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Programme in Delta State University, Abraka, Nigeria
International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research Vol. 20, No. 12, pp. 35-48, December 2021 https://doi.org/10.26803/ijlter.20.12.3 Received Sep 18, 2021; Revised Nov 29, 2021; Accepted Dec 05, 2021
Sunday Bomboi IJEH Department of Science Education, Delta State University, Abraka, Nigeria https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8594-0584
Onoriode Collins POTOKRI Department of Education Leadership and Management, University of Johannesburg, South Africa https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0850-1761
Abstract. This small sample study was conducted to investigate the impact of teaching practice on female students’ preparation for mathematics teacher education programme. The design adopted was a descriptive survey research design. A sample of 30 female students was selected from 50 students who have participated in teaching practice programme for the degree programme at Delta State University, Abraka, Nigeria. Data were collected through closed-ended and open-ended questionnaires administered to the sampled students, and teaching practice supervisors, co-coordinators, and heads of Departments from the school where the students did their teaching practice respectively. The data were analysed using descriptive statistics and by categorising the responses of the participants according to the theme of the study. The findings include, amongst others that teaching practice beyond enhancing the students’ preparation for mathematics education programme, it helps female students to develop more interest and confidence in studying and teaching mathematics. Following the findings, recommendations for mathematics teacher education programme were made. It was recommended amongst others, that there is need to continue to use teaching practice programme to prepare preservice teachers in mathematics education.
Keywords: teaching practice; Teacher Education Programme; Mathematics; female students; teacher preparation
©Authors This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).
1. Introduction
Education, as the instrument for economic and political wellbeing, has teaching as its major catalyst (Potokri, 2011). Regardless the profession or field of study, teaching is the driving mechanism that makes the learning and teaching process and experience possible and meaningful. Female education and national development are fundamental to development in the 21st century. It is thus, not surprising to see an increase in the enrolment rates of females in institutions of higher learning (Potokri, 2013).
Despite the enrolment rate increase, the number of female students in mathematics and science is still low when compared to other subject disciplines (Marsh et al. 2019; He et al., 2020). Makamure’s (2016) doctoral study at the University of the Free State, South Africa underpins teaching practice as one medium by which the zeal of studying mathematics and willingness to teach the subject can be improved. With a quantitative case study approach that targets Delta State University, this study focuses on the impact of teaching practice on female students’ preparation for mathematics teacher education programme.
2. Background
Teaching practice is the process whereby trainee teachers practice how to teach or the act of teaching in order to become perfect in teaching to make the learner to acquire some knowledge or experiences in a particular topic or subject (Ajaja, 2013). It is done in a particular period of time. Hence, teaching practice is a period that a student teacher spends teaching in a school as part of his or her training in a college or university education programme. From the above explanation, teaching practice is done by a student or someone who is undergoing training on how to teach. Therefore, it is compulsory for all students in the Faculty of Education at Delta State University, Abraka. Policy documents for teacher development suggest that teaching practice is mandatory for education degrees (Department of Basic Education, 2011). It is thus not surprising that teaching practice is equally compulsory for all students studying for degree and postgraduate diploma in education at the University of Johannesburg, the affiliation of the second author of this study. The purpose of teaching practice therefore is to give students the opportunity to practicalise what they learn in the classroom (Ijeh, 2013).
In Nigeria today, teaching is seen as a profession. For a teacher to be employed to teach, he/she must pass the prescribed examination and be registered as a teacher (Teachers Registration Council of Nigeria, 2018). In schools where teachers are not available, student teachers or in-service teachers may be used to augment the inadequacy of those qualified teachers. By involving themselves in teaching practice, the mathematics student teacher can adequately be prepared for the profession.
Mathematics is the study of quantity, structures, numbers, space and change (Nwoke & Nnaji, 2011). It provides the route to the scientific and technological discovery (Chand et al, 2019). To understand mathematics, researchers have introduced several strategies for the improvement of students’ learning
(Fakomogbon, 2002). One of these strategies is the development of teaching practice programme for pre-service and student teachers. Teaching practice plays a significant role in the preparation of students for teacher education programme. The teaching practice enables the student teachers practice what they learn during classroom instruction in colleges and universities (Aglazor, 2017). It plays a vital role in the education programme in the college and university education system (Ahawo, 2010).
Teaching practice is a practical experience which takes place for a period of six (6) to twelve (12) months at Delta State University Abraka. The student teacher must participate in this programme before he/she will be awarded a degree in Education. Therefore, the teaching practice is a significant aspect of mathematics teacher education programme in our tertiary institution. Anger (2014) noted that teaching practice exposes the student teachers on how to keep good classroom management as well as how to blend theory with practice. A good teaching practice programme is the key influence on students learning in other to achieve the desired outcome as well as the primary goal of higher educational institutions. Biggs (2013) affirmed that all components of the curriculum must align with effective teaching and learning to take place. For instance, mathematics assessment tools and strategies must be aligned to the mathematics learning outcome.
The teacher should be trained educationally and morally to be able to perform the job of teaching effectively. During teaching and learning, the teacher should ensure that he/she establishes a good relationship between himself/herself and the students, motivate and create opportunities to increase students’ interest in the learning process. The teacher must consider as many methods as possible and know which of them is best to teach a particular topic. This study intends to find out the impact of teaching practice on the students’ preparation for mathematics teacher education programme in Delta State University, Abraka.
3. Statement of the Problem
In recent time teaching practice in Nigerian institutions is gradually losing its value due to inability of the students and school management to manage teaching practice programme to the advantage of the students, institution management and the school where the teaching practice is done (Jekayinfa et al., 2012). This is because some students do not fully participate in it or inability of the management of teaching practice programme to balance the period of the programme with that of the visiting schools (Msangya et al., 2016).
In every faculty of education, someone is responsible for co-ordinating teaching practice. That person is referred to as the chief coordinator of teaching practice at the Delta State University Abraka, the research site of this study. The chief coordinator’s report on teaching practice programme in 2018/2019 showed that very few students perform above average during the teaching practice programme. The report further noted that about 35% of the students that participated in 2018/2019 score between 50% in the aspect relating to teaching and learning as well as classroom management. While a teaching practice teacher
is expected to explore relevant knowledge, skills, attitudes, values and teaching technique to improve his/her academic achievement the subject matter content knowledge, skills as well as instructional skills and strategies displayed during supervision has not been encouraging. This may lead to the student teacher poor academic achievement or performance.
If the teaching practice is properly organized, it could improve student teacher subject matter content knowledge, skills, attitude, use of varying techniques for teaching as well as ability to be resourceful in terms of the provision of adequate instructional resources. These provisions will undoubtedly play a significant role in the student teacher preparation in mathematics education programme especially when gender is thrown into the debate. The problem of this study is therefore what is the impact of teaching practice on the female student preparation for mathematics teacher education programme?
To prepare teachers for mathematics education programme, several factors could guide the preparation programme. These factors include school subject teachers, government policies and other relevant stakeholders. These factors have a huge role to place in the achievement of teacher education programme as the overall achievement of the objectives of tertiary education. The collective support of these stakeholders is needed if the programme will record a success. They are therefore require to find proper ways of achieving the goals of teacher education programmes (Ackerman et al. 2016). For instance, the school should be able to provide the adequate facilities and conducive learning environment for the trainee teachers and their students.
However, the Nigeria education system remain poor despite all effort made to improve the quality of teaching and learning (Onwuameze, 2013). Teacher leadership is a resource for providing unlimited resources for positive outcome in teaching and learning. The teacher’s commitment as a leader should be supported by the school management. The school principal should skilfully support, provide a conducive learning environment and organisational climate (Ackerman, et al., 2016). Good leadership should be able to provide an environment permissible for quality teaching and learning. Quality teaching should be aimed at quality learning. Students’ academic achievement is one of the criteria for measuring quality teaching.
The teacher should be given adequate workload for optimum performance. Sichambo (2011) recommend that the teacher workload should be reduced to the level at which they should be able to conduct effective teaching and learning. Valiandes and Neophytou (2018) established that reducing class size as well as workload with adequate training and retraining of teachers are some of the measures that can be taken to improve students’ learning experience. Inadequate staff could affect the provision of quality education. While the government should endeavour to employ quality mathematics teachers, the college and university should be able to create educational programme that can provide the qualified teachers to assist in the provision of quality education. According to Mayeku (2019), shortage of teachers can increase the workload of existing staff, thereby
affecting the quality of instruction. Odumbe et al. (2015) on the other hand opined that low teacher-pupil ratio can enhance the teacher performance in terms of teaching and learning.
Practicing teachers should be encouraged to participate in teacher development programme. This has a huge influence on the overall quality of the teacher and will definitely aid in the achievement of the objectives of education. Adequate provision of mathematics teacher professional development has the ability to improve teacher subject matter content knowledge and confidence in delivery of the content of the mathematics lesson. With mathematics teacher professional development, more experiences with regards to teaching and learning are enhanced, and this goes a long way to improve the quality of education (Ijeh, 2013).
During teacher professional development as well as colleges and universities education programme, mathematics student teachers should be taught how to improve attitude towards mathematics teaching and learning. Such attitude may include punctuality, dedication to teaching, openness to new ideas, be resourceful to search for better method of teachings as well as create more opportunities to cover the curriculum (Nakhanu, 2019). Therefore, the impact of teaching practice on students’ preparation programmes should be investigated. In the case of this study, the focus is on the impact of teaching practice on female students’ preparation for mathematics teacher education programme in Delta State University, Abraka, Nigeria.
5. Research Questions
1. How significant does teaching practice influence the academic achievement of female mathematics education students in Delta State University? 2. What are the roles of teaching practices on female students’ preparations for mathematics education programme in Delta State University?
6. Methodology of the Study
This study is anchored on the quantitative case study approach, that entails the collection and usage of numerical data to understand a case that is studied. A case study is a research approach that is used to generate an in-depth understanding of an issue in its real-life context (Ebneyamini & Moghadam, 2018). The case studied is that of teacher education programme at the Delta State University Abraka, Nigeria. Descriptive survey research design was employed. This design allowed the researchers to obtain responses about questions from the respondents or participants of this study. In other words, the purpose of using this design is to explain the responses of the subject/respondents about the impact of teaching practice on female students’ preparation for mathematics education programme in Delta State University.
6.1 Population of the Study
The population of the study comprised of female mathematics education students in the department of Science Education. Purposive sampling was used to determine the sample. Following Bertram and Christiansen’s (2014) writing, purposive sampling is the selection of individuals with suitable experience that
can provide the required information for this study. A sample of 30 students were purposively selected from 50 students who have participated in at least one of the two teaching practice programmes organized for the students in the four-year mathematics education degree programme. The sample is thus 60% which is adequately representative. Grinnel and Williams (1990:127), affirm that 40% is sufficient for performing basic statistical procedures. In addition, five lecturers who supervised the mathematics education students and members of the teaching practice coordinating team were selected and five other teachers (head of mathematics department) from the schools where the student teachers did their teaching practice also served as respondents or participants.
6.2 Data Collection Instrument
The instrument(s) that were used for data collection is the questionnaire. In sum, two questionnaires– one for the students and the second for the supervisor (lecturers) and head of departments (in school of practice) were used. The questionnaire for student teachers consists of twenty-item questions and made up of five different sections namely subject matter content knowledge, teaching and learning, lesson planning and preparation, attitudes and extra-curricular activities. Each section comprises of four questions. The one for the supervisor (lecturers) and head of departments (in school of practice) have five items question each focusing on subject matter content knowledge, teaching and learning, lesson planning and preparation, attitudes and extra-curricular activities. Some open-ended questions as shown in the presentation of result and analysis section of this article were used to get responses from this category of respondents. The instruments were validated by two experts in mathematics education and measurement and evaluation from two different Universities. The reliability coefficient of the questionnaire was 0.81.
6.3 Data Analysis
The data collected were manually analysed with descriptive statistics such as mean and standard deviation. An overall mean of 2.50 and above would indicate that an item plays a significant role or not on the student teacher preparation for mathematics teacher education programme as well as an achievement in the student-teacher mathematics education programme (Sanni, 2002). Accordingly, if mean score is higher than the average of the critical mean scores, it can be interpreted that the performance has significantly improved or better.
7. Data Presentation and Analysis
Research Question 1: How significant does teaching practice influence the academic achievement of female mathematics education students in Delta state University?
In answering this research question, the individual mean responses of the student teachers to the questionnaire items were determine and later the overall mean is calculated for each of the variable such as the subject matter. content knowledge, teaching and learning, lesson planning and preparation, attitudes and extracurricular activities.
Table 1. Responses of the students’ teacher on enhancing subject matter content knowledge for participating in teaching practice.
S/N Question Items
1 Ability to explain concept with varied examples 2 Use of calculation Skills 3 Problem Solving Skills 4 Application to other subject area Total Overall Mean Mean Response
% Mean Response 3.7 25.5
3.9 27.5 3.2 23.0 3.4 24.0 14.2 100 3.55
Since the overall mean response 3.55 is greater than 2.50, it means that teaching practice enhances the subject matter content knowledge of student teachers.
Table 2. Responses of the Students Teacher on enhancing effective teaching and learning.
S/N Question Items Mean Response % Mean Response
1 Focus on Objective 2 Linking teaching with previous knowledge 3 Use of Instructional technique 4.2 3.2
2.8 29.5 23.0
4 Conclusion / Valid Assignment 3.0 Total 13.2 21.0 100
Overall Mean 3.3
The overall mean of 3.3 is greater than 2.50. This indicates that teaching practice enhances the knowledge of teaching and learning Mathematics.
Table 3. Responses of the students teacher on enhancing lesson planning and preparation in Teaching Practice
S/N Question Items
1 Planning of lesson 2 Use of Instructional resources Mean Response % Mean Response 4.5 29.6
3.2 21.0
3 Focus on objective to be achieved 4.0 4 Classroom Organization Total 3.5 15.2 26.4 23.0 100
Overall Mean 3.8
From Table 3, the overall mean of 3.8 is greater than 2.50. This means that teaching practice plays a significant role in enhancing student teacher knowledge for planning and preparing of mathematics lesson for effective teaching.
Table 4. Responses of the students teacher on enhancing positive attitudes towards teaching and learning.
S/N Question Items Mean Response % Mean Response
1 Mode of Dressing
3.6 2 Students motivation towards learning 3.8 22.0 23.1
3 Continuous Feedback 4.2 25.6
4 Punctuality Total 4.8 16.4 29.3 100
Overall Mean 4.1
Table 4 showed that the overall mean of 4.1 is greater than 2.50. This indicates that teaching practice enhances students’ teacher positive attitude towards the teaching and learning of mathematics.
Table 5. Responses of the students teacher on enhancing student teacher participation in extracurricular activities
S/N Question Items
1 Games Mean Response % Mean Response 4.5 29.8
2 Checking students punctuality 3.8 3 Class teacher 2.8 25.2 18.5
4 Meetings Total 4.0 15.1 26.5 100
Overall Mean 3.77
In table 5, the overall mean response of 3.77 is greater than 2.50. This indicates that teaching practice have influence on the academic achievement of students. The participation in extracurricular activities enhances their academic achievement in mathematics education.
Table 6 showed the overall mean score of 3.00 is greater than 2.50. This is an indication that teaching practice has some influences on the academic achievement of the mathematics student teachers.
Table 6. Influences of teaching practice on student teacher academic achievement in Mathematics Education
S/N Variables Overall Mean 1 Mathematics Subject matter Content Knowledge 2.84 2 Teaching and Learning of Mathematics 2.84 3 Lesson Planning and Preparation 3.04 4 Attitudes 3.28 5 Extra-Curricular Activities 3.02 Total 15.02 Overall mean 3.00
Research Question 2: What are the roles of teaching practices on female students’ preparations for mathematics education programme in Delta State University?
In answering this research question, references will be made to table 6 and the open-ended questions responses of the supervisors and Head of Departments of mathematics in the school where the student teachers did their teaching practice.
The mean score 3.55 of the student teacher responses to question relating to whether they were able to improve on their Subject matter content knowledge during the teaching practice programme, or not was greater than 2.50. The result is in line with the responses of the heads of department and the teaching practice supervisor’s responses to open-ended questionnaire. In the question – Does the students show any evidence of improvement on their mathematics subject matter content knowledge during the second teaching practice programme? The Head of department answered that the student teachers were better in their approaches to teaching in the second teaching practice exercise. According to him, they were able to vary the method of teaching as well as having adequate knowledge of the topics they taught and learnt by the students.
The teaching practice coordinator also reported that the score of the students in the second teaching practice exercise was better than the first one with a significant difference in favour of the second teaching practice. Following the result in table 6, the overall mean of the related variable that enhances the student teacher achievement is 3.00. It is evidence that the overall mean of those attributes that can ensure an achievement of the participants on the teaching practice programme is greater than 2.50. One can therefore deduce that teaching practice play a significant role in the students’ preparation for mathematics education programme at Delta State University. For example, when the teaching coordinator was asked, Does the teaching practice enhance knowledge of subject matter content, teaching and learning, knowledge of lesson and preparation, attitude and extracurricular activities in the school? The coordinator reported that the teaching practice provided a more adequate opportunity for the student teacher to develop adequate knowledge of the subject matter content for teaching, use various techniques, lesson planning and preparations, positive attitude towards teaching and learning and participation in extracurricular activities in the school system.
Furthermore, the teaching practice coordinator reported that while the mean score on teaching and learning in the first teaching practice was 61.50, the mean score in the second teaching practice was 68%. In terms of lesson planning and preparation, the heads of department in the school in which the teaching practice was done reported that the student teachers prepare and deliver their lessons at the appropriate time. The teaching practice coordinator also indicated that about 80% of the students can adequately prepare and deliver their lessons during their second teaching practice exercise. When the coordinator was asked, how well did they prepare and deliver their lesson? The coordinator reported that an average of about 68% of the mathematics student teachers scored above 65% in their first teaching practice exercise, but in the second one, about 80% of the students’ scores an A, which is between 70-100%.
The Head of Department was asked, were the mathematics student teachers punctual to the school and class? How friendly were they with the students? The head of department indicated that the student teacher was always punctual to school and even classes. He further explained that they participated in organizing the morning devotions and cleaning of the classroom and school environment. They were also dedicated and friendly with the students and staff. The coordinators of the teaching practice programme also reported that they were readily available on their duty post during the teaching practice supervision. There were evidence of monitoring of students’ class activities in the teaching practice handbooks as well as the student class activities in the students’ exercise book. Following the above report, one can deduce that the student teachers display positive attitude that could enhance their knowledge of teaching and learning in mathematics education.
From table 6, the mean score of the students’ involvement in extracurricular activities is 3.02 greater than the critical mean of 2.50. This shows that the student participated in extracurricular activities while on the teaching practice exercise.
8. Discussion of Result
It is evident in this study that the female students’ mathematics subject matter content knowledge, teaching and learning, lesson planning and preparation, attitude and extracurricular activities are developed during teaching practice. Ability to adequately develop this knowledge and use them during classroom practice could enhance the teachers’ achievement in mathematics and as well prepare them for teacher education programme.
From Table 1, the calculated mean response of the student teacher is 3.55 which is greater than 2.50. This showed that female students mathematics teacher subject matter content knowledge could be influenced by participating in teaching practice. Consequently, the participation in teaching practice programme can prepare the student teachers for effective Mathematics teacher education programme. When the head of department was asked, “did the student teachers display evidence of improvement of their knowledge of the topic taught to the students? He answered that the students were more explicit in the teaching of the mathematics at the level of the students. This result is in line with Bruce et al. (2013) who opined that teaching practice and the development of subject matter content knowledge for teaching could influence teacher preparation programme in a subject area such as mathematics.
The result in table 2 showed that calculated mean of 3.3 was greater than the critical mean of 2.50. This indicate that teaching practice enhance effective teaching and learning which will consequently improve student teacher preparation for mathematics education. The report of the teaching practice coordinator showed that teaching practice influence the development of the knowledge for teaching and learning of mathematics. This concurs with Ajaja’s (2013) research. He (Ajaja) argued that students learn better by practicing rather than been passive. This finding also gives credence to that of Anger (2014) who
noted that teaching practice play a significant role in the preparation for mathematics education. According to Anger (2014), by participating in teaching practice programme, student teacher develops better knowledge for teaching and learning.
Table 3 shows that lesson planning and preparation influence the mathematics teacher preparation for mathematics education programme. This means the mean score of 3.8 was greater than 2.50. This indicates that ability to plan and prepare for the lesson influence the student teacher achievement and preparation for the mathematics education programme. While the head of department reported that student teachers adequately prepare and delivered their lesson appropriately. The teaching practice coordinator also noted that there were evidence of lesson planning and preparation in the student teaching practice handbook during supervision. This establishes the importance of student lesson planning and preparation. It is thus not surprising that student lesson planning and preparation is the key influence in the preparation of mathematics education programme (Federal Government of Nigeria, 2018). This finding agrees with Regan et al. (2016) who reported that lesson planning and preparation play a significant role in mathematics teacher programme.
In Table 4, a mean achievement score of 4.1 was greater than the critical mean of 2.50. This indicated that the student teachers’ attitude has significant influence on the mathematics students’ preparation for education programme. The response to open-ended question from the head of department showed that the student teachers display a more positive attitude towards their teaching, students and staff during their teaching practice duty as well as establishing good relationship with the students and staff. The teaching practice supervisor also indicates that there was evidence of punctuality to duty. The student teacher dress properly and gives continuous feedback to the students. This finding agreed with the report of Deveci and Seikkula-Leino (2018) who noted that the teachers’ attitude plays significant role in preparation for teacher education. According to this author, the student teacher must be prepared to participate in all that will make for effective teacher education. This involves the acquisition of the subject matter content knowledge, punctuality to duty, motivating student to learn, dressing, and providing continuous feedback to the students. Yara and Wanjohi (2011) also noted that student teacher attitude is a predictor of the achievement in mathematics education.
Table 5 showed a mean of 3.02 which is greater than the critical mean of 2.50. This showed that participation in extracurricular activities can enhance student teachers’ preparation for mathematics education. In other words, student teachers’ participation in extracurricular activities play significant role in preparation for effective teaching and learning in mathematics in the school system. Hensch (2020) noted that teacher involvement in extracurricular matters in the college matters a lot in their preparation for classroom practices. This author also noted that participation in extracurricular activities help teachers who are in this case student teachers to transfer job-related knowledge for the future preparation of students. One can also gain essential life skill by participating in
extracurricular activities especially working with one another as well as their own students.
9. Limitation
This is a small sample study that was conducted to investigate the impact of teaching practice on female students’ preparation for mathematics teacher education programme. Given that this study utilised the quantitative research approach, we thus acknowledge that the sample is indeed small, hence, can be regarded as a limitation. Nonetheless, we argue that the small sample does not compromise the quality and results of the study because the sample is representative of the study’s population which we as the researchers cannot do anything about but draw from or use. In the light of this limitation, we would like to direct future researchers to consider a research context or site with a larger population should they wish to conduct a study that is similar to this current study.
10. Conclusion
The study concludes that the impact of teaching practice on female students’ preparation for mathematics teacher education programme in Delta State University, is statistically significant. It highlights that during teaching practice, female student teachers can develop their subject matter content knowledge, knowledge for teaching and learning, lesson planning and preparation, development of positive attitude to teaching and learning as well as improve their participation in extracurricular activities in the school system which are all parts of the roles of teaching practice. Consequently, the sampled students’ achievement in the aforementioned areas can meaningfully, adequately, and readily position them for their future occupation which is teaching and thus, help them to overcome the challenges that they are likely to face as beginner teachers outside their studentship terrain at the university.
When juxtaposed with literature, the roles of teaching practices on female students are not different to that of any student regardless their gender. The study therefore recommends that there is need to continue to use teaching practice programme to prepare pre-service teachers in mathematics education. Given the responses elicited from the head of department, supervisors and chief coordinator of teaching practice, the study importantly points to adequate teaching practice supervision as a crucial element for the preparation of mathematics education programme that must be ensured and encouraged in order to monitor and guide the student teacher.
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International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research Vol. 20, No. 12, pp. 49-63, December 2021 https://doi.org/10.26803/ijlter.20.12.4 Received Sep 25, 2021; Revised Nov 30, 2021; Accepted Dec 05, 2021
Integrating Video-Based Multimedia in Teaching Physics in Context of Covid-19 in Rwandan Secondary Schools
Gabriel Janvier Tugirinshuti African Centre of Excellence for Innovative Teaching and Learning Mathematics and Science (ACEITLMS), College of Education, University of Rwanda, Rwanda https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5756-3635
Leon Rugema Mugabo African Centre of Excellence for Innovative Teaching and Learning Mathematics and Science (ACEITLMS), College of Education, University of Rwanda, Rwanda https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4962-5653
Alexis Banuza Centre de Recherche en Didactique des Disciplines et de Diffusion des Sciences (CRDS), Departement de Physique-Technologie, Institut de Pedagogie Appliquée, Université de Burundi, Burundi https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9623-7878
Abstract. The Covid-19 pandemic has paralyzed the education system and lead to temporary school closure. After school re-opening, longterm responses to a resilient education system were needed. A descriptive survey research design was used to diagnose the barriers to video-based multimedia integration in teaching and learning physics in certain secondary schools. 47 physics teachers (35 males and 12 females) were purposely selected from 24 schools located in the Rutsiro and Rubavu districts. A questionnaire was given to all 47 teachers. One-onone interview with great attention to the measures of reducing the transmission of Covid-19 was conducted to all senior five physics teachers. Research findings revealed that video-based multimedia is less used in teaching and learning physics. Teachers indicated that poor infrastructure, poor teachers’ training aimed at effective integration of multimedia in education, pressure to prepare students for exams, and teachers’ lack of time for preparation are major factors that impede the use of video-based multimedia in teaching and learning physics. Results also provided proof of the necessity to provide digital devices to teachers and learners, teachers’ training, and learners’ preparation for virtual classes so that video-based multimedia could be a better
©Authors This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).
instructional strategy to long-term responses for Covid-19 and future shocks. The findings of this study revealed that VBM could be a consensus on education and technology competency required to support teaching and learning especially during Covid-19 and future shocks. Keywords: Video-Based multimedia; Covid-19; physics education; elearning
1. Introduction
The first case of Covid-19 was signaled in Wuhan, China in December 2019. Later, the disease has escalated briskly worldwide, leading to a world pandemic (World Health Organization [WHO], 2020). In the 21st century, Covid-19 has been considered as one of the dangerous health crises for people in the world. Consequently, many countries put in place measures to fight against Covid-19 and to reduce the citizens’ transmission. As a result of those measures, many countries worldwide decided to close schools. The school closure paralyzed the education system in more than 186 countries and 80% of the learners in the world were affected (UNICEF, 2020). In sub-Saharan Africa, Covid-19 has had an enormous impact on education (UNESC0, 2021). The experience of the pandemic has been traumatic, and there has been widespread school closure across sub-Saharan Africa in response to the pandemic (Mukuka et al., 2021). The government of Rwanda reported the first case of Covid-19 on 14 March 2020 and the total number of Covid-19 positive cases has increased to 96,570 with 1,242 deaths as of September 25, 2021(Worldmeter, 2021). The Covid-19 has caused the worst education crisis in Rwanda leading to school closures in March 2020 (Mineduc, 2020; UNICEF, 2020). During the time of school closure, the government of Rwanda proposed responses to assist learners to continue learning remotely. Low-tech multimedia such as radio and television-assisted learning were used to ensure continuity of learning for all students including vulnerable students, students with disabilities, and students from disadvantaged communities (Mineduc, 2020). After school reopening in November 2020, long-term projections to build resilient education systems were needed. Since then, according to Rwanda’s education sector Covid-19 response plan, Rwanda ministry of education and Rwanda basic education board launched several initiatives that aimed to education system the resilient (Mineduc, 2020; Mugiraneza, 2021). Adopting an appropriate integration of technology and moving a step forward on the way multimedia is used in teaching and learning were parts of the selected initiatives (Mineduc, 2020; Mugiraneza, 2021). In addition, expanding online learning, combining the use of digital and multimedia tools, teacher’ professional development, and establishing remote assessment strategies were among priorities (Mugiraneza, 2021). However, those initiatives face many challenges even before Covid-19. Therefore, this study seeks to diagnose the barriers associated with the integration of video-based multimedia (VBM) as a long-term response to Covid-19 and future shocks. Even if the Covid-19 turns all education upside down, it exacerbates the crisis that was already raging in physics
education (Uwizeyimana et al., 2018). That is why special attention has been given to physics education in this study.
2. Literature Review 2.1. Theoretical Framework
This study is based on the cognitive theory of multimedia learning which suggested the use of multimedia as remedies to run-down learning (CastroAlonso et al., 2021). The cognitive theory of multimedia learning goes hand in hand with the constructivist theory that requires learners to interact with knowledge construction (Yuejue et al., 2021). The cognitive theory of multimedia learning asserts that learning can be enhanced by the use of multimedia (Chelliah & Masran, 2020; Kiat et al., 2020). This requires teachers and/or learners to choose appropriate words and appropriate pictures, arrange these words and pictures independently into clear mental models, form connections between verbal and mental models, and incorporate those models with prior knowledge (Castro-Alonso et al., 2021).
2.2 Multimedia in Education
The improvement of technology has changed the way we view the world and paved the way to new opportunities. The education system also benefits from this development of technology (Oliveira et al., 2018). The progress in the digital era has stimulated the production of new interesting and effective approaches in teaching and learning contexts such as multimedia (Ndihokubwayo et al., 2020). Multimedia in education stems from the theory of constructivism and supports self-paced learning (Bull, 2013). Multimedia based instruction support learnercentered methodology which puts learners at the center of the learning process by focusing on their needs (Yap, 2016). Within multimedia based instruction, learners are likely to work cooperatively, increase development in the economic and technological world, and equip learners with dynamic skills, value, and knowledge required for the development of the person (Kabigting, 2021; Ndihokubwayo et al., 2020). However, integrating multimedia in teaching and learning is handicapped by infrastructure and ICT tools readiness (UNESCO,
2021), teachers’ ICT literacy (Hafifah & Sulistyo, 2020), teachers’ beliefs and confidence to use technology in teaching and learning (Martin et al., 2020; Creely et al., 2021), and national policies managing and supporting the use of technology in education (Valente & Almeida, 2020). Video-based multimedia (VBM) is mostly used when integrating multimedia based instruction in science education (Adekoke, 2011; Gambari et al., 2014). Researchers revealed that VBM provides and promotes a learning climate in which learners take responsibility for their own learning by solving problems, teaching one another, debating and group discussion about activity at hand (Castro-Alonso et al., 2021). Moreover, VBM increases competency to the application of levels of blooms taxonomy and enhances professional and technological skills that are crucial for a successful career in today’s global context (Akinoso, 2020). The rationale behind VBM is the use of videos in class or outclass activities where learners interact and get engaged with knowledge construction, discuss/debate and clarify doubts without embarrassments, and teachers act as a guide by the side to facilitate learning (Adi et al., 2021; Gambari et al., 2014). Thus, VBM stems from the theory of constructivism (Yuejue et al., 2021). Multimedia based instructions have been identified to attract students’ attention, motivation, and enhance students’ achievement, and retention (Adekoke, 2011). The use of multimedia in physics classroom revealed several opportunities such as access to knowledge that is stored beyond textbooks, solutions to manual paper based processes and procedures, better teaching and learning methods, save time, student management, motivation, and raise academic achievement and retention(Adekoke, 2011; Rusanganwa, 2013; Yap, 2016).The VBM allows students to explore and visualize physics content that is closely related to a specific form of constructivist learning theory (Adi et al., 2021). VBM is valuable in physics as it promotes students’ problem solving, builds a bridge between verbal and scientific representations, and helps students to develop images that give meaning to scientific and mathematical symbols (Rusanganwa, 2013). VBM enables physics learners to access knowledge and develop their multiple intelligence skills (Blomberg et al., 2014). VBM learning strategies help to make sense of what is happening in class and support learners’ sense of being actors, researchers, and creators (Holmes et al., 2019; Ziegelbauer & D'Errico, 2021).
2.3 Video Based Multimedia in the Context of Covid-19
Covid-19 shows that educationists are required to change their mindset on how they view the education system (Mukuka et al., 2021). When schools were closed due to Covid-19, educationalists had no other option than to shift to online classes (UNESCO, 2021). Covid-19 pushed teachers to assume virtual teaching where they had to use digital technologies, sometimes for the 1st time to facilitate their students’ learning (Code et al., 2020). Video based multimedia in multiform was used during school closure (Mugiraneza, 2021). For instance, recorded videos were shared among learners using their cellular mobile phones (Rodríguez et al., 2020), YouTube videos (Malea et al., 2020), and videos broadcasted on TV (Mugiraneza, 2021), etc. After schools reopening, it has been necessary to rethink the teaching strategies to resilient the Covid-19 and future
shock (Mineduc, 2020). Educationists recall the mixture of face-to-face and virtual classrooms (Neuwirth et al., 2020). Researchers revealed that the use of VBM in these jointly learning strategies makes sense (Babelyuk et al., 2020). However, the effectiveness of the said learning strategies requires various types of preparedness such as technological readiness (Nimavat et al., 2021), preparing in-service teachers (Mukuka et al., 2021), pedagogical and home-based learning (Gonzales, 2020), readiness for monitoring and assessment (Egede, 2021), and adjust learning management (Moore et al., 2021).
2.4 Research Problem and Focus
In the light of the Covid-19 pandemic and its effect, the education sector is experiencing transformation (Mhlanga & Moloi, 2020). In other terms, the pandemic has changed the education system dramatically and ushered in a pressing need for the enhancement of information and communication technology (ICT) tools, digital platforms, and multimedia utilization in education (Adi et al., 2021; Mugiraneza, 2021). To ensure continuity of learning and prepare the resilience of the education system against Covid-19 and future shocks, the government of Rwanda prepared short, medium, and long-term responses to support the continuation of quality learning (Mineduc, 2020). However, those responses would have a substantial effect on integrating technology in the education system. Therefore, this study seeks to diagnose the challenges associated with integrating video-based multimedia in physics classrooms in Rwandan secondary schools. Built on the research problem underlined above, the following research questions were sought: i) To what extent video-based multimedia is used in teaching physics? ii) What are teachers’ views about barriers that impended video-based multimedia implementation in the physics classroom? iii) How could the recognized barriers be addressed to make sure that videobased multimedia is integrated effectively in those classrooms?
3. Research Methodology 3.1. Research Design
This study used a descriptive survey research design. The employed design was considered suitable for this study because statistical data can be secured, and analysis of that information can be done to infer anticipated results (Ary et al., 2020). Both qualitative and quantitative data were collected respecting measures to fight against Covid-19.
3.2. Research Participants
Respondents were selected from public secondary schools within Rutsiro and Rubavu districts in western province, Rwanda. The purposive sampling method was used in this study. A purposeful sampling of schools is based on the availability of ICT equipment and physics as one of the core subjects taught in those schools. In each selected school, all physics teachers were requested to participate in this study. 47 (35 males and 12 females) physics teachers took part in this research. Participants’ experience as physics teachers ranges between 2 to 19 years.
3.3. Research Instruments and Validation
The data reported in this study were collected using a questionnaire and an interview. The questionnaire items were prepared based on previous research on the seeming barriers to integrating multimedia in education. However, since the purpose and scope are not the same as the original ones, we checked the reliability before distributing the questionnaire. SPSS Version 21 was used. Exploratory factor analysis has shown that all the 27 items’ factor loading was greater than .40 and were all retained and presented in this study. The internal consistency showed a Cronbach alpha of .85 which exceeded .7 (Taber, 2017). There is no multicollinearity among the items since there are no pair’s inter-item correlations of more than .80, hence all items were independent. An interview structured questions but allowed room for discussion to provide respondents time to explain their personal experiences concerning multimedia use in education. It was also used to collect qualitative data until data saturation was reached. The reason to conduct the one-on-one interview was to understand the details behind participants’ answers, make an investigation on apparent factors that impede video-based multimedia integration in teaching and learning physics, and the possible solutions to ensure effective integration of video-based multimedia. Classroom observation protocol was used to know the principals of VBM practices in selected schools. To validate the instruments, an expert in ICT education from University of Rwanda together with experienced physics teachers checked the questionnaire, interview protocol and classroom observation protocol. Their comments and suggestions were used to build the final instruments used in this study.
3.4. Data Collection Procedure
Data were collected in May and June 2021. This was almost seven months after schools re-opening following the joint ministry of education and ministry of health directive measures to re-open schools. Measures emphasized the Covid19 preventive guidelines and the medium and long-term response to support the continuation of quality learning. Once the participants were selected and agreed to participate in this study, questionnaires were distributed to participants to complete. The completed questionnaires were collected back after one week. All the questionnaires were collected back at the end of the agreed time at a rate of 100%. After handing back the completed questionnaire, interviews with all senior five (grade 11) physics to each school were planned. One-on-one interviews were scheduled and conducted during working hours at the working schools and lasted approximately 50 minutes per teacher. Interviews started with structured questions associated with discussion to provide respondents time to explain their statements. Interviews were audio-recorded and then transcribed. After the face-to-face interview, teachers were then observed in an ICT classroom setting. Notes taken were analyzed to develop a common understanding of the effective incorporation of video-based multimedia in the physics classroom.
3.5. Data Analysis
Data analysis involved the use of different methods to examine and interpret all the data collected, and analysis involved both qualitative and quantitative aspects. Statistical analysis such as standard error, standard deviation, mean,
percentage, and sample t-test was used to summarize data from the questionnaire. Moreover, the formula ���� = was used to calculate Cohen’s d to communicate the magnitude of the treatment (Lakens, 2013). To analyze qualitative data, a constant comparison method of content analysis was used to classify semantic categories into sub-themes and themes. Thereafter, the developed sub-themes and themes were pooled and synthesized through the semantic category to which it refers (Akinyode & Khan, 2018).
4. Results 4.1. Extent to Which Video Based Multimedia is Used
Table 1: Descriptive statistics on instructional strategies Instructional strategies M N SD SE
Teacher's Usual Teaching Strategies 4.11 47 0.512 0.071 Technology-Based Strategies (VBM included) 3.20 47 0.512 0.071
Teachers’ responses under each instructional strategy were combined. Mean, standard deviation, and standard error were calculated and presented in Table 1. Results displayed in Table 1 indicated that, on average, teacher’s usual teaching strategies were more dominant (M=4.11; SD=0.512) than technologybased strategies (M=3.20; SD=0.512).
Table 2: Paired samples t-test for Teacher’s Usual Teaching Strategies (TUT Stra) and Technology-Based Strategies (TB stra)
Paired difference
95% C.I. of the difference
M SD SE Lower Upper t df p TUT stra-TB stra 0.91 0.51 0.07 0.81 1.09 13.15 46 0.001
For Cohen’s d ���� = , hence �� =
0.91 0.51,��ℎ������ =1.78
Table 2 displayed the paired t-test for teachers’ usual teaching strategies and technology-based strategies (video-based multimedia included). The difference of 0.91, (95% CI {0.81, 1.09}) was significant, (t=13.15, p<0.05) to conclude that usual teaching strategies were statistically more dominant than technologybased strategies. Moreover, the size effect calculated of 1.78 represented a large effect size as it exceeded the threshold of 0.8. Hence, built on the findings shown above, it was revealed that usual teaching strategies were significantly more prevalent than technology-based strategies.
4.2. Seeming Barriers Impending Video-Based Multimedia Implementation in
Physics Classroom
Table 3 displayed the seeming barriers to effective implementation of multimedia in education. Referring to Table 3 and taking into consideration the standards that 1= strongly disagree (sd), 2= disagree (d), 3= neutral (n), 4= agree (a), and 5= strongly agree (sa), a considerable number of respondents were likely to consent that the resulting seemed fences influenced video-based multimedia instruction implementation in their physics classroom: infrastructure (72.3%), Lack/poor adequate teacher's training (72.3%), the pressure to prepare students for exam and tests (70.2%), Time vs high teaching load (68.3%), and difficulties in assessing and monitoring learners’ progress (68%).
Table 3: Seeming Barriers to Effectively Implementation of Multimedia in Education
Seeming barriers Frequency (%) n=47 sd D n a sa
Infrastructure 0 14.9 12.8 38.3 34
Lack/poor adequate teacher's training Pressure to prepare students for exam and/or tests 2.1 10.6 14.9 40.4 31.9
14.9 4.3 10.6 34 36.2
Time vs high teaching load 6.4 8.5 17 42.8 25.5 Problems in evaluating and checking learners' progress 0 19.1 12.8 34 34
Poor communication skills 10.6 12.8 17 34 25.5
Poor technology literacy 8.5 12.8 19.1 27.7 31.9
Big number of learners’ in classroom Lack/poor technology supporting materials 8.5 19.1 17 36.2 19.1
0 23.4 21.3 29.8 25.5
Related barriers to those reported in Table 3 were also highlighted during a oneon-one interview. Here are some of the noteworthy responses from respondents on how time for preparation, class size, and pressure to prepare students for examinations hinder the effectiveness of video-based multimedia:
Respondent number 4: video-based multimedia (and other technology-related instructional strategies) is too demanding in terms of time, together with a heavy teaching load that appears difficult to use technology. Respondent 3: it is difficult to use video-based multimedia in a big class like this one, sometimes learners’ pretend to be doing classroom activities while they are busy with social media and other computer games. Respondent 2: our school is judged based on national examination results, so the use of video-based multimedia will not help me to prepare the students well as I am not experienced in using such kinds of instructional strategies.
Respondents 1: it is not easy to monitor the learners’ progress under a videobased multimedia class setting. Classroom observation revealed difficulties in preparing VBM classrooms of learners with different levels of ICT literacy. Some teachers still have difficulties setting clear objectives during the VBM class. Learners’ ICT literacy and poor communication skills were also identified as a barrier since learners struggle to use the right keywords in research.
4.3. Suggested Solution to Effectively Integrate VBM in Physics Classroom
During one-on-one interviews, respondents suggested solutions to the raised barriers. Table 4 revealed the respondents’ proposed solution to ensure that VBM is effectively incorporated in classroom, and to guarantee its effectiveness in teaching and learning physics.
Table 4: Proposed solution
Theme Proposed solution
1 ICT Skills
Teachers' training on ICT integration in education, raise the level of learners' ICT literacy 2 Time Avail time for preparation, increase learners' access to ICT tools such as computer 3 Belief Focus discussion about the effectiveness of VBM in teaching and learning physics 4 Experience Share best practices with others 5 Infrastructure Increasing ICT tools such as computer and internet connectivity
Frequency (%) n=47
To effectively incorporate VBM in teaching and learning physics and to ensure that VBM is integrated to resilient Covid-19 (and future shock) effects, respondents stressed the need for ICT professional development training. Respondents have shown a relationship between teachers’ skills level, confidence, and competence. Classroom observation also revealed that there is a need to develop strong classroom management during VBM classes with different ICT levels of literacy.
5. Discussion
This study diagnosed the barriers to integrating VBM in Rwandan secondary schools as a long-term response to Covid-19 and future shock in education. Results of this study revealed that switching to technology integration in teaching and learning as a long-term response to resilience relevant and quality education makes sense (Mugiraneza, 2021). However, this is not unique to the Rwandan context. For instance, Hashimi (2021) reported that technology, VBM included, allows students to access content well beyond textbooks in multiple formats regardless to time and space. The results of this study showed that the incorporation of VBM is still very low (Tables 1 and 2) and has been hindered by some barriers (Table 3). Similarly, the results of this study about the barriers that impede the effective integration of VBM did not seem to be exceptional to Rwandan education. For example, the research conducted in the Philippines by
Wenceslao and Felisa (2021) and in South Africa by Mukuna and Aloka (2020) revealed that online education was impeded by personal barriers, inadequate social interaction, technology-related issues, assessment-related issues, and concerns on learning materials and methods. According to the points raised above, the question that requires a long-term answer is how we can ensure that technology integration in teaching and learning is effectively integrated so that it responds positively to the resilience of the education system against Covid-19 and future shocks. Based on the barriers highlighted in this study (table 3), proposals on the likely solutions to some of the mentioned issues are given: First, curriculum developers, policymakers, and stakeholders in education should consider the use of specialized materials beyond textbooks. To this, videos in multiple formats can be used. The video contains lessons (regarding the curriculum) that can be stored on secure digital (SD) memory cards and used on telephones, tablets, and computers to remotely study when they are in an online or an offline environment. Moreover, those videos can be shared easily among learners. Here we concur with Holmes et al. (2019) and Blomberg et al. (2014) that VBM technology has been recognized to be a real strategy for bridging the gap in the delivery of unlimited access to quality education and enhanced students’ achievement and retention. However, this will need to provide ICT tools such as telephones to students irrespective of their family background otherwise, learners from disadvantaged and rural families will lag (OECD, 2012). Other challenges that come with this strategy are lack/poor infrastructure such as electricity supply, learning aids, etc. Research conducted in Bangladesh by Al-Amin et al. (2021) and in Zambia by Mukuka et al. (2021) reported that poor infrastructure was among the major factors impending elearning in most developing countries. Second, the successful integration of VBM as a long-term response to Covid-19 and future shocks requires the effective preparation of teachers through continuing professional development courses and training on effective integration of ICT in teaching and learning physics. Here we agree with Mahdi et al. (2015) that providing teachers with ICT assistance and e-learning supports will lead to the improvement of quality education in teaching and learning physics. Moreover, the brutal suspension of face-to-face classes due to Covid-19 and the spurred use of technology to maintain educational continuity have stressed the need for teachers’ relevant skills on digital platforms to ensure a long-term response (Mukuka et al., 2021). Furthermore, it has been recognized that most teachers hold a belief that they cannot assess and/or monitor learners' progress in digital-based strategy (Ziegelbauer & D'Errico, 2021). Therefore, teachers’ training on digital transformation in education will boost teachers’ confidence and motivation to teach, assess, and monitor their learners even beyond the physical classroom environment. Recent researchers echo similar findings that it becomes crucial to give teachers relevant skills on e-learning platforms (Mukuka et al., 2021; Zhang et al., 2020) Third, preparing students psychologically about virtual learning should also be considered. Kaplan-Rakowski (2020) reported that students’ traditional mindset made them find a virtual class as a challenge. However, teachers and learners need to optimize new learning settings and harness technology to improve their
teaching and learning. The psychological preparation of students should be paralleled with time management skills due to their various everyday homebased activities especially for girls and students from rural areas. There is, therefore, a need for parents to be aware of what is going on so that their plan should help these learners. Besides, students’ psychological preparation will help to raise learners’ self-motivation. A recent study reported that after shifting from face-to-face to virtual learning, many students fall behind and nurture the idea of giving up (Esani, 2010).
6. Conclusion
Technology such as VBM instructions was reported to be a potent force in driving educational reforms especially during this period of Covid-19. However, the findings of this research revealed that VBM is less used compared to the traditional teaching methodologies in selected schools of Rutsiro and Rubavu districts in western province, Rwanda. Respondents reported some barriers related to VBM incorporation in teaching physics. While the results of this study, to a great extent, look like previous studies, this is one of the few pieces of research done in Rwanda about long-term Covid-19 (and future shocks) response plans. Although the Rwanda basic education board enables free access to the education content (elearning.reb.rw), researchers revealed that audiovisual lessons are more beneficial. One noteworthy point that could be of a great value is that videos could be used when learners are online or offline and are easy to share from one device to another. Consequently, VBM instructional strategy could be an effective methodology to use as a long-term response to Covid-19 and future shocks. However, a careful orientation of in-service teachers in integrating VBM in teaching and learning is required. This could be paralleled with providing digital devices to both teachers and learners and to prepare learners psychologically about the virtual learning environment.
7. Implication, Limitation and Further Research
The findings of this study revealed that VBM could be a consensus on education and technology competency is required to support teaching and learning especially during Covid-19 and future shocks. Therefore, educationalists should initiate VBM as a long-term response to Covid-19 and future shocks to resilient and improve the education system. On the limitation side, the methodology used pushed the researchers to use teachers’ self-reported information. Teachers provide information according to their understanding. Their status as public secondary school teachers might have influenced their response. Another limitation of this research is that only physics teachers were involved. Although the information of other subject teachers may not vary from that of physics teachers, the selection of respondents may limit the generalization of the research findings. Given these limitations, a follow-up study can be conducted on the same topic for evaluating both public and private teachers together with science and non-science teachers. The effect of geographical location (rural, semiurban, and urban), socio-economic background of learners, and gender are other variables of interest in this area. Future research could also explore other probable barriers and how those barriers could be alleviated.
Acknowledgment of the Financial Support
I acknowledge the African Centre of Excellence for Innovative Teaching and Learning Mathematics and Science (ACEITLMS) for inspiration, encouragement, and financial support it provided towards successful completion of this paper.
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