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International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
from Hybrid Power System

ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 11 Issue IV Apr 2023- Available at www.ijraset.com
E. Technical Specification of the Components
Panel: 167 x 102 x 6 (in cm)
Solar Inverter: 30 x 25 x 20 (in cm)
Solar Battery: 18 x 8 x 18 (in cm)
Panel: 18-20 kg
Solar Inverter: 600-650 g
Solar Battery: 7-7.5 kg
Panel: 13000-15000 (in rupee)
AC-DC convertor: 600-700 (in rupee)

Solar Battery: 16000 (in rupee) turbine generator: 3000-3500 (in rupee)
Panel: 260-280W
Solar Inverter: 200W, 220V
Solar Battery: 12V ,150Ah

Wind turbine generator: 60W
Silicon, Glass, Metal Generator: Cast Iron
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538

Volume 11 Issue IV Apr 2023- Available at www.ijraset.com
The most efficient hybrid source of energy is solar with wind turbine trend in the last 25 years in renewable energy sources[13]. There were mainly two types of wind turbine named Horizontal axis wind turbine(HAWT) and Vertical axis wind turbine(VAWT). It is noted that VAWT has few advantages like low noise, independent of wind direction, and easy maintenance of all parts because it is lower to ground compared to HAWT, and doesn't need a pitch and yam system[12][3]. In the presence of solar radiation PV modules generate power, likewise due to movement in wind turbines that rotate and generate power. Integration of both wind and solar with help of Wind-solar hybrid intelligent controller (model: EPFG24V-20)[16]. In VAWT category It is noted that helical turbines give stable torque and higher power coefficient when compared to traditional Savonius turbines, despite having complex construction processes[17].
When we come to material selection for the designed parts, we need metal which needs to be good in strength and lightweight materials. When light weight and strength comes into picture ,For upper hand we consider light weight material as main factor when compared to strength because the upper hand just needs to support and stabilize the turbine, it will not hold any weight. So, Aluminum Alloy is the suitable material. Steel can be three times the weight of aluminum for two pieces of similar volume[1]. For the Lower hand we considered strength as the main factor because it needs to hold the turbine and generator. So steel is a suitable material[1]. For center pole steel is a suitable material, as it needs to bear the weight of all components. When we come to the dimension of the center pole, it's around 2-15 meters height, for our design we consider it as 3 m height [2][3].
Here the authors have considered the automated street light system where it is doesn’t require any human assistance(21). The authors worked on the development of the standalone street light considering the supply performances and the energy requirements(22). The analysis of street light system proven that there would be an improvement of power supply and control in economic related activities(23). Covered all aspects of the transition from conventional, environmentally damaging energy sources to hybrid wind solar renewable energy systems for highway lightning(24). Contrasts the individual modelling and integration of a wind and solar power system carried out in MATLAB with the load analysis of a hybrid solar wind system(25). The primary goal of this essay was to highlight the importance of developing smart systems for secure urban environments(26). Wind solar hybrid street lights static analysis reveals that it’s overall construction could meet the requirements for strength and stiffness(27). Demonstrated a new adaptive system that combines a vertical “SAVONIUS” type wind turbine and a hybrid renewable energy system fir street light that use solar energy(28). A hybrid energy solution is employed, together with a freestanding, manual system for emergency e-vehicle charging, and the street lighting system(29). Challenges with freestanding PV systems were addressed in this research by a grid-connected PV system that employed HOMER Pro and Matlab/Simulink(30).
1) In a few research papers they claimed that hybrid power generation is good and efficient power generation when compared to a single source of power. But there were different concepts and combinations in the hybrid system. After the literature review, we came up with the combination of two VAWT with PV module with a new design that can be fixed over the pole.
2) Almost in every research they fixed the entire system in a fixed manner, but there was no design in which they could remove the turbine and fix another turbine for any maintenance or repair.
3) The effect of Blade configuration of the wind turbine on the performance of the street light was not mentioned in detail
4) In the street light concept, research is done with a single turbine fixed with PV module, but this research is on comparison of feasibility of two different turbines (VAWT) along with PV module and two same turbines with PV module
The power system in its current state is facing multiple challenges that impact its reliability, efficiency, and sustainability. One of the biggest issues is the growing demand for electricity and the aging infrastructure that was designed to distribute power from large centralized plants to customers via a network of transmission and distribution lines. Integrating renewable energy sources into the grid, including solar panels, wind turbines, and energy storage systems, has led to the emergence of a decentralized and dynamic power system known as a smart grid. In addition to these technical and economic hurdles, the current power system is also facing environmental challenges due to the use of fossil fuels, which are the primary cause of greenhouse gas emissions. Transitioning to a low-carbon economy requires significant investment in renewable energy technologies, energy storage, and grid modernization, all of which entail substantial upfront costs. Therefore, the current power system is tasked with balancing the trade-offs between cost, reliability, and sustainability while ensuring equitable access to electricity for all. The success of the power system will require the development of innovative solutions to address these challenges and ensure a sustainable and reliable energy future.