Efficient way of user search location in query processing

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IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology

eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308


PG Student, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Anna University (BIT Campus), Trichy, India Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Anna University (BIT Campus), Trichy, India


Abstract Rapid growth of the mobile search location information is an important concern. Usually mobile users search the query in service providers. In this paper, apply click through for finding the users’ interest in search engine mainly from their own search database. User preferences are classified as content concept and location concept. Ontology concepts are used to store the user preferences in the client side and Content extraction, Re-ranking are used in the server side to get the closest point search results. In this, use client– server architecture to get the user relevant information. Server provides the result based on user search. Classify the query based on the user click through. Instead of producing global search result, it performs ranking to get closest point result based on the server database. Frequently accessed user queries are stored in the client side for fast access. If the result is not available, then the user queries can be posted to get the updated result when the server is updated.

Keywords: content concept, location concept, mobile search, user search. ---------------------------------------------------------------------***---------------------------------------------------------------------1. INTRODUCTION In web search create many challenges. Because whenever different user enters the same query it displays the same result. For example whenever the user enter the query it displays different kind of information like Apple query have computer and fruit kind of information. In normal web search must specifies the user interest with query. In web search enter the query and select the hierarchy before submit the query. Difficult to find the correct link before submit the query. In personalised never use general profile information for filter the user profile. Personalised search is a experience of the user’s query. It contains the history and reranking search results. Instead of use general search engine, use personalised search make information more secure with unique interest. Another user couldn’t find which data search by user. Personalised search is classified the user different information based on their search result and improve the search quality. Even though have GOOGLE personalised search get personal information in public link without user permission. Whenever create user account provide access their personal information to the server. Get the information from the web done by search engine. In GOOGLE search problem is user and search engine interactions are less. It must confine the user’s click through for analyze about the user’s interest Example whenever the user need to know the hotels in Japan. He just enter hotel in Japan based on the query classify hotel is content information

and Japan is location information. Personalised search use client and server get the exact result with efficient. In this paper, user is used for classify the location and content information based on the user’s click through and server is used for provide the information based on the classification and ranking the results. Find the how much like the link based on the click for provide effectiveness to the personalised search must classified link by content and location. The content and location preferences are used for the search to the preferences are used for the search to the user. It can also like geo query and non-geo query mainly focus on location information non-geo query intention to the content information. Backend search engine doesn’t know the user’s interest history. Client can set the privacy level to the server. The server never store information of the user’s like more than some limitation. Ontology is used find the user preference and filters the interest filter information forward to the server to find the relevant information. Whenever the user enters the query, the search system gets the information from the search engine. The search engine result is providing to the search system. The search system contains the user interest and history and click through data. Search system provides the relevant information result to the user. Search engine provide the lot of information but search system ranking the information based n the user interest. Privacy is important concern for personalised whenever the user enter the query like hotel server provide the result as map and room rate.

__________________________________________________________________________________________ Volume: 03 Special Issue: 07 | May-2014, Available @ http://www.ijret.org


IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology

The user interest in roommate based on the user click they classify as room rate and special discount rate the click through is stored in client database user. So the information never stolen by the server. The Server doesn’t know the user’s interest based on the search find out the important information.

2. RELATED WORK Mobile search find the user interest by the click through link of the information. E. Agichtein, E. Brill [1] suggest that Rank Net is neural net tuning algorithm find out the weight for user interest. In this based on the thousands of queries provide the ranking it can understand the human interest by provide their labels. In the information retrieval use ranking for filter the information. Ranking improved by implicit feedback. General search engine results based on the user preferences as per the ranking of the click through data. Provide the score for click through data.Provide the high score for click data than the un-clicked data. In this use vector features for rank the user preferences and train the features for ranking the function. Each time the user select provide the score for which link select for interest, Ranking results based on lot of features, like content based features, query-independent page quality features. It contains three tyes click through features and browsing features and Query text features. Implicit feedback is used to improve the ranking result of the search engine results. Y-Y.Chen, T.Suel[2] suggest that query foot print and geographic foot print for separate the query of the user. Use KSweep algorithm for fetch the information. From the disk the information is fetch without order the data display to the user. In this use text index structure for able to find the user interest document based on the word. J.Attenberg[3] proposed that query classified as geo-query and non-geoquery for improve the user search. Whenever user enter the query filter based on classification of the geographic term and queries with no location information classified as non-geo query based AOL trace differentiate geo and non-geo. In normal search whenever the query have spell mistake and provide the corrected query. Sacrifice of quality of service some queries may be dropped. T. Joachims[4] propose that SVM algorithm use user interest for ranking the document and whenever click the document it decide as positive document and then ranking the link. Whether the document provides negative weights means it’s not rank. K.W.T.Leung, D.L.Lee [5] proposed that OMF is capture location and content concept for get the relevant information result for the user query. Content concept is keyword in the link. The location concept is physical location find from the link. Whenever user enter the query and then select the link extract the content and location in the OMF profile. Joachim’s

eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

method User can search the query result from top to bottom. User skip the document to read web snippet understand it prefer another document s skip it. It is used to mining the document and rank the result based on the user preferences user select the document di , but skip the document dj because of the user interest. dj < r, di . r is the user interest ,user like the document di. Joachim’s output is input to the ranking process. K.W.-T. Leung, W. Ng [6] suggest that Whenever the user enter the query that forward to the middleware then the query passed to the search engine. Search engine provide result with the some link to the middleware. BB (Beeferman and Berger’s )agglomerative clustering algorithm effective technique in clustering. This algorithm creates a bipartite graph based on the user query, whenever the user click the document relation between the query and document create bipartite graph. Provide cluster algorithm for the graph to find out the similar query and similar document. Q. Tan, X. Chai [7] suggest that RSCF is providing efficient training for even small dataset. RSCF select the log files and then extract the data then provide classify as labelled data and unlabelled data. RSCF provide better ranking than the RSVM algorithm. RSCF create a meta search engine that contain the MSN search, wisent and overture. In this search mainly focus on the local location as higher interest than the global location result. In geographic search query is extracted based on the city name, address and map by external database.

3. LOCATION SEARCH OVERVIEW In this paper user search the location of the query in the mobile environment. mobile user enter the query to the client. In the client have two database as location database and content database for store the user information separately.The client forward the query to the server for get the result. The server contain the location and content database for retrieve the data. The user enter the query as university in trichy the query is passed to the client for check the query information available if user already search the query then get information from the client database also separate data also. If the query is new for client then forward query to server for that reduce the workload of the server. In server side contain all information. In the client update the query by the user whenever user didn’t get the exact result from the server. In server side use content and location classification for ranking the location and find the user interest. The server display the result with nearest location and suggestion result then find the shortest path for the query of the user.

__________________________________________________________________________________________ Volume: 03 Special Issue: 07 | May-2014, Available @ http://www.ijret.org


IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology

eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

SpyNB method extraction only input to the ranking process. Based on the positive sample provide the ranking and find the minimum distance location of the query for ranking. In the server–side also, have content and location concept database for filter the user query. In the server side also mine the unlike of the user. Based on the location of query provide nearest neighbour location result also with separate link. In this paper use module as client side search and server side search and clickthrough data at last use ranking the user interest is based on the nearest location also. Repeated query result from client database, don’t need to forward the query server. Ranking the query result based on Euclidean distance, so find with shortest path. Nearest five location display whenever user ask the query location. In the pending database insert the user doesn’t get result query.

Fig 1 System Architecture

Whenever server get exact result if update in the pending database to indicate the user. Implement the location search with client and server side search and the click through data and ranking the user interest from. In this paper implement the location search with location and information of the place whenever user ask query forget result.


From Joachim’s Method select the user interest. Result is search from top to bottom for select the relevant and interest result of information. problems in that paper User can get the available data only, even can’t provide the needed information in database for future database. Ranking is based only by the user click. Each time client asks information from server even repeat query itself.

6. EXPERIMENTAL RESULT In this section estimate the closest point search mechanism. Evaluate location and content query by user profile. Provide the quality to the user for get the relevant result in less duration. Verify the user profile for help to improve the search quality.


Learning the user interest based on the user click through data. User query classified as content classification and location classification . client have two database for store the information. Server also contain the location and content . In the existing system whenever the user enter the query. In the client-side query classified as content concept and location concept. Before system user must type manually their interest mention with query and lot of interest without relevant information also display to the user.

5. USER SEARCH RANKING THE LOCATION In the user search provide the ontology update in the client side. Client get the result of query without network connection from the ontology if the query already search instead of ask to the server result provide from client database. But each time the ontology is update whenever the user enter the query, If doesn’t get the relevant information, then user update provide commitment to relevant information result to the ontology. As like existing the query classified as content and location concept. SpyNB method finds out the user point of interest location.

80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0

Closest Point Relevant Data

Location Fig 2. location query range The Figure 2 shows the range of the closest point and the relevant data based on the results of the user queries.

__________________________________________________________________________________________ Volume: 03 Special Issue: 07 | May-2014, Available @ http://www.ijret.org


IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology

eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308


Jayanthi received her M.E Degree in in Computer Science Engineering. She is now working as Assistant Professor in Anna University (BIT Campus), Trichy. Her areas of interest are network security,

In personalized search query processing technique is used for ranking the query result based on the click through data. Categorization of content and location concept is easily identified and classified based on the user interest. In this paper content and location database are stored in client side. Our work is to categorize the query and perform ranking in server side. Our work is to extract the data and find out the query result. Client submit the request to the server. The Server solves the problem by avoiding the non-relevant data and provide relevant information by user click through and ranking process. The user is provided with the closest point result from the server.








E. Agichtein, E. Brill, and S. Dumais, “Improving Web Search Ranking by Incorporating User Behavior Information,” Proc. 29th Ann. Int’l ACM SIGIR Conf. Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR), 2006. Y.-Y. Chen, T. Suel, and A. Markowetz, “Efficient Query Processing in Geographic Web Search Engines,” Proc. Int’l ACM SIGIR Conf. Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR), 2006. Q. Gan, J. Attenberg, A. Markowetz, and T. Suel, “Analysis of Geographic Queries in a Search Engine Log,” Proc. First Int’l Workshop Location and the Web (LocWeb), 2008. T. Joachims, “Optimizing Search Engines Using Clickthrough Data,” Proc. ACM SIGKDD Int’l Conf. Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, 2002. K.W.-T. Leung, D.L. Lee, and W.-C. Lee, “Personalized Web Search with Location Preferences,” Proc. IEEE Int’l Conf. Data Mining (ICDE), 2010. K.W.-T. Leung, W. Ng, and D.L. Lee, “Personalized Concept-Based Clustering of Search Engine Queries,” IEEE Trans. Knowledge and Data Eng., vol. 20, no. 11, pp. 1505-1518, Nov. 2008. Q. Tan, X. Chai, W. Ng, and D. Lee, “Applying CoTraining to Clickthrough Data for Search Engine Adaptation,” Proc. Int’l Conf. Database Systems for Advanced Applications (DASFAA), 2004.

BIOGRAPHIES Parimala received Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science Engineering from Chettinad College of Engineering and Technology, karur. She is now pursuing her Master in Engineering, Pervasive Computing technology in Anna University (BIT Campus), Trichy. Her areas of interest are network security, data mining.

__________________________________________________________________________________________ Volume: 03 Special Issue: 07 | May-2014, Available @ http://www.ijret.org


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