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International Journal of Engineering and Techniques - Volume 2 Issue3, May - June 2016


G.Arul Kumaran1, K.Prabhakar2 and R.Fuji3,

Assistant Professor 1 Assistant Professor 2, PG Scholar3 1, 2, 3

Dept. of Information Technology,

Vivekananda College of Engineering for Women, Abstract


Neighbor discovery is a vital pace in wireless ad hoc network. Numerous routing protocols for neighbor discovery in mobile ad-hoc network have been scrutinized. Offered exertion cannot apprehend the finest result in the symmetric case. Recital is studied for median case and worst case in both the symmetric and asymmetric case. A novel Energy Efficient neighbor discovery protocol is urged for median case and worst case. Dynamic source routing is used to perceive the shortest path along with all neighbor nodes. To verify the energy competence of the node a new protocol commonly known as Zigbee tree routing protocol is used. Sleep scheduling algorithm is intended to conclude the position of the nodes. Geographic routing oriented sleep scheduling algorithm is used to verify the sleep state and active state of the nodes present in mobile ad-hoc networks. By using those protocols the efficacy and energy competence of the node is make out for asynchronization case in mobile ad-hoc network. In particular, in the symmetric case, the utmost worst-case enhancement is high and the enhancement in median case gain is also high. The recital of the network is augmented up to 90% in both the symmetric and asymmetric case. Key Words: Energy efficiency, Geographic routing, MANET, routing protocol, sleep scheduling, 1. Introduction A Mobile Ad-hoc Network is a` compilation of autonomous mobile nodes that can converse with each other in the course of radio waves. A Mobile Ad-hoc Network has many liberated or autonomous nodes frequently tranquil of mobile devices or other mobile pieces that can systematize themselves in a choice of behavior and maneuver without exacting top-down network management. A mobile ad-hoc network is a network of mobile routers joined by wireless associations the unification of which appearances an unfussy topology. The routers are free to move arbitrarily and categorize themselves in a muddled approach so the network’s wireless topology may perhaps revolutionize hurriedly and indeterminable. In mobile ad-hoc network the recital of the network is stand on nodes uniqueness like effectiveness, energy efficiency, transmission speed etc., the recital of the network is high if the nodes in the network gratify the distinctiveness. Mobile ad-hoc network has an autonomous behaviour where each node presents in the network; act as both host and router. During the broadcast of data if the destination node is out of assortment then it posses the multi-hop routing. Maneuver performed in mobile ad-hoc network is an allocated operation. Here the nodes can connect or depart the network at some instance. Topology used in mobile ad-hoc network is dynamic topology. In general routing protocol is characterized as a set of rules which legalizes the spread of packets from source to destination. This uniqueness is sustained by diverse routing protocols. In mobile ad-hoc network dissimilar types of protocols are used to uncover the direct path, condition of the node, power circumstance of the node. The target of routing protocols is to uncover short routes, shrink routing-related overhead and discover stable routes. The Neighbor Discovery Protocol is a protocol in the Internet protocol suite used with Internet protocol version6. It work in the Link Layer and is conscientious for address auto pattern of nodes, discovery of other nodes on the link, decisive the link layer addresses of other nodes, duplicate address detection, ruling available routers and Domain Name System

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International Journal of Engineering and Techniques - Volume 2 Issue3, May - June 2016 servers, address prefix discovery, and sustaining attainability information about the paths to other active neighbor nodes. A farm duty of neighbor discovery is router solicitation, router advertisement, neighbor solicitation, neighbor advertisement, and redirect. Hosts query with Router Solicitation messages to situate routers on an attached link. Nodes which promote packets not addressed to them engender Router Advertisements instantly upon acknowledgment of this message rather than at their next scheduled instance. Routers publicize their existence together with a mixture of link and Internet parameters either periodically, or in retort to a Router Solicitation message. Neighbor solicitations are used by nodes to tenacity the link layer address of a neighbor, or to authenticate that a neighbor is at rest accessible via a cached link layer address. Neighbor announcements are used by nodes to take action to a Neighbor Solicitation message. 2. Related Work In [1] the feat is investigated based on the median case and worst case only for synchronization case. Code based approach is planned in symmetric and asymmetric duty cycle. In [2] efficient algorithms have been used to establish the performance. In [3] rate-adaptive positioning system is used for smart phone purpose. It stand on the inspection that global positioning system is generally fewer accurate in urban areas, so it should be adequate to turn on global positioning system only as often as obligatory to accomplish this exactness. In [4] we revise the predicament of neighbor discovery in static and synchronous networks. Slotted time based discovery algorithm is commenced with reception status feedback accessible at transmitters In [5] we intend and scrutinize a succession of randomized algorithms for neighbor discovery in multi packet reception networks. We study neighbor discovery in multipacket reception networks that tolerate multiple packets to be received successfully at a receiver. In [6] we recommend Recursive Binary Time Partitioning (RBTP), a method that concludes how the devices must wake up and sleep to accomplish nominal contact latency with other nearby devices .In [7] the course of a widespread investigation of real-world traffic, we initiate more than 60% of power is guzzled in idle listening, even with power saving mode enabled. To remedy this crisis, we offer E-MiLi (Energy-Minimizing idle Listening) that decreases the power consumption in idle listening, given that the moment exhausted in idle listening has previously optimized by sleep scheduling. In [8] we put forward a neighbor discovery protocol called U-Connect, which realizes neighbor discovery at nominal and conventional power expenses while permitting nodes to accept divergent duty-cycles. 3. Proposed Work To find the performance of the mobile ad-hoc network new type of routing protocols were proposed. Protocols like dynamic source routing protocol, proactive source routing protocol, Zigbee tree routing protocol were examined. By using dynamic source routing protocol the shortest path among all neighbor nodes were identified and then the data is transferred. Since the dynamic source routing protocol has the characteristic like route discovery and route maintenance the identification of shortest path and maintenance of route is possible in mobile ad-hoc network. Proactive source routing protocol is used to maintain the routing table before transmitting the data. Zigbee tree routing protocol is used to find the power utilization of all nodes present in the networks. Each and every node is analyzed from top to bottom while the nodes are arranged in a tree order. ZigBee tree routing prevents the route discovery overhead in cooperation recollection and bandwidth by means of the scattered block addressing format In Zigbee Tree Routing, while all nodes is consigned a hierarchical tackle, a source or an intermediary node only prefer whether to promote a packet to the parent or one of the children by evaluate its address with the destination address. The main advantage of Zigbee Tree Routing is that whichever is the source node it can transmit a packet to an illogical destination in a network devoid of in the least route discovery overheads. 3.1Algorithm Sleep scheduling algorithm is used to determine the status of the node. By using sleep scheduling algorithm the active state and sleep state of the node is identified. Geographic routing oriented sleep scheduling algorithm is used to identify the shortest common path among the nodes and make the nearby nodes in active state and rest of the

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International Journal of Engineering and Techniques - Volume 2 Issue3, May - June 2016 others in sleep state. By doing so the power utilization of the nodes get red reduced uced and efficiency will get increased so that the life time of the nodes also will get increased .F .Finally inally the performance of the mobile ad-hoc ad network is improved.

Fig 1: system architecture 4. Implementation of modules 4.1 Neighbor Node Detection Initialize network i.e (number of nodes).For each node of network find (n).For all node which is active detect neighbors’ of the node and append it to the neighbor table. Find average (n, di); compute the average distance of all neighbor of node. Arrange them in ascending order for all nodes, if a node is alive transmit the message to the neighbor having maximum power among the neighbors whose space is less than or identical to the calculated average space. Consider x and y, a and b are the two nodes pres present ent in a network. To find the distance between two nodes the following equation is used. di((x, y), (a, b))= √(x - a)² + (y - b)² where di is the distance between two points. n is the number of nodes present in the network network. So to identify the shortest path dynamic source routing protocol is used. 4.2Energy Energy Efficient Neighbor Discovery Protocols Diminish the entire power utilization of the route by using ZigBee tree routing protocol. Make best use of the duration of each node in the network. Sustain the network tasking g as long as possible. In mobile ad-hoc ad network power utilization is ended in three states of the nodes which are transmitting, receiving and sleeping state. To make a node active or sleep state geographic routing oriented sleep sscheduling algorithm is used. The route discovery process engross sending route request packets from a source to its neighbor nodes in the network, which in turn onwards its request to their neighboring boring nodes, and so on previously the route-request request message achieves the destination node, it reacts by a route-reply reply packet back to the source node via the neigh neighbor bor from which it first accept the path-request. When the path-request request messag message reaches in-between node that has a satisfactorily modernize routing information, it impedess transmitting and sends a path path-reply reply message back to the source node. Once the routing path

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International Journal of Engineering and Techniques - Volume 2 Issue3, May - June 2016 is instituted, route continuation process is carried on each node. Each node sustainss internal data structure of route path information is called a route-cache cache pending the destination turn into unapproachable along the route.

4.3 Small Scale Retransmission To augment the dependability of packet transmission between two listed forwarders in the batch map, a small scale retransmission is used. If a packet is not arrived the downstream node appropriately, appropriately the node which is not a transmitter but present between etween the two listed transmitters can retransmit the packet if it is closed to the listed forwarders. The node disconnection space can be calculated approximately using the Received Signal Strength Indicator is documented when packets are received. Use a scoring function to find a best tra transmitter. nsmitter. 4.4 Design of New Neighbor Discovery Protocols A novel Neighbor Discovery Protocols in Mobile Ad hoc Networks is a trivial proactive source routing protocol so that each node has entire facts of how to route data to all other nodes in the network at any moment. When a sequence of data packets are transmitted towards their destination, the route data carried by them can be regulated by transitional forwarders Proactive source routing is to supp support ort opportunistic data forwarding in mobile ad-hoc network. In order to supply reactive data transfer competence in such networks, a proactive source routing protocol is extremely preferred.

5. Result Discussion The performance is evaluated for asynchronization case. In asynchronization synchronization case the performance is investigated for symmetric and asymmetric case and it is compared with uu-connect and disco. The performance is studied with cumulative fraction and slots ((i.e) number of packets delivered in each slots. Fig: 1 represents that the cumulative fraction andd number of packets delivered for asynchronization case. When hen compared to the u-connect u and disco the number of packets delivered in each slot in the symmetric and asymmetric case is high.

Fig 1: Performance Comparison in Asynchronization Case 5.1Symmetric case Fig: 2 Represents epresents discovery of packets in every slot for symmetric case. Proposed protocol is compared with diff code[1], u-connect[8] and disco disco[11] protocols. We set the cycle length for the proposed routing protocols at 280, for diff code 320,u-connect connect 31, and ffor disco 38-44.

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International Journal of Engineering and Techniques - Volume 2 Issue3, May - June 2016

Fig 2: Discovery of Packets (Slots) in Symmetric Case 5.2Asymmetric case Fig :3 Represents discovery of packets in every slot for asymmetric case. Proposed protocol is compared with diff code, u-connect and disco protocols. We set the cycle length for the proposed routing protocols at 280, for diff code 320,u-connect connect 31, and for disco 38 38-44.

Fig 3: Discovery of Packets (Slots) in Asymmetric Case Fig 4: Represents epresents the discovery of packets in symmetric case with 50 neighbors. Here the proposed routing protocol calculates the performance with 50 neighbors and the result is co compared mpared with other methods like diff code , u-connect, disco.

Fig 4:: Discovery of Packets in Symmetric Case with 50 Neighbors 6. Conclusion In mobile ad-hoc hoc network power utilization and concert are the main challenges. In this paper, we have presented a methodical study of designing highly effective and energy energy-efficient neighbor-discovery discovery protocols in mobile wireless networks .Here efficient routing protocols were used to get better recital.. Dynamic source routing protocol is used to find the shortest path and Zigbee tree routing protocol is used to find the status of the node and

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International Journal of Engineering and Techniques - Volume 2 Issue3, May - June 2016 sleep scheduling algorithm is used to make the node active and sleep. Power utilization is decreased so that the lifetime of the network is recovered and the recital level is augmented. The augmented gain is recovered in both the symmetric and asymmetric case and also the recital is explored for asynchronization state. 7. Future Work

We have distinguished the divergence conduit crisis and interchange deliberation crisis of the ZigBee tree routing. These are the basic crisis of the wide-ranging tree routing protocols, which supply the large network recital frightful circumstances. To defeat this crisis, we imply shortest tree routing that uses the neighbor table, originally defined in the Zig Bee standard. In shortest tree routing, each node can situate the best next hop node based on the permanent tree hops to the destination. The analyses show that the one-hop neighbor in sequence in shortest reduces the interchange load concentrated on the tree relationships as well as provides an efficient routing path. References [1]Tong Meng, , ACM, Fan Wu, , and Guihai Chen, , ”code based neighbor discovery protocols in manet”, IEEE/ACM TRANSACTIONS ON NETWORKING [2]Vasudevan.S, Adler.M, Goeckel.D, and Towsley.D, “Efficient algorithms for neighbor discovery in wireless networks,” IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw., vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 69–83, Feb. 2013 [3] Paek.J, Kim.J, and R.Govindan, “Energy-efficient rate-adaptive GPS based positioning for smartphones,”inProc.MobiSys, 2010, pp. 299–314. [4] R. Khalili, D. Goeckel, D. F. Towsley, and A. Swami, “Neighbor discovery with reception status feedback to transmitters,” in Proc. IEEE INFOCOM, 2010, pp. 1–9. [5] W. Zeng et al., “Neighbor discovery in wireless networks with multipacket reception,” in Proc. MobiHoc, 2011, Art. no. 3. [6] D. Li and P. Sinha, “RBTP: Low-power mobile discovery protocol through recursive binary time partitioning,” IEEE Trans. Mobile Comput., vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 263–273, Feb. 2014. [7] X. Zhang and K. G. Shin, “E-MILI: Energy-minimizing idle listening in wireless networks, IEEETrans.MobileComput” vol.11, no.9, pp. 1441–1454, Sep. 2012. [8] A. Kandhalu, K. Lakshmanan, and R. Rajkumar, “U-connect: A low latency energy-efficient asynchronous neighbor discovery protocol,”in Proc. IPSN, 2010, pp. 350–361. [9] E.Felembanetal., “SAND: Sectored antenna neighbor discovery protocol for wireless networks,” inProc.IEEESECON,2010,pp.1–9. [10] E.Magistretti, O.Gurewitz, and E.W.Knightly,“802.11ec:Collision avoidance without control messages,” in Proc. MobiCom, 2012, pp. 65–76. [11] P. Dutta and D. E. Culler, “Practical asynchronous neighbor discovery and rendezvous for mobile sensing applications,” in Proc. SenSys, 2008, pp. 71–84. [12] RK. Gnanamurthy, L. Malathi, “A novel routing protocol with lifetime maximizingclustering algorithm for WSNIndia Conference (INDICON), 2012 Annual IEEE925-930, December 2012. [13] RK. Gnanamurthy, L. Malathi and MK Chandrasekaran “A novel cluster-chain based routing protocol to prolong the lifetime of WSN”, International Journal of Computer Applications, Volume 61, Issue 22, Pages 43 - 47, January 2013. [14] RK. Gnanamurthy, G. Arulkumaran, K. T. Gowdhami, “A Novel Routing Protocol With Improved Performance For MANET In Adversarial Environments” in International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER), ISSN 0973 – 4562 Volume 10, Number 19, April 2015.

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