A.Chinnasamy, Dr S.Prakash / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 www.ijera.com Vol. 3, Issue 2, March -April 2013, pp.806-813
Chronicles of Routing Protocols for Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks A.Chinnasamy*, Dr S.Prakash** *(Department of Information Technology, Anna University Research Scholars, Chennai-127) ** (Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Anna University, Chennai-100)
ABSTRACT Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANET) is an advanced version of Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET). The protocols used in the MANET are applicable to the VANET. It is a promising approach for the intelligent transportation system (ITS). The design of routing protocols in VANETs is important and necessary issue for support the smart ITS. The key difference of VANET and MANET is the special mobility pattern and rapidly changeable topology. It is not effectively applied the existing routing protocols of MANETs into VANETs. The VANET communication has attracted the attention of the researchers who are engaged in preventing traffic accidents and traffic jams. The earlier VANET models discussed only the communication among vehicles through the RSU. Without using the RSUs, each vehicle in the network is treated as a router to communicate with the neighboring vehicles. This paper deals with various routing techniques for efficient data transfer in VANET. There are five major types of routing protocols based on the metrics used for routing: 1) Topology based routing, 2) Position based routing, 3) Broadcast based routing, 4) Cluster based routing, 5) Gao Cast based routing. We give an introduction of each type of routing method. The motivation of this paper is to introduce the general design ideas and state of the art of each category of routing protocols. It will help new researchers to design more reliable routing protocols. Finally the paper concludes by a tabular comparison of the various routing protocols for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANET).
Keywords – Topology based, Position based, Broadcast based, Cluster based and Gao cast based Routing Protocols,VANETs.
I. INTRODUCTION Vehicular ad hoc network is a special form of MANET which is a vehicle to vehicle & vehicle roadside wireless communication network. The Vehicular Adhoc Networks (VANET) known as vehicle to vehicle communication field includes vehicle to vehicle communication and vehicle to Road Side wireless communication [1]. Each VANET node includes a Global Positioning System (GPS) device, which is used to find the position of each vehicle in the vehicular network [2]. It Include the Car-2-Car Communication Consortium [3], the Vehicle Safety Communications Consortium [4], to delivering multimedia content on demand, and to other similar value-added service. Indeed, the fact of being
networked together promotes car-to-car communications, even between cars that are tens of miles apart. Imagine, for example, a car that travels down an interstate and whose passengers are interested in viewing a particular movie. The various blocks of this movie happen to be available at various other cars on the interstate, often miles away. The task of collecting the blocks of the movie translates, at the network layer, into finding appropriate routes between the various sources (cars that are willing to share movie blocks) and the receiving car. In VANET, vehicles move only on a predefined road and they do not have the problem of resource, data storage and power. GPS Positioning is not a problem to VANET [5]. The Primary Architecture Components are On Board Unit [OBU] [6]. This information of the GPS is used by the VANET communication to identify the position of other vehicles and exchange information which decreases the road accidents in the highways. But the VANET communication suffers from high topology changes which require smaller latency and higher reliability [7]. These vehicles that move along the same road are able to communicate either directly to the destination or by using the intermediate node, such as router [8]. The flooding-based routing methods occupy the whole network resources and each packet is repeatedly received by nodes between the sender and the receiver. Moreover, broadcasting storm will be resulted if the number of nodes is large. Therefore, there are some light weighted routing methods are proposed. With the assistant of infrastructure, packets can be propagated among vehicles, even when the traffic is sparse. Infrastructure relays or even buffers packets until next vehicle is available. Geographic position is used to optimize the routing process. Vehicles knowing the geographic position of neighbors can select a greedy/efficient routing path to transmit packets. Both infrastructure based and geographic position based routing methods need extra device or information. The vehicle mobility is used to predict that if the link between two vehicles will break or not after a certain time interval, in mobility based methods. A probability model based routing method avoids using extra device or information. A probability model will be setup to model the wireless routing link which only involves two nodes. The durations of the routing links will be used as a major parameter, stability of a link. The probability based method selectively probes the routing links which compose a routing path, among possible links, to avoid brute-force flooding probing. There are two steps: selectively probing the possible links and selecting a reliable routing path which is composed by multiple routing links. We give an introduction of each type of routing method. The motivation of this paper is to
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A.Chinnasamy, Dr S.Prakash / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 www.ijera.com Vol. 3, Issue 2, March -April 2013, pp.806-813 introduce the general design ideas of each type of routing method and state of the art of each category of routing protocols. Researchers can combine the features of existing routing protocols into a stronger and more reliable routing protocol. This Vehicular Ad-hoc Network Communication requires routing protocols for efficient data transmission. This paper compares the main routing protocols and analyzes how these protocols behave in the given highway scenario with varying traffic density and speed of the vehicles. 1.1 VEHICULAR ADHOC NETWORKS CHARACTERISTICS
Infrastructure less network. Self Organized and distributed network. High mobility nodes. Critical latency requirements. Predictable topology (using digital map). No problem with power. Slow migration rate.
1.2 VANET APPLICATIONS VANET application can be categorized into two public safety and non-public safety following categories (a) VANET provide ubiquitous connectivity on the road to mobile users (b) It provides efficient vehicle to vehicle communications that enables the Intelligent Transport System(ITS). ITS includes variety of applications like cooperative traffic monitoring, and work zone monitoring, control of traffic flows, blind crossing and collision prevention. (c) Comfort application is the application to allow the passenger to communicate with other vehicles and with internet hosts, which improves passengers comfort. Then parking lot payment and electronic toll collection. For example VANET provides internet connectivity to vehicular nodes while on the movement so that passenger can download music, send emails, watch online movies etc.
optimal. Some of the distinguishing feature of VANET which make it more challenging class of Manet are: High Dynamic Topology: Since vehicles are moving at high speed, Topology formed by VANET is always changing. Frequently disconnected network: The highly dynamic topology results in frequently disconnected network. This consists of sensors which provide useful information for routing. Many VANET routing protocols consists of GPS unit which provides location information. Problem is also caused by changing node density. Unlimited Battery Power and Storage: Nodes in VANET are not subject to power and storage limitation as in sensor networks. Nodes have ample amount of energy and computing power. On Board Sensors: Nodes Wireless ad hoc networks generally do not rely on fixed infrastructure for communication and dissemination of information. VANETs follow the same principle and apply it to the highly dynamic environment of surface transportation.
Application Type
Vehicular Network
Quality of Service
Vehicular Network Vehicular Network
Vehicular Network
Communication Type
Network Type
1..Safety application 2• Intelligent transport application 3• Comfort application 1• Non-real-time 2• Soft-real-time 3• Hard-real-time 1• Wide area 2• Local 1.Ad hoc(Wireless) 2• Infrastructurebased(Wire) 1• V2R 2• V2V 3. R2R
II. NETWORK ARCHITECTURE The Wireless ad hoc networks generally do not rely on fixed infrastructure for communication and dissemination of information. VANETs follow the same principle and apply it to the highly dynamic environment of surface transportation. The architecture of VANET consists of three categories: Pure cellular/WLAN, Pure Ad hoc and hybrid. VANET may use fixed cellular gateways and WLAN/WiMax access points at traffic intersections to connect to the internet, gather traffic information or for routing purposes. This network architecture is pure cellular or WLAN. VANET can compile both cellular network and WLAN to form the network. Stationery or fixed gateways around the road sides also provides connectivity to vehicles. In such a scenario all vehicles and road sides devices form pure mobile ad hoc networks. Hybrid architecture consists of both infrastructure networks and ad hoc networks together. Nodes in VANET can self organized and self manage the information in a distributed fashion without any centralized authority. Since the nodes are mobile so data transmission is less reliable and sub
Vehicular Networks contain verity of applications that varies safety applications to comfort applications. Safety Applications enhances the driving conditions and reduces the chances of accidents by providing enough time to the driver and applying the brakes automatically. These can be further divide into the following: Cooperative collision warning. Incident management. Emergency video streaming. Intelligent transport applications used to providing faster delivery of traffic information, and improving the efficiency and accuracy of traffic detection by allowing collaborative processing of information between vehicles. These applications focus on observing the traffic pattern and managing traffic accordingly. Some categorized given: Traffic Monitoring. Traffic Management. PlatooningVehicle tracking. Notification services. Comfort applications are the applications of VANET related to comfort level of the passenger moving in the vehicle. It can be further categorized into the following: Parking place
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A.Chinnasamy, Dr S.Prakash / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 www.ijera.com Vol. 3, Issue 2, March -April 2013, pp.806-813 management. Distributed games or talks. Peer to Peer applications. Consequently, the Quality of Service (QoS) required for the network varies from non-real-time, to soft real-time where a timing failure might compromise service quality, up to hard real-time where a timing failure might lead to a catastrophe. These applications can also be exemplified by their scope, i.e., whether they provide communication over a wide area, or are local only. Finally, such applications can vary in their networking approach: ad hoc, where vehicles communicate suddenly, or infrastructure-based, where communication is governed by fixed base stations. VANET has the communication type: Vehicle to Vehicle (V2V) and Vehicle to Infrastructure (V2I) and Infrastructure to Infrastructure (R2R).
IV. VANET ROUTING PROTOCOLS The characteristic of highly dynamic topology makes the design of efficient routing protocols for VANET is challenging. VANET routing protocols are classified into five categories: Topology based routing protocol, Position based routing protocol, Cluster based routing protocol, Geo cast routing protocol and Broadcast routing protocol. 4.1Topology Based Routing Protocols These routing protocols use links information that exists in the network to perform packet forwarding. Topology based routing protocols divided into Proactive, Reactive & Hybrid Protocols. 4.1.1Proactive routing protocols (table-driven) Proactive routing protocols based on shortest path algorithms and that the routing information, like next forwarding hop is maintained in the background irrespective of communication requests. They keep information of all connected nodes in form of tables because these protocols are table based. Furthermore, these tables are also shared with their neighbors. Whenever any change occurs in network topology, every node updates its routing table. The advantage of proactive routing protocol is that there is no route discovery since the destination route is stored in the background, but the disadvantage of this protocol is that it provides low latency for real time application. The various types of proactive routing protocols are: FSR, DSDV, and OLSR. Fisheye state routing (FSR) FSR [9] is a proactive or table driven routing protocol and FSR is similar to LSR, in FSR node maintains a topology table (TT) based upon the latest information received from neighboring and periodically exchange it with local neighbors. For large networks to reduce the size of message the FSR uses the different exchange period for different entries in routing tables. Routing table entries for a given destination are updated preferably with the neighbors having low frequency, as the distance to destination increases. Advantage of the FSR reduces significantly the consumed bandwidth as it exchanges partial routing update information with neighbors only. And reduce routing overhead. Changing in the routing table will not occur even if there is any link failure because it doesnâ€&#x;t trigger any control
message for link failure. Disadvantage of the FSR Very poor performance in small ad hoc networks and Less knowledge about distant nodes and The increase in network size the storage complexity and the processing overhead of routing table also increase. And insufficient information for route establishing. Destination-Sequenced Distance-Vector
Routing [DSDV][10] It stands for destination sequenced distance vector routing protocol. Table driven routing protocol. Routes to all destinations are readily available at every node at all times. Tables are exchanged between neighbors at regular intervals to keep data updated. Table updates are initiated by a destination with a new sequence number which is always greater than the previous one based on the sequence number of the table update, it may forward or reject the table. Advantage of the routing protocol Routing table simplifies the route setup process. The route information is updated periodically. Suitable to ad-hoc wireless networks with fewer modifications. Disadvantage The Updates are propagated throughout network. So it leads to heavy control overhead during high mobility. To obtain information about a destination node, a node has to wait for a table update message initiated by the same destination node. Optimized Link State Routing Protocol [OLSR][11] It is an optimization of a pure link state protocol for mobile adhoc networks. Each node in the network selects a set of neighbor nodes called as multipoint relays (MPR) which retransmits its packets. The neighbor nodes which are not in its MPR set can only read and process the packet. This procedure reduces the number of retransmissions in a broadcast procedure. 4.1.2 Reactive/Ad hoc based routing (On Demand) Reactive routing protocol is called on demand routing because when it is necessary for a node to communicate with each other. it reduces network traffic. Reactive routing consists of route discovery phase in which the query packets are flooded into the network for the path search and this phase completes when route is found. The various types of reactive routing protocols are AODV, PGB, DSR, TORA and JARR. Advantage to update routing table not require periodic flooding the network. Flooding requires when it is demanded. Beaconless so it saves the bandwidth. Disadvantage For route finding latency is high. Excessive flooding of the network causes disruption of nodes communication. Ad Hoc On Demand Distance Vector routing protocol VANET, vehicles have high mobility and moves with high speed. Proactive based routing is not suitable for it. Proactive based routing protocols may fail in VANET due to consumption of more bandwidth and large table information. AODV is a reactive routing protocol, which operates on hop-by-hop pattern. The Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV) [12] algorithm enables dynamic,
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A.Chinnasamy, Dr S.Prakash / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 www.ijera.com Vol. 3, Issue 2, March -April 2013, pp.806-813 self-starting, multihop routing between participating vehicles wishing to establish and maintain an ad hoc network. AODV allows vehicles to obtain routes quickly for new destinations, and does not require vehicle to maintain routes to destinations that are not in active communication. Route Requests (RREQs), Route Replies (RREPs), and Route Errors (RERRs) are the message types defined by AODV. In AODV routing, upon receipt of a broadcast query (RREQ), vehicle record the address of the vehicle sending the query in their routing table. This procedure of recording its previous hop is called backward learning. Upon arriving at the destination, a reply packet (RREP) is then sent through the complete path obtained from backward learning to the source. At each stop of the path, the vehicle would record its previous hop, thus establishing the forward path from the source. The flooding of query and sending of reply establish a full duplex path. After the path has been established, it is maintained as long as the source uses it. A link failure will be reported recursively to the source and will in turn trigger another query-response procedure to find a new route. Temporally Ordered Routing Algorithm (TORA) TORA is a family of link reversal routing in which directed a cyclic graph is built which directs the flow of packets and ensures its reachability to all nodes. A node would construct the directed graph by broadcasting query packets. On receiving a query packet, if node has a downward link to destination it will broadcast a reply packet; otherwise it simply drops the packet. A node on receiving a reply packet will update its height only if the height of replied packet is minimum of other reply packets. TORA Algorithm has the advantage It creates DAG (Direct acyclic graph) when necessary. Reduce network overhead because all intermediate nodes don‟t need to rebroadcast the message. Perform well in dense network. The disadvantage is It is not used because DSR & AODV perform well than TORA.-It is not scalable. Dynamic Source Routing Protocol (DSR) [13] On demand protocol designed to restrict the bandwidth consumed by control packets in hoc wireless network. It is beacon-less and hence doesn‟t require periodic hello packet transmissions which are used by a node to inform its neighbors of its presence. During the route construction phase, it establishes a route by flooding Route Request packets in the network. The destination node, on receiving a Route Request packet, responds by sending a Route Request packet back to the source. Consider a source node that does not have a route to the destination. Then the message delivery is as follows: Source initiates Route Request packet this is flooded throughout the network. Each node, upon receiving a „Route Request‟ packet, rebroadcasts the packets to its neighbors is it has not forwarded already or if the node is not the destination node. Each Route Request carries sequence number generated by the source node. The sequence number is used to prevent loop formations and to avid multiple transmissions of the same „Route Request‟ by an intermediate node that receives it through multiple paths.
Thus all nodes except the destination forward a Route Request packet, during the route construction. A destination node, after receiving the first Route Request packet, replies to the source node through the reverse path the Route Request packet had traversed. Border Getaway Protocol (BGP) One protocol that addresses the task of path determination in today‟s networks is the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP). BGP performs inter domain routing in Transmission-Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) networks. BGP is an exterior gateway protocol (EGP), which means that it performs routing between multiple autonomous systems or domains and exchanges routing and reachability information with other BGP systems.BGP performs three types of routing: interautonomous system routing, intra-autonomous system routing, and pass-through autonomous system routing. Inter autonomous system routing occurs between two or more BGP routers in different autonomous systems. Peer routers in these systems use BGP to maintain a consistent view of the internet work topology. BGP neighbors communicating between autonomous systems must reside on the same physical network. The Internet serves as an example of an entity that uses this type of routing because it is comprised of autonomous systems or administrative domains. Many of these domains represent the various institutions, corporations, and entities that make up the Internet. BGP is frequently used to provide path determination to provide optimal routing within the Internet. Intra-autonomous system routing occurs between two or more BGP routers located within the same autonomous system. Peer routers within the same autonomous system use BGP to maintain a consistent view of the system topology. BGP also is used to determine which router will serve as the connection point for specific external autonomous systems. Once again, the Internet provides an example of inter autonomous system routing. An organization, such as a university, could make use of BGP to provide optimal routing within its own administrative domain or autonomous system. The BGP protocol can provide both inter- and intraautonomous system routing services. Pass-through autonomous system routing occurs between two or more BGP peer routers that exchange traffic across an autonomous system that doesn‟t run BGP. In a pass-through autonomous system environment, the BGP traffic did not originate within the autonomous system in question and is not destined for a node in the autonomous system.BGP must interact with whatever intra-autonomous system routing protocol is being used to successfully transport BGP traffic through that autonomous system. As with any routing protocol, BGP maintains routing tables, transmits routing updates, and bases routing decisions on routing metrics. The primary function of a BGP system is to exchange networkreachability information, including information about the list of autonomous system paths, with other BGP systems. This information can be used to construct a graph of autonomous system connectivity from which routing loops can be pruned and with which autonomous system-level policy decisions can be enforced. When a router first connects to the
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A.Chinnasamy, Dr S.Prakash / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 www.ijera.com Vol. 3, Issue 2, March -April 2013, pp.806-813 network, BGP routers exchange their entire BGP routing tables. Similarly, when the routing table changes, routers send the portion of their routing table that has changed. BGP routers do not send regularly scheduled routing updates, and BGP routing updates advertise only the optimal path to a network. BGP uses a single routing metric to determine the best path to a given network. This metric consists of an arbitrary unit number that specifies the degree of preference of a particular link. The BGP metric typically is assigned to each link by the network administrator. The value assigned to a link can be based on any number of criteria, including the number of autonomous systems through which the path passes stability, speed, delay, or cost. Junction-based Adaptive Reactive Routing (JARR) The network topology of vehicular ad-hoc network (VANET) in a city environment consists of many possible paths and junctions that forms the routing paths. Shortest path routing is not viable because each path has to be populated with vehicles. A scalable multi-hop routing protocol that adapts well to the city environment even with rapidly changing network topologies and lots of disconnected and dense network conditions is sought after. A novel position based routing protocol i.e. JARR, which will address the shortcomings of the current protocols by estimating the density of paths to be used. 4.1.3 Hybrid Protocols The hybrid protocols are introduced to reduce the control overhead of proactive routing protocols and decrease the initial route discovery delay in reactive routing protocols. The various types of hybrid protocols are ZRP, HARP. Zone routing protocol (ZRP] It is a Hybrid routing protocol. Combines the best features of both proactive & reactive routing protocols. Proactive routing scheme is used within a limited zone in the r-hop neighborhood of every node.Reactive routing is used for nodes beyond the zone. Intra-zone Routing protocol (IARP) – used in the zone.Inter-zone Routing protocol (IERP) – used beyond the zone. Hybrid Ad Hoc Routing Protocol (HARP) It divides entire network into non-overlapping zones. It aims to establish a stable route from a source to a destination to improve delay. It applies route discovery between zones to limit flooding in the network, and choose best route based on the stability criteria. In HARP routing is performed on two levels: intra-zone and inter-zone, depending on the position of destination. It uses proactive and reactive protocols in intrazone and inter-zone routing respectively. It is not applicable in high mobility adhoc networks. 4.2 Position Based Routing Protocols Position based routing consists of class of routing algorithm. They share the property of using geographic positioning information in order to select the next forwarding hops. The packet is send without any map knowledge to the one hop neighbor, which is closest to destination. Position based routing is beneficial since no global route from source node to destination node need to be created and maintained.
Position based routing is broadly divided in two types: Position based greedy V2V protocols, Delay Tolerant Protocols. Examples CAR, DIR, MORA and STBR. 4.2.1 Connectivity Aware Routing Protocols (CAR) Connectivity-Aware Routing (CAR) in VANETs. CAR protocols find a route to a destination; it has unique characteristics that it maintains the cache of successful route between various source and destination pairs. 4.2.2 Diagonal-Intersection-Based Routing Protocol (DIR) DIR protocol constructs a series of diagonal intersections between the source and destination vehicle. The DIR protocol is based upon the geographic routing protocol in which source vehicle geographically forwards the data packets towards the first diagonal intersection, second diagonal intersection and so on until the last diagonal intersection and finally geographically reaches to designation vehicle. 4.2.3 Movement-Based Routing (MORA) Recent interest in car-to-car communications and networking has lead to the definition of the concept of VANET as an infrastructure-free ad-hoc networking solution in the automotive scenario. The requirement for providing reliable and efficient routing schemes in presence of relative movement motivates the proposal of MORA, a movement-based routing algorithm for VANETs. 4.2.4 Street Topology Based Routing (STBR) A STAR by computing the road connectivity at junction nodes. One of the nodes at a junction is selected as a master that is responsible for checking if links to the next junctions are up or down. Within the broadcast from every master, there is also link information to all neighboring links. 4.3 Broadcast Routing Broadcast routing is frequently used in VANET for sharing, traffic, weather and emergency, road conditions among vehicles and delivering advertisements and announcements. Broadcasting is used when message needs to b disseminated to the vehicle beyond the transmission range i.e multi hops are used. The various Broadcast routing protocols are BROADCOMM UMB and SRB. 4.3.1 BROADCOMM Routing Protocol BROADCOMM is based on hierarchal structure for highway network. In BRAODCOMM the highway is divided into virtual cells which move like vehicles. The nodes in the highway are organized into two level of hierarchy: the first Level includes all the nodes in a cell, the second level is represented by cell reflectors, which are few nodes located closed to geographical centre of cell. Cell reflected behaves for certain interval of time as cluster head and handles the emergency messages coming from same members of the cell or nearby neighbor. This protocol performs similar to flooding base routing protocols for message broadcasting and routing overhead.
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A.Chinnasamy, Dr S.Prakash / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 www.ijera.com Vol. 3, Issue 2, March -April 2013, pp.806-813 4.3.2 Urban Multihop Broadcast protocol (UMB) The Urban Multihop Broadcast protocol is designed to overcome the interference, packet collision and hidden node problems during message distribution in multi hop broadcast. In UMB the sender node tries to select the furthest node in the broadcast direction for forwarding and acknowledging the packet without any prior topology information. UMB protocol performs with much success at higher packet loads and vehicle traffic densities. 4.3.3 Secure Ring Broadcasting (SRB) It is to minimize number of retransmission messages and to get more stable routes. It classifies nodes into three groups based on their receiving power as Inner Nodes (close to sending node), Outer Nodes (far away from sending node), Secure Ring Nodes (preferable distance from sending node). It restricts rebroadcasting to only secure ring nodes to minimize number of retransmissions. 4.4 Cluster Based Routing Protocols Cluster based routing is preferred in clusters. A group of nodes identifies themselves to be a part of cluster and a node is designated as cluster head will broadcast the packet to cluster. Good scalability can be provided for large networks but network delays and overhead are incurred when forming clusters in highly mobile VANET. The various Clusters based routing protocols are CBLR, COIN and HCB. 4.4.1 Cluster Based Location Routing (CBLR) This algorithm assumes all vehicles can gather their positions via GPS. The algorithm divides the network into multiple clusters. Each cluster has a cluster-head and a group of members within the transmission range of the cluster-head. The cluster-head and members are formed as follow: A new vehicle transmits a Hello Message. If the vehicle gets a reply from the cluster-head vehicle, the new vehicle would become a member of the cluster. If not, the new vehicle becomes the clusterhead.
Geo cast routing is basically a position based multicast routing. Geographic routing is a routing that each node knows itâ€&#x;s own & neighbor node geographic position by position determining services like GPS. Its objective is to deliver the packet from source node to all other nodes within a specified geographical region (Zone of Relevance ZOR). It doesnâ€&#x;t maintain any routing table or exchange any link state information with neighbor nodes. The various Geo cast routing protocols are ROVER, IVG and DRG 4.5.1 Robust Vehicular Routing (ROVER) The ROVER is a reliable geographical multicast protocol where only control packets are broadcasted in the network and the data packets are unicasted. The objective of the protocol is to send a message to all other vehicles within a specified Zone of Relevance (ZOR). The ZOR is defined as a rectangle specified by its corner coordinates. 4.5.2 Inter-Vehicle Geocast (IVG) The protocol uses a timer based mechanism for message forwarding and periodic broadcasts are used to overcome network fragmentation. 4.5.3 Distributed Robust Geocast (DRG) The DRG protocol improves the reliability of message forwarding by defining the zone of forwarding (ZOF) which surrounds the region of interest. Vehicles in the ZOF region forward the message to other vehicles in the ROI. 4.5.4 Dynamic Time-Stable Geocast Routing (DTSG) It is a dynamically adjusts the protocol depending on network density and the vehicles speed for better performance. It defines two phases: pre-stable and stable period. Pre-stable phase helps the message to be disseminated within the region, and stable-period intermediate node uses store and forward method for a predefined time within the region.
4.4.2 Clustering for Open IVC Network (COIN) Cluster head selection in COIN is based on vehicular dynamics and driver intentions instead of ID or relative mobility as in conventional clustering methods. IVC also accommodates the oscillatory nature of inter-vehicle distances. Ideally, the relative mobility between a cluster head and a member node should be low, so they remain in radio contact for as long as possible. 4.4.3 Hierarchical Cluster Based Routing (HCB) It is a novel based Hierarchical Cluster routing protocol designed for highly mobility adhoc networks. HCB is twolayer communication architecture. In layer-1 mostly nodes have single radio interface and they communicate with each other via multi-hop path. Among these nodes some also have another interface with long radio communication range called super nodes which exist both on layer-1and 2. Super nodes are able to communicate with each other via the base station in layer-2. 4.5 Geo Cast Routing
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A.Chinnasamy, Dr S.Prakash / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 www.ijera.com Vol. 3, Issue 2, March -April 2013, pp.806-813 VANET Routing Protocols
Topology based
Pro acti ve
Position based
Broadcast based
Reacti ve
An analysis of various methods for opportunistic routing is done and comparison Routing is an important component in vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and infrastructure-to-vehicle (I2V) communication. This paper discusses various routing protocols of VANET. Designing an efficient routing protocol for all VANET applications is very difficult. Hence a survey of different VANET protocols, comparing the various features is absolutely essential to come up with new proposals for VANET. The performance of VANET routing protocols depend on various parameters like mobility model, driving environment and many more. From the survey it is clear that position based, geocast and cluster based protocols are more reliable for most of the applications in VANET. Digital map is mandatory in case of Some of Cluster Based Routing Protocols. Virtual Infrastructure is created through clustering of nodes in order to provide scalability. Each cluster can have a cluster head, which is responsible for secure communication between inter-cluster and intra cluster coordination in the network.
Cluster based
Gaocast based
Proactive Protocols
Reactive Protocols
Prior Forwarding Method
Wire less multi hop Forwarding No
Wire less multi hop Forwarding No
Digital Map Requirement Virtual Infrastructure Requirement Realistic Traffic Flow Recovery Strategy Scenario
Position based Greedy Protocols Heuristic method
Cluster Based Protocols
Broadcast Protocols
Geo cast Protocols
Wireless Multi hop Forwarding Yes
Wireless Multi hop Forwarding No
Wireless Multi hop Forwarding No
Multi Hop Forwarding
Carry & Forward
Carry & Forward
Carry & Forward
Carry & Forward
Fig 1 Routing Protocols Comparison
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A.Chinnasamy, Dr S.Prakash / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 www.ijera.com Vol. 3, Issue 2, March -April 2013, pp.806-813 REFERENCES
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A.Chinnasamy born on 26thNov 1981 in Salem district, Tamilnadu, India. He obtained his Bachelors degree (B.E) in Computer Science and Engineering from Anna University in 2005, Master degree (M.E) in Computer Science and Engineering from Anna University in 2008.He is currently working as Assistant Professor in the Department of Information Technology at Tagore Engineering College affiliated to Anna University, Chennai, and (INDIA). He is a Research Scholar (Parttime) in the Anna University, Chennai-25. He research interest is Wireless Communication. He is a life member of the Computer Society of India (CSI).
Dr S.Prakash born on 4thSep 1968 in Tirunelveli district, Tamilnadu, India. He obtained his Bachelors degree (B.E) in Electronics & Communication Engineering from Madurai Kamaraj University in 1990, Master degree (M.E) in Electronics & Communication Engineering from BIT, Mesra, in 1992, and Ph.D from IISc Bangalore, in 1997 from the Department of Instrumentation. He worked on contact studies in GaN materials at the NUS, Singapore. Then he continued his research in the area of thin film transistors at the University of Waterloo, CANADA. He is currently working as Associative Professor in Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering at Jerusalem College of Engineering affiliated to Anna University, Chennai, and (INDIA). His research interests are in the area of Memory Systems, and Wireless Communication. He is a fellow member of IETE
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