including subject‐related vocabulary, during initial teacher education and in continuous professional development programs should be available and promoted. y Developing greater trust and transparency of teacher qualifications within Europe to allow for mutual recognition and increased mobility.
Recommendations to Policy Makers Common European Principles for Teacher Competences and Qualifications (for 2010) EUROPEAN COMMISSION Directorate‐ General for Education and Culture p.4
4. The teaching profession should work in partnership with other stakeholders. y partnerships between institutions where teachers will be employed, industry, training providers and higher education institutions should be encouraged in order to support high quality training and effective practice, and to develop networks of innovation at local and regional levels.
Recommendations from the OECD Making Teaching an Attractive Career Choice
Making reward mechanisms more flexible Improving entrance conditions for new teachers
y Improving the image and
y Developing teacher profiles
status of teaching y Improving teaching’s salary competitiveness y Improving employment conditions y Capitalizing on an oversupply of teachers
y Viewing teacher development
as a continuum y Making teacher education more flexible and responsive y Accrediting teacher education programs y Integrating professional development throughout the career
Recommendations from the OECD Recruiting, selecting and employing teachers
Retaining effective teachers in schools
y Using more flexible forms of
y Evaluating and rewarding
employment y Providing schools with more responsibility for teacher personnel management y Meeting short‐term staffing needs y Improving information flows and the monitoring of the teacher labor market
effective teaching y Providing more opportunities for career variety and diversification y Improving leadership and school climate y Improving working conditions
ICT and Teacher Development Teacher Education in Europe An ETUCE Policy Paper ETUCE ‐ EUROPEAN TRADE UNION COMMITTEE FOR EDUCATION CSEE ‐ COMITE SYNDICAL EUROPEEN DE L’EDUCATION Adopted by the Executive Board on 14th April 2008 p.56
A new dichotomy is arising between people having access to and knowledge in ICT and those who have not. At present, nearly 40% of the population aged 16 to 74 in the EU have no computer skills and more Than 30% have never used a computer… Europe cannot afford to have an insufficiently trained labor force and therefore knowledge about ICT for all is indispensable. It is the role of education to educate learners and enable them to use ICT effectively and henceforth to prevent an increasing gap in society.
ICT and Teacher Development
Avoid Bias It advocates avoiding assumptions that can misdirect efforts of teachers in using technology.
For teacher training, it will serve the planners well to remember that ICT will always remain an Regional Guidelines on instrument or tool in education, and teachers will Teacher Development for utilize technology rather than be manipulated by Pedagogy‐ it. New technology … will never replace the Technology Integration, teacher nor will it eliminate exchange between UNESCO 2005, the teacher and the taught. This interaction will remain essential and crucial to education.
Excerpt from: Sir John Daniel, former UNESCO Assistant Director‐General for Education p.17
Technology by itself does not create miracles or solve all problems in education. The teacher training program will not just be technology‐driven, but will focus on the integration of technology with pedagogy.
GUIDING PHILOSOPHY OF PEDAGOGY‐ICT INTEGRATION Regional Guidelines on Teacher Development for Pedagogy‐ Technology Integration, UNESCO 2005, Excerpt from: Sir John Daniel, former UNESCO Assistant Director‐General for Education p.17
“Dotted bull’ It is necessary to use critical faculties to expose hollow or loose thinking about technology and its application to education. UNESCO may encourage member governments to engage in ‘evidence‐based policy making’, and look for evidence in making statements about technology. This means that practical consideration should be given to national/location‐specific conditions for ICT application to education. For countries and/or communities where there is no electricity, for instance, the Internet and computers might not be the best or appropriate technology for improved teaching and learning.
Think broadly This suggests a broader view of the use of technology GUIDING in helping the learners learn. ICT means much PHILOSOPHY OF more than the Internet, and the Internet will not PEDAGOGY‐ICT render obsolete all preceding technologies. Technology always involves people and their INTEGRATION social systems. Regional Guidelines on Teacher Development for To the planners, this means that different forms of ICT (including books, blackboard, film, radio, Pedagogy‐ television, programmed learning) can be designed Technology Integration, and applied to various modes of technology‐ UNESCO 2005, assisted learning. The focus of implementation need not be on ICT hardware but on software and Excerpt from: on the competence of teachers and teacher Sir John Daniel, former educators … ICT integration can eliminate the UNESCO Assistant isolation of teachers from one another, and Director‐General for encourage online and offline networking that can Education lead to more effective use of hardware and/or p.17 software in improving teaching, learning and the management of education.
Seek balance GUIDING Balance between enhanced teaching and PHILOSOPHY OF enhanced learning: The question will be whether to use technology to expand the PEDAGOGY‐ICT range/impact of the teacher, or to create a good INTEGRATION learning environment for the student wherever and whenever the student wants to study. ‘It is Regional Guidelines on more effective to concentrate on improving access Teacher Development for Pedagogy‐ to learning, improving its quality and decreasing its cost’. Technology Integration, UNESCO 2005, Balance between developing ICT skills, on the one hand, and using ICT for improving Excerpt from: teaching and learning, on the other: It has been observed that students could learn many Sir John Daniel, former UNESCO Assistant things about ICT skills on their own with minimal Director‐General for help from teachers. It is therefore, more effective Education to acquire the pedagogical skills of using ICT for p.17 improvement of the teaching and learning process rather than merely concentrating on technical skills.
Continued GUIDING For facilitators other than teachers, PHILOSOPHY OF namely policy‐makers and institutional heads, developing leadership that is PEDAGOGY‐ICT committed to using technology for INTEGRATION educational/pedagogical purposes is Regional Guidelines on very essential. This will provide a Teacher Development favorable environment that is for Pedagogy‐ supportive of teachers in the use of ICT Technology Integration, to improve teaching and learning. .. UNESCO 2005, Excerpt from: Sir John Daniel, former UNESCO Assistant Director‐General for Education p.17
In view of this, high priority on teacher training and professional development in using ICT has to be given in order to enhance a blend of independent learning and interactive learning from the viewpoints of pedagogy and economy.
Information Collection on Teacher Development Policies and Programs Completion of a 12 page questionnaire: ‐ teacher development policies and activities ‐ trends in numbers of schools students and teachers ‐ importance of various types of teacher education and ‐ types of teacher education currently being provided Preparation of a report on teacher development policies, programs and priorities in the five countries Questionnaire and report to be prepared under the authority of the Deputy Minister of Education
Questionnaire: Teacher Development Policies
Questionnaire: Teacher Development Policies 1.1.4. Formative classroom assessment 1.1.5. Summative classroom assessment 1.1.6. Open or distance learning 1.1.7. ICT in primary education 1.1.8. ICT in secondary education 1.1.9. In‐service training for pre‐primary teachers 1.1.10. In‐service training for primary teachers 1.1.11. In‐service training for secondary teachers 1.1.12. In‐service training for pre‐primary school heads 1.1.13. In‐service training for primary school heads 1.1.14. In‐service training for secondary school heads 1.1.15. Other
Questionnaire: Teacher Development Activities or Programs Currently Underway
Questionnaire: Basic Data on Schools, Students and Teachers
Questionnaire: Data on Schools, Students and Teachers Number of government pre‐primary, primary and secondary teachers that have been provided pre‐ service training Number of government pre‐primary, primary and secondary teachers that have been provided in‐ service training
Questionnaire: Importance of Types of Teacher Education
Questionnaire: Training Currently Being Provided
Questionnaire: Teacher Training Providers – Pre‐primary, Primary, Secondary
Report on Teacher Development
Report on Teacher Development 1. The Country Context and Challenges for 2. 3. 4. 5.
National Development The Public and Private School System Teacher Development Policies and Programs ICT and Distance Learning Strategies for Teaching and Teacher Development Critical Issues for Future Development of Teachers
Report on Teacher Development 1. The Country Context and Challenges for National Development
In this section please: Summarize important demographic, political, economic and social challenges and changes over the last 20 years Identify current country development priorities and the role of education in supporting these developments
Report on Teacher Development
In this section please: Present the structure of the education system and data on number of schools, students and teachers at each level both public and private, for the last five years
2. The Public and Private School System
Describe the level of public and private support for education and the trends in the financing of the public education system over the last five years Characterize the role of parents and community in school decision making, public attitude toward teachers, role and power of teacher unions
Report on Teacher Development 3. Teacher Development Policies and Programs
In this section please: Describe the political, social and economic challenges that are having an impact on schools and teachers (population and labor market trends should be highlighted) Outline teacher development policies that are currently designed to address the country’s social and economic challenges. Describe that level of research and analysis contributing to teacher development policies and programs. Describe the systems for teacher employment and selection by schools, teacher evaluation, promotion, retirement and dismissal
In this section please:
Report on Teacher Development 3. Teacher Development Policies and Programs
Describe the pre‐service and in‐service training programs for teachers at pre‐ primary, primary and secondary education levels (number and Type of institutions, number of faculty, facilities and equipment provision) Summarize the current teacher development programs that are underway (main objectives, target groups, Implementing agencies, and progress made). Describe how materials are prepared for teacher development programs both pre‐ service and in‐service, i.e. whether they have been recently developed or are adaptations of older materials.
Report on Teacher Development 4. ICT and Distance Learning Strategies for Teaching and Teacher Development
In this section please: y Describe the level of ICT usage in schools at each level (i.e. audio/visual aids, radio, TV, computers, internet connectivity) y Describe the current types of training provided to teachers in the use of ICT in schools and the types of additional training that should be provided if possible. Describe the materials that are used for ICT learning. y Describe any distance learning programs
for training of teachers currently underway (type of program, target group, number of faculty/trainers, delivery systems, number of trainees over the last five years, and materials used)
Report on Teacher Development 5. Critical Issues for Future Developmen t of Teachers
In this section please: Identify the major teacher development policy concerns to be addressed in the near future Describe the most critical areas for improvement in teacher development in your country Outline any initiatives underway or proposed for retaining effective teachers Suggest what would be the most realistic and effective improvements to be made for improved teacher development in the future and what role UNESCO can play in supporting these improvements.
Thank you!
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