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International Journal of Computational Engineering Research||Vol, 03||Issue, 4||

Integral Solutions of the Non Homogeneous Ternary Quintic Equation ax2  by 2  (a  b) z5 , a, b  0 1



S.Vidhyalakshmi , K.Lakshmi , M,A.Gopalan



Professor, Department of Mathematics,SIGC ,Trichy Lecturer, Department of Mathematics,SIGC ,Trichy, 3. Professor, Department of Mathematics,SIGC ,Trichy, 2.

Abstract: We obtain infinitely many non-zero integer triples ( x, y, z ) satisfying the ternary quintic equation ax  by  (a  b) z , a, b  0 .Various interesting relations between the solutions and . special numbers, namely, polygonal numbers, Pyramidal numbers, Star numbers, Stella Octangular numbers, Pronic numbers, Octahedral numbers, Four Dimensional Figurative numbers and Five Dimensional Figurative numbers are exhibited. 2



Keywords: Ternary quintic equation, integral solutions, 2-dimentional, 3-dimentional, 4- dimensional and 5- dimensional figurative numbers.

MSC 2000 Mathematics subject classification: 11D41. NOTATIONS:

 (n  1)(m  2)  Tm, n  n 1   -Polygonal number of rank n with size m 2   1 Pnm  n(n  1)((m  2)n  5  m) - Pyramidal number of rank n with size m 6

SOn  n(2n2  1) -Stella octangular number ofrank n

Sn  6n(n  1)  1 -Star number of rank n PRn  n(n  1) -Pronic number of rank n 1 OH n  n(2n2  1) - Octahedral number of rank n 3 n(n  1)(n  2)(n  3)(n  4) = Five Dimensional Figurative number of rank n F5,n,3  5!

whose generating polygon is a triangle.

F4,n,3 

n(n  1)(n  2)(n  3) = Four Dimensional Figurative number of rank n 4!

whose generating polygon is a triangle 1. INTRODUCTION The theory of diophantine equations offers a rich variety of fascinating problems. In particular,quintic equations, homogeneous and non-homogeneous have aroused the interest of numerous mathematicians since antiquity[1-3]. For illustration, one may refer [4-10] for homogeneous and non-homogeneous quintic equations with three, four and five unknowns. This paper concerns with the problem of determining non-trivial integral solution of the non- homogeneous ternary quintic equation given by ax relations between the solutions and the special numbers are presented.




 by 2  (a  b) z 5 , a, b  0 . A few

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Yintegral Solutions Of The Non Homogeneous... II.


The Diophantine equation representing the quintic equation with three unknowns under consideration

ax  by  (a  b) z is Introduction of the transformations 2



, a, b  0


x  X  bT , y  X  aT


in (1) leads to

X 2  abT 2  z 5


The above equation (3) is solved through different approaches and thus, one obtains distinct sets of solutions to (1) 2.1. Case1: Choose a and b such that ab is not a perfect square. Assume z  p  abq Substituting (4) in (3) and using the method of factorisation, define 2



( X  abT )  ( p  abq)5


Equating real and imaginary parts in (5) we get, 5 3 2 2 4

X  p  10abp q  5(ab) pq   T  5qp 4  10abp2 q3  (ab)2 q5  

In view of (2) and (4), the corresponding values of


x, y are represented by

x  p  10abp q  5(ab) pq  b(5qp  10abp2 q3  (ab)2 q5 ) 5

3 2




y  p  10abp q  5(ab) pq  a(5qp  10abp q  (ab) q ) 5

3 2




2 3



(7) (8)

Thus (7) and (4) represent the non-zero distinct integral solutions to (1) A few interesting relations between the solutions of (1) are exhibited below: 1.

 a( x( p,1)  by( p,1)   8T3, p 1  Pp5  (1  10ab)SOp  p(mod10)  2  a b 

2. The following are nasty numbers;

 a( x( p,1)  by( p,1)   8T3, p 1  Pp5  (1  10ab) SO p  (9  10ab) p  a b  

(i) 60 p 2

 ax( p,1)  by( p,1)  (ii)30 p   120F5, p,3  240F4, p,3  (2ab  5)30Pp3  15PR p  12T4, p  8T5, p  60abT3, p  a  b   3.

  x( p,1)  y ( p,1)   2ab 5(T4, p  ab)2     is a cubical integer. ba   

4.ax( p,1)  by( p,1)  (a  b){3840F4, p,3  1920F5, p,3  1200Pp4  720T3, p  48T4, p  32T5, p }  0(mod 5)

 a( x( p,1)  by ( p,1)   8T3, p 1  Pp5  3(1  10ab)OH p  11(2T3, p  T4, P )  0(mod10)  a  b   6. S p  6 z ( p,1)  18(OH p )  6SOp  12T3, p  6T4, p  6ab  1

5.  2

Now, rewrite (3) as,

X 2  abT 2  1 z5


Also 1 can be written as


(a  b  2 ab )(a  b  2 ab )


( a  b) 2

Substituting (4) and (10) in (9) and using the method of factorisation, define, www.ijceronline.com


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( X  abT ) 

(a  b  2 ab ) ( p  abq)5 a b


Equating real and imaginary parts in (11) we obtain,

1  (a  b)( p5  10abp3q 2  5(ab)2 pq 4 )  2ab(5qp 4  10abq3 p 2  (ab)2 q5 )   a b  1  T (a  b)(5qp 4  10abq3 p 2  (ab)2 q5 )  2( p5  10abp3q 2  5(ab)2 pq 4 )   a b  In view of (2) and (4), the corresponding values of x, y and z are obtained as, X

  b(3a  b)(5qp 4  10 abp 2 q 3  ( ab) 2 q 5 )]   y  (a  b) 4 [(3a  b)( p 5  10abp 3q 2  5(ab) 2 pq 4 )   a(a  3b)(5qp 4  10abp 2 q 3  (ab) 2 q 2 )]   z  (a  b) 2 ( p 2  abq 2 )  x  (a  b) 4 [(a  3b)( p 5  10abp 3q 2  5(ab) 2 pq 4 ) 


Further 1 can also be taken as 2


(ab    2 ab )(ab   2  2 ab )


(ab   2 )2

For this choice, after performing some algebra the value of

x, y and z are given by

x  (ab   ) [(ab    2 b)( p  10abp q  5(ab) 2 pq 4 ) 

  (2 ab  b(ab   ))(5qp  10abp q  (ab) q )]   y  (ab   2 ) 4 [(ab   2  2 a)( p 5  10abp 3q 2  5(ab) 2 pq 4 )   2 4 2 3 2 5  (2 ab  a(ab   ))(5qp  10abp q  (ab) q )]  z  (ab   2 ) 2 ( p 2  abq 2 )  2 4












Remark1: Instead of (2), the introduction of the transformations, x  X  bT , y  similar procedure we obtain different integral solutions to (1).

X  aT in (1) leads to (3).By a

2.2. Case2: Choose a and b such that ab is a perfect square,say,


 (3) is written as X 2  (dT )2  z 5

(15) To solve (15), we write it as a system of double equations which are solved in integers for X , T and in view of (2), the corresponding integral values of x, y are obtained. The above process is illustrated in the following table: System of double equations

X  dT  z X  dT  z

Integral values of z


X  dT  z

z  2dk

Integral values of

x, y

x  8k 4 d 3 (d  b)  k (d  b) y  8k 4 d 3 (d  a)  k (d  a)

z  2dk

X  dT  z 4 www.ijceronline.com

x  8k 4 d 3 (d  b)  k (d  b) y  8k 4 d 3 (d  a)  k (d  a) ||April||2013||

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Yintegral Solutions Of The Non Homogeneous... X  dT  z

z  2dk


x  4k 3d 2 (d  b)  2dk 2 (d  b)

X  dT  z 2

X  dT  z

y  4k 3d 2 (d  a)  2dk 2 (d  a) z  2dk


x  4k 3d 2 (d  b)  2dk 2 (d  b)

X  dT  z 3 X  dT  z

y  4k 3d 2 (d  a)  2dk 2 (d  a) z  2dk  1


x  (16k 5d 4  40k 4d 3  40k 3d 2  20k 2d  5k )(d  b)  1

X  dT  1

y  (16k 5d 4  40k 4d 3  40k 3d 2  20k 2d  5k )(d  a)  1 z  2dk  1

X  dT  z 5 X  dT  1

x  (16k 5d 4  40k 4d 3  40k 3d 2  20k 2d  5k )(d  b)  1 y  (16k 5d 4  40k 4d 3  40k 3d 2  20k 2d  5k )(d  a)  1

2.3. Case3: Take z   Substituting (16) in (15) we get,


X 2  (dT )2  ( 5 )2



which is in the form of Pythagorean equation and is satisfied by

 5  2rs, dT  r 2  s 2 , X  r 2  s 2 , r  s  0


Choose r and s such that rs  16d k (19) and thus   2dk . Knowing the values of r , s and using (18) and (2), the corresponding solutions of (1) are obtained. For illustration, take 5 5

r  23 d 4 k 4 , s  2dk , r  s  0 The corresponding solutions are given by x  64d 7 k 8 (d  b)  4dk 2 ( d  b)    y  64d 7 k 8 (d  a )  4dk 2 (d  a)   z  4d 2 k 2  


Taking the values of r , s differently such that rs  16d k , we get different solution patterns. It is to be noted that, the solutions of (17) may also be written as 5 5

X  r 2  s 2 , dT  2rs,  5  r 2  s 2 , r  s  0


Choose r     , s     2 2 Substituting the values of r , s in (21) and performing some algebra using (2) we get the corresponding solutions as x  32d 5k 6 (d  b)  8d 3k 4 (d  b)    (22) y  32d 5k 6 (d  a )  8d 3k 4 (d  a )   z  4d 2 k 2   3

Taking the values of




r , s differently such that  5  r 2  s 2 ,we get different solution patterns.

2.4. Case4: Also,introducing the linear transformations

X  2dk  u, dT  2dk  u

in (15) and performing a few algebra, we have www.ijceronline.com


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Yintegral Solutions Of The Non Homogeneous... X  4k 4d 4  2dk , T  2k  4k 4d 3


In view of (2) and (23) the corresponding integral solutions of (1) are obtained as x  4k 4 d 3 ( d  b )  2k ( d  b )    y  4k 4 d 3 ( d  a )  2k ( d  a )   z  2dk  


It is to be noted that, in addition to the above choices for illustrated below: Illustration1: The assumption in (15) yields

X and dT , we have other choices, which are

X  zX , dT  zdT


X  md 3 (m2  n2 ), T  nd 2 (m2  n2 ), z  d 2 (m2  n2 )

(26) From (25), (26) and (2), the corresponding integral solutions of (1) are x  d 4 (m 2  n 2 ) 2 (md  nb)   y  d 4 (m 2  n 2 ) 2 (md  na )   z  d 2 (m2  n 2 ) 


Illustration2: The assumption

X  z 2 X , dT  z 2 dT


in (15) yields to

X  (dT )  z




2 2 2 Taking z  4m n d and performing some algebra, we get 4 4 10 2 2


X  16m n d (m  n ), T  16m4n4d 9 (n2  m2 )


From (29), (30) and (2), the corresponding integral solutions of (1) are x  16m4 n 4 d 9 [ d ( m2  n 2 )  b( n 2  m2 )]    y  16m 4 n 4 d 9 [ d ( m2  n 2 )  a( n 2  m2 )]  z  4m 2 n 2 d 2  


Illustration3: Instead of (29), taking z  2dk  1 in (28) we get 2


X  (2dk  1) (dk  1), T  k (2k  1)2


From (30), (31) and (2), the corresponding integral solutions of (1) are x  (2dk  1) 2 ( dk  bk  1)    y  (2dk  1) 2 ( dk  ak  1)   z  2dk  1  


Illustration4: In (28), taking 2 2

z  t 2 and arranging we get


X  t  (dT )2


which is in the form of Pythagorean equation and is satisfied by

X  2 pq, dT  p 2  q 2 , t  p 2  q 2 , r  s  0


From (35), (37) and (2) we get the corresponding solutions as x  ( p 2  q 2 ) 4 d 9 [2 pqd  b( p 2  q 2 )]    y  ( p 2  q 2 ) 4 d 9 [2 pqd  a ( p 2  q 2 )]  z  ( p 2  q 2 ) 2 d 4  


It is to be noted that, the solutions of (36) may also be written as www.ijceronline.com


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X  p 2  q 2 , t  2 pq, dT  p 2  q 2 , p  q  0


From (33),(37) and (2) we get the corresponding solutions as x  16 p 4 q 4 d 9 [ d ( p 2  q 2 )  b( p 2  q 2 )]    y  16 p 4 q 4 d 9 [ d ( p 2  q 2 )  a ( p 2  q 2 )]  z  4 p 2 q 2 d 4  


III. Remarkable observations: I: If

( x0 , y0, z0 ) be any given integral solution of (1), then the general solution pattern is presented in the

matrix form as follows: Odd ordered solutions: 6m  4   x2 m 1   ( a  b)( a  b )   4m  2  2a (a  b)6m  4  y2 m 1   (a  b)  z   0   2 m1  

2a ( a  b)6 m  4 ( a  b)( a  b )

6m  4


0 x  0    0   y0     1   z0  

Even ordered solutions: 6m   x2m   ( a  b)( a  b )   4m  2a ( a  b)6 m  y2m   ( a  b)  z   0  2m   

2b( a  b)6 m ( a  b )( a  b )



0 x  0    0   y0     1   z0  

II: The integral solutions of (1) can also be represented as, x  (m  bN ) Z 2 y  ( m  aN ) Z 2 z  m 2  abN 2 , a, b  0

IV. CONCLUSION In conclusion, one may search for different patterns of solutions to (1) and their corresponding properties.


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