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International Journal of Network Security & Its Applications (IJNSA), Vol.5, No.2, March 2013
entirely on demand. This also allows routing packet overhead of DSR to scale automatically to only that needed to react to changes in the routers themselves in use.
Network coding is the technique which is extensively used in wired networks, ad-hoc networks, and distributed sensor networks, etc. Network coding is quite different from traditional communication. Network coding achieves vast performance gains by permitting intermediate nodes to carry out algebraic operations on the incoming data [10]. Network coding allows the packets to encode and further forward it. The destination sink decodes the packets. Encoding is simply XOR of data packets which will be called as encoded packet. XOR is simply exclusive-or of the packets can easily be obtained by XOR truth table. Suppose node Px and Py are two packets. Such that Px=10110 and Py=01101.Packet encoding=Px XOR Py=10110 XOR 01101= 11011=Pz. Packet decoding=Px XOR Pz=10110 XOR 11011=01101=Py and Py XOR Pz=01101 XOR 11011=10110=Px. Where Pz is encoded packet. Decoding is XOR of data packets (except the missing one) and the encoded packet as a result the missing packet gets identified [2], [9], [10].
Consider a sensor network in Figure 1a, having five nodes. Node S1, S2, S3 and S4 has some packet data to share with each and every node. Assume all links have a time unit capacity. In current approach, each node broadcasts their data and was listened by their neighboring node according to Figure. Now there is a bottleneck on node N and have 4 data packets for transmission. Node N broadcasts all 4 data packets one by one. Each node listen these broadcasts and collects their data packet. This approach requires 8 broadcasts in all.
Now consider network coding approach illustrated with the help of same example. Each node broadcasts their data which is collected by neighboring node. Now each sensor node S1, S2, S3 and S4 has 3 data packets received by their neighboring node as shown in Fig 1a. In Figure 1b and Figure 1c Node N has 4 data packets to transmit. Using network encoding approach node N encodes the data packets and broadcast it. Now all sensor nodes S1, S2, S3 and S4 listens this encoded packet and decode these packets by using network decoding shown in Figure 1d. Now this approach requires 5 broadcasts which are 37 % less than previously discussed approach. This also reduces the bottleneck, congestion at sink and total transmission on the network and in the process provides gain in bandwidth, efficiency and power resources of the nodes [14].
Efficient deployment strategy is necessary to detect event occur in WSNs and obtain the real time data. For example for a large dense forest there no need deploy WSNs in mountain region. This can be done by deploying sub sensor networks in a distributed manner. Density of sensors depends on the occurrence of events. The positions of sensors are predetermined and position of sensor nodes identified by GPS systems. Each transmission contains a source ID and Sink ID and transmission is directed to sink node [4], [7]. Proposed topology can be viewed as subsequent part of large sensor network where each node taking part in data transmission using current communication approaches.
In this section we explore the history of network coding and wireless dynamic source routing (DSR). Ahlswede et al. [1] showed that with network coding, as symbol size approaches infinity,