IJIRST –International Journal for Innovative Research in Science & Technology| Volume 3 | Issue 02 | July 2016 ISSN (online): 2349-6010
A Novel Technique for Detection and Classification of Brain Tumor Images using Back Propagation Fuzzy Neural Network Neelam B Sobani Student Department of Computer Science & Engineering APPA IET, Kalaburagi
Virupakshappa Associate Professor Department of Computer Science & Engineering APPA IET, Kalaburagi
Abstract Classification and detection of brain tumor is important to diagnose the medical image processing of the MRI brain images. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is used by many radiologists in order to test the internal structure of the human body and to provide the clear picture of the image. It is very important to identify the tumor in human brain due to its complexity and variation in the cell characteristics like its gray scale intensities, size, shape and location of the tumor region. Since misclassification occurs during the classification of the brain tumor due to more diversity of the tumor region and tumor edges. The various techniques have been surveyed to decrease the cost and time and to determine the better classification accuracy. The variety of brain tumor images is taken in order to classify them as benign and malignant. Keywords: Magnetic Resonance Image (MRI), Artificial Neural Network, CAD, Back Propagation Neural Network, Fuzzy C-means _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ I.
Brain tumor is one of the most widely caused diseases among people. As many people are suffering from the brain tumor around the world. IT is easily cured in the early stage, if it is detected and correctly classified. Brain tumor is caused due to abnormal growth of cells in the human brain. Brain tumor is mainly divided into two parts namely benign and malignant. Benign brain tumor looks like normal cells, grows slowly and is less likely to spread to the other parts of the body. Malignant brain tumor looks like abnormal cells, grow fastly and spread to other healthy cells. To realize the better excellence image of the segmented one, enhancement stage will be used. The compression of the image obtained by MRI images is done by arithmetical morphological methods. In order to collapse the image after compression, a method called transforming wavelet will be applied. To remove the completely accurate and correct region of the tumor, k-means clustering algorithm will be utilized. To detect the defects in the brain, the technique called pixel varying level will be used. The major cause to produce and design good software in order to detect the tumor in a best and proper away as dual reading which was used in the past will charge too much. The most excellent method proposed in this work, which suggests visualizing the 3-D images of the required brain location, where MRI proves the best way to give accurate and efficient images with excellent resolution. Such results provide proper description in the domains of stereotactic neurosurgery, surgery operation and planned radiotherapy. II. LITERATURE SURVEY Zamre et al [1]. Proposed an approach to detect brain tumor from magnetic resonance images (MRI). The algorithm steps for incorporating tumor includes pre-processing, image segmentation, feature extraction, feature selection and image classification using neural network techniques. Image enhancement is used to remove the noise in the MRI images. To filter the image laplacian of gaussian (LOG) is used to detect the edges of the tumor region. The morphological filter is used to sharpen the images. The Canny Edge detection is used for the image segmentation. The PCA is used for the feature extraction and finally the classification is done using radial basis function. The brain tumor is classified into two types benign and malignant. The benign tumor is the early stage of the tumor and which disease can be cured. The malignant tumor is the later stage of the tumor and in which it is difficult to cure the disease. The 25 different brain tumor images are taken to evaluate the performance of the image. The proposed method gives an accurate and better recognition of tumor and finally the tumor region is identified by the region of interest (ROI) technique. Sumitra and saxena et al [2]. They presented on Neural Network techniques for classifying the brain tumor from the MRI images. The Neural Network techniques consist of three steps which mainly include feature extraction, dimensionality reduction and classification. In the feature extraction step, the principal component analysis is used to compress the size of the MRI images. In the second step, dimensionality reduction is used to reduce the dimension of the images and finally in the classification step, the classifier is used to classify as normal and abnormal brain tumor images and it is done using back
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A Novel Technique for Detection and Classification of Brain Tumor Images using Back Propagation Fuzzy Neural Network (IJIRST/ Volume 3 / Issue 02/ 055)
propagation neural network (BPNN). The BPN gives fast and accurate/correct result for classifying the images. Among all neural networks, the most preferably used neural network is the BPNN. The neural network is used to change the weight and bias in this way it can reduce the cost function. BPN classifier gives an accuracy of 100% to 75% in the testing phase. In future the performance can be increased by taking large number of database from the open source or from the hospital. Puneet and Dheeraj et al[3]., presents an automated system for the detection and classification of brain tumor in MRI images. The shape or texture of the tumor region obtained from the MRI brain image is highly asymmetry and imperfect. So, image segmentation technique uses a region of interest(ROI) method to analyze and identify the tumor region and then segment the tumor region. The segmented tumor images are then feature extracted to get the pixel intensity of the image by using GLCM method and extracted features are used as classifier for the tumor classification type such as benign and malignant. Fuzzy C means is the most preferable technique for the image segmentation of the localized tumor image. It segments the data element into more than one cluster and every element can belong to a set of association level. The proposed method gives an accurate result for classifying the type of image and whether the identified image is normal or abnormal brain image. The efficiency obtained during the classification of brain tumor is in between 95% to 97%. In future, the extracted features can be verified for globally accepted tumor image in order to identify the type of tumor accurately. Ramalakshmi and Jaya et al[4]., presents on the neural network method for the automatic detection and classification of brain images into three classes namely normal, benign and malignant. The proposed method for the image processing technique consists of mainly 5 steps such as Pre-processing, Fuzzy Connectedness Segmentation(FCS), Connected Component Labeling(CCL), Feature Extraction and Image Classification. The first step is the preprocessing method in which neighbor noise is removed from the MRI image, thus normalizing the individual pixel of the image. Anisotropic filter is required to remove the surrounding noise and thus storing the dotted edges in the image. The second step is the FCS method used in the image segmentation for grouping the images into its region and to differentiate between tumor region and non-tumor region. FCS algorithm is required to divide various parts of the brain such as normal part and tumor part. The third step is the CCL in which all the clustered image is verified and each pixel is labeled based on the component to which it is connected. The fourth step is the feature extraction required to extract the connected components of tumor region by using DWT technique. The last step is the image classification which is divided into two categories namely normal and abnormal brain for each wavelet coded MR image by using support vector machine(SVM) and radial basis function(RBF) kernel. The experimental results provides an efficient way for the classification of brain tumor images in order to classify as normal and abnormal brain images by RBF kernel and SVM technique. Zhang et al[5]., introduces an automatic classification of brain tumor images. Based on the neural network technique the proposed method classifies the brain images as benign and malignant. The proposed method includes three phases namely feature extraction, feature reduction and NN-based classifier. The first phase is the feature extraction uses a wavelet transform to store the time frequency information and also to view the data of the digital signal images. The discrete wavelet transform (DWT) is a great implementation of wavelet transform. The second phase is the feature reduction uses the PCA to reduce the dimension of the feature extracted images. The back propagation neural network (BPNN) adjusts the weights of the network in order to compute the optimal weights in the steepest descent algorithm. The experiments were carried out on the hybrid method to differentiate between normal and abnormal brain MRI images. The proposed method gives 100% accuracy during training and testing images for the classification of brain tumor of the selected region. In future, the computational time required during feature extraction is more and hence, these can be improved. III. SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE
Fig. 1: Architecture diagram of proposed system
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A Novel Technique for Detection and Classification of Brain Tumor Images using Back Propagation Fuzzy Neural Network (IJIRST/ Volume 3 / Issue 02/ 055)
The architectural diagram for Back Propagation Fuzzy Neural Network(BPFNN) is as shown above. In this, the training and testing images are compared in order to classify the brain whether the tumor is actually present or not in the brain image. If tumor is present in the image then segment and detect the tumor region and hence shows the accuracy of the image. IV. METHODOLOGY Brain tumor classification is mainly used to differentiate into normal and abnormal brain images. Identification of the brain cancer in MRI images to diagnose the disease is a very critical part. The image processing technique includes five phases namely pre-processing, enhancement, segmentation, feature extraction and classification. The first phase is the pre-processing, in which noise is removed in order to get good quality of the image. The second phase is enhancement is used to enhance the image and to identify the tumor region. The third phase is segmentation, where the identified tumor is segmented into its regions. The fourth phase is the feature extraction is used to extract surface of the tumor region. The last phase is the classification phase is utilize to categorize the identified image is benign or malignant brain images. V. CONCLUSION Artificial Neural Network based classifier is used to differentiate normal and abnormal brain MRI images. Identification and classification of the tumor is done in an automated way by using Fuzzy C-means Clustering algorithm. Back propagation neural network was used for training, testing and classification of the tumor. BPN is adopted for it has rapid speed on training and testing of the tumor image. Results show that the feature extracted can give acceptable result in analysis and classification of the brain tumor. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
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