IJIRST –International Journal for Innovative Research in Science & Technology| Volume 3 | Issue 02 | July 2016 ISSN (online): 2349-6010
Design of a Vedic Arithmetic and Logical Unit using Lab View Jyoti M. Tech Student Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Appa IET ,kalaburgi, VTU, Belagavi, India
Anuradha. S Associate Professor Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Appa IET ,kalaburgi, VTU, Belagavi, India
Abstract In the today’s technologies the computation unit is the important unit of all of the currently available technology. This paper represents the design concept of Vedic Arithmetic and logical unit using labview. The LABVIEW is used here to perform all design methodology. Every module of ALU is implemented in LABVIEW. Vedic mathematics is used in the multiplier unit. The Vedic mathematics sutra Urdhvatriyakbhyam is used to design Vedic multiplier. The labview illustrates how the CPU executes simple and a few complex operations using basic logic functions. Keywords: Labview, vedic mathematics, ALU _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ I.
It is evident in the present day technologies that the computation unit is no doubt the important unit of all of the currently available technologies that performs all the arithmetic operations, namely division, addition, subtraction and multiplication. Also the logical operations specifically XOR, OR, AND etc. These logical operations are the most leading characteristics in any digital area related applications. Along with performing arithmetic operations the ALU also performs logical operations. Also, that is the reason ALU is known as the important of Microcontrollers, Microprocessors and CPUs. An ALU is a part of CPU that performs arithmetic and logical operations on operands in the instruction word. In most processors, ALU incorporates two units, arithmetic and logic unit. The processor's operations are carried over by ALU. The ALU loads the information values from accessible info registers. The operation to be performed is controlled by external control unit. The result is stored in the output register. II. LITERATURE SURVEY Nisha,C,K, Saranya.M.K, [1] In this paper fast multipliers using UrdhvaTriyagbhyam sutra are represented. The VHDL code is used to design multiplier and simulated using AlteraQuartus II EP1C20F400C7 device. The worst case delay measured of the proposed 4-bit Vedic multiplier was found to 23.165ns. ManaswiniDehury, Anita Mohanty [2]In this paper the four bit ALU is designed. The ALU is designed using LABVIEW. The LABVIEW illustrates how the simple and complex operations are executed by CPU using logic functions. K.Vinay Kumar, B.Shiva Kumar, [3]In this paper DML mode of logic is used to design ALU. In an situation where the systems need faster operations and power dissipations are considered up to some extents this proposed efficient ALU is used. K.Madan Mohan,R,NareshNaik [4]In this paper they have used UrdhvaTriyakbhyam to design a method which is a faster multiplication technique. They have used verilog for coding 16-bit and 32-bit fractional fixed point multiplications and Xlinx is used for synthesization. Honey DurgaTiwari, Chan Mo Kim, [5]In this paper they have proposed a multiplier architecture and a square architecture using the ancient Indian Vedic Mathematics algorithm, for the applications which require high speed and low power. They have implemented on ALTERA cyclone-II FPGA which shows that this multiplier is faster compared to other multipliers. Jagadguru Swami Sri Bharati Krishna [6] All the computations based on Vedic, clarification of sutra and complete exchanges were included in this. In this paper right from scratch all explanations it has. This contains the entire thing of Vedic systems, the related sutraswith the clarifications.
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Design of a Vedic Arithmetic and Logical Unit using Lab View (IJIRST/ Volume 3 / Issue 02/ 017)
Fig. 1: proposed ALU
Implementation of Four-Bit ALU:
Fig. 2: Implementation of Four- Bit ALU
The Vedic ALU is designed after designing all the individual units that are adder/subtractor, multiplier, divider, comparator. The Adder circuit adds two 4-bit operands and produces result. A comparator takes two 4-bit numbers as input and produces output
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Design of a Vedic Arithmetic and Logical Unit using Lab View (IJIRST/ Volume 3 / Issue 02/ 017)
as whether one input is greater than the other, less than the other, or equal to the other. The 4-bit Vedic multiplier multiplies two 4-bit inputs and produces the result and the parallel divider takes two 4-bit numbers as input and produces the output .Three logic operations are performed that are AND,OR and XOR operations. The logic operations are performed bit by bit. In this 4-bit Vedic ALU the 4-bit opcode is used to select the operation that is to be performed. The table shows the specifications of ALU. Sl.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
S3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Table – 1 Specifications of ALU. S3 S1 S0 operation 0 0 1 Addition / subtraction 0 1 0 AND 0 1 1 Multiplication 1 0 0 Division 1 0 1 XOR 1 1 0 Comparison 1 1 1 OR
Fig. 3: Result of Vedic ALU
IV. METHODOLOGY To design a Vedic ALU the major blocks of the complete application are to be designed. The major blocks required are Vedic multiplier, Adder/Subtractor, Parallel divider, 4 I/P AND gate, 4 I/P OR gate and 4 I/P x-or gate and Comparator circuit. The vedic mathematics is used to design multiplier. To plan a Vedic multiplier we utilize Vedic mathematics. Vedic is a word "Veda" and its significance is "storage facility of all learning". It involves the 16 sutras. These sutras can be related to different branches of mathematics like geometry, algebra, arithmetic etc Basically, Vedic mathematics is component of four Vedas which are the books of wisdom. Being a part of Sthapatya Veda which is a book on civil engineering and architecture, which in turn serves as a supplement to Athrva Veda. It provides full explanation of various mathematical terms incorporating arithmetic, geometric, trigonometric, quadratic equations, factorization and also calculus. His Holiness Sri Jagadguru Shankaracharya Bharati Krishna Teerthaji Maharaj (1884- 1960) contained his whole work at one place and gave them their mathematical explanation and also gave details about its various applications. Swamiji constructed 16 sutras or formulae and 16 upasutras or sub formulae after a broad research he performed in Atharva Veda.
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Design of a Vedic Arithmetic and Logical Unit using Lab View (IJIRST/ Volume 3 / Issue 02/ 017)
V. CONCLUSION In this paper 4-bit Vedic ALU is designed using LABVIEW. The 4-bit Vedic ALU designed here is faster. The precision can be converted to 8-bit, 16-bit or more easily. From the implementation and outcome, it can be concluded that this ALU can work in appropriate condition and executes different operations effectively. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
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