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Citation Count – -06


Department of Information Systems, University of Bahrain, Kingdom of Bahrain

ABSTRACT A growing awareness in the construction industry has emerged to pay a sharp attention to ICT as a catalyst that would mitigate the deficiencies characterized by this industry. In comparison with other cited review articles, this paper is aimed to 1) compile the research published on “ICT Technologies” in correspondence to “Construction Tasks” in the construction industry over the past two decades (1996- 2016), 2) demonstrate the trends and patterns in the use of different types of ICT Technologies 3) discuss the correspondence of the identified ICT Technologies to the identified Construction Tasks and 4) exhibit the construction needs of ICT. By the employment of a five phases profiling methodology, a set of 68 out of 202 articles and papers indexed by Elsevier’s Scopus database was considered relevant for the current review paper. This research is targeting the beginning researchers and practitioners in the field of ICT in construction. KEYWORDS Construction industry, Information, Technology, Ict, Construction Tasks, Article review. FOR MORE DETAILS: VOLUME LINK:

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Citation Count –05

THE CONTRIBUTION OF ELECTRONIC BANKING TO CUSTOMER SATISFACTION: A CASE OF GCB BANK LIMITED –KOFORIDUA Martin Otu Offei and Kwaku Nuamah-Gyambrah Koforidua Polytechnic , Ghana ABSTRACT Internet banking has the potential to provide fast and reliable services to customers for which they are relatively happy. Due to the technological changes taking place all over the world, many institutions, including the banking sector have taken giant steps to move in tandem with these changes. In this light most banks, with GCB Bank, Ghana, not being an exception have introduced electronic banking in order to decongest the banking halls of customers who spend time unending in order to transact business. The purpose of this research was to assess the Contribution of Electronic Banking to Customer Satisfaction at GCB Bank-Koforidua, to this end some objectives were set for the study. These were: To assess the availability of electronic banking facilities at GCB Bank, Koforidua. To assess the knowledge and patronage of internet banking services by customers, to examine the effectiveness of the usage of electronic banking facilities, to examine the problem facing an internet banking in GCB Bank, Koforidua. This is a quantitative study that employed the use of questionnaires as the main tools for data collection. Data was collected from management, staff and customers of GCB Bank, Koforidua Branch. Findings from analysis of data revealed that though there was the existence of internet banking facilities of the bank, respondents of the study were not fully aware of the existence of such facilities. It was also found that the use of internet banking was quite expensive and that though the bank was utilizing the facility, customers were not fully patronizing them. It was concluded that internet banking brings efficiency in the operations of the bank. Finally, the study recommended that all branches of GCB Bank adopt internet banking facilities to help in effective banking operations and transactional purposes. To maximize the operations and potential of the bank management must endeavor to educate the customers about the existence of internet banking facilities since a few customers were aware of the existence of such facilities.

KEYWORDS Internet banking, customer satisfaction, contribution, Ghana, ATM Cards, master cards, visa, debit & credit cards


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Citation Count –02


School of Computing, University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom


Department of Mathematics, Tai Solarin University of Education, Ijagun, Nigeria


Department of Computer Science, Michael Otedola College of Primary Education, Noforija, Epe, Nigeria

ABSTRACT Developing countries lacking technology infrastructures experience most disasters such as tsunami, hurricane Katrina, earthquakes. Even though, many lives are saved in developed countries through the use of high-level or sophisticated technology, only the technology that is easy to use, inexpensive, durable and field-tested should be introduced and used during the relief operation. The effect of climate change and rapid population growth are probably exposed people inhabiting areas to substantial environmental risks. The authors highlight and identify current practices, particularities, and challenges in earthquakes relief operations with the aims of reviewing the roles E-Service and Mobile Technology tools in real-life situations and practices could do to help in disaster operations. This study focuses on victims of earthquakes worldwide. The study will review and provide insights into the roles of E-Service and Mobile Technologies in earthquakes relief operations and how the internally displaced person could benefit from these services. The limitations of these services will be discussed and how the technology could be used to further predict natural disaster such as earthquakes is also considered. KEYWORDS Digital Society, E-Service, Mobile Technology, Earthquakes, Disaster Operations FOR MORE DETAILS: VOLUME LINK:

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Mr. Kazeem Oluwakemi OSENI is a PhD Candidate in the School of Computing, University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom Dr. Kate DINGLEY is a Principal Lecturer in the School of Computing, University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom Dr. Penny HART is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Computing, University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom Mrs Ayoade Iyabode ADEWOLE is a lecturer in the Department of Mathematics, Tai Solarin University of Education, Ijagun, Nigeria Mr. Oluwakayode Abayomi DAWODU is a lecturer in the Department of Computer Science, Michael Otedola College of Primary Education, Noforija, Epe, Nigeria

Citation Count – 02

ADOPTION OF MOBILE BANKING IN SAUDI ARABIA: AN EMPIRICAL EVALUATION STUDY Ayman N. Alkhaldi Management Information systems Department, Community College, University of Hail, Hail province, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia ABSTRACT This study explores the adoption of mobile banking practices in Saudi Arabia. It focuses on the existence of sufficient infrastructure, and the possible challenges that m-banking services may face. Also, discovers the potential opportunities in the country. A sample of banks in Saudi Arabia was surveyed via questionnaire, with a particular focus on the staff in the related IT departments. The findings demonstrate that although m-banking is believed to be important, there is a general lack of awareness, and it is still not widely accepted by the public. M-banking services provided should be easier to use and offer more security to its users. Furthermore, findings reveal that cooperation among the concerned parties is currently not extensive. From this, the researcher recommends that governing regulations and policies should be properly identified and put in place, and proposes that banking decision-makers in Saudi Arabia should reevaluate their bank’s strategic plans.

KEYWORDS Information and Communication Technology, Banking Technology, Mobile Banking, Banking Services, Saudi Arabia.


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