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Professional Development
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Music Professional Development Workshop Videos
(Beginning to lower primary) Join Tamara O’Brien from “We’re Orff!” as she shows how puppets & props can become engaging and exciting tools for teaching musical elements & skills, including pitch, timbre, voice, movement, imitation and improvisation. See how they help focus attention and offer instant opportunities for inclusion. Early Childhood workshop DVD with songs, rhymes, dances instruments and musical stories. In this dynamic DVD Australia’s leading primary music educators Susie and Phil from Welcome Music, will take you through a step by step instructional process for 15 of their original and exciting activities and then show them in full workshop mode with teachers, so you can see them in action for yourself.
Recorder without tears! Loads of tips, tricks and techniques for engaging your recorder players, keeping them engaged and assessing/recording them. Games, activities, songs and fun ways to teach skills and techniques – and to keep your students practicing those skills and techniques.
44-50 % Off