ISSN: 0975-5586 (ONLINE); 0975-5926 (PRINT)
ABSTRACT Subsequent to rapid information and communication technology development, the scope of the definition of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT or ICTs) has been utilized within diverse contexts including economic development, education, IT, business and personal usage. A review of academic literature, trade publications and general information was undertaken to establish a hierarchy of applications for the term ICT or ICTs.
KEYWORDS ICT, ICTs, education, economics, digital communication, hierarchy
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AUTHOR Colrain M. Zuppo earned a PhD in Technology Management from Indiana State University with a specialization in Human Resource Development and Industrial Training. Cori’s dissertation research was entitled “Organizations as consumers of human capital via technology: A policy study of information and communication technologies”. Cori also holds an M.A.Ed. from The George Washington University and a B.S. in Conflict Resolution from Ohio University. Cori is a Professor in the Department of Business and Information Technology at Marion Technical College (MTC) and served as part time faculty and doctoral fellow at Bowling Green State University, conducting research and teaching in the areas of technology management, academic research and instructional design & delivery.
Department of Information Systems, University of Bahrain, Kingdom of Bahrain
ABSTRACT A growing awareness in the construction industry has emerged to pay a sharp attention to ICT as a catalyst that would mitigate the deficiencies characterized by this industry. In comparison with other cited review articles, this paper is aimed to 1) compile the research published on “ICT Technologies” in correspondence to “Construction Tasks” in the construction industry over the past two decades (19962016), 2) demonstrate the trends and patterns in the use of different types of ICT Technologies 3) discuss the correspondence of the identified ICT Technologies to the identified Construction Tasks and 4) exhibit the construction needs of ICT. By the employment of a five phases profiling methodology, a set of 68 out of 202 articles and papers indexed by Elsevier’s Scopus database was considered relevant for the current review paper. This research is targeting the beginning researchers and practitioners in the field of ICT in construction. KEYWORDS Construction industry, Information, Technology, Ict, Construction Tasks, Article review. FOR MORE DETAILS: VOLUME LINK:
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AUTHOR Ehab J.Adwan is a Ph.D. candidate. He received his M.Sc. degree in Computer Science in 2004 from the University of Bahrain (UOB) and received his B.Sc. degree in Electronics and Physics with a minor in Computer in the year 1996 from The American University in Cairo (AUC). Since 1996, he is working as an Academic Research and Teaching Assistant (B) at the Department of information systems- College of Information Technology at the University of Bahrain. His mainstream research is focused on Enterprise Architecture, Business Architecture, Information Systems Architecture, Software Architecture, Software Engineering and Systems Analysis and Design,. Currently, great research emphasis is carried out on the ICT in Construction industry through an Enterprise Architecture perspective. Dr. Ali AlSoufi is an Associate professor of Information Systems at University of Bahrain. He has earned his PhD in Computer science in 1994 from Nottingham University, UK. He has worked for Bahrain Telecom Co for 8 years as a Senior Manager Application Programme where he overlooked number of mega IS Application projects. Worked at Arab Open University as the head of IT program and Assistant Director for Business Development during 2007-2010. He is a PT consultant in Bahrain e-Government Authority (EGA) in Enterprise Architecture. He is an active member of the Bahrain National ICT Governance Committee. His specializations is Strategic IT Planning and Governance, IT project management, Enterprise Architecture and IS in Organization
THE CONTRIBUTION OF ELECTRONIC BANKING TO CUSTOMER SATISFACTION: A CASE OF GCB BANK LIMITED –KOFORIDUA Martin Otu Offei and Kwaku Nuamah-Gyambrah Koforidua Polytechnic , Ghana ABSTRACT Internet banking has the potential to provide fast and reliable services to customers for which they are relatively happy. Due to the technological changes taking place all over the world, many institutions, including the banking sector have taken giant steps to move in tandem with these changes. In this light most banks, with GCB Bank, Ghana, not being an exception have introduced electronic banking in order to decongest the banking halls of customers who spend time unending in order to transact business. The purpose of this research was to assess the Contribution of Electronic Banking to Customer Satisfaction at GCB Bank-Koforidua, to this end some objectives were set for the study. These were: To assess the availability of electronic banking facilities at GCB Bank, Koforidua. To assess the knowledge and patronage of internet banking services by customers, to examine the effectiveness of the usage of electronic banking facilities, to examine the problem facing an internet banking in GCB Bank, Koforidua. This is a quantitative study that employed the use of questionnaires as the main tools for data collection. Data was collected from management, staff and customers of GCB Bank, Koforidua Branch. Findings from analysis of data revealed that though there was the existence of internet banking facilities of the bank, respondents of the study were not fully aware of the existence of such facilities. It was also found that the use of internet banking was quite expensive and that though the bank was utilizing the facility, customers were not fully patronizing them. It was concluded that internet banking brings efficiency in the operations of the bank. Finally, the study recommended that all branches of GCB Bank adopt internet banking facilities to help in effective banking operations and transactional purposes. To maximize the operations and potential of the bank management must endeavor to educate the customers about the existence of internet banking facilities since a few customers were aware of the existence of such facilities.
KEYWORDS Internet banking, customer satisfaction, contribution, Ghana, ATM Cards, master cards, visa, debit & credit cards
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A NEW CONCEPT OF R&D IN NEO OPEN INNOVATION TRANSFORMATION OF R&D TRIGGERED BY AMAZON Yuji Tou1, Chihiro Watanabe 2, 3, Kuniko Moriya 2, 4, Victor Vurpillat5, Pekka Neittaanmäki2, 1 Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan 2 University of Jyväskylä, Finland, 3 International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Austria, 4 Research and Statistics Department, Bank of Japan, Japan and 5 Global Connexus Inc., USA
ABSTRACT Amazon was the world’s top R&D firm in 2017. Its R&D investment was double that of 2015, quintuple that of 2012, and tenfold that of 2011. It deploys a unique R&D model as conducting “routine or periodic alternations” and “significant improvement” simultaneously. Since traditionally the former is classified as non-R&D, Amazon’s rapid and notable increase has raised the question of a new R&D definition in the digital economy. By means of an empirical analysis of the Amazon’s R&D model, this paper attempted to provide a convincing answer to this question. Amazon has invested considerable resources in extremely innovative business areas, which has developed its assimilation capacity. In parallel with such forefront innovation, Amazon is endeavoring to absorb soft innovation resources from external markets and assimilate them into its business model. This then transforms “routine or periodic alternations” into “significant improvement”, leading to the company becoming the world’s top R&D firm. Such an endeavor has triggered a new concept of R&D in neo open innovation and revealed the significance of a transformation of the R&D concept in the digital economy.
KEYWORDS R&D, neo open innovation, Amazon, transformation, technology and content For More Details:
Abstract URL: Volume URL:
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AUTHORS Yuji Tou graduated from Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan, and is currently specially appointed associate professor at Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan Chihiro Watanabe graduated from the University of Tokyo, Japan, and is currently Professor Emeritus at the Tokyo Institute of Technology, a research professor at the University of Jyväskylä, Finland, and a research scholar at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA). Kuniko Moriya graduated from Aoyama Gakuin University, Japan, and is currently is currently Director of the Bank of Japan. Victor V. Vurpillat graduated from Calfornia State Polytechnic University, USA, and is currently Chairman of the Board and Director of Research, Global Connexus Inc., USA Pekka Neittaanmäki graduated from the University of Jyväskylä with a degree in Mathematics. He is currently Professor of the Faculty of Information Technology, University of Jyväskylä, Finland.
A SOLUTION TO THE DILEMMA BETWEEN R&D EXPANSION AND THE PRODUCTIVITY DECLINE: LESSONS FROM THE R&D MODELS IN AMAZON AND FINLAND Yuji Tou1, Chihiro Watanabe 2,3, Kuniko Moriya4,2, Pekka Neittaanmäki2 , 1 Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan, 2 University of Jyväskylä, Finland, 3 International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Austria and 4 Research and Statistics Department, Bank of Japan, Japan
ABSTRACT As a consequence of the two-faced nature of information and communication technology (ICT), a majority of ICT leaders have been confronting the critical problem of a dilemma between R&D expansion and productivity decline in the digital economy. However, Amazon has been able to accomplish a skyrocketing increase in R&D and market capitalization. Finland has also accomplished balanced advancement not only of welfare but also economic resurgence. This paper attempted to elucidate the miracle of two ICT leaders. By means of a comparative empirical analysis of respective development trajectories, the sources of their success were analyzed thereby the comparative advantage and disadvantage of each respective trajectories supportive to find a practical solution to the critical problem of a dilemma were identified. The sources of both successes can be attributed to harnessing the vigor of soft innovation resources from the marketplace. However, contrary to Amazon’s complementary use, Finland has depended on substitutionary use. While this approach contributes to easy resurgence, it casts a shadow to the innovative growth in the future. An insightful suggestion regarding balanced sustainable growth by cross learning was thus provided.
KEYWORDS Digital economy, soft innovation resources, Amazon, Finland, dilemma between R&D and productivity
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UPPING THE ANTE: USING RFID AS A COMPETITIVE WEAPON TO FIGHT SHOPLIFTING AND IMPROVE BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE David C. Wyld1 and Michael C. Budden2 1 Department of Management, Southeastern Louisiana University, Hammond, LA USA 2 Department of Marketing & Supply Chain Management, Southeastern Louisiana University, Hammond, LA USA
ABSTRACT This paper explores how RFID (radio frequency identification) technology can be employed to fight the ever-growing shoplifting problem, estimated to cost the world’s retailers almost $100 billion annually. The paper provides an overview of RFID technology. We then analyze how RFID is beginning to see utilization in-store not just for security, but as a vehicle to improve inventory management and business intelligence as well. This paper demonstrates that RFID is poised to usher in a whole new direction in the fight against retail shrinkage, and we discuss what this visibility will mean for their companies, their employees, and their customers.
KEYWORDS Shoplifting, Retail Security, Loss Prevention, RFID (radio frequency identification) technology, Organized Retail Crime, Business Intelligence For More Details:
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AUTHORS David C. Wyld currently serves as the Robert Maurin Professor of Management at Southeastern Louisiana University in Hammond, Louisiana. He is the Director of the College of Business’ Strategic e-Commerce/eGovernment Initiative, the Founding Editor of the Journal of Strategic eCommerce, and a frequent contributor to both academic journals and trade publications. He has established himself as one of the leading academic experts on emerging applications of technology in both the public and private sector. He has been an active consultant, a qualified expert witness, and an invited speaker on the strategic management of technology to both trade and academic audience
Dr. Michael Craig Budden is the Mayfield Professor of Marketing at Southeastern Louisiana University. He has 20 years experience as an academic administrator, including service as a dean of business for 14 years. Budden is the author of more than 150 publications, including books on shoplifting laws and trade secrets laws. Budden's publications have received national commendations from the Institute of Internal Auditors, the National Association of Accountants and the Clute Institute. He has served as a consultant to banks, health care organizations, marketing research firms, and professional associations. He received a Ph.D. in Marketing from the University of Arkansas.
AUTONOMIC FRAMEWORK FOR IT SECURITY GOVERNANCE Sitalakshmi Venkatraman School of Engineering, Construction and Design (IT), Melbourne Polytechnic, Australia,
ABSTRACT With the recent service enhancements over the Internet, organisations are confronted with a growing magnitude of security intrusions and attacks. Current intrusion detection strategies have not been effective in the long term, as new and obfuscated security attacks keep emerging evading the surveillance mechanisms. With information technology (IT) playing a pivotal role in today’s organizational operations and value creation, security regulatory bodies have identified this situation not solely as a technology issue, rather due to the weakness of an organisation's risk management practices and IT governance. Hence, recent attention has embarked on formulating proactive IT security governance for organisational sustenance. This paper proposes an autonomic framework for IT security governance that postulates a selflearning adaptive mechanism for an effective intrusion detection and risk management. Such a framework would facilitate autonomic ways of integrating existing context-dependent knowledge with new observed behaviour patterns gathered from network as well as host for detecting unknown security attacks effectively using mobile agents. In addition, this paper provides a roadmap for autonomic IT security governance by applying the proposed framework The roadmap employs a continuous improvement feedback loop. for achieving the targeted quality of service (QoS) in an organisation.
KEYWORDS IT Security Governance, Intrusion Detection, Autonomic Framework, Self-learning & Mobile Agents For More Details: Volume Link:
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AUTHORS Sita Venkatraman is currently the Information Technology Lecturer and Discipline Leader for Business Information Systems at the School of Engineering, Construction & Design, Melbourne Polytechnic, Australia. She earned her PhD in Computer Science, with a doctoral thesis titled “Efficient Parallel Algorithms for Pattern Recognition�, from National Institute of Industrial Engineering in 1993. In the past 25 years, Sita's work experience involves both industry and academics - developing turnkey projects for IT industry and teaching a variety of IT courses for tertiary institutions, in India, Singapore, New Zealand, and more recently in Australia since 2007. Her recent research areas are predominantly in Business Intelligence, Data Mining, Cloud Computing and Information Security. Sita has published eight book chapters and more than 100 research papers in internationally well-known refereed journals and conferences. She also serves as Member of Register of Experts at Australia's Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA).
THE IMPACT OF KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT ON THE FUNCTION OF EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE APPRAISALS IN INDUSTRIAL COMPANIES- CASE STUDYS H. Obaidat and M. A. Otair Amman Arab University, Jordan ABSTRACT The study aimed at identifying the impact of knowledge management on the function of employee performance appraisals (it is one of the most important functions of human resources management) in Jordanian industrial public shareholding companies, relying on the descriptive analytical approach. A questionnaire has been developed and distributed on individuals of the study sample consisting of managers of departments and sections of human resources in each company. The number of questionnaire retrieved and valid for statistical analysis (294) representing (86.5%) of the distributed questionnaires. In order to analyze the study sample, reliance was placed on descriptive statistics, represented in the arithmetic means and standard deviations, in addition to the multiple linear regression analysis in hypothesis testing. The study reached a number of findings, most importantly, the presence of statistically significant impact at the level of (ι=0.05) for the knowledge management including its dimensions (knowledge generation, knowledge storage, knowledge sharing, knowledge application) on the function of employee performance appraisals in Jordanian industrial public shareholding companies. The study has recommended that the Jordanian industrial public shareholding companies should follow an efficient evaluation system capable of identifying the employees’ weaknesses. KEYWORDS Human resources management, Knowledge Management, Employee Performance Appraisals, Industrial Companies For More Details: Volume Link :
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NEED FOR CRITICAL CYBER DEFENCE, SECURITY STRATEGY AND PRIVACY POLICY IN BANGLADESH - HYPE OR REALITY? AKM Bahalul Haque Depart of Electrical and Computer Engineering North South University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
ABSTRACT Cyber security is one of the burning issues in modern world. Increased IT infrastructure has given rise to enormous chances of security breach. Bangladesh being a relatively new member of cyber security arena has its own demand and appeal. Digitalization is happening in Bangladesh for last few years at an appreciable rate. People are being connected to the worldwide web community with their smart devices. These devices have their own vulnerability issues as well as the data shared over the internet has a very good chances of getting breached. Common vulnerability issues like infecting the device with malware, Trojan, virus are on the rise. Moreover, a lack of proper cyber security policy and strategy might make the existing situation at the vulnerable edge of tipping point. Hence the upcoming new infrastructures will be at a greater risk if the issues are not dealt with at an early age. In this paper common vulnerability issues including their recent attacks on cyber space of Bangladesh, cyber security strategy and need for data privacy policy is discussed and analysed briefly.
KEYWORDS CyberSecurity, Cyberdefence, Security Policy, Vulnerability, Cyber Threat, Security Strategy For More Details: Volume Link :
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AUTHORS AKM Bahalul Haque is currently working a Lecturer of Department of ECE, North South University, Bashundhara, and Dhaka 1229. He has achieved is M.Sc. In Information Technology from Fachhochschule Kiel, Germany, 2018. He achieved his Bachelor of Science (Engineering) in Computer Science and telecommunication engineering in 2014. Has published two of his papers in International Journal. He specializes in Cyber Security, Cloud Computing, Data Privacy and protection. He has one-year experience as Security Engineer and one-year experience as Vulnerability Detection Consultant in Cyber Security Division.
CO-EVOLUTION BETWEEN CCC-DRIVEN CASH FLOW MANAGEMENT AND TRANSFORMATION OF R&D – AMAZON’S ENDEAVOR Yuji Tou1, Chihiro Watanabe 2,3, Pekka Neittaanmäki2, 1Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan, 2 University of Jyväskylä, Finland and 3International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Austria ABSTRACT Amazon became the world R&D leader in 2017 by rapidly increasing R&D investment. The company’s extremely large amount of R&D funds is the result of an ample free cash flow generated by sophisticated cash conversion cycle (CCC) management. Increased R&D induced business advancement and lean cost structure construction leading to further increase in cash flow which has stimulated interaction between vendors, customers, and Amazon via the Amazon marketplace. Activated interaction accelerated CCC advancement, a subsequent free cash flow increase, and user-driven innovation, thus accelerated the transformation of routine and periodic alteration activities into significant improvement simultaneously. All of these components function together as a consolidated sophisticated machine. In light of the increasing concern to R&D resources development without the dilemma of a productivity decline that most digital economies are now confronting, this paper demonstrated the above hypothetical view. An intensive empirical analysis focusing on the development trajectory of Amazon’s technofinancing system over a period from 1997 to 2018 was conducted. An insightful suggestion to neo open innovation that fuses financing management and R&D management was thus provided KEYWORDS R&D, Transformation, Cash flow management, Cash conversion cycle, Amazon FULL TEXT:
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