May 2017 Letter

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From the desk of



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May 2017 Dear It Is Written Friend, All around the world God is using It Is Written to bring people to faith in Christ. I recently returned from Moldova where a team of 32 It Is Written volunteer evangelists and medical missionaries conducted meetings throughout the country. We were joined by nearly 60 local pastors and lay workers who had been trained by It Is Written Associate Speaker Pastor Eric Flickinger. Although Moldova is the poorest country in Europe, I saw rich enthusiasm for evangelism among church members. More than 250 people were baptized, more than that area had experienced in all of last year! And thanks to your financial support we were able to provide 20 local churches with video projectors to conduct their presentations and use in ongoing evangelistic outreach. One of the local church members said, “Since I remember, we never had such success in evangelism in my church.” Perhaps the most exciting thing of all is the renewed commitment to evangelism in Moldova as churches are following up on hundreds of Bible study interests. Pastor Flickinger recently concluded a series of meetings in Jamestown, North Dakota. Greg had all but given up on life and was considering suicide when he received a flyer announcing Eric’s series and decided to attend. On opening night he went to a bar instead. The next night, he again felt impressed to attend but once again ended up drinking. However, this time he left the bar and went to the meeting. He attended every night, turned his back on his old life, and accepted Jesus and was baptized. His family was overjoyed! In June, an It Is Written medical missionary evangelism team of more than 120 volunteers— including 80 medical professionals—will be ministering in Mongolia. Thanks to your support, It Is Written’s Mission: Mongolia project has already drilled wells, provided free medical services to hundreds of people, and distributed Bibles in Mongolian to people eager to read God’s Word. Now we are working with the local government to arrange the largest free health clinic that the capital city of Ulaanbaatar has ever seen. Erden, the tongue-tied boy I told you about last year, is scheduled for surgery.

Although Mongolia is roughly the same size as Alaska, it has a total population of barely three million people—half of which live in the capital city. Many people live without running water or electricity. After communism, Mongolia was left devoid of Christianity. Most Mongolians now consider themselves either non-religious or Buddhist. Only two and half percent of Mongolians are Christian. Thousands are expected to attend our free health clinics and I will be holding nightly evangelistic meetings in a large auditorium in the center of Ulaanbaatar. There is a great work to be done in Mongolia, and we need your help to do it. This It Is Written project is resulting in many Mongolian lives are being saved—spiritually and physically. I want to ask you to make a special investment in the exciting, life-changing work in Mongolia. Please take a few moments to fill out the enclosed card and return it with your gift to help us reach as many people as possible this June and beyond. Each person on our medical missionary team is donating their time and covering their own expenses, but our costs are still significant. Renting a large auditorium, hiring translators and Bible workers, renting medical equipment, and providing medication will cost It Is Written approximately $100,000. Your gift will make a huge difference in the lives of many who will come to know Jesus through this major medical missionary evangelism outreach. Thank you for your generous support. One day in eternity you will meet many Mongolians—led to faith in Christ as the Holy Spirit worked through your prayers and generous financial support. May God bless and keep you. Sincerely,

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DONATE NOW Pastor John Bradshaw Speaker/Director, It Is Written P.S. All around the world—from Moldova in Europe to North Dakota in the United States—God is using It Is Written to bring people to faith in Christ. This June, I’m heading back to Mongolia with a team of over 120 medical missionaries for a free city-wide health clinic and a major series of meetings. We need your support to secure the medications, translators, medical equipment, Bible workers, and meeting space. Over the past three years your gifts have made a huge difference to the people of Mongolia. This city-wide effort is our largest project in Mongolia to date and is going to result in a huge harvest for the kingdom of heaven. Thank you for making this initiative a huge success!

Copyright © 2017, It Is Written, Inc. It Is Written is a registered service mark of It Is Written, Inc.

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