TOP 20 CITED Research ARTICLES IN INFORMATION MANAGEMENT 2021 International Journal of Managing Information Technology (IJMIT) ISSN: 0975-5586 (Online); 0975-5926 (Print)
H-INDEX – 24
1. Defining ICT in a Boundaryless World: The Development of a Working Hierarchy Colrain M. Zuppo August 2012| Cited by 197 Subsequent to rapid information and communication technology development, the scope of the definition of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT or ICTs) has been utilized within diverse contexts including economic development, education, IT, business and personal usage. A review of academic literature, trade publications and general information was undertaken to establish a hierarchy of applications for the term ICT or ICTs. 2. Challenges of E-Learing in Nigerian University Education Based on the Experience of Developed Countries N.D. Oye1, Mazleena Salleh2 , N. A. Iahad3 May 2011 | Cited by 125 This paper present a review of the challenges of e-learning in Nigerian University education based on the experience of four developed countries, UK, Australia, Korea and France. The survey shows that these countries have: (i) vision and action plans for e-learning, (ii) they have good government policies and financial support, (iii) they earmark action programs and set committees with sufficient funds to pursue it goals, (iv) they believe in research as a fundamental part of e-learning strategy, and lastly (v) they embark on awareness, training and motivational programs. The paper pointed out that, for the challenges of Nigerian university education to be reduced to minimum, the Federal Government should improve on educational funding as UNESCO recommended 26% of the annual budget. In addition the government should fulfill her promise on the issue of improving Electricity supply in the country. Furthermore, the university administrators should embark on awareness and training of staff on the use of ICTs, with motivations attached. The Internet is a major driver of ICT in education and bandwidth is a major issue in the deployment of e-learning. Therefore government should make Internet connectivity a priority for higher education to be able to leverage on the promises and opportunities ICTs present. 3. Social Business Transformation through Gamification Jitendra Maan August 2013 | Cited by 86 Being an emerging business practice, gamification is going to the mainstream to enable and transform social business initiatives across enterprises. With the consistent focus on customer behavior and experience, there is a paradigm shift in thinking about how Gamification and Social initiatives together help to increase the engagement level of knowledge worker, yielding better
business results. Business scenarios for gamification are wide spread ranging from customer service and support to communities and collaboration. The Paper discusses the characteristics & mechanism to learn from games that are important for businesses to understand and apply. It also gives insights on gamification trends, real-world business challenges and also describes on how game thinking can revolutionize the business and create an engaging experience. 4. Extending UTAUT to Explain Social Media Adoption by Microbusinesses Debashish Mandal and Robert J McQueen November 2012| Cited by 84 This paper extends the use of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) to explain social media adoption by microbusinesses. A canonical action research method is used to study social media adoption in microbusiness, and a post positivist approach is used to report the results based on a predetermined premise. It is found that the major constructs of performance and effort expectancy played an insignificant role, and social influence and facilitating conditions did not influence the behavioral and adoption intentions of social media by microbusiness owners. Owner characteristics and codification effort dominated the use behavior. The goal of microbusiness owners in gaining additional customers leads to behavioral modification resulting in replacing of behavioral intention with goals as a superior method of predicting adoption behavior within the context of microbusinesses. 5. The Role of Technology Acceptance Model in Explaining Effect on E-Commerce Application System Md Gapar Md Johar1 and Janatul Akmar Ahmad Awalluddin2 August 2011 | Cited by 83 Today e-commerce has become crucial element to transform some of the world countries into an information society. Business to consumer (B2C) in the developing countries is not yet a normalcy as compared to the developed countries. Consumer behaviour research has shown disappointing results regarding the overall use of the Web for online shopping, despite its considerable promise as a channel for commerce. As the use of the Internet continues to grow in all aspects of daily life, there is an increasing need to better understand what trends of internet usage and to study the barriers and problem of ecommerce adoption. Hence, the purpose of this research is to define how far Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) contributed in e-commerce adoption. Data for this study was collected by the means of a survey conducted in Malaysia in 2010. A total of 611 questionnaire forms were delivered to respondents. The location of respondents was within Penang state. By studying this sample, conclusions would be drawn to generalize the interests of the population.
6. Knowledge Sharing in Workplace: Motivators and Demotivators Oye, N.D. 2Mazleena Salleh 3Noorminshah, A. November 2011| Cited by 71 This paper gives an overview of knowledge sharing in workplace. Based on the review of critical literatures by the authors, they infer that knowledge sharing in workplace can be influenced by motivators and demotivators. Activities of knowledge sharing in organizations may be on organization level or individual level. Knowledge sharing of both levels is critical to the success or failure of knowledge management inside and outside of organizations. Age, culture, and industry were all found to affect knowledge sharing among workers. A common stereotype is that older workers hoard knowledge because they are more insecure and feel threatened by younger workers. Since older workers have more valuable knowledge, younger workers needed to entice their older colleagues to share their valuable knowledge with them. The paper focus on motivators and demotivators to sharing Knowledge in workplace. Theories and research pertaining to why workers share knowledge are reviewed. While all industry need knowledge and innovation, it is also true that the pace of change and the need to innovate differs from industry to industry. Technology was acknowledged to have a high important role in increasing productivity of knowledge sharing. It plays a critical role in creating, storing and distributing explicit knowledge in an accessible and expeditious manner.
7. Customers Perception of M-Banking Adoption in Kingdom of Bahrain : An Empirical Assessment of an Extended TAM Model Ali AlSoufi1 and Hayat Ali2 February 2014| Cited by 69 Mobile applications have been rapidly changing the way business organizations deliver their services to their customers and how customers can interact with their service providers in order to satisfy their needs. The use of mobile applications increases rapidly, and has been used in many segments including banking segment. This research aims at extending the Technology Adoption Model (TAM) to incorporate the role of factors in influencing customer’s perception towards M-banking adoption. Furthermore, the extended TAM model was evaluated empirically to measure its impact on M-banking adoption in of Bahrain. The model was evaluated using a sample survey of 372 customers. The results reveal that the intention to adopt mobile banking is mainly affected by specific factors which are: Perceived Usefulness and Ease of Use. On the other hand, some factors such as perceived cost and perceived risk did not show any affect on the users'intention to use mobile banking. The result of this research is beneficial for banking service managers to consider the factors that can enforce the Mobile Banking services adoption and increase the take-up of their mobile services.
8. The Adoption and Challenges of Electronic Voting Technologies Within the South African Context Mourine Achieng and Ephias Ruhode November 2013| Cited by 67 Literature has shown that countries such as Brazil and India have successfully implemented electronic voting systems and other countries are at various piloting stages to address many challenges associated with manual paper based system such ascosts of physical ballot paper and other overheads, electoral delays, distribution of electoral materials, and general lack of confidence in the electoral process. It is in this context that this study explores how South African can leverage the opportunities that e voting presents. Manual voting is often tedious, non-secure, and time-consuming, which leads us to think about using electronic facilities to make the process more efficient. This study proposes that the adoption of electronic voting technologies could perhaps mitigate some of these issues and challengesin the process improving the electoral process. The study used an on-line questionnaire which was administered to a broader group of voters and an in-depth semi-structured interview with the Independent Electoral Commission officials. The analysis is based on thematic analysis and diffusion of innovations theory is adopted as a theoretical lens of analysis. The findings reveal that relative advantage, compatibility and complexity would determine the intentions of South African voters and the Electoral Management Bodies (IEC) to adopt e-voting technologies. Moreover, the findings also reveal several other factorsthat could influence the adoption process. The study is limited to only voters in Cape Town and these voters were expected to have some access to the internet. The sample size limits the generalizability of the findings of this study 9. A Survey On: Content Based Image Retrieval Systems Using Clustering Techniques For Large Data sets Mrs Monika Jain1, Dr. S.K.Singh2 November 2011| Cited by 66 Content-based image retrieval (CBIR) is a new but widely adopted method for finding images from vast and unannotated image databases. As the network and development of multimedia technologies are becoming more popular, users are not satisfied with the traditional information retrieval techniques. So nowadays the content based image retrieval (CBIR) are becoming a source of exact and fast retrieval. In recent years, a variety of techniques have been developed to improve the performance of CBIR. Data clustering is an unsupervised method for extraction hidden pattern from huge data sets. With large data sets, there is possibility of high dimensionality. Having both accuracy and efficiency for high dimensional data sets with enormous number of samples is a challenging arena. In this paper the clustering techniques are discussed and analysed. Also, we propose a method HDK that uses more than one clustering technique to improve the performance of CBIR.This method makes use of hierachical and divide and conquer KMeans clustering technique with equivalency and compatible relation concepts to
improve the performance of the K-Means for using in high dimensional datasets. It also introduced the feature like color, texture and shape for accurate and effective retrieval system. 10. Impact of the Evolution of Smart Phones in Education Technology and its Application in Technical and Professional Studies: Indian Perspective Manoj Kumar August 2011| Cited by 60 The greatness of any nation depends largely on the system of education that is used to nurture its talent from within. With the digital era taking the spotlight, and the world rapidly reforming into a global village, it is now quintessential that a spirit of healthy competitiveness be inculcated in the budding minds of this country. While trying to remodel and upgrade the education system, a key issue is that of quality of education processes in the country. Needs and expectations of the society are changing very fast and the quality of higher education requires to be sustained at the desired level. The use of internet for educational purposes has increased many folds among Indian youths. Online video lectures and e-books are the emerging trends among learners. The birth of high speed internet access and its availability on recently evolved smart phones has opened several new avenues for learning. The growing popularity of these smart phones among the youth can potentially revolutionize the way we learn. The introduction of 3G technology is already being pinned as the next big thing in the mobile internet revolution. This paper discusses the use of Smart Phones in Education Technology and its application in Technical & Professional studies in India. We intend to put forward some challenges and advices. 11. Comparative Analysis of Arabic Stemming Algorithms Dr. Mohammed A. Otair August 2011| Cited by 46 In the context of Information Retrieval, Arabic stemming algorithms have become a most research area of information retrieval. Many researchers have developed algorithms to solve the problem of stemming. Each researcher proposed his own methodology and measurements to test the performance and compute the accuracy of his algorithm. Thus, nobody can make accurate comparisons between these algorithms. Many generic conflation techniques and stemming algorithms are theoretically analyzed in this paper. Then, the main Arabic language characteristics that are necessary to be mentioned before discussing Arabic stemmers are summarized. The evaluation of the algorithms in this paper shows that Arabic stemming algorithm is still one of the most information retrieval challenges. This paper aims to compare the most of the commonly used light stemmers in terms of affixes lists, algorithms, main ideas,
and information retrieval performance. The results show that the light10 stemmer outperformed the other stemmers. Finally, recommendations for future research regarding the development of a standard Arabic stemmer were presented. This paper discusses the use of Smart Phones in Education Technology and its application in Technical & Professional studies in India. We intend to put forward some challenges and advices. 12. Barriers to Government Cloud Adoption Samuel Tweneboah-Koduah1 ,Dr. Barbara Endicott-Popovsky2 and Anthony Tsetse3 August 2014| Cited by 45 Besides the benefits are there possible challenges government agencies are likely to encounter should they decide to adopt cloud computing? What strategies should be deployed to overcome the inhibitors of cloud computing? These are but few questions this paper aims to investigate. Studies have shown that, cloud computing has become a strategic direction for many government agencies and is already being deployed in many critical areas of the government's cyber infrastructure. The benefits and the challenges of cloud adoption have heightened interest of academic research in recent times. We are however uncertain, per literature factors that hinder successful cloud adoption especially in the Ghanaian context. We posit that, understanding the challenges of cloud adoption and overcoming them must accompany the use of the technology in order to prevent unwanted technical consequences, and even greater problems from government information management. This study is based on unstructured interviews from selected government agencies in Ghana. The study is grounded on the theory of technology, organization and environment (TOE) framework. Major inhibiting factors identified include lack of basic infrastructure for cloud take-off, data security, unreliable internet connectivity, and general lack of institutional readiness. 13. Conceptualization of Electronic Government Adoption Rahmath Safeena and Abdullah Kammani February 2013| Cited by 45 E-government facilitates provision of relevant government information in electronic form to the citizens in a timely manner and better service delivery to citizens. Information Technology today is recognized as an effective tool for turning the economic activity in efficient governance and in developing human resource. E-government is a kind of governmental administration which is based on ICT Services. The essence of egovernment is using information technology to break the boundary of administrative organizations, and build up a virtual electronic government. Egovernment initiatives are common in most countries as they promise a transparent, citizencentric government and reduce operational cost. Emerging with Egovernment, theories and practices of public administration have stepped into a new knowledge era. Egovernment presents a tremendous impetus to move forward with higher quality, cost-effective, government services and a better relationship between citizens and government. This paper discusses the different
issues, challenges, adoption factors for e-government implementation, conceptual demarcation on these factors and, presents a conceptual framework for better e-government performance. 14. The Relationships Between IT Flexibility, IT-Business Strategic Alignment and IT Capability Saeid Jorfi1 , Khalil Md Nor2 , and Lotfi Najjar 3 February 2011| Cited by 44 What seems to still be the main concern for managers in the corporate world across the globe is ITbusiness strategic alignment. This study seeks to address the research problem about the lack of alignment between IT and business strategies. Upon reviewing various literature on this subject, it was found that IT flexibility is one of the most vital factors that help sustain strategic alignment. The researcher upon having a detailed discussion on the possible areas associated with the present body of knowledge has discovered gaps in the studies that have been undertaken on strategic alignment and IT flexibility. This is because IT capability in relation to IT flexibility and strategic alignment has been ignored in the previous studies. As a result, this research proposes a relationship between IT flexibility (i.e., modularity, connectivity and compatibility), IT capability, and strategic alignment. 15. The Quality of Mobile Shopping System and its Impact on Purchase Intention and Performance Lisa Y. Chen May 2013| Cited by 43 Measuring the quality of mobile shopping (m-shopping) system provides retailers with a greater understanding of what improvements need to be made along the way to increase purchase intention and organizational performance. M-shopping is an alternative sales channel available to optimize marketing investments as it can be tailored to customer’s purchase intention and ultimately to drive sales. This study intends to explore the relationships between the m-shopping system quality, purchase intention, and organizational performance based on the extended IS success model. This research model surveyed 217 marketers in Taiwan to measure their perception of m-shopping quality. The results suggest that mshopping system quality (system, information, and service quality) has a significant effect on purchase intention. This study also confirms that purchase intention has a significant effect on organizational performance. The findings contributed to improved understanding of the practical applications of mshopping systems. The practical implication of the findings and directions for future research was discussed.
16. Resistance to Mobile Banking Adoption in Egypt: A Cultural Perspective Rehaballah Elbadrawy1 and Rasha Abdel Aziz2 November 2011| Cited by 43 Mobile banking (m-banking) faces various types of resistance that may hinder customers’ adoption in Egypt. This study identifies three groups of m-banking non-adopters, namely postponers, opponents and rejectors. The objective of the study is to explore the reasons for resisting m-banking services in Egypt and whether it differs with regards to these customer groups. Accordingly, a questionnaire was distributed, Chi square tests, Kruskal-Wallis H tests and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) test. Frequencies and cross tabulations were used. The results indicate that the three non-adopter groups differ significantly with respect to usage, value, and image barriers. On the other hand, risk and tradition barriers did not show any statistical significance; however, risk barrier received the highest overall mean. Significant relations between usage, risk and image barriers with the gender and level of education were noted. Finally, findings enabled a clear mapping between Hofstede’s cultural dimensions and the study’s results. 17. Going Green: A Holistic Approach to Transform Business R.C. Walke Dr. Sajal Kabiraj, Dr. Vinay Topkar August 2010| Cited by 42 In recent years environmental and energy conservation issues have taken the central theme in the global business arena. The reality of rising energy cost and their impact on international affairs coupled with the different kinds of environmental issues has shifted the social and economic consciousness of the business community. Hence, the business community is now in search of an eco-friendly business model. This paper highlights the concept of green business and their needs in the current global scenario. 18. IS/IT Capability and Strategic Information System Planning (SISP) Success Naser Khani*1, Khalil Md Nor2 , Hossein Hakimpoor3 , Mojgan Bahrami4 , Shahram Salavati August 2011| Cited by 34 Successful planning of Information Systems (SISP) is perhaps going to be more problematic in today’s world of rapid change and uncertainty. SISP is a cornerstone of the information system discipline and very little attention has been paid to its success based on the resource based view of the firm (RBV).This paper provides a model for IT capability and strategic information system planning success, by considering environmental and organizational factors that may influence this relationship in a contingency model. A review of existing IT capability and SISP literature is given to identify the opportunities in building successful SISP. A model is developed
by hypothesizing IT capability as independent variable leads to SISP success as dependent variable; in which organizational & environmental influences are considered as moderating variables. The control variables are firm size, firm structure, and industry type. The study proposes a model to conceptualize the relationship between IT capabilities and SISP success and contingency factors moderating that relationship. This paper explains the ways of exploiting IT capabilities as specialized and integrated knowledge of the firm in IT area to create a more successful SISP. The researchers believe that the aim to build a model for SISP success based on RBV theory is important because this new perspective will be helpful for gaining a superior assessment and better underpinning of the SISP from a knowledge based perspective 19. Decision Support for E-Governance: A Text Mining Approach G. Koteswara Rao1 and Shubhamoy Dey 2 August 2011| Cited by 31 Information and communication technology has the capability to improve the process by which governments involve citizens in formulating public policy and public projects. Even though much of government regulations may now be in digital form (and often available online), due to their complexity and diversity, identifying the ones relevant to a particular context is a nontrivial task. Similarly, with the advent of a number of electronic online forums, social networking sites and blogs, the opportunity of gathering citizens’ petitions and stakeholders’ views on government policy and proposals has increased greatly, but the volume and the complexity of analyzing unstructured data makes this difficult. On the other hand, text mining has come a long way from simple keyword search, and matured into a discipline capable of dealing with much more complex tasks. In this paper we discuss how text-mining techniques can help in retrieval of information and relationships from textual data sources, thereby assisting policy makers in discovering associations between policies and citizens’ opinions expressed in electronic public forums and blogs etc. We also present here, an integrated text mining based architecture for egovernance decision support along with a discussion on the Indian scenario. 20. The Ethical Dilemma Of The Usa Government Wiretapping Arwen Mullikin1and Syed (Shawon) M. Rahman2 November 2010| Cited by 31 USA Government wiretapping activities is a very controversial issue. Undoubtedly this technology can assist law enforced authority to detect / identify unlawful or hostile activities; however, this task raises severe privacy concerns. In this paper, we have discussed this complex information technology issue of governmental wiretapping and how it effects both public and private liberties. Legislation has had a major impact on the uses and the stigma of wiretapping for the war on terrorism. This paper also analyzes the ethical and legal concerns inherent when discussing the benefits and concerns of wiretapping. The analysis has concluded with the effects of wiretapping laws as they relate to future government actions in their fight against terrorists.