IJIRST –International Journal for Innovative Research in Science & Technology| Volume 3 | Issue 04 | September 2016 ISSN (online): 2349-6010
Efficient Optic Disc Segmentation and Peripappilary Atropy Detection in Digital Fundus Images Ajeesha A A PG Student Department of Computer Science & Engineering Federal Institute of Science & Technology
Dr. Arun Kumar M N Assistant Professor Department of Computer Science & Engineering Federal Institute of Science & Technology
Abstract The basis of study and analysis of various eye diseases includes Optic disc(OD) nerve head region and OD center coordinates. The early detection of various eye pathologies like glaucoma and Diabetic Retinopathy helps to prevent the vision loss. So, there is a need to develop a fast and efficient algorithm for disease prediction. For that, reliable and efficient OD localization and segmentation are the important tasks. Therefore, this method aims for the efficient and automatic localization and segmentation of Optic Disc from digital fundus images and its peripappilary atropy detection to predict whether the optic disc is affected by any diseases like glaucoma. The proposed technique is divided into three subsections which deal with OD localization, OD boundary detection and peripappilary atropy Detection (PPA). OD localization makes use of the unique circular brightness structure associated with the OD, that is, the OD usually has a circular shape and is brighter than the surrounding pixels whose intensity becomes darker gradually with their distances from the OD center. OD boundary detection includes accurate blood vessels inpainting for the removal of vascular structure in the optic disc region which is followed by intensity adjustment and region growing considering OD center as a seed point for reliable segmentation of fundus images. The presence of PPA indicates whether the eye is affected by the diseases like glaucoma. So from the segmented optic disc, PPA is detected using a threshold so that we can predict whether the person is affected by disease or not. This is done by calculating the Red by Green ratio for each pixel in the Region of Interest (ROI). The process is implemented in a MATLAB 2014 prototype and tested with images in the DRIVE Dataset. The results show that the suggested method has 82.14% of accuracy, 75% of precision and 81.82% of recall for segmentation and PPA prediction. Keywords: Optic Disc, Inpainting, Active Contour segmentation, Ellipse Fitting, Peripappilary Atropy _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ I.
The eye is an organ that reacts to light and has several purposes. The light from an object outside the eye is imaged on the retina. Optic disk, fovea, and blood vessels are the main components of retina. Out of them, Optic disc (OD) is one of the main components on retina. It is only part of the retina that is insensitive to light and it is an indicator of various ophthalmic pathologies. That is, any change in the shape and color of the optic disk is an indicator of various ophthalmic pathologies, especially for glaucoma which is one of the most common causes of the blindness. Now a days lots of disease can occur in the eye. Diabetic retinopathy and glaucoma are some of the diseases which cause the loss of vision. These diseases can be examined by ophthalmologists. Early diagnosis and proper treatment of these diseases can prevent visual loss. Due to population growth and aging this process requires more number of ophthalmologists. So, there is a need of automatic recognition system for optic disc detection to identify these diseases in early stage. Optic Disc detection is an important step to examine severity of some diseases such as glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy. In the computer-aided process of detection and screening of the disease using color fundus images, automated localizaion of the optic disk and estimation of its boundary are the first two essential steps before any further analysis. Moreover, the optic disk boundary acts as a reference contour to measure other disk parameters, such as cup edges. However, it is not a simple task to segment the optic disk reliably and accurately, as there are problems of blood vessel occlusions, ill-defined edges, noises and fuzzy contour shapes. These problems to a large extent are very similar to other boundary detection and image segmentation problems in medical imaging area that still require robust solution. In recent years, several image processing algorithms have been developed to that extent, focusing on analysis of optic nerve head area in general and optic disc detection in particular. Some features of optic disc like cup-to-disc-ratio, neuro retinal rim, blood vessels in the different regions of the optic nerve head are used to classify the images as glaucomatous or normal. Therefore optic disc localization and segmentation forms the significant preliminary step in most of the automatic -computer assisted diagnosis (CAD) of eye diseases. The segmentation of the optic disc is a seriously challenging issue. The existing approach performs OD localization and segmentation efficiently. This is done by blood vessel removal using a strategic inpainting based method for accurate segmentation of Optic disc using Active contour based region growing approach. The initial step of this approach is to localize
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Efficient Optic Disc Segmentation and Peripappilary Atropy Detection in Digital Fundus Images (IJIRST/ Volume 3 / Issue 04/ 037)
the optic disc using the concept that OD is brighter and center is detected by calculating the centroid of the region of interest which is used as the initial seed for the region growing approach. But the main problem of this approach is that it cannot determine whether the optic disc is affected by peripappilary atropy which indicate many eye diseases like glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy. To overcome such limitations a new approach has been developed which performs the optic disc localization and segmentation with peripapillary atrophy detection. This method makes use of all the contribution from the existing approach with additional functions. That is, After OD center is detected, blood vessels have been successfully inpainted in the optic nerve head region. In addition, Intensity adjustment is done in optic disc region, which will help the region to grow in an efficient manner. The usage of active contour segmentation has been devised and employed for accurate segmentation of OD. Next we have to detect the peripapillary atrophy(PPA) pixels. For that we make use of a threshold-based algorithm to detect the PPA that helps in the accurate segmenation. The proposed algorithm calculates the Red by Green ratio for each pixel in the Region of Interest (ROI) and predict whether the optic disc is affected by disease or not. For the accurate prediction, the classifier used is Random Classifier(RF). Random forests or random decision forests are an ensemble learning method for classification, regression and other tasks, that operate by constructing a multitude of decision trees at training time and outputting the class that is the mode of the classes (classification) or mean prediction (regression) of the individual trees. The main principle behind ensemble methods is that a group of “weak learners” can come together to form a “strong learner”. Each classifier, individually, is a “weak learner”, while all the classifiers taken together are a “strong learner ". The random forest combines trees with the notion of an ensemble. Thus, in ensemble terms, the trees are weak learners and the random forest is a strong learner. II. RELATED WORKS There exists many methods for OD Localization and segmentation. In [2] Sinthanayothin et al. presented a method for OD localization based on the intensity variation in the optic disc region because of blood vessels. This method recognises automatically the main components of the digital fundus image such as the optic disc, fovea, and blood vessels. This method has high accuracy of the detection for the optic disc, blood vessels, and the fovea. It has the capablity to cope with highly variable images because of the usuage of NN for blood vessel detection. The main problem of this method is that the smaller blood vessels were more difficult to detect. In [3] M. Lalonde et.al. proposes a new method for optic disc detection using pyramidal decomposition and Hausdorff-based template matching. It is fast and reliable. That is, the template matching approach has a good computation time but the technique relies on various assumptions. Moreover, this approach suffers due to the vessel edges present in and around the optic disc region and a high confidence level is a prerequisite for the reliability of image analysis and the performance of the approach is highly dependent on the threshold edge map. In [4] M. Foracchia et.al. propose a new method for detecting optic disc in retinal images by means of a geometrical model of vessel structure. The method is based on the preliminary detection of the main retinal vessels. This method make use of either set of blood vessels and hence it can accuratey detect the OD. Also it is possible to detect the OD successfully in highly pathological images. The problem of this method is that the vessels identified in the image should have sufficient curvature to provide good sensitivity of the model parameters to the data. Moreover this method highly dependent on the availability of the good portion of vascular structure in the image, whereas it is independent of the actual visibility (or even presence) of the OD. In [5] J. Xu et.al. proposes a new method for fully automated detection of optic disk boundary in fundus images. This method is more accurate and robust to blood vessel occlusions, noises, ill-defined edges and fuzzy contour shapes while maintaining the accuracy. The proposed method is not sensitive to the reasonable variation of weight ratio and it is robust. The problem is that there can be a the chance for false estimating the disk center under the disturbance of large bright lesion. In [6] S. Lu et.al. proposes a new method for automatic optic disc detection from retinal images by a line operator. The proposed method contains retinal preprocessing,designed line operator (detect circular regions that have similar brightness structure as the OD), and OD detection. The designed line operator is robust against lower image resolution. The main problem of this method is that line operator is designed based on the assumption that the OD is more or less brighter than the surrounding retinal pixels and, therefore, cannot handle a very small number of retinal images whose OD is even darker than the surrounding pixels. That is, this method cannot handle the retinal images that do not have a clear circular brightness structure around their OD. In [7] G. Joshi et.al. proposes a novel method for segmenting the Optic Disk and Cup from Monocular Colour Retinal Images for the assessment of Glaucoma. It is an automatic OD parameterization technique which is based on the segmented OD and cup regions obtained from monocular retinal images. The advantage of using this method is it is robust against local gradient variations and better ability to capture concavities of objects. That is, in short this approach yield a better representation of image regions and make the model robust to the distractions found near the OD boundaries. But the main problem of this method is that it doesnot show a good performance in the case where boundary regions are occluded by thick blood vessels. In [8] H. Yu, et al. proposes a new method for fast localization and segmentation of optic disc in retinal images using directional matched filtering and level sets. This method provides fast,robust and accurate segmentation. It can be used for cupto-disk ratio computation in glaucoma analysis. It is suitable for assisting automatic screening for early signs of eye diseases. But the main problem of this method is the algorithm fails on retinal images in which the OD is darker than the surrounding pixels, such as when a large, very bright nerve fibers is adjacent to the OD. Moreover advanced DR and bright exudates clusters affect the accuracy and success of our algorithm. In [9] Sandra Morales et.al. proposes a new method for automatic detection of optic
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Efficient Optic Disc Segmentation and Peripappilary Atropy Detection in Digital Fundus Images (IJIRST/ Volume 3 / Issue 04/ 037)
disc based on PCA and mathematical morphology. This method is fairly reliable since it works properly on databases with a large degree of variability. The main problem of this method is that it is not robust in presence of exudates. Due to the complexity of the fundus images, their high number of elements makes a perfect segmentation difficult. In [10] Suraya Mohammad, et al. proposes a new method for for segmenting the optic disc in retinal images using texture analysis. This method has better computational simplicity and also addresses the illumination issue of the retina images by using the illumination invariance texture measurement. This method also prove to be reliable in segmenting the optic disc. But the problem is that the method prove to be reliable in segmenting the optic disc especially in an image with good contrast around the optic disc boundary and where the blood vessels are not very thick. Also it has high value of classification error rate. The poor performance of this method is observed in images with the presence of severe peripapillary atrophy especially when the optic disc boundary is completely missing. In[11] R. Preethi Rajaiah et.al. proposes a new method for Detecting the Optic Disc Boundary and Segmenting the optic cup for Prediction of Glaucoma. This method is fast, reliable and efficient for the diagnosis of glaucoma. This method cannot detect the severity of the diseases. III. PROPOSED METHODOLOGY The objective of this work is to design and develop a new method for automatic and efficient OD segmentation and peripappilary atropy detection from the segmented image. The proposed method is based on region growing approach. Center of OD is detected automatically which is considered as seed point to grow region. Blood vessels are inpainted in the optic nerve head region for accurate OD segmentation. In addition, Intensity adjustment is done in optic disc region after blood vessels inpainting, which will improve the region growing process. Hence the proposed method of optic disc segmentation from fundus image is further divided into three subsections which deal with OD localization, OD boundary detection and peripappilary atropy elimination. OD boundary detection includes blood vessels inpainting followed by intensity adjustment and region growing considering OD center as a seed point. Fig.1 shows the flow chart of proposed OD localization and segmentation method and peripappilary atropy detection.
Fig. 1: Flow chart of optic disc localization, segmentation amd peripappilary atropy detection.
Optic Disc Localization Optic Disc comprises of a bright disc where the optic nerves terminate. Inside the bright disc lies the Optic Cup, this is even brighter, having higher intensity. Hence in this work the strategy adopted is to detect the bright intensity regions in the fundus image. In this method optic disc is located by converting the image into binary image with an appropriate threshold which is closer to the white intensity level. Next, centroid is calculated for the obtained region of interest in order to determine the optic disc center. The OD Localization is clearly shown in Fig 2.
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Efficient Optic Disc Segmentation and Peripappilary Atropy Detection in Digital Fundus Images (IJIRST/ Volume 3 / Issue 04/ 037)
(b) (c) Fig. 2: (a) Original Image (b) OD Localization. (c) OD Centre detection.
Preprocessing The proposed method of OD boundary segmentation includes inpainting of blood vessels in optic disc region and region growing using Active contour segmentation. As a preprocessing step, a 8-bit image is created by combining red channel and green channel images with appropriate weightage [13]. (1) I ( x ; y ) 0 . 75 I r ( x , y ) I g ( x , y ) Where Ir and Ig are the red and green channel of RGB fundus image, respectively. The idea behind assigning more weightage to red component is to maintain the variation in the image across the OD boundary and suppress that across the blood vessels which are usually much stronger in green component than that in red component. In-painting of Blood Vessels A circular sub-image is extracted around the optic nerve head region, centered at OD center for further processing resulting in OD boundary detection and segmentation. Using this concept, efficiency and robustness in OD detection increases as it reduces the search region and computational complexity. Radius, r to extract the sub-image is calculated automatically depending upon the size of image. (2) 1 M N Radius , r
2 8 5
Where M & N denotes number of columns and rows in image, respectively. This sub-image will cover the entire optic disc area making it suitable for segmentation. The proposed algorithm is based on the fact that the intensity of an OD pixel is a function of the distance from the optic disc center as it is indicated in Fig. 3. The gray level values decrease as the distance from the center increases radially outwards. Also, all the pixels that are equidistant from the optic disc center lie on the circumference of a circle of a specific radius having similar intensity values. This idea is used to in-paint the blood vessel values with a gray level value which is otherwise masked by the blood vessels. Let a set of pixels, Si be at a equal distance, R from the optic disc center where i = 1,2,3. . .q. . .k. 1) Calculate 2) If
1 min s
max s min{ s } 2
sq 1
3) Then Sq is assumed to be a Blood vessel pixel. 4) To remove the blood vessel pixel Sq, the pixel value Sq is replaced by the median of these k pixels of s.
Fig. 3: Illustration of in-painting algorithm.
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Efficient Optic Disc Segmentation and Peripappilary Atropy Detection in Digital Fundus Images (IJIRST/ Volume 3 / Issue 04/ 037)
Intensity Adjustment and Region Growing After in-painting of blood vessels is done, intensity is adjusted making the image suitable for region growing process. With optic disc center as the seed point, region growing is implemented to segment out the optic disc. The main motive of applying region growing procedure is to segment the optic disc area. The single seed which is the center of optic disc is considered to grow the region for the optic disc segmentation from the image. Now after the seed point selection, the region is grown using Active Contour segmentation in order to segment the optic disc. The basic idea in active contour models or snakes is to evolve a curve, subject to constraints from a given image, in order to detect objects in that image. For instance, starting with a curve around the object to be detected, the curve moves toward its interior normal under some constraints from the image, and has to stop on the boundary of the object. The snakes model is popular in computer vision, and snakes are greatly used in applications like object tracking, shape recognition, segmentation, edge detection. The method can detect objects whose boundaries are not necessarily defined by gradient or with very smooth boundaries. The boundary points obtained after region growing are stored. Spline interpolation is done to connect the boundary points using their coordinates. Fig. 4 presents an in-painting of Optic Nerve head region OD contour detection using Region Growing and Spline Interpolation, with the seed of the growing region marked.
(a) (b) Fig. 4: In-painting of Optic Nerve head region (b) OD contour detection using Region Growing and Spline Interpolation.
Fig. 5 represents the results of OD boundary detection after inpainting and OD boundary detection after inpainting plus intensity adjustment. It can be clearly seen in the figure that the detection of OD boundary is more accurate after inpainting plus intensity adjustment in comparison to only intensity adjustment.
Fig. 5: Results of OD boundary detection after inpainting and OD boundary detection after inpainting plus intensity adjustment.
Ellipse Fitting The curvature points obtained using region growing method are stored and used for ellipse fitting of OD after segmentation. Contour points, (xi,yi), obtained after the region growing are stored in an array, where i = 1,2,3,4. . ., ne. Let distance from optic disk center to each contour point is given by 2 2 (3) d i ( x0 xi ) ( y0 yi )
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Efficient Optic Disc Segmentation and Peripappilary Atropy Detection in Digital Fundus Images (IJIRST/ Volume 3 / Issue 04/ 037)
Then, the Maximum distance of the point set to the Optic disk center is considered as the Major Axis distance given by (4) R m max( d i ) i Minor axis is given by the distance from Optic disk Center to point (X1, Y1) as shown in Fig. 6. Point (X1, Y1) corresponds to a point which has the least column index of all points.
Fig. 6: The geometry of the ellipse fitting.
Then we approximate the minor axis length as R1 defined by R1
( x 0 X 1 ) ( y 0 Y1 ) 2
And angle, tan
( Y1 y 0 )
( X 1 x0 )
Finally an ellipse is drawn to fit the optic disk. Equation of the ellipse thus obtained is given by (7) x ( ) R m cos cos R1 sin sin x 0 y ( ) R m cos cos R1 sin sin y 0
Fig. 7 represents the step-wise demonstration of OD boundary segmentation. Fig. 7 clearly shows output of each image processing step used in OD boundary segmentation using proposed method.
Fig. 7: Step-wise demonstration of OD boundary segmentation.
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Efficient Optic Disc Segmentation and Peripappilary Atropy Detection in Digital Fundus Images (IJIRST/ Volume 3 / Issue 04/ 037)
Peripappilary Atropy Detection The presence of Peripapillary Atrophy (PPA) is one of the conditions for Glaucoma to develop. PPA occurs around the OD, which in turn surrounds the OC. There are 2 types of peripappilary atropy: 1) - PPA: This type of PPA occurs during the initial stages of Glaucoma. 2) - PPA: This type of PPA occurs during the later and final stages of Glaucoma. It causes the complete loss of vision. Training Dataset In the training dataset, PPA affected images were considered where all the images contain or PPA. The R/G ratio is found out repeatedly for each image and the maximum, and the minimum value is noted. This value will provide the range of R/G ratios that act as the upper and lower limit threshold value. The dataset is trained using RF Classifier. Test Dataset Random forests or random decision forests are an enseble learning method for classification, regression and other tasks that operate by constructing a multiple decision trees at training time and outputing the class that is the mode of the classes. The threshold range found out in the training dataset will be used to detect the PPA pixels in the test dataset. The same technique is applied and the R/G ratio of all the pixels stored in the matrix is calculated. Next, random classifier will predict whether the optic disc is affected by glucoma or not.
Fig. 8: Result
IV. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS The method was implemented in a MATLAB 2014 prototype and tested with images in DRIVE dataset. The image processing were performed on a desktop PC with the following characteristics: Intel Core i3 CPU, 3.4 GHz, 4 GB RAM. In order to measure the performance of the proposed method three metrics were used: precision, recall and accuracy. Precision refres to detection exactness and it is defined by (2); recall is related to the detection completeness and it is described by (3); and accuracy refers to the average correctness of the process and it is defined by (4). precision TP TP FP (9) (10) recall TP TP FN (11) Accuracy TP TN TP FP TN FN Where, TP stands for True Positive (correctly detected), FP stands for False Positive (incorrectly detected), TN stands for True Negative(correctly not detected), FN stands for False Negative (incorrectly not detected). The Proposed method provides better performance on DRIVE Database. The dataset comprised of certain number of images with different retinal diseases like diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma. The proposed method achieves 82.14% of accuracy, 75% of precision and 81.82% of recall. Fig. 9 shows the ROC curve for the classification of proposed method.
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Efficient Optic Disc Segmentation and Peripappilary Atropy Detection in Digital Fundus Images (IJIRST/ Volume 3 / Issue 04/ 037)
Fig. 9: ROC Curve for the classification of proposed method.
In the figure points above the diagonal represent good classification results (better than random), points below the line represent poor results (worse than random). The TPR defines how many correct positive results occur among all positive samples available during the test. FPR, on the other hand, defines how many incorrect positive results occur among all negative samples available during the test. Fig. 10 presents the results of the OD contour detection using the region growing method. The optic disc, its in painted version and the region detected by the region growing method is presented in the figure.
(a) (b) (c) Fig. 10: Results of Optic Disc segmentation (a) optic disc appearance (b) inpainted optic disc region (c) OD contour detection.
An extremely efficient element of our proposed OD segmentation method is the in-painting of blood vessels before OD segmentation using region growing. To estimate the effect of the blood vessels in-painting technique used, accuracy of the OD boundary segmentation is compared with blood vessels inpainting and without blood vessels inpainting. Table 1 presents that the proposed inpainting based is effective to accurate OD segmentation. Proposed blood vessels inpainting method is efficient and novel approach which improves the performance of proposed OD segmentation procedure.
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Efficient Optic Disc Segmentation and Peripappilary Atropy Detection in Digital Fundus Images (IJIRST/ Volume 3 / Issue 04/ 037)
Table – 1 Comparison of OD Contour detection with and without Blood vessels inpainting
Finally, the method aims in detecting whether the Optic disc is affected by disease or not by detecting the presence of Peripappilary Atropy pixel in the fundus image. Table 2 represents that the proposed Disease detection based on OD segmentation is effective. Table – 2 Peripappilary Atropy Detection for disease prediction.
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Efficient Optic Disc Segmentation and Peripappilary Atropy Detection in Digital Fundus Images (IJIRST/ Volume 3 / Issue 04/ 037)
V. CONCLUSION In this paper, a complete framework is presented for fast, fully and automatic localization of OD, its accurate segmentation based on blood vessel inpainting technique and peripappilary atropy detection for predicting whether the eye is affected by any diseases like Glaucoma. The blood vessel inpainting, region growing method and ellipse fitting is used to segment the OD. From the OD segmented image, peripapillary atrophy detection is done by training the database in such a way that the Red by Green ratio for each pixel in the Region of Interest (ROI) is calculated and finding the threshold range for PPA pixels so that when a test image is given again the same ratio is calculated and if it is between the aforementioned threshold then the image can be predicted as disease affected image. The proposed OD segmentation algorithm fared well on DRIVE database with an accuracy of 82.14%. Future work may aim to design algorithms for classifying various eye disease and to determine its severty REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15]
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