International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science (IJAEMS)
[Vol-1, Issue-7, Oct- 2015] ISSN : 2454-1311
Capacity Building Program for Non-Revenue Water Reduction Techniques in India Shubham Shah Technical Assistant , JICA Expert Team, CDPNRW Project, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India Abstract—Water is precious! The access to safe water in India has commendably improved from 72% in 1990 to 94% in 2014. Delay in providing facilities to counterbalance the population growth and water demand is the major problem in India. Water loss in water distribution systems in an important issue in India. Studies indicate that up to 50-60 percent of treated and pumped water in lost during transit form water treatment plant to consumer end. It has, therefore, attracted a lot of attention of practioners and the researchers as well over the past few years. High levels of non-revenue water (NRW) reflect huge volumes of water lost through physical and apparent loss components, not being invoiced to customers. It seriously affects the financial viability of water utilities through lost revenue and increased costs. The overall objective of a distribution system is to deliver wholesome water to consumers at adequate residual pressure in sufficient quantity and achieve continuity and maximum coverage by reducing losses. A case study of 4-pilot sites of Jaipur city was taken for NRW study. This paper provides a review of the issues and strategy pertaining to reduction of NRW with special reference to India and the necessity of evolving appropriate performance indicator. Keywords— Non Revenue water (NRW), Real Losses, Leak Detection, and Water Balance Chart.
I. INTRODUCTION Statistics reveal that near about 45 million cubic meters of water are lost every day through water leakage in the distribution networks in developing countries. One of the major issues resulting to this vast quantity is the considerable difference between the amount of water put into the distribution system and the amount of water billed to consumers i.e. the Non-Revenue Water (NRW). Though it may not seem feasible to totally eradicate NRW in a water utility, however reducing by half the current level of losses in developing countries does appear to be a realistic target. Few of the reasons for such negligence could be cited as lack of governance, autonomy, accountability and technical and managerial skills necessary to provide
reliable service. Capacity Building and Training Programme enables people, communities and systems to strengthen their capabilities to plan, develop and implement services in efforts to prevent or respond to disasters, conflicts and other humanitarian emergencies. In developing countries like India, water utilities often operate under a weak governance and financial framework. They have to provide some form of service to customers on a daily basis with mostly deteriorated infrastructure. In addition, they often lack the proper incentives—as well as the specialist management and technical expertise—necessary to carry out an effective NRW program. This is where big shot authorities such as World Bank, Asian Development Bank and JICA come in to play to provide technical assistance for capacity building. They provide delegated management contracts such as public-private partnerships [PPP], leases or management contracts, service contracts, limited subcontracting of specific activities etc. II. NRW- DEFINITION Non revenue water (NRW) is water that has been produced and is “lost” before it reaches the customer. It comprises of three basic components: • Physical losses comprise leakage from all parts of the system and overflows at the utility’s storage tanks. They are caused by poor operations and maintenance, the lack of active leakage control, and poor quality of underground assets. • Commercial losses are caused by customer meter under registration, data-handling errors, and theft of water in various forms. • Unbilled authorized consumption includes water used by the utility for operational purposes, water used for firefighting, and water provided for free to certain consumer groups. The Background The apparent water losses result from illegal connections, under registration of customers' meters, inaccurate meters, stopped meters, vandalized meters, bypassed meters, billing errors, inadequate meter reading policy, bribery and corruption of meter readers. High level of real loss reduces the amount of precious water reaching customers, Page | 8
International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science (IJAEMS)
increases the operating costs of the utility and making capital investments in new resource schemes. The major issues affecting water utilities in India is the considerable difference between the amount of System Input Volume (SIV) into the distribution system and the amount of water billed to consumers called "Non Revenue Water". Introduction to Jaipur’s initiative In Jaipur India, where population is about 3 million, water transmission and supply facilities from the Bisalpur Dam located 120 km from the southwestern side of the city is constructed through the Bisalpur Jaipur Water Supply Project. Water supply from the dam started in March 2009, and water from the dam, together with groundwater, is now being supplied to the inhabitants. Although groundwater reliance of Jaipur has improved from 97% to about 25%, the quality of water supply services is still relatively low because water resources are limited compared to the increasing demand and water supply is about 2 hours a day because of shortage of water supply originated by a high NRW rate (around 30%).
PHED Rajasthan which is in charge of the water supply business in Jaipur has been addressing the improvement of water supply service through the rehabilitation of distribution pipes, pumps and meters, including the establishment of a GIS system and the customer center as a part of its capacity improvement plan. It considers that it is essential for its staff to improve their capacity for the dissemination of NRW countermeasures. Stepping ahead, PHED requested the Japanese Government to provide technical assistance for a project called “Capacity
[Vol-1, Issue-7, Oct- 2015] ISSN : 2454-1311
Development Project for Non-Revenue Water (NRW) Reduction in Jaipur City.” III. CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT PLAN The programme aims at improvement of the water supply services. PHED Rajasthan has been facing problem in content to profitability. As a measure it tries to obtain the users understanding of proper use of water and fair share of the burden under the operation policy of state government for sound management.. Social level Improvement of ownership of social
Cooperation with NRW reduction Proper use of water
capital Organization level
Reduction of NRW Improvement of management, organization Improved profitability development Improved service Personal level Improvement of services Improved NRW reduction skill To master skills and
Social level Capacity Development is achieved through public relation (PR) activities by raising awareness. PR urges public to realize the improvement of water supply services. This project announces the positive outputs of the pilot areas actively. Residents in the pilot project area will also be examined, and comments will be compared before and after the pilot project for evaluation of water supply service, willingness to pay, expectancy of service improvement, etc. Policies of Capacity Development Plan – 3.1. Personal (Management Level) – The target of Capacity program is Preparing NRW reduction plan, Monitoring and analysis of NRW countermeasures, Preparing Execution plan including investment plan by conducting training to improve understanding of NRW reduction (Seminar, training, etc.), Verification of water balance calculation method, Assistance to planning and implementation of NRW reduction and Recommendation based on the cost/benefit and financial analysis. 3.2. Personal (General employee level) – It includes assistance to establishing Training Unit, Conducting TOT while preparing training module and material and Assistance to making internal training plan and implementation, Establishment of trainer certification system, Conducting training for NRW reduction technique based on personal capacity assessment and need analysis (lecture, OJT, etc.) and Support on operation of work as OJT.
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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science (IJAEMS)
3.3. Organization level – It includes Building and sharing awareness of issues through training and Steering Committee, Recommendation to spreading output to whole city based on the lessons learnt, Improvement for services for 24 Hours water supply, Project management for 24 hours continuous supply, Support Making policy to dispel sense of injustice e.g., optimization of meter reading Strengthening Public relation. 3.4. Society (Related Contractor & User level) – It includes improvement of construction management capacity of PHED staff (training), Evaluation of possibility of training for private contractors in future, Support to have campaign for realization of 24 hours supply. Assistance to conduct public relation about the project and water works as well. IV.
Location Area Number of households Number of meters Initial meter condition
Sector 1 SII, S11 0.11 km2 140 137 63 meters were notfunctional 24 hours
Supply hours
24 Hours water supply started from Nov-2010 soon after the implementation of the project by Eco-Asia and Ranhill Malasiya. In addition, the pilot area was isolated too. At the start of the Capacity Development project, 45.3% of domestic water meters were in un-functional condition. Leakage repair works was conducted by outsourcing. All the surface leakages were mostly found by resident & PHED. However, groundwater leakage survey was not conducted completely.
Before starting with the leakage survey, work-shops regarding basic information of NRW were held for PHED staff (EE, AE, JE, Meter readers, Meter Inspectors, Helpers, and Pump Operators) as a part of Capacity Development. Next, training was conducted with the procured equipments for both PHED and out-sourcing staff. 4.1. Baseline Survey – PHED and JET surveyed all the 140 residents through interview in order to obtain current condition of water meter, water consumption condition, condition of isolation, consumer’s satisfaction level and so on. The electromagnetic flow-meter which was installed at inflow point was repaired after comparison with portable ultrasonic flow-meter as the master flow-meter. In August 2014, supplied water amount was measured with repaired electromagnetic flowmeter to measure baseline. NRW baseline was then calculated with average billed consumption of the last six months. The figure was 52.8%. 1stBenchmarking Measurement date from 13 Aug 2014 to 20 Aug Billed Metered 115.22 m3/day Consumption Supply water amount Minimum Night flow survey
M a n s a ro v a r_ D M A S e c to r1 N
Billed Metered Consumption Supply water amount Minimum Night flow survey Calculated water loss ratio
S /V
A C -8 0
1 1 /1 9 0 11 / 1 91
11 / 1 96
82A3- 114
1 1/ 1 8 7
8 2 A 3 -9
11 218 11 207
8 2A2-95 82A2-96
83A2-99 82A2-100
82A2-99 82A3-47 82A3-46 82A3-45
82A2-108 82A2-107
11 217 11 216
82A2-104 83A2-103 82A2-105
11 213 11 208
11 209
11 173
11 210
11 11 211 212
82A2-1 0182A2-103
11 171
3-53 82A 3-52 82A
/45 11
46 11/
3-78 82A
3- 50
11/ 42
- 74
/2 9
3- 73
230.41 m3/day 4.3m3/hour 31.5 %
/47 11
2A - 72 8
1 1/
8 2 A 3 -4
-5 0
11 206
11 164 11 163
11 166
11 165
82A2-112 82A2-111
11 167 11 161
82 A3
11 170
11 160
2 3-9 82A 1 3-9 82A
/20 11
S /V
3-90 82A
1 1/
3- 71
11 169
8 2A2-131 82A2-113 82A2-114
11 159
3- 94 82A 3-93
15 11/
3- 67
/2 6
97 82A3-96 95 82A3 82A3-
8 2A
3 -6
from 04 Sep 2014 to 30 Sep 157.73 m3/day
A C -1 2 5
8 2A
8 2A
-8 0
8 2A 3- 69
11 172
11 158
5 8 2 A 3 -5
8 2 A 3 -4 4
11 1 10
11 111
98 82A3-
11 /2 4
11 108
11 1 07
11 106
8 2 A 3 -4 2 8 2 A 3 -4 3
11 112
5.7 – 6.2m3/hour
S /V
11 157
3 -5 A 3 -5 6 8 2 A 8 2 A 3 -5 7 8 2
A C -1 2 5
1 1/2
11 156 8 2 A 3 -5 8
8 2 A 2 -1 1
11 11 3
8 2 A 3 -5 9
11 114
44 11/
8 2 A 3 -6 0
8 2 A 2 -1 2 1
11 115
11 122
-6 1 8 2 A 3 -6 5 3 -6 2 8 2 A 3 2 A 3 -6 3 8 2 A 8 2 A 3 -6 4 8
8 2 A 2 -1 2
11 12 3 8 2 A 3 -6 6
11 116
11 1 17
11 1 04/105
11 103
10 2
8 2 A 2 -1 2 3
11 118
11 119
11 120
82A3-29 82A3-30
11 100
11 98
8 2 A 2 -1 2
11 1 21
/40 11
11 134
11 138 11 139
8 2A3-6 82A3-5
11 140 11 141
8 2A3 -4
11 126
11 142
11 127
82A3 -27
A C -12 511
11 97
11 96
5 8 2 A 2 -1 2 27 8 2 A 2 -1 2 4 8 8 2 A 2 -1 8 2 A 2 -1 2 6
6 11/1
8 2 A 2 -1 0 9 8 2 A 3 -1 2 2
8 2 A 3 -2 0 8 2 A 3 -1 9
A C -8 0
11 143
11 11 124 125
82A3-1 82A3-2
11 150
11 129 11 128
11 149
11 15 1
8 2 A 2 -1 1 0
11 1 48
11 153
8 2 A 3 -2 3 8 2 A 3 -2 2 8 2 A 3 -2 1
11 136
11 135
82A3-25 82A3-24
11 132
11/85 11/84
11/87 11/88 11/89
82A3-102 82A3-1 0382A3-104
11 1 47
11 14 6
11 154
11 145
11 155
8 2 A 2 -1 2 9
1 1/ 1 7 5 1 1 / 17 4
A C -80 11 14 4
1 1 /1 7 7
8 2 A 3 -1 6 8 2 A 3 -1 8 8 2 A 3 -1 3 8 2 A 3 -1 8 2 A 3 8 2 A 3 -1 7 -1 5 4
1 1 /1 7 9
8 2 A 3 -1 1 8 2 A 3 -1 2
11 95
11 94 8 2 A 2 -1 2
8 2 A 2 -9 4
1 1 /1 8 1
8 2 A 3 -8
1 1 / 18 4 1 1/ 1 8 3
39 11/
1 1 / 1 89
11 223
1 1 / 2 05 8 2 A 3 - 1 1 2 8 2 A 3 -1 1 3
8 2A3 -31
1 1 / 73
8 2 A 3 -1 1 1
244.17 m3/day
Calculated NRW Ratio 52.8 % After the replacement of 133 water meters (Rest 4 no occupants) again measured NRW ratio. 2ndBenchmarking Measurement date
1 1 / 72
[Vol-1, Issue-7, Oct- 2015] ISSN : 2454-1311
D I-
1 50
4.2. Leakage Survey – After the second benchmarking, countermeasures were conducted. OJT training for leakage survey was implemented with PHED and out-sourcing staff with active participation of JET using leak detection equipment. Groundwater leakage detection survey was performed during midnight when night flow is minimum. Page | 10
International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science (IJAEMS)
Such leakages were mainly found in the service connections. Countermeasures Conducting date from November 2014 to30 JUNE 2015 Patrol Twice a week Surface leakage repair 40 Place Underground leakage 3 Place repair Replacement of Number 133 domestic water meter (100%)(rest houses are no occupants) Replacement or repair 10 check of service connection valves were replaced Disconnection of illegal 2 Place connection Others IEC
[Vol-1, Issue-7, Oct- 2015] ISSN : 2454-1311
[3] World Bank, December 2006: The challenge if Reducing Non-Revenue water in Developing Countries. [4] Work Plan: CDPNRW project Jaipur. .
Distribute handout and visit customer’s house for awareness raising towards water saving.
Activities taken to countermeasure NRW – - Preparation & release of IEC material and Publicity of project through newspaper. - Identification of leaking service pipelines. - Installation of pressure loggers for monitoring regular pressure. V. CONCLUSION Despite of obvious potential that such engagement of government officials could be viewed as a new magic formula for solving the many woes of public water utilities in developing countries like India. It can been seen as a way of bringing some rapid improvements in terms of increased cash flows and more water availability to serve the population, by efficiently using the prospective of big funding companies. Keeping the Mansarovar initiative in focus it can be concluded that by demonstrating a successful performance-based service, a positive dynamic for change can be created in the field of NRW reduction within the utility and can be expanded to a wider range as a whole so that they can more effectively serve the need of the growing population in countries like India. . REFERENCES [1] Deloitte JICA report , Feb 2013 [2] Wikipedia, the encyclopedia : Non-Revenue Water
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