1 minute read
Donna Marwick-O’Brien
5 Minute Breathers
The original collection of fun, innovative games and activities for the music room. Well loved games such as baseball, Celebrity Heads, Chinese Whispers have been adapted to reinforce musical skills and concepts taught. The book is filled with fun ideas and reproducible work cards, ready to photocopy and use.
Workstations in the Music Room
The book contains everything needed for the programme. Photocopy and laminate the prepared workstations and your system is set up. Bonus material: * History of each of the instruments and two accompanying photocopiable worksheets for each; * End of year final concert pieces.
Learn instruments!
$49.50 $39 Teachers Manual
5 Minute Breathers 2
A new and exciting collection of fun, innovative games and activities for the music room. Reproducible music resources included. Ideal for experienced or non-experienced teachers of music or relief teachers. Fun music games and activities for K-7!

Sing Along Action Songs
A collection of favourite old and new children’s sing-a-long and action songs for ages 3 to 10. Includes:
* Photocopiable worksheets
* Melody line, lyrics and chords
* Teachers’ notes
* Vocal versions of each song and instrumentals for three of the sing-alongs.
Up to 11 year olds.
$49.50 $29 CD & Manual
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