A Qualitative Comparison of Data Centric Routing Protocols for WSN

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Volume 2, Spl. Issue 2 (2015)

e-ISSN: 1694-2310 | p-ISSN: 1694-2426

A Qualitative Comparison of Data Centric Routing Protocols for WSN Anjali Bharti1,Chandni2, Jyoti3 Assistant Professor, ECE Dept. BUEST, Baddi, India 1 anjalibharti312@gmail.com, 2Chandni.smiley08@gmail.com, 3Jyoti.student@gmail.com Abstract- A wireless sensor network (WSN) consists of sink and a number of wireless sensor nodes with communication, sensing and computation capabilities. It comprises of wireless sensing and data networking. Wireless network are constrained by energy, storage capacity and power. The energy consumption and network lifetime are the critical issues in wireless sensor networks. To overcome these issues many routing protocols have been designed. In this paper, we analyze and compare the data centric routing protocols like SPIN, Directed Diffusion and Rumor routing protocol on the basis of various performance parameters for wireless sensor network. Keywords- Wireless Sensor Networks, Routing Protocols, Data centric Routing Protocols, SPIN, DD and RR.



A WSN consists of a large number of battery operated wireless sensor nodes, which are randomly deployed in an unreachable terrain and harsh environment for sensing and collecting the required data from the surroundings, and transmitting the aggregated information to the far located base Station (BS) or sink as shown in Fig.1. The wireless sensor networks are widely used in various fields like habitat monitoring, bioinformatics, health monitoring, commercial applications, military applications, home applications and environment monitoring etc.

The sensor node has low cost and are randomly deployed due to which it is impossible to recharge their batteries[1]. II. FACTORS INFLUENCING SENSOR NETWORK DESIGN The sensor network design is widely influenced by various factors such as scalability, production cost, hardware costs, operating environment, power consumption and fault tolerance. A. Scalability- The numbers of sensor nodes, which are deployed in the network depend on the particular application. It may be in the order of hundreds or thousands. The network designed for a particular application must able to work with that number of nodes or in other words, the new schemes must be able to work with these large numbers of nodes i.e. they must adapt themselves according to the density of the nodes[2]. B. Production costs - The large numbers of sensor nodes which are deployed in the field and the overall cost of the network depends on the cost of a single node in the network. The sensor network must be cost justified. C. Hardware constraints - The hardware constraint is the important factor that influences the performance of the wireless sensor network. The components of the sensor nodes must be of suitable size and able to fit into a match-box sized module. D. Operating environment - Sometimes, the sensor nodes are randomly deployed in the harsh and hostile environment. The sensor nodes should be adapted by nature. They must be able to work in harsh environments like a battlefield. E. Power consumption - The sensor nodes are equipped with limited power source and the lifetime of the network depends upon the power consumed by each node. The power consumption should be low in the network.

Fig. 1 Wireless Sensor Network


F. Fault tolerance -It is the ability to sustain sensor network functionalities without any interruption

BUEST, Baddi

RIEECE -2015

Volume 2, Spl. Issue 2 (2015)

due to sensor node failures. The failure of sensor nodes should not affect the overall performance of the sensor network[3]. III. APPLICATIONS OF WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORK Wireless sensor network consists of different types of sensors such as thermal, magnetic, infrared, and radar which are used to monitor a wide range of ambient conditions such as temperature, pressure, humidity, noise levels, lightning, vehicular movement, presence or absence of different kinds of objects and characteristics like speed, size and direction of an object. The wireless sensor network provides various applications like commercial applications, environmental monitoring, home applications, military applications and health applications. A.Environmental applications - The wireless sensor network has various environmental applications. The sensor network is used for flood detection, precision agriculture like detection of moisture in soil. It is also used for forest and fire detection, microclimates, meteorological or geophysical research, tracking the movement of birds, animals, and insects. B. Health applications - The sensor network is used for various health applications. It provides interfaces for the disabled people. It is used for remote monitoring of physiological data, elderly assistance, drug administration, tracking and monitoring doctors and patients inside a hospital. C. Home applications – The wireless sensor network has many applications in home appliances. It is used for automated meter reading and instrumented meter reading. In home automation, the smart sensor nodes and actuators can be used in various appliances like refrigerators, micro-wave ovens, and vacuum cleaners. D. Military applications – The wireless sensor network is used for monitoring friendly forces and equipment, monitoring inimical forces, targeting, battle damage assessment, biological and chemical attack detections[5]. E. Commercial applications- Some of the commercial applications for which the wireless sensor network is used are monitoring disaster area, traffic flow surveillance and smart structures with sensor nodes embedded inside, environmental control in industrial and office building, inventory control, machine diagnosis and transportation etc. IV. ROUTING PROTOCOLS IN WSN Routing is the process of selecting paths in a network along which to send network traffic. A


e-ISSN: 1694-2310 | p-ISSN: 1694-2426

routing protocol in wireless sensor network determines how nodes communicate with each other and disseminating information that enables them to select routes between any two nodes on the network [3]. The routing protocols in wireless sensor network are classified into various categories depending on the basis of network structure and protocol operation as shown in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2 Classification of routing protocols



A wireless sensor network consists of many sensors which are randomly deployed in different parts of the large network area. In order to receive the information from a specified part of the network, certain protocols have been designed like data centric. Data centric protocols are query based routing protocols where the sink transmits query signal to the sensor nodes of the particular area. After receiving a query message from the sink, the sensor nodes send their data to the sink. But transmitting data redundantly over the network leads to large energy consumption. So, data should be aggregated before transmission. Therefore aggregated data are transmitted to the sink from the specific part of the network[6]. A. SPIN- SPIN is the Sensor Protocol for Information via Negotiation which aggregates the information of all sensor nodes of specific area. It uses three types of messages ADV, REQ and DATA for data transmission as shown in Fig. 3. ADV- It is used when a sensor node has certain information to share with the other sensor nodes in the network. REQ- It is used by a sensor node to request certain data from the other sensor nodes in the network.

BUEST, Baddi

RIEECE -2015

Volume 2, Spl. Issue 2 (2015)

e-ISSN: 1694-2310 | p-ISSN: 1694-2426

DATA- It is the actual data which has to be transmitted between two nodes.

than flooding the entire network to receive information about the occurring events.

The protocol begins when a SPIN sensor node has new data to share with the other sensor nodes in the network. It broadcasts an ADV message containing data. If any neighbor sensor node is interested in the data, it transmits a REQ message to acquire the data. If the neighbor node had its own data, then it could aggregate its data with the received data and transmit an ADV message to the other nodes in the network. This process continues till all the sensor nodes in the network receive a copy of the data[7].

The rumor routing algorithm uses long-lived packets called agents to flood events through the network. When a node finds an event, it adds the entry of event to in the local table which is known as an event table, and generates an agent. Agents travel the sensor network in order to transfer information about local events to far located nodes. When a node produces a query for a particular event, the nodes that know the path may acknowledge back to the query by analyzing its event table. The rumor routing protocol specifies only one path between source and destination as opposed to directed diffusion where data can be routed through multiple paths at low rates[10]. VI.

COMPARISON OF ROUTING PROTOCOLS Table I. shows the comparison of various data centric routing protocols in terms of different performance parameters like energy efficiency, mobility, data delivery model, power usage, scalability and network lifetime etc.

Fig. 3 Spin Protocol


B. Directed Diffusion- Directed diffusion is a datacentric routing protocol, which involves the sensor query dissemination and processing. It has many key factors such as energy efficiency, scalability and robustness. Directed diffusion consists of four elements. a) Interest–A Query which specifies what a user wants. b) Data - Collected information. c) Gradient- It specifies direction and data-rate. Events start flowing towards the originators of interests. d) Reinforcement- It reinforces at least one neighbor to draw down higher quality events after the sink starts receiving events [8].


An alternative approach is to flood the events if the number of events is small and the number of queries is large. The main key idea is to route the queries to the sensor nodes that have event rather






Data delivery
























lifetime Mobility

Limited Energy

C. Rumor Routing- Rumor routing is a variation of directed diffusion and is mainly used for those applications where geographic routing is not feasible. In general, directed diffusion uses flooding to send the query message to the entire network when there is no geographic criterion to diffuse tasks. However, in some applications, there is request of only a small amount of data from the nodes, thus the use of flooding is redundant[9].




efficiency Multipath







In WSN, it is necessary to consider the energy constraints, the application and the need for ease of deployment of the nodes in the design of protocol architecture. In this paper we analyzed various data centric routing protocols for wireless sensor networks on various performance parameters. These routing protocols can well match the constraints and the challenges of WSN. The rumor

BUEST, Baddi

RIEECE -2015

Volume 2, Spl. Issue 2 (2015)

e-ISSN: 1694-2310 | p-ISSN: 1694-2426

routing protocol is more energy efficient, scalable and has large network lifetime as compared to other two routing protocols.



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BUEST, Baddi

RIEECE -2015

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