19 ijaers mar 2016 36 priority analysis on technical teaching faculty over the selection of ict base

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International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (IJAERS)

[Vol-3, Issue-3, March- 2016] ISSN: 2349-6495

Priority Analysis on technical teaching faculty over the selection of ICT based Seminars, Conferences, Workshop and Symposium for their career prospective Dr.M.Kannan1, J.Sujatha2 , Dr.N.R.Ananthanarayanan3 1,3


Department of CSA, SCSVMV University, Tamil Nadu, India Research Scholar, MCA Department, Arulmigu Meenakshi Amman College of Engineering, Tamil Nadu, India

Abstract— Knowledge gaining and dissemination of knowledge among the learning community through Information and Communication Technology is an important elements for the growth any educational economy. In modern competitive learning system, a learner is an academician, scholar and students need to attend the process of learning away from formal process and where in which an informal way of learning, understanding, contact development, knowledge of professionalism is gained by both providers and learners. In this way the need of workshop, seminars, conferences, symposium gains momentum among the learning fraternity. Based on these reasons, the government and the knowledge disseminating agencies are also bringing these arrangements under mandatory process and which influx the learners to learn the areas where they want excel and expertise. But it is point that has to be addressed through proper research forum about the expectations of the learners. The present study aims to address about the expectations of the learners from the various forms of learning arrangements like workshop, seminars, and conferences and so on, the reasons to attend, the level of satisfaction about the various attributes related to the knowledge sharing events, ways and means to improve those activities from Sample Unit [N=37] drawn from Teaching Professionals and Research Scholars working in private university located in Kanchipuram. Keywords— Knowledge gaining, Information and Communication Technology, Expectations, Learners. I. INTRODUCTION Knowledge gaining and dissemination of knowledge among the learning community is an important elements for the growth any educational economy. The real value of education and knowledge will be realized and reaching in the society by the way of bringing the knowledge system under any form of consortium. The growth and www.ijaers.com

transformation of knowledge in various functional areas helps not only the individuals to enrich and also helps the economy to develop both in terms of commercial and social entity. But the perfect knowledge transformation process needs an arrangement to promulgate the knowledge from the place of surplus to shortage. This arrangement need proper place, forum, experts and learners to undertake the process in the form of short term, medium and long term avenues. These arrangements are literally named as seminars, conferences, workshops, symposium and so on in terms of educational and academic language. The any form of arrangement helps to bring both learners and providers under a common platform where the real exchange of knowledge gained and needed to be addressed by active participation and dissemination. In addition to that it is also observed that the need of facilitation services to the participants have been gaining importance rather that real process of knowledge transformation. In this context, it is imperative to introspect the real value dissemination happening in the avenues of workshop, seminars, and conferences and so on. It is also important to understand the expectations of the learners, the real content of learning systems under the learning avenues. This reason induces the researcher to make attempt to study about the content of issues in the title of “Priority Analysis on technical teaching faculty over the selection of ICT based Seminars, Conferences, Workshop and Symposium for their career prospective . II. LITERATURE REVIEW Kalpana Kannan and Krishnan Narayanan, examine participation perception towards synchronous distance mode workshops. 14 workshops were taken for the study from the period 2009 to 2013. The result shows that participants felt the quality features, content, audio-video facility are good during the workshop. Charis O. Onuoha conducted a study in Nigeria to determine challenges of Page | 99

International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (IJAERS) promoting innovation and creativity among library and information science professionals. The result reveals positive direction. It can be enriched by promoting staff members to attend more, conference/workshop, installing modern technologies and providing proper in-house training. Robert Tomaszewski, Karen I. MacDonald, reveals that attending conference provides an opportunity to interact with the people, to share their interest in the same field with respect to subject-specific information. It gives good practices to update their knowledge and information. He suggested benefits of attending conferences and five strategies such as Commercial databases, Internet resources, Listservs, Blogs & Wikis, Academic faculty profile and print resources for selecting an appropriate subject-specific conference. S. Mark Pancer, Linda Rose-Krasnor and Lisa Loiselle Discussed about youth engagement and its developmental outcomes, also narrates the various factors can foster the engagement process. Emily F. Henderson, discussed in twofolds, firstly, higher education programmes are posited due to academic conferences, secondly, it gives an opportunity of higher education research for psychosocial analysis. Lex Borghans, Margo Romans, Jan Sauermann identified the preference for conference characteristics using vignette method. The result reveals that keynote speakers and locations play a vital role to decide for a conference. Beth A. Fischer and Michael J. Zigmond explained that participation in professional meetings will enrich education aspects as well as career development opportunities. Also conference provides a platform to extract new information, get more experiences and it enables communication network. Atef Abuhmaid investigated preparation to use ICT to support teaching and learning methodology among teachers in Jordan. 115 samples are taken for the study. Result reveals that ICT professional development courses will help the teachers to enrich their knowledge and skills with related to ICT aspects. Gregory Reddan, identified that students got benefited through job-search seminar and mock interviews. Also participation in the programs gives confidence to face the real-world scenarios. Lynne Miller, Ann Weaver, Christine Johnson , Explained that attending conference provides a platform to present your research problem, to meet professionals in the same domain, provides new contacts and renew the old contacts. Hayes Mizell discussed about the importance of professional development and how does it strengthen educator’s performance levels. www.ijaers.com

[Vol-3, Issue-3, March- 2016] ISSN: 2349-6495

Sarah Prestridge and Jo Tondeur, result suggests that teacher should engage in three aspects such as investigation, reflection and constructive dialogue, theses aspects induce to improve online professional development which it improves better utilization of ICT technologies in their respective classrooms. Nicoleta Litoiu suggests that by providing training programs for counselors will improve their domain knowledge. III. SCOPE OF THE STUDY The study aims to understand the background of learners in terms of their age, gender, educational qualification and occupation. The study also aims to focus on the purpose of attending learning avenues by the learners. The opinion of learners in various dimensional backgrounds about the attributes related to seminars, conferences, workshops and symposiums. It also aims to fill the gap between expectations of the learners and the actual delivery process happening in seminars, conferences, workshops and symposiums. The study tries to cover the other aspects about the better way of organizing knowledge sharing events which give more impetus for effective knowledge transformation process rather than mere happenings among the user community. IV. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY 1. To study about the background of individuals to prefer to attend seminars, conferences, workshops and symposiums. 2. To understand the motivational factors induce them to attend seminars, conferences, workshops and symposiums. 3. To evaluate the opinion of respondents about the various aspects related to seminars, conferences, workshops and symposiums. 4. To prescribe the strategies to enhance the better learning process via through seminars, conferences, workshops and symposiums. V. METHODOLOGY In order to investigate the research problem, descriptive study was adopted. Sample size of the study is 37. Questionnaire method is used to collect the data from the respondents. Data was obtained from the respondents working in private university located in Kanchipuram particularly belonging to the departments such as CSA, CSE, IT and ECE. SPSS 20 is used to interpret the results. VI. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 6.1 Demographic Profile Table 1: Demographic characteristics Page | 100

International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (IJAERS) Variable

Category Male Female Less than 30 31 to 40 Above 40 PG Professional PhD Teacher Research scholar Less than 5 6 to 10 11 to 15 More than 15 CSA CSE IT ECE

Percentage 59.5 40.5 32.4 59.5 8.1 59.5 16.2 24.3 81.1 18.9 5.4 59.5 27 8.1 16.2 27 10.8 46

Do you attend seminar/conference/workshop based on ICT



How frequently did u attend

Once in 3 months Once in 6 months Once in a year Whenever required

24.3 29.7 16.2 29.8

Gender Age

Educational Status Occupation



Source: Primary data From the table 1 it is observed that 59.5 percentages of respondents belong to male category and 40.5 percentages of respondents belong to female category. 32.4 percentages of respondents belong to less than 30 category, 59.5 percentages of respondents belong to 31 to 40 category and 8.1 percentages of respondents belong to above 40 age category. 59.5, 16.2 and 24.3 percentages of respondents belong to PG, Professional and PhD category. As far as Occupation level, 81.1 percentages of respondents belong to teaching professional and 18.9 percentages of respondents belong to research scholar category. With respect to experience, 5.4, 59.5, 27 and 8.1 percentages of respondents belong to less than 5, 6 to 10, 11 to 15 and more than 15 categories. 16.2, 27, 10.8 and 46 percentages of respondents belong to CSA, CSE, IT and ECE department. 100 percentages of respondents polled that they attend seminar/conference/workshop based on ICT. 24.3, 29.7, 16.2 and 29.8 percentages of respondents polled that they will frequently attend seminar/conference/workshop based on ICT during once in 3 months, once in 6 months, once in a year and whenever required. 6.2Reasons to attend ICT related seminar/conference/workshop/symposium Table 2: Reasons to attend ICT related seminar/conference/workshop Reason Percentage Career advancement


Knowledge gaining


Resource mobilization



[Vol-3, Issue-3, March- 2016] ISSN: 2349-6495



All of the above


Source: Primary data It is found from table 2 and figure 1, that knowledge gaining has a more critical impact reason rather than other option’s, next motivating reason seems to be career advancement.

Fig. 1: Reasons to attend ICT related seminar/conference/workshop 6.3Reason’s to select the seminar/conference/workshop on ICT to be attended? From the figure 2, the highest motive seems to be theme (32.4%), because ICT is the latest scenario, people wants more knowledge on it. Next best reason seems to be expert/speakers (29.4%), because they are the knowledge provider based on particular theme on ICT. One critical observation has to be highlighted in this is that, either the distance nor do the fees for the programme get the least significant value like 2.7%. From this it can be critically observed that more ICT based seminar/conference/workshop have to be conducted.

Fig.2: Reasons to select the seminar/conference/workshop/symposium based on ICT Page | 101

International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (IJAERS) 6.4 Preference to attend From this, conference gets first ranking, because it will adds more weightage on their resume and the least ranking is symposium. 6.5 Opinion about the attributes 13 attributes relevant have been taken, analyzed and presented in table 2 and figure 3 particularly to ICT programme. Result reveals that content is the most influencing factor with the highest mean of 2.86, enriched content material is very much useful for him to enrich themselves eventually they can enrich students, so that faculty prefers content rich programmes which gives more satisfaction, this has to highlight by the organizer. Next attributes are level of the programme ie National/International (mean = 2.81) and theme (mean = 2.81). Least attributes are TA/DA (mean = 1.57) and fees (mean = 1.76). Table. 2: Opinion about attributes Attributes Mean Content 2.86 Theme 2.81 Expert 2.65 Fees 1.76 Duration 1.89 Institution 2.35 ISBN/Others 2.41 Certificate 2.65 Accommodation/Hospitality 1.92 TA/DA/Others 1.57 Location 2.43 Level (National/International) 2.81 Promoting/Supporting institution 2.32 Source: Primary data

[Vol-3, Issue-3, March- 2016] ISSN: 2349-6495

performance based appraisal, NAAC, NBA scores etc., next ranking seems to be industry level affiliation, and this may increase their employment opportunities. 6.7 Opinion about statement Since ICT is order of the day for any researchers who are following present trends and wants to build their knowledge sake regarding ICT tools and trends. From table 3, highest mean 5.32 reveals that ICT enriching wisdom to the learners, next highest mean is 4.95 which really help for their career growth. The least significant mean is 3.65, which just for landmark for academic happenings. Results are depicted in figure 4. Table 3: Opinion about ICT trends Opinion Mean It really enrich the knowledge of 4.32 research It given knowledge wisdom to the 5.32 learners It really help to elevate career 4.95 It helps for effective class handling 3.81 It is the landmark for understand 3.65 academic happenings It provides an opportunity to develop 3.81 contacts at various levels Source: Primary data

Fig.4: Opinion about ICT trends

Fig.3: Opinion about attributes 6.6 Category of sponsored University level certification has the highest credit among the participants, the reason seems to be university level certifications are taken as credit for preparing www.ijaers.com

VII. CONCLUSION Detailed study has been carried among the faculties on what sort of programmes they are intended to attend which is more useful for them, which gives a real worth for their career prospective has been taken for the study. Various notable results are obtained from the study also it Page | 102

International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (IJAERS) is understood that what is the clear mindset for a faculty and what sort of programmes he/she is interested to attend. The study definitely gives an idea for the institute or management of higher learning regarding what sort of programmes has to be arranged for a faculty which will be really fruitful for them. REFERENCES [1] Kalpana Kannan and Krishnan Narayanan, “Synchronous Teacher Training in India: A Study of Perceptions and Satisfaction of the Participants”, International Journal of Information and Education Technology, Vol. 5, No. 3, March 2015, pp.200-207 [2] Charis O. Onuoha, Emmanuel Uwazie Anyanwu, Oyemike Victor Ossai-onah, Nkechi M. Amaechi, “Challenges of Promoting Innovation and Creativity among Library and Information Science Professionals in Nigeria: The Experience of Selected Libraries in Imo State, Nigeria”, Journal of Emerging Trends in Computing and Information Sciences, ISSN 2079-8407, Vol. 6, No. 1 January 2015, pp.25-30 [3] Robert Tomaszewski, Karen I. MacDonald, “Identifying Subject-specific Conferences as Professional Development Opportunities for the Academic Librarian”, The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 35(6), 583-590. [4] S. Mark Pancer, Linda Rose-Krasnor and Lisa Loiselle, “Youth Conferences as a Context for Engagement”, pp.1-14. [5] Emily F. Henderson, “Academic conferences: representative and resistant sites for higher education research”, Higher Education Research & Development, Volume 34, Issue 5, 2015. DOI:10.1080/07294360.2015.1011093, pp. 914-925. [6] Lex Borghans, Margo Romans, Jan Sauermann, “What Makes a Good Conference? Analysing the Preferences of Labor Economists”, Discussion Paper No. 4870,April 2010, pp.1-23. [7] Beth A. Fischer and Michael J. Zigmond , “Attending Professional Meetings Successfully”, 2006, pp.1-18. [8] Atef Abuhmaid , “ICT training courses for teacher professional development in Jordan”, TOJET: The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology – October 2011, volume 10 Issue 4, pp.195-210. [9] Gregory Reddan, “The benefits of job-search seminars and mock interviews in a work experience course”, Asia‐Pacific Journal of Cooperative Education, 2008, 9(2),pp. 113‐127. [10] Lynne Miller, Ann Weaver, Christine Johnson, “Giving a Good Scientific Presentation”, Prepared for the American Society of Primatologists by www.ijaers.com

[Vol-3, Issue-3, March- 2016] ISSN: 2349-6495

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