International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (IJAERS)
Vol-3, Issue-6, June- 2016 ISSN: 2349-6495
An Experimental Investigation on Four Stroke CI Engine with Diesel and Bio-Diesel Blend as fuel: Hazelnut T. Krishnaiah1, Dr. V. Pandurangadu2, Dr. V. Nagaprasadanaidudu3 1
M.Tech, (Ph.D) Department of Mechanical, Gates Institute of Technology, Gooty, Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh, India 2 Ph.D, Professor in Department of Mechanical, Rector, JNTUA, Anantapuramu, Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh, India 3 Professor in Department of Mechanical, Principal, Intell College of Engineering, Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh, India
Abstract—An experimental investigation was carried out to analyze non-edible oils (hazelnut) in blending with normal diesel fuel with approximate proportions of 5%, 10 % , 15%, 20% and 25% by volume in a mono cylinder, four stroke vertical, water cooled, Compression Ignition engine. Experimentation was performed by using the above fuel blends in the compression ignition engine operating at different loads. A comparative analysis was made on the output parameters such as emissions like oxides of nitrogen(NOx), total unburned hydro carbons, oxides of carbon(COx), and partially burned hydro carbons, Brake specific fuel consumption, Brake Thermal Efficiency, smoke density, temperature of exhaust gases, for all blends prepared with bio-fuels mixing with normal diesel fuel at different proportions mentioned above. It was known that engine is giving better performance by using a blend B20 with proportions of 20% hazelnut bio-fuel and 80% conventional diesel fuel without any modifying in design parameters and operating characteristics of the engine. Engine working on bio-diesels blend as fuel are showing considerable reduction in emissions like oxides of carbon and hydro carbons but with marginal increase in oxides of nitrogen without effecting brake thermal efficiency when compared with conventional neat diesel fuel. The corresponding neat diesel fuel operation, the bio-fuel oil blends show decrease in emissions of smoke with marginal increase in NOx with unchanged brake thermal efficiency. Hazelnut bio-diesel having better properties next to diesel fuel in comparison with other bio fuels. Keywords—Biodiesel, Emissions, Non-edible oils, Performance. I. INTRODUCTION Along with techniques related to the engine to meet emission regulations imposed [1–4], researchers of engine are also focusing their interest on the domain of fuel-related
techniques, such as for example oxygenated fuels which are able to decrease particulate emissions [5–10]and alternative gaseous fuels that are renewable in nature. To develop the sources of alternate fuel, many countries of the world are stepping forward by paying considerable attention. Alternative fuel which are produced from the products of agriculture are reducing the oil imports in the world. They are also supporting agricultural industries, which increases the farming incomes despite of all these advantages they are also reducing the exhaust emissions. The bio fuels which are considered as most promising fuels are the fuels derived from vegetable oils, bio alcohols, and vegetable oils. Among all the industries in the world bio fuel production is one of the rapidly growing industries. In spark ignition engines bio-ethanol is the primary alternative to gasoline. Vegetable oil and their derived bio fuel as well as diesel fuel mixing with small proportions of ethanol are alternative fuel for compression ignition engines. Whereas other alternative fuels like biomass derived hydro-carbon fuel, bio-butanol and hydrogen are being research at present which are considered as alternative fuel for next generation. Apart from renewability, bio-fuels are more advantageous than normal diesel in some aspects like they are having very less sulphur content and aromatic contents, higher lubricity, higher flash point, non-toxicity and higher bio-degradability. On the other side the disadvantages of bio-fuels includes very high pour point, very high viscosity, the lower cetane number, lower volatility and lower calorific value. One of the great disadvantages of bio-fuel is its highly increased viscosity, which is approximately 10-20 times greater than normal diesel fuel. More over short term tests by using biofuels are giving promising results but when engine has been operated for longer periods then problems are appearing, which includes more carbon deposits, injector coking with trumpet formation, piston oil ring sticking, as well as the Page | 112
International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (IJAERS) thickness of engine lubricating oil also increases. The following methods are adopted to avoid the problems associated with their high viscosity. Micro emulsification with methanol or ethanol blending in small blend ratios with diesel fuel, cracking, preheating and conversion in to bio-fuel mainly through the transisterification process. [22– 25]. The advantages of bio-diesels as diesel fuel, apart from renewability, are the minimal sulfur and aromatic content, the higher flash point, the higher lubricity, the higher cetane number, and the higher biodegradability and non-toxicity. On the other hand, their disadvantages include the higher viscosity (though much lower than the vegetable oils one), the higher pour point, the lower calorific value and the lower volatility. Furthermore, their oxidation stability is lower, they are hygroscopic, and as solvents they may cause corrosion of components, attacking some plastic materials used for seals, hoses, paints and coatings. They show increased dilution and polymerization of engine sump oil, thus requiring more frequent oil changes. Because of all the above reasons, maximum up to 25% of bio-fuels and vegetables are generally accepted as blends with diesel fuel and can be used in existing diesel engines without modifications. Experimental studies on the CI engines with the use of bio-fuels blending with neat diesel have been reported. The present experimental work studies and compares the above bio-fuels of various origins, in blending with ordinary diesel fuel, by fuelling a single cylinder, direct injection, naturally aspirated CI engines. A companion paper extended the present investigation for hazelnut oil and its methyl esters for different blend ratios, followed by another paper dealing with their heat release and stastical analysis using insulated combustion chamber of the same engine. As mentioned above, the results of performance and emissions have been evaluated by this research work by using blends of neat diesel fuel with single bio-fuel (hazelnut oil) [28], in the single-cylinder, water-cooled, direct injection, ‘kirlosker’ diesel engine concerning the present work. The interpretation of the experimental measurements was based on the differences of properties between the fuels tested. Most of the experimental works reported on the use of biofuels in the compression ignition engines are referred to mainly single-cylinder naturally aspirated engines have been used only one or two bio-fuel oils. But the present research work steps forward in reporting on the use of single bio-fuel oils on a single-cylinder, four stroke and water-cooled diesel engine.
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Widely differing chemical and physical properties of biofuels against those of diesel fuels, are combining with the theoretical aspects of diesel engine combustion, and are used to aid the correct interpretation of the observed engine emissions and performance wise behavior. II.
DESCRIPTION OF THE ENGINE TEST FACILITY Facilities to monitor and control engine variables were installed on a test-bed, Kirloskar single cylinder, four stroke, vertical, water cooled, compression ignition engine (Fig. 1) was used and mounted on the ground. The test engine was directly coupled to an eddy current dynamometer with suitable switching and control facility for loading the engine. Engine specifications were as follows: bore & stroke, 87.5 mm x 110 mm; compression ratio, 17.5: 1; speed, 1500 rpm; fuel timing, 27° by spill (btdc); clearance volume, 37.8 cc; and rated power, 5 hp. For fuel consumption measurement a tank and flow metering system is used for various blend samples as follows. A piezometer of known volume was used with the measurement of time for the complete evacuation of the sample fuel which is feeding to the engine. In order to have a quick drain of a fuel sample, including the return fuel from injector and pump and refilling of fuel metering system with new fuel sample a system is provided with valves and pipes. A system which is used for the measurement of exhaust gases consists of group of analyzers for measuring carbon monoxide (CO), oxides of nitrogen (NOx), hydrocarbons (HC), smoke density (SD), particulate and soot. The concentration of CO (in ppm) present in the exhaust gases was measured by using ‘Signal’ Series-7200 non-dispersive infrared analyzer (NDIR) equipped with a ‘Signal’ Series-2505M Cooler. ‘Bosch’ RTT-100 opacimeter, is used to measure the smoke level in the exhaust gas the readings of which are provided as equivalent smoke density in (mg of soot/ m3 of exhaust gases). The concentration of nitrogen oxides in ppm (parts per million, by vol.) present in the exhaust gases was measured by using ‘Signal’ Series-4000 chemiluminescent analyzer (CLA) that was fitted with a thermostatically controlled heated line. The total unburned hydrocarbons concentration (in ppm) present in the exhaust gases was measured with a ‘Ratfisch-Instruments’ Series RS55 flameionization detector (FID) that was also fitted with a thermostatically controlled heated line.
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International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (IJAERS)
Fuel Diesel Hazelnut
Vol-3, Issue-6, June- 2016 ISSN: 2349-6495 Table.2: Fuel Properties. Kinematic Density Calorific viscosity 0 at 15 c. value. at 400c. 3 Kg/mm MJ/kg cST 837 1.3 42.70 875 3.59 42.12
Flash point 369 425
Table 3: Accuracy of Measurements and Uncertainty of Computed Results. Measurements Accuracy Fig.1: Experimental Setup Table.1: Engine Specifications and Injection System Basic Data. Engine model and type : Kirlosker single-cylinder, four, stroke,compressionignition, direct injection, watercooled. Speed 1500 rpm Engine total displacement 661 cm3 Bore/stroke 87.5 mm/110 mm Compression ratio 17.5:1 Maximum power 5.2 HP @ 1500 rpm Maximum torque 29.0376 Nm @1500rpm opening pressure 250 bar
NOx HC CO Smoke opacity Speed Specific fuel consumption Time Torque Fuel volumetric rat Power
±5 ppm ±0.5 ppm ±0.2% ±0.1% ±5rpm ±1.5 ±5% ±0.5 Nm ±1 ±1
IV. EXPERIMENTAL SECTION, TRANSESTERIFICATION PROCESS To reduce viscosity of vegetable oils, transesterification 11
III. PROPERTIES OF FUELS TESTED Single typical straight Bio-diesel oil, viz. hazelnut is tested as supplements of the normal diesel fuel, at blend ratios of 05/95% ,10/90%, 15/85% and 20/80% 25/75% (by vol.) with the conventional diesel fuel. Diesel fuels which contains very less amount of sulphur content approximately (0.035 wt %) forms the base line for present study. To reduce the viscosity of bio-fuels they are to be de-gummed and refined, nearly the edible type without any pre-heating and adding any additives. All important properties of single bio-fuel and diesel are provided in table-2. All the values mentioned in the table are the mean values taken from various sites and references mentioned with this paper. In this study it required to note that the cetane number and kinematic viscosity values mentioned are not used computationally. In order to explain qualitatively the relative performance and emissions behavior of different fuel blends they are only referred to for indicative purposes.
method is adopted for preparation of biodiesel . In this process, non-edible oil (1000 ml) was taken in a three way flask. In a beaker, sodium hydroxide (NaOH, 12 g) and methanol (CH3OH, 200 ml) were thoroughly mixed until it is properly dissolved. The solution obtained was mixed with non-edible oil in three way flask and stirred properly. Methoxide solution with non-edible oil was heated to 60°C and continuously stirred at constant rate for 1 h. The solution is poured down in a separate beaker and is allowed to settle for 4 h. Glycerin settles at the bottom and methyl ester floats at the top (coarse biodiesel). Methyl ester is separated, heated above 100°C and maintained for 10-15 min to remove untreated methanol. Certain impurities like NaOH etc. are still dissolved in the obtained coarse biodiesel. These impurities are cleaned up by washing with 350 ml of water for 1000 ml of coarse biodiesel. Cleaned biodiesel is methyl ester of non-edible 12
oil .
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International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (IJAERS) V.
PARAMETERS TESTED AND EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE Engine testing was done in a laboratory at a constant temperature. Engine was started and warmed-up at low idle, long enough to establish the recommended oil pressure, and was checked for any fuel, oil leaks. After completing warm-up procedure, engine was run on no- load condition and speed was adjusted to 1500 rpm by adjusting fuel injection pump. Engine was run to gain uniform speed, after which it was gradually loaded. Experiments were conducted at different levels of load. For each load condition, engine was run at a minimum of 10 min and data were collected during the last 4-min of operation. Simultaneously, engine exhaust emissions were also determined. The series of tests are conducted using each of the above mentioned blends, with the engine working at speed of 1500 and at different torque mentioned above. Because of the differences in oxygen content and calorific values of different fuels tested, the analysis is effected at the same engine brake power and not the air fuel ratio or same injected fuel mass. In each test exhaust smokiness, volumetric fuel consumption rate, and exhaust gas emissions such as carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, and total unburned hydrocarbons are measured. From the first measurement brake thermal efficiency (BTHE.) and brake specific fuel consumption (b.s.f.c.) are computed using the fuel sample density and lower calorific value. Table 3 shows the uncertainty of the computed results of various parameters and the accuracy of the measurements. The analysis of experimental work was started with a preliminary investigation of the compression ignition engine fueled with neat diesel fuel, to find out the exhaust emission levels and engine operating characteristics which constitute a base line can be used to compare with the corresponding cases when using each of the blends forming with the combination of neat diesel and bio-fuel with appropriate proportions. By keeping the same operating conditions the same procedure was repeated for each fuel blend. For every time when the fuel is changed, the lines through which fuel flows were cleaned and then the engine is allowed to run for about 30 minutes to reach and stabilize its new desired conditions. VI. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Test engine was run with different fuels and time for 10 cc fuel consumption was calculated. Among single biodiesels, Hazelnut biodiesel showed lesser viscosity than other oils at
Vol-3, Issue-6, June- 2016 ISSN: 2349-6495
various temperatures (Fig. 2), may be due lower density of hazelnut biodiesel than others. A. Brake Thermal Efficiency (BTHE) Fig. 2 shows, the brake thermal efficiency (BTHE.) for the neat diesel fuel, and 20% blends of the hazel nut bio-diesel with diesel fuel, at all loads. BTHE of diesel is more compared with h a z e l n u t b i o d i e s e l b l e n d i n g w i t h d i e s e l w i t h p r o p o r t i o n s 2 0 % H a z e l n u t biodiesels and 80% conventional diesel this might be because loe calorific value and higher viscosity. BTHE is showing increasing trend as brake power increases.
Fig.2: Brake Thermal Efficiency B. Hydrocarbon (Hc) Emissions HC emission of diesel is minimum f o r Hazelnut biodiesel blend when compared with normal diesel as fuel at all loads (Fig. 3). HC emissions trend at 20% blend of biodiesel is as H20 shown in figure, this decrease in HC than diesel may be because more amount oxygen availability during reaction, which favors better combustion when compared with diesel. Hence, HC emissions are very less for H a z e l n u t biodiesel blend.
Fig.3: Hydrocarbon Emissions Page | 115
International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (IJAERS) C. NOX Emissions Fig. 4 shows, the emitted nitrogen oxides (NOx) in ppm for the neat diesel fuel, and 20% blends of the hazelnut biodiesel with diesel fuel, at different loads. One can observe that the NOx emitted by all vegetable oil blends are higher than corresponding diesel fuel. According to the discussion of the previous subsection the lower cetane number of vegetable oils (higher ignition delay) may play a role in this increase, apart from the delicate distribution of the fuel–air ‘packets’ inside the sprays as influenced by the fuel bound oxygen. Among biodiesels Hazelnut showed minimum NOx emissions than other oils. NOx emissions trend at 20% blend of biodiesel is as H20 shown in figure, may be due to the low cetane number of biodiesel , which lead to ignition lag and causes to accumulate large amount of un burned mixture of air and bio-fuel. This accumulated charge after reaching the self ignition condition will burn at a time causes better combustion than diesel. As a result, the adiabatic flame temperature or maximum temperature inside cylinder is more in case of biodiesels than diesel. Hence, this catalyzes reactions for oxidation of nitrogen and hence NOX emissions are more for biodiesels. For other blends, trend is similar to that for 20% blend. As load increases, NOX emission increases. Y
Vol-3, Issue-6, June- 2016 ISSN: 2349-6495
monoxide (CO) emission from CI engine is very little, rendering the explanation of its behavior difficult in a highly heterogeneous environment as the prevailing in a diesel engine.
Fig.5: CO EMISSIONS E. Smoke Density Fig.6 shows the smoke density for the neat diesel fuel, and 20% blends of the four vegetable oils with diesel fuel, at different loads. One can observe that the density of all biofuel blends is higher than the ones for the corresponding neat diesel fuel. This is because of higher viscosity associated with bio-diesel blends.
Fig.4: NOX D. Co Emissions Fig. 5 shows, the emitted carbon monoxide (CO) in ppm for the neat diesel fuel, and 20% blends of hazelnut bio-diesel with diesel at all different loads. It is observed that the carbon monoxide (CO) emitted by all blends are little lower than the corresponding diesel fuel. As the percentage of biofuel increases in the blend the carbon monoxide (CO) emission also increase as shown in the figure. It is known from all the references and investigations that the carbon
Fig.6: SMOKE DENSITY F. Brake Specific Fuel Consumption Fig. 7 shows the brake specific fuel consumption (b.s.f.c.) expressed in kg/kW h (kilograms per kilowatt and hour) for the neat diesel fuel, and blends of 20% of single bio-fuel and neat diesel fuel at different loads. The mass flow rate of fuel blend is calculated from the respective volume flow rate value which is measured and the density of the fuel blends Page | 116
International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (IJAERS) which is computed by considering the densities of the fuel using and the ratio of fuel blends involved in the experimental work. Since the evaluation of work is made on the constant speed and same load which is translated in to the same engine power, and these values are proportional to the mass flow rate of fuel. It is to be observed that the air mass flow rate remains same under the same operating conditions.
Fig.7: Brake Specific Fuel Consumption G. Exhaust Gas Temperatures Exhaust gas temperature Exhaust gas temperature (EGT) varied with load and the results for both diesel and hazel nut biodiesel blend HB20 are presented in Figure 8. EGT of all the tested fuels increased with load. EGT of H B20 was higher than that of diesel fuel at the highest load due to the blends’ higher viscosities, which resulted in poorer atomization, poorer evaporation, and extended combustion during the exhaust stroke. As the amount of bio-fuel content increases then viscosity also increases, and, as a result, EGT of the blends was higher than that of diesel fuel due to deterioration in combustion and more fuel being oxidized.
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VII. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS An experimentation was carried out to evaluate and analyze the performance parameters and constituents of exhaust emission levels of bio-diesel viz. hazelnut bio-diesel, as alternative to the diesel fuel. Making bio-diesel blend with ratios of 20/80 (by vol.), in a fully instrumented, singlecylinder, four stroke single cylinder direct injection, diesel engine. Number of tests was conducted with the above blend as fuel, making the engine to work at different loads. In each test, exhaust smokiness, exhaust gas temperatures and constituents of exhaust gas emissions like nitrogen oxides (NOx), total unburned hydrocarbons (HC) and carbon monoxide (CO), are investigated. Brake specific fuel consumption and Brake thermal efficiency were computed from measured fuel volumetric flow rate and calorific values. The exhaust emissions were reduced by the use of bio-diesel blends along with the respective conventional diesel fuels, hazelnut bio-diesel blends is giving better performance The NOx emissions were showing marginal increase with the use of bio-diesel blends with respect to those of the conventional diesel fuel, this also increases with the percentage of bio-diesel in the blend. The CO emissions were decreased considerably with the use of hazelnut bio-diesel blend when compare with conventional diesel fuel this might be because more oxygen concentration available with bio-diesel. The HC emissions were decreased considerably with the use of hazelnut bio-diesel blend when compare with conventional diesel fuel this might be because more oxygen concentration available with bio-diesel. The engine brake thermal efficiency is slightly lower for hazelnut bio-diesel than the brake thermal efficiency of diesel operated in the same engine. The reason for this is lower calorific values associated with hazelnut bio-diesel blend. REFERENCES [1] Rakopoulos CD, Giakoumis EG. Diesel engine transient operation – principles of operation and simulation analysis. London: Springer; 2009. [2] Pulkrabek WW. Engineering fundamentals of internal combustion engines. 2nd ed. New Jersey: Pearson Prentice-Hall; 2004. [3] Levendis YA, Pavlotos I, Abrams RF. Control of diesel soot, hydrocarbon and NOx emissions with a particulate trap and EGR. SAE paper no. 940460; 1994.
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