WHAT DOES MEAN “GOD”?... (A New theory on “RELIGION”)

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International Journal of Engineering Research and Development e-ISSN: 2278-067X, p-ISSN: 2278-800X, www.ijerd.com Volume 10, Issue 12 (December 2014), PP.65-74

WHAT DOES MEAN “GOD”?... (A New theory on “RELIGION”) M.Arulmani B.E.(Engineer), V.R.Hema Latha M.A., M.Sc., M.Phil.(Biologist) Abstract: “RELIGION” is exclusive asset of “HUMAN”?... i. “Animals” do not have “Religion”?... ii. “Plants” do not have “Religion”?... iii. “Planets” do not have “Religion”?... NO…



If so

What does mean Religion?...

This scientific research focus that “RELIGION” shall be considered as the “LAW OF GOD” (or) “SUPERNATURE”. In brief Religion shall alternative be considered as “SOUL” emanating Billions of “RAYS” of “J-RADIATION” (Zero hour radiation). Each ray considers composed of Three-in-one fundamental particles photon, electron, proton (Godly particles). The philosophy of super mature and the law of God shall be expressed as below.



i. ii.

Right dot is like LOVE (Proton) Left dot is like FAITH (Electron)


WHAT DOES MEAN “GOD”?... (A New theory on “RELIGION” iii.

Center dot is like TRUST (Photon)

This research further aims to focus the global understanding of religion which is responsible for existence of matters of Universe.

“RELIGIONISATION” shall mean “GLOBALISATION” rather than “REGIONISATION”. God shall mean translation of the Soul (religion) into matters for sustainability of “LIFE” and Universe. - Author

Keywords: a) b) c) d) e)

Philosophy of “White Religion”?... Philosophy of “Dark Religion”?... Philosophy of “Blue Religion”?... Philosophy of “Green Religion”?... Philosophy of “Red Religion”?...



Case study shows that there are about 4200 religions (July 2013 statistics) in the world like Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Taoism, Confucianism etc.

i. ii. iii.

Christians believe Jesus Christ as the God of Creation and everlasting life. Muslims believe Allah as creator of Universe and Earth. Buddhists believe the teachings of Lord Buddha.

In Hinduism the philosophy of God is normally believed under three major area as mentioned below. a. God of “CREATION” b. God of “MAINTENANCE” c. God of “SCRAPPING” Further various planets (Navagrahas) and celestial bodies are also worshipped as sub gods (or) Deities and various rituals being conducted based on them for betterment and sustainability of life system. In this research article it is focused that the existence of “SUPERNATURE” shall be considered as “GOD”. Further the super nature considers exist as Three-in–one fundamental elements “SUN”, “EARTH”, “MOON” as mentioned below which can’t be separated.


WHAT DOES MEAN “GOD”?... (A New theory on “RELIGION”

a. b. c.

Right dot is “MOON” Left dot is “EARTH” Centre dot is “SUN”

“The various version of gods and deities such as sun based gods, Earth based gods, Moon based gods shall be considered derived from fundamental Characteristics of SUN, EARTH, MOON as sacred beliefs in human culture and civilization”. - Author



a) Philosophy of “GOD”?... It is focused that there are so many theories about philosophy of God and Religion. It is hypothesized that the entire “Cosmo universe” shall be considered as SUPERNATURE exist with foundation of three-in-one elements SUN, EARTH, MOON.

i. ii. iii.

SUN is like RHYTHM (Trust) EARTH is like MELODY (Faith) MOON is like PITCH (Love)


Philosophy of Religion?... The “J-RADIATION” (Zero hour radiation) of universe shall be considered as “SOUL” emanating Billions of Rays which are responsible for existence of matters of Universe. The soul shall also be called as “LALITHAM”. Lalitham shall mean “white music” or “law of Religion”. The philosophy of “Origin of Religion” shall be described as below.


WHAT DOES MEAN “GOD”?... (A New theory on “RELIGION”

c) Matters are product of Religion?... It is hypothesized that there is no existence of matters without Religion. In brief matters shall be considered as “Transformation” of Religion into matters. The philosophy of Transformation of Religion into matters shall be described as below.


Religion has colors?... It is hypothesized that in the “expanding universe” different religions such as white religion, dark religion, blue religion, green religion, red religion shall be considered evolved which are responsible for various colour matters (UV, RF, IR) in three nuclear age. e) Philosophy of “Religion conversion”?... It is hypothesized that Religion conversion shall be considered as “Scientific process” of matters undergoing genetic change due to variant environment conditions of universe. i.

By saying Amen… Alleluiah… can become Christian?...


WHAT DOES MEAN “GOD”?... (A New theory on “RELIGION” ii. iii.

By saying Allah… Allallah… can become Muslim?... By saying Namo… Namo… can become Hindu?... NO… NO…


It is emphasized that “Religion conversion” shall mean translation of Soul into matters for sustainability of life as described below. i) Dark Religion shall mean become “Dark Milk” (Dark Matters) ii) Blue Religion shall mean become “Blue Milk” (Blue Matters) iii) Green Religion shall mean become “Green Milk” (Green Matters) iv) Red Religion shall mean become “Red Milk” (Red Matters) Philosophy of “Pure Mathematics”?... It is focused that “SCIENCE”, “MATHEMATICS” has any “PURITY”?... Then why it is called as “Pure Science”, “Pure Mathematics”. It is hypothesized that parameters i, e,  shall be considered as fundamental universe constants which shall be consistently varied in the “expanding universe”. The philosophy of Three-in-one constants shall be described as below. f)



i. ii. iii.

“i“ is like “Sun Characteristics” “e“ is like “Earth Characteristics” ““ is like “Moon Characteristics”

“In the expanding universe the relative position of SUN, EARTH, MOON shall be considered as consistently varied in three nuclear age from rational numbers to fractional digits and hence the universe constants shall also be considered consistently varied” - Author g)

Can we see GOD?...


WHAT DOES MEAN “GOD”?... (A New theory on “RELIGION” It is hypothesized that the “GOD” (Super nature) can’t be seen by naked eye but shall be perceived as below. In proto Indo Europe language “Supernature” shall be called as “PERIAVAR”. Periavar shall mean Atheist. The “Nature” shall be called as “POORANAM”. “PARI POORANAM” shall mean “MOTHER NATURE” (or) “BHARAT RATNA”. Pari shall mean Universe (Bharat). Pooranam shall mean nature (Ratna). (i)


“RAM shall mean nature acronymically known as Random Access Memory and Motherboard of Intelligent system. J-Gate shall mean gateway to global link” - Author Case study on “INDOS”?... Case study shows that various global level languages shall be considered as having derived “root” from “Indo” such as Indo-Europe, Indo-Iran, Indo-Egypt, Indo-Greek etc. If so what does mean “INDO”?... h)

It is hypothesized that “INDOS” shall be considered as Human races originated when “SUN” emits first rays on the Earth Planet. Indos shall mean “ETHIST” and had belief “One God”, “One Family”, “One


WHAT DOES MEAN “GOD”?... (A New theory on “RELIGION” Religion”. During expanding universe Diversity among Indos race considered took place. The Diversified races based on various gods various religions, various cultures, various rituals shall also be called as “PARAOHS”. (Ethnic populations). It is further hypothesized that “INDOS” shall be considered as 2nd generation population and the 1st generation population shall be considered as Ethians (Proto Indos) lived in “KACHCHA THEVU” even much before Sun emits first rays having distinguished genetic characteristics and capable of FLYING. “INDOS” shall mean populations lived around 1,00,000 years ago. ETHIANS shall mean population lived around 3,00,000 year ago in Kachcha theevu”. - Author i) Philosophy of Kachcha Theevu Court?... It is hypothesized that the Philosophy of court system shall be considered as derived from Philosophy of Kachcha Theevu “PATTIMANDRAM”. Further the Philosophy of upper house, lower house, supreme court of parliamentary system shall be considered as derived from the Philosophy of Pattimandram. The etymology of Judgement shall be called in proto Indo-Europe language as THEERVU, THEERPPU.

The right dot is like commonsense, the left dot is like intelligence, the center dot is like intuition.

Pattimandram (village court) shall not be considered as Komali Mandram to criticize about individuals personalities for payments. Pattimandram shall be considered as a sensitive area where debates being conducted to deliberate solution for social issues for promoting healthy environment and peace on free of cost. Nattamai shall mean Godly person and not as Chandiyar. - Author



RELIGION favors castism?… NO… NO… NO…


WHAT DOES MEAN “GOD”?... (A New theory on “RELIGION”

Religionisation shall mean make casteless society within the respective religion rather than human wearing colourful uniform of respective religion. In brief religionisation shall be considered as resetting the mind to become children of BHARAT RATNA. - M. Arulmani, Tamil based Indian



The philosophy of origin of first life and human, the philosophy of model Cosmo Universe, the philosophy of fundamental neutrino particles have already been published in various international journals mentioned below. Hence this article shall be considered as extended version of the previous articles already published by the same author. [1] Cosmo Super Star – IJSRP, April issue, 2013 [2] Super Scientist of Climate control – IJSER, May issue, 2013 [3] AKKIE MARS CODE – IJSER, June issue, 2013 [4] KARITHIRI (Dark flame) The Centromere of Cosmo Universe – IJIRD, May issue, 2013 [5] MA-AYYAN of MARS – IJIRD, June issue, 2013 [6] MARS TRIBE – IJSER, June issue, 2013 [7] MARS MATHEMATICS – IJERD, June issue, 2013 [8] MARS (EZHEM) The mother of All Planets – IJSER, June issue, 2013 [9] The Mystery of Crop Circle – IJOART, May issue, 2013 [10] Origin of First Language – IJIRD, June issue, 2013 [11] MARS TRISOMY HUMAN – IJOART, June issue, 2013 [12] MARS ANGEL – IJSTR, June issue, 2013 [13] Three principles of Akkie Management (AJIBM, August issue, 2013) [14] Prehistoric Triphthong Alphabet (IJIRD, July issue, 2013) [15] Prehistoric Akkie Music (IJST, July issue, 2013) [16] Barack Obama is Tamil Based Indian? (IJSER, August issue, 2013) [17] Philosophy of MARS Radiation (IJSER, August 2013) [18] Etymology of word “J” (IJSER, September 2013) [19] NOAH is Dravidian? (IJOART, August 2013) [20] Philosophy of Dark Cell (Soul)? (IJSER, September 2013) [21] Darwin Sir is Wrong?! (IJSER, October issue, 2013) [22] Prehistoric Pyramids are RF Antenna?!... (IJSER, October issue, 2013)


WHAT DOES MEAN “GOD”?... (A New theory on “RELIGION” [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29] [30] [31] [32] [33] [34] [35] [36] [37] [38] [39] [40] [41] [42] [43] [44] [45] [46] [47] [48] [49] [50] [51] [52] [53] [54] [55] [56] [57] [58] [59] [60] [61] [62] [63] [64] [65] [66] [67] [68] [69] [70] [71] [72] [73] [74] [75] [76] [77] [78] [79] [80] [81] [82]

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WHAT DOES MEAN “GOD”?... (A New theory on “RELIGION” [83] [84] [85] [86] [87] [88] [89] [90] [91] [92] [93] [94] [95]

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M.Arulmani,B.E.(Engineer) m.arulmani58@gmail.com

V.R.Hema Latha,M.A.,M.Sc.,M.Phil.(Biologist) vrhemalatha58@gmail.com


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