CO-EVOLUTION BETWEEN CCC-DRIVEN CASH FLOW MANAGEMENT AND TRANSFORMATION OF R&D – AMAZON’S ENDEAVOR Yuji Tou1, Chihiro Watanabe 2,3, Pekka Neittaanmäki2, 1Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan, 2 University of Jyväskylä, Finland and 3International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Austria ABSTRACT Amazon became the world R&D leader in 2017 by rapidly increasing R&D investment. The company’s extremely large amount of R&D funds is the result of an ample free cash flow generated by sophisticated cash conversion cycle (CCC) management. Increased R&D induced business advancement and lean cost structure construction leading to further increase in cash flow which has stimulated interaction between vendors, customers, and Amazon via the Amazon marketplace. Activated interaction accelerated CCC advancement, a subsequent free cash flow increase, and user-driven innovation, thus accelerated the transformation of routine and periodic alteration activities into significant improvement simultaneously. All of these components function together as a consolidated sophisticated machine. In light of the increasing concern to R&D resources development without the dilemma of a productivity decline that most digital economies are now confronting, this paper demonstrated the above hypothetical view. An intensive empirical analysis focusing on the development trajectory of Amazon’s technofinancing system over a period from 1997 to 2018 was conducted. An insightful suggestion to neo open innovation that fuses financing management and R&D management was thus provided KEYWORDS R&D, Transformation, Cash flow management, Cash conversion cycle, Amazon FULL TEXT:
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NATIONAL CULTURAL DIMENSIONS AND ELECTRONIC CLINICAL RECORDS ACCEPTANCE: AN EXPLORATORY STUDY Ouiame BENALI IDRISSI and Khalid CHAFIK, Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Morocco ABSTRACT The purpose of the present paper is to describe the development of a measurement scale, to assess the impact of the national cultural factors on the electronic clinical records acceptance in the Ibn Sina Hospital Center(CHUIS)in Morocco. The methodology assumed is based on the Churchill paradigm (1979).Thus, our contribution focuses on the exploratory phase, where the items have been analysed using principal components analysis (PCA) and internal consistency with Cronbach’s Alpha (α). The results show a satisfactory factorial structure and excellent reliability of all the items. KEYWORDS National culture- technology acceptance- exploratory factor analysis- measurement scalereliability. FULL TEXT: ABSTRACT URL:
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A NEW CONCEPT OF R&D IN NEO OPEN INNOVATION TRANSFORMATION OF R&D TRIGGERED BY AMAZON Yuji Tou1, Chihiro Watanabe 2, 3, Kuniko Moriya 2, 4, Victor Vurpillat5, Pekka Neittaanmäki2, 1
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan 2
University of Jyväskylä, Finland,
International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Austria, 4
Research and Statistics Department, Bank of Japan, Japan and 5
Global Connexus Inc., USA
ABSTRACT Amazon was the world’s top R&D firm in 2017. Its R&D investment was double that of 2015, quintuple that of 2012, and tenfold that of 2011. It deploys a unique R&D model as conducting “routine or periodic alternations” and “significant improvement” simultaneously. Since traditionally the former is classified as non-R&D, Amazon’s rapid and notable increase has raised the question of a new R&D definition in the digital economy. By means of an empirical analysis of the Amazon’s R&D model, this paper attempted to provide a convincing answer to this question. Amazon has invested considerable resources in extremely innovative business areas, which has developed its assimilation capacity. In parallel with such forefront innovation, Amazon is endeavoring to absorb soft innovation resources from external markets and assimilate them into its business model. This then transforms “routine or periodic alternations” into “significant improvement”, leading to the company becoming the world’s top R&D firm. Such an endeavor has triggered a new concept of R&D in neo open innovation and revealed the significance of a transformation of the R&D concept in the digital economy. KEYWORDS R&D, neo open innovation, Amazon, transformation, technology and content FULL TEXT: ABSTRACT URL:
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IT SERVICE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FOR CENTRAL BANK OF SUDAN Elshimaa Badr Eldin Hago1 Maria Emmalyn Asuncion De Vigal Capuno2 And Salah Hassan Malik Ali3 Faculty of Information Technology, Future University Sudan, Khartoum, Sudan
ABSTRACT IT Service Management System is an application to implement and manage Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) best practices framework. This framework aims to align the IT services with the business needs by insuring the quality of services provided to business. This IT service Management system links people, processes and technology within the Central Bank of Sudan as the main site of the project. The Central Bank of Sudan is the main bank that governs Sudan's banks rules and regulations. The bank was formed in 1960 with headquarters located in the Khartoum capital of Sudan in addition to eighteen (18) branches spread throughout the country. The Information Technology Administration within the Central Bank of Sudan manage and operate the IT infrastructure that host and support all systems that used internally and for external banks. The objective of this study focused on finding IT service management system that can support international IT service management platform that can apply ITIL standard processes like Incident Management, Service Request Management, Problem Management, Change Request Management, Configuration Management Database and Knowledge Management. The methodology used in this system is the Rapid Application Development (RAD), a condensed development process that produces a high quality system with low investment costs. The proposed system went through to alpha, beta and acceptability tests by IT development team first and second line of support agents to ensure proper module functionality with favorable results. The study concluded in align services provided by the Information system department with business need through manageable and controllable standard. As a recommendation, the system should be implemented at the Central Bank of Sudan. More integrations and benchmarking must be done to ensure modules functionalities and higher security. The system can be the first step to take ISO20000 certificate as it covers many of IS020000 requirements. KEYWORDS IT Service Management System, Information Technology Infrastructure Library, Rapid Application Development Methodology, Change Management FULL TEXT: ABSTRACT URL:
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AUTHORS Yuji Tou graduated from Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan, and is currently specially appointed associate professor at Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan Chihiro Watanabe graduated from the University of Tokyo, Japan, and is currently Professor Emeritus at the Tokyo Institute of Technology, a research professor at the University of Jyväskylä, Finland, and a research scholar at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA).
Kuniko Moriya graduated from Aoyama Gakuin University, Japan, and is currently is currently Director of the Bank of Japan. Victor V. Vurpillat graduated from Calfornia State Polytechnic University, USA, and is currently Chairman of the Board and Director of Research, Global Connexus Inc., USA Pekka Neittaanmäki graduated from the University of Jyväskylä with a degree in Mathematics. He is currently Professor of the Faculty of Information Technology, University of Jyväskylä, Finland.
Khon Kaen University, Thailand and 2Prince of Songkla University, Thailand
ABSTRACT The research was to identify needs on design and development of a research recommendation system for 14 southern province Thailand development. The system employs semantic search function, research system structure and scope of knowledge during January 2008 to December 2017. 3,873 entries had been gathered from Thai Library Integrated System (ThaiLIS), Thai National Research Repository (TNRR), and Southern universities research database by employing textual analysis and knowledge organization focusing on Classification Approach and categorization which main topics are sorted and categorized. To develop ontology, it applies knowledge engineering concept and using Protégé Ontology Editor version 3.5 beta and version 5.5 beta to process the data for the accurate system development according to user-centered design concept. The study findings were the developed system is able to support information exchange, information retrieval, and research search and to decrease research redundancy and unnecessary budgeting. Moreover, the system could possible enhance conducting more innovations, confirming experts in the area, showing research trends, and showing research results on related fields, strategies, and problems which leads to the Southern developments extensively. After the implementation, the users’ overall opinions and satisfaction was at a high level ( = 4.14, S.D = 0.14) and information retrieval efficiency of system was at a good level (overall = 0.70-0.88) with 0.70 accuracy, 0.78 recall, 0.88 precision, and 0.82 F-measure. KEYWORDS Research recommendation system, southern Thailand development, research for development, information and knowledge management, Ontology. FULL TEXT: ABSTRACT URL:
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AUTHORS Nawapon Kewsuwun is a Ph.D. Candidate in Information Studies at Khon Kaen University (KKU) (Got the grant as the project “The Development of lecturer and Personnel for Higher Education Institutions in the Specialized Development Zone of the Southern Border Provinces” from Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation, Thailand.). He got the bachelor degree: bachelor of business admiration in Computer Information System, the master degree: master of Industrial Education in Educational Technology Kanyarat Kwiecien is an assistant professor at department of Information Sciences, Khon Kaen University (KKU), Thailand. She got the bachelor degree: Bachelor of art in Library Sciences and Information Sciences, the master degree: master of art in Library and Information Sciences and got the Ph.D. in Information and Communication Technology for Education from Chulalongkorn University, Thailand. She has experience in many positions such as the director at Digital Humanities Research Group, an assistant director of KKU – Smart Learning, and an editorial board of Journal of Information Sciences Khon Kaen University. Chumchit Sae-Chan is an assistant professor at department of Library and Information Sciences, Prince of Songkla University (PSU), Thailand. She got the bachelor degree: Bachelor of Education in Education, the master degree: master of art in Library Sciences and got the Ph.D. in Library Sciences from Simmons College, U.S.A. She has experience in many positions such as the deputy dean for Research and Graduate Studies at Prince of Songkla University (PSU), an editorial board in Journal about knowledge and Information management, library and information sciences and related filed, and an expert of National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT).