International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (IJAERS)
[Vol-3, Issue-2, Feb- 2016] ISSN: 2349-6495
Review on Fatigue behaviour of Polymeric Biomaterials with Natural Fibers Dr. Chandrashekhar Bendigeri1, Jwalesh H.N.2 1
Professor, Department of Mechanical Engg, UVCE, Bangalore University, Bengaluru, India PG Student, Department of Mechanical Engg, UVCE, Bangalore University, Bengaluru, India
fibre reinforced polymer biocomposites (NFPBCs) constitute an important branch in the field of green composite materials. [2]. This is because the increase in scientific research towards having sustainable approach to use the biomaterials in biomedical applications in order to have light, cost effective implants with biocompatibility requirement. Various natural fibers such as jute, hemp, cotton, sisal, coconut fibers and other natural materials being used to create biomaterial for specific usage and applications. An increase in environmental concern invites the development of new eco friendly materials having light weight and superior mechanical performance [3]. The role of natural and manmade fibers reinforced hybrid composite materials are growing in a faster rate in the field of engineering and technology due to its favorable properties. In the present unsustainable environmental condition natural fibers are serving better material in terms of biodegradability, low cost, high strength and corrosion resistance when compared to conventional materials [9].The addition of CaCO3, Al2O3, and TiO2 Microfillers [14] to the biocomposites will enhance the physico-mechanical properties of the materials. The present work will categorically discusses the various researches being carried out to find out the fatigue properties of various natural fibre reinforced biocomposites through experimental and as well as analytical methods Keywords窶年atural Fibers, Bio-materials, Fatigue, Microfillers, Implants I. INTRODUCTION The biomaterial with natural fibers and synthetic polymer as matrix has a huge applications in biomedical field. To assess the characteristic mechanical properties of biomaterials with various natural fibers many researchers have carried out extensive research and have published papers for the same. Accordingly, as per the literature survey, the physical and mechanical properties are related to the use of appropriate volume fractions of materials used, treatment of fibers with suitable alkaline materials, adhesive property of the polymers used and much more.
The fatigue life is affected by the amount of fibre volume ratio but it may not show any significant improvement at very high number of cycles [1] in case of kenaf fibre reinforced epoxy composite. The investigation of the sisal/polyester biocomposites subjected to 3-point bending under static loading shows that the stressdisplacement curve of the cross-laminate [0/90] s is characterized by three regions, first one a quasilinear, followed by staircase behaviour on the second region and finally the brutal rupture of the specimens. In cyclic loading it was noted that the hysteresis loop and the dissipated energy per unit volume as a function of cycle number is highly dependent on the loading levels applied to the specimens [2]. The long time dried and long dora hemp fibers are successfully reinforced into polyester matrix to manufacture composites by hand lay-up technique [3]. Fatigue behaviour in coconut fiber reinforced composites presented a decrease in fatigue life when was applied greater tension. It was observed some failure mechanism as fractured fibers and presence of pull out and poor bonding interfacial between fiber and matrix [4] .To reduce the poor bonding the fibers need to have surface treatment. The hardness, tensile properties and impact strength of the jute-epoxy composites increases with the increase in fiber loading [8]. A new set of jute and banana fibre hybrid polymer matrix composite, combination of varying Cashew Nut Shell Resin Liquid [CNSL] and general purpose resin matrix is obtained whose tensile strength is calculated at various combinations and best results are obtained using ANOVA technique. This natural fibre hybrid polymer matrix can replace many synthetic resin composites considering the recyclability and cost factors. The result obtained indicates that the combination of jute, banana and CNSL liquid with polymer would provide better fatigue properties depending on the volume fraction and the type of fibers being used [13]. Bamboo/ UP (Unsaturated Polyester) and jute/UP have similar tensile modulus and ultimate strength, while kanaf /UP have shown both higher tensile modulus and ultimate strength over the former two. During the low-cycle fatigue (LCF) test, the modulus of three composites did not vary much. In the Page | 38
International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (IJAERS)
[Vol-3, Issue-2, Feb- 2016] ISSN: 2349-6495
case of the final stretch to fracture after 30 cycles of LCF test, the tensile modulus and strength did not show much difference when compared with the tensile results that of non-cycled specimens, respectively. It means the 30 cycles of LCF test have no significant effects on the tensile properties of these three composites [18]. II. DEVELOPMENT OF EXPERIMENTAL SPECIMEN
Fig. 2: Fatigue Test System Table 1 presents the experimental fatigue life tabulation method for hemp, jute fiber/matrix composites that can be tabulated after the experiment. For each fiber volume fraction, five specimen were tested at maximum stress of σmax= 0.8 σut………...for specimen 1 (1) σmax= 0.75 σut……….for specimen 2 (2) σmax= 0.7 σut………...for specimen 3 (3) σmax= 0.65 σut……….for specimen 4 (4) σmax= 0.6 σut………...for specimen 5 (5) [5]
Fig. 1: Fatigue Specimen Dimensions The work is focused mainly on study of the fatigue properties on polymeric biomaterial with natural fibers. The natural fibers which are reinforced in the polyester polymer resin are jute, hemp (either of mat form or long/ short fibers) and particulate matters of Al2O3. The experiment will be conducted as per the ASTM D3479 standard with the specimen dimensions as suggested in Fig 1. The proposed work will be carried out by preparation of specimens with different fiber volume fraction of 15%, 22% and 35% .There are 5 specimens prepared for the individual volume fraction. III. EXPERIMENTAL METHOD Fatigue experiments were in accordance to ASTM D3479 and conducted under the following conditions: [1] 1) Loading mode: tension-tension fatigue 2) Stress Ratio, R (minimum stress to maximum stress ratio) = 0.5 3) Stress level (Smax): 90 %, 80 %, 70 %, 60% and 50% of ultimate tensile strength 4) Test frequency: 5 Hz 5) Test temperature: 28 ± 3 oC
Experimental fatigue life tabulation
Fiber Volume Spec.ID Fraction (Vf) FT-ne-01 Neat FT-ne-02 Polyester FT-ne-03 Resin FT-ne-04 FT-ne-05 FT-15-01 FT-15-02 15% FT-15-03 FT-15-04 FT-15-05 FT-22-01 FT-22-01 22% FT-22-01 FT-22-01 FT-22-01 FT-35-01 FT-35-01 35% FT-35-01 FT-35-01 FT-35-01
A typical plot of relationship of maximum stress vs. number of cycles to failure (S-N) of a composite for neat polyester and different fiber volume fraction, obtained from fatigue tests will be represented as shown in Fig 3 [5] .
The experimental set up for the fatigue testing is as shown in following Fig 2[1].
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International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (IJAERS)
[Vol-3, Issue-2, Feb- 2016] ISSN: 2349-6495
presumes a finite element geometry and stress result. In principle a modern CAE fatigue analysis is based on three primary input parameters (Fig 4): • FE geometry and results • Cyclic loading time histories • Material properties
Fig. 3: Fatigue Test: S-N Curve IV. ANALYTICAL METHOD The present work of experimental fatigue life of the polymeric biomaterial will be analyzed through analytical method to correlate the results of the experimental values. This will provide insight to the process verification of the experimental method. Fatigue models [1] developed by Mandel, Manson-Coffin and Hai Tang are used because of their simplicity and can be related to the polymer composites. The constant stress base models shown below are compared with the experimental results to determine how well these models in predicting the fatigue life of polymeric composites. Mandel proposed equation as follows: (1) where σ is the cyclic tensile stress, σUTS is the ultimate tensile stress, Nf is cycle to failure and b is material constant. While Manson-Coffin relation as follows: (2) where Δσ = cyclic stress range (maximum stress - minimum stress). Hai-Tang’s model developed in 1998 is given as follows (3) where Smax = normalized stress respective to static ultimate tensile strength (|Smax|≤1), and f is frequency. V. FEM METHOD The FEM method will be adapted to further verification of experimental and analytical methods. The FEM is carried out using “Ansys” software’s Fatigue module. The FEM method results will be ascertained with proper material property allocation in the respective fields in the software. The comprehensive methodology used is as follows. The fatigue [19] analysis represents the main part of the virtual durability product development process. It
Fig. 4: CAE based fatigue analysis The accuracy of all three inputs influences life or damage results and can be optimized during post processing to extend the life of a part or system, independently of each other up to a point Material Synthesis as per ASTM D3479 standard
Fatigue Test Change composition No
Test results as per ASTM
Results in Charts & graphs
Yes Correlation of experimental results by FEM & Analytical method
Biocompatability Tests
Yes Approval of material f or biomedical applications
Fig. 5: Flowchart-Synthesis, Testing of biocomposites VI. BIOCOMPATABILITY TESTS "Biocompatibility is the capability of a prosthesis implanted in the body to exist in harmony with tissue without causing detrimental changes" Page | 40
International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (IJAERS) Various Biocompatibility tests to be performed on biomaterial are as listed • Cytotoxicity • Primary Dermal Irritation (PDI) • Intramuscular Implant • Dermal Sensitization • Acute Systemic toxicity • Carcinogenicity • Mutagenicity • Hemolysis • Corrosion Test • Water Absorption Test VII. CONCLUSION The following conclusions can be drawn with regard to development, testing and analysis of polymeric biomaterial of hemp, jute fibers and polyester resin • The results of fatigue experiment values will provide useful life of the material that can be used with various applications of biomedical industry. • The values can be correlated with biological usefulness to integrate further into the system. • The analytical evaluation of the biomaterial will validate the results of the experimentation and enhance the correctness of the experimentation. • Biocompatibility tests to perform shows the material being compatible to use in biological systems • The flow chart illustrated in Fig 5 indicates the various steps being followed for successful synthesis to acceptance of biomaterial for further use in medical prosthesis manufacturing. REFERENCES [1] Abdul Hakim Abdullah1, Siti Khadijah Alias, Norhisyam Jenal, Khalina Abdan- Fatigue Behavior of Kenaf Fibre Reinforced Epoxy Composites [2] A. Belaadi, A. Bezazi, M. Maache, F.scarpa“Fatigue in sisal fiber reinforced polyester composites: hysteresis and energy dissipation” [3] Nadendla Srinivasababu -Assessing the Mechanical Performance Cannabis Sativa Composites – Reinforced with Long Time Dried fibre [4] Mulinari, D.R.; Baptista, C.A.R.P.; Souza, J. V. C.; Voorwald, H.J.C. –“Mechanical Properties of Coconut Fibers Reinforced Polyester Composites” [5] Abhishek, Abdul Arif, K.N. Pandey - Life Estimation of Natural Fiber (Banana) Reinforced Composite under Cyclic Loading”. [6] Christopher C. Ihueze , Christian E. Okafor , Chris I. Okoye – “Natural fiber composite design and characterization for limit stress prediction in multiaxial stress state”
[Vol-3, Issue-2, Feb- 2016] ISSN: 2349-6495
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