Top Read Articles in May 2020 - IJMIT

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ISSN: 0975-5586 (ONLINE); 0975-5926 (PRINT)


ABSTRACT Subsequent to rapid information and communication technology development, the scope of the definition of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT or ICTs) has been utilized within diverse contexts including economic development, education, IT, business and personal usage. A review of academic literature, trade publications and general information was undertaken to establish a hierarchy of applications for the term ICT or ICTs.

KEYWORDS ICT, ICTs, education, economics, digital communication, hierarchy

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AUTHOR Colrain M. Zuppo earned a PhD in Technology Management from Indiana State University with a specialization in Human Resource Development and Industrial Training. Cori’s dissertation research was entitled “Organizations as consumers of human capital via technology: A policy study of information and communication technologies”. Cori also holds an M.A.Ed. from The George Washington University and a B.S. in Conflict Resolution from Ohio University. Cori is a Professor in the Department of Business and Information Technology at Marion Technical College (MTC) and served as part time faculty and doctoral fellow at Bowling Green State University, conducting research and teaching in the areas of technology management, academic research and instructional design & delivery.

THE CONTRIBUTION OF ELECTRONIC BANKING TO CUSTOMER SATISFACTION: A CASE OF GCB BANK LIMITED –KOFORIDUA Martin Otu Offei and Kwaku Nuamah-Gyambrah Koforidua Polytechnic , Ghana ABSTRACT Internet banking has the potential to provide fast and reliable services to customers for which they are relatively happy. Due to the technological changes taking place all over the world, many institutions, including the banking sector have taken giant steps to move in tandem with these changes. In this light most banks, with GCB Bank, Ghana, not being an exception have introduced electronic banking in order to decongest the banking halls of customers who spend time unending in order to transact business. The purpose of this research was to assess the Contribution of Electronic Banking to Customer Satisfaction at GCB Bank-Koforidua, to this end some objectives were set for the study. These were: To assess the availability of electronic banking facilities at GCB Bank, Koforidua. To assess the knowledge and patronage of internet banking services by customers, to examine the effectiveness of the usage of electronic banking facilities, to examine the problem facing an internet banking in GCB Bank, Koforidua. This is a quantitative study that employed the use of questionnaires as the main tools for data collection. Data was collected from management, staff and customers of GCB Bank, Koforidua Branch. Findings from analysis of data revealed that though there was the existence of internet banking facilities of the bank, respondents of the study were not fully aware of the existence of such facilities. It was also found that the use of internet banking was quite expensive and that though the bank was utilizing the facility, customers were not fully patronizing them. It was concluded that internet banking brings efficiency in the operations of the bank. Finally, the study recommended that all branches of GCB Bank adopt internet banking facilities to help in effective banking operations and transactional purposes. To maximize the operations and potential of the bank management must endeavor to educate the customers about the existence of internet banking facilities since a few customers were aware of the existence of such facilities.

KEYWORDS Internet banking, customer satisfaction, contribution, Ghana, ATM Cards, master cards, visa, debit & credit cards


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Samer Shorman, 2Mohammad Allaymoun, 3Omer Hamid Department of Computer Science, Applied Science University, Kingdom of Bahrain 2,3 Administrative & Financial Sciences, AMA International University, Kingdom of Bahrain 1

ABSTRACT E-commerce has increased recently because of the development of the internet and has become a new concept that is applicable to trade transaction and services providing, using information technology. This is known as e-commerce that is a means of communicating information products or services through technical tools. This research proposed model is able to take advantage of Block chain technology to develop e-commerce especially consumer to consumer. The proposed model adds some advantages to ecommerce operations, and the possibility of developing them to reach a high percentage of profits by using block chain technology which led to verify the information of products offered for sale. In addition, to the possibility of distributing feedback to all Block chain users, through which it develops the mechanism of trust and cooperation between consumers, it is considered a reference point to explore the behaviour of commercial consumers which is stored in the data file of consumers. This model facilitates business processes between consumer and consumer, eliminates the central role of large business companies in controlling and setting restrictions, and to the development and expansion of this type of trade.

KEYWORDS Blockchain, Network, E-Commerce, Consumer To Consumer

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ABSTRACT The study aimed at identifying the impact of knowledge management on the function of employee performance appraisals (it is one of the most important functions of human resources management) in Jordanian industrial public shareholding companies, relying on the descriptive analytical approach. A questionnaire has been developed and distributed on individuals of the study sample consisting of managers of departments and sections of human resources in each company. The number of questionnaire retrieved and valid for statistical analysis (294) representing (86.5%) of the distributed questionnaires. In order to analyze the study sample, reliance was placed on descriptive statistics, represented in the arithmetic means and standard deviations, in addition to the multiple linear regression analysis in hypothesis testing. The study reached a number of findings, most importantly, the presence of statistically significant impact at the level of (ι=0.05) for the knowledge management including its dimensions (knowledge generation, knowledge storage, knowledge sharing, knowledge application) on the function of employee performance appraisals in Jordanian industrial public shareholding companies. The study has recommended that the Jordanian industrial public shareholding companies should follow an efficient evaluation system capable of identifying the employees’ weaknesses.

KEYWORDS Human resources management, Knowledge Management, Employee Performance Appraisals, Industrial Companies For More Details: Volume Link :

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