1 minute read
Student Book One
Black Belt Recorder Student Book One, Belts and Audio App. (Book and CD version available for a short time only) Your students will learn with enthusiasm and faster than ever before. Includes a full colour book with an Audio and interactive app. and the first 3 belts.
Book One: Covers B, A, G, C & D. This is in the order most teachers prefer. It also teaches correct finger posture, breath control, semibreves, minims, crotchets, quavers, rests, repeats, 4/4, 2/4, 3/4 and more. The book also includes the bonus song “The Lion Sleeps Tonight”.
Note: A CD versions can be specially produced for $1 more.
Note: Ribbon belts now sold separately.
See Black Belt Recorder specials and pricing on page 27

Teacher’s Multimedia One
Scrolling music with live finger placement diagrams, interactive activities, student tracker, free student version of all interactive activities, tests and more. Perfect for data projector, interactive whiteboard, PC, MAC, iPad, Android and more.

Black Belt
Descant Recorder (BBR-S4B)
We believe that this recorder is higher quality. Unlike other leading brands, this descant is less likely to go out of tune when over or under blown making it the most ideal recorder for primary school students. This recorder will give you the best start to your music education. Includes: cleaning rod, full colour finger placement chart and case.
Note: Ribbon belts now sold separately.