Brain Tumor Diagnosis using Image De Noising with Scale Invariant Feature Transform

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Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

Brain Tumor Diagnosis using Image De-Noising with Scale Invariant Feature Transform

Namit Thakur1, Dr. Sunil Phulre2

1Research Scholar, 2Associate Professor, 1, 2Department of CSE, LNCT, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India


It is truly challenging for specialists to distinguish mind growth at a beginning phase. X-raypictures are more helpless to the commotion andothernaturalaggravations.Subsequently,itbecomeschallenging for specialists to decide on brain tumor and their causes. Thus, we thoughtofaframeworkinwhichtheframeworkwillrecognizemind growth from pictures. Here we are switching a picture over completelytoa grayscale picture.Weapplychannelstothepictureto eliminate commotion and other natural messes from the picture. The framework will deal with the chosen picture utilizing preprocessing steps.Simultaneously,variouscalculationsareutilizedtodistinguish the growth from the picture. In any case, the edges of the picture won't be sharp in the beginning phases of cerebrum growth. So here weareapplyingpicturedivisiontothepicturetorecognizetheedges of the pictures. We have proposed a picture division process and an assortment of picture-separating procedures to get picture qualities. Through this whole interaction, exactness can be moved along. This framework is carried out in Matlab R2021a. The accuracy, Review, F1 Score, and Precision worth of the proposed model works by 0.16%, 1.99%, 0.47%, and 0.28% for CNN Model.

KEYWORDS: Brain Tumor, classification, Segmentation, Precision, Recall, F1 Score


Human body is comprised of many sorts of cells. Each sort of cell has extraordinary capacities. Most cells in the body develop and after that partition in a deliberate approach to frame new cells as they are expected to keep the body solid and work appropriately. At the point when cells lose the capacity to control their development, they separate time and again and with no request. The additional phones shape a mass of tissue called a tumor. Brain tumors are made by unusual and uncontrolled cell segmentation in cerebrum itself. By and large, if the development turns out to be over half, at that point the patient will most likely be unable to recuperate. Consequentlylocationof braintumoratitsbeginning time with its precise determination is essential. Distinguishing proof of tumor includes tests like CT and MRI. X-ray assumes key part in recognizing region, size and kind of cerebrum tumor. Structure of Brain:Generally,human cerebrumincorporatesthree noteworthy parts controls distinctive activity [3].

How to cite this paper: Namit Thakur | Dr. Sunil Phulre "Brain Tumor DiagnosisusingImageDe-Noisingwith Scale Invariant Feature Transform" Published in InternationalJournal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd),ISSN:24566470, Volume-6 | Issue-7, December 2022, pp.65-71, URL:

Copyright © 2022 by author (s) and International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development Journal. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0) (

Figure 1: Indicate the brain structure

1. Cerebrum-Thecerebrumcontrolsgettingthehang of, considering, feelings, discourse, critical thinking, perusing and composing. It is isolated into right and left cerebral halves of the globe. Muscles of left half of the body is controlled by right cerebral sides of the equator and muscles of righthalfofthebodyiscontrolledbyleftcerebral halves of the globe.

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2. Cerebellum-The cerebellum controls development, standing, adjust and complex activities.

3. Brainstem-Brainstemjointsthebrainwithspinal rope. Brain stem controls circulatorystrain, body temperature and breathing and controls some fundamental capacities.

MRimagegivedefinitedataabouthumananatomical structureandtissues.LikewiseMRimageisprotected contrasted with CT sweep and X-Ray Image. It doesn't influence the human body. MR Image gives data to promote treatment and research territory.

Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470

that extraction of skull portion took place. In second section of the model, Bio-Geography algorithm was applied which takes brain portion of pre-processed input MRI image. (Ashish Kumar Dehariya, Pragya Shukla; 2020)

Cerebrum cancer is a destructive sickness and its grouping is a difficult errand for radiologists due to theheterogeneousideaof thegrowthcells.Asoflate, PC supported finding based frameworks have guaranteed, as an assistive innovation, to analyze the cerebrum cancer, through attractive reverberation imaging (X-ray). (Noreen, S. Palaniappan, A. Qayyum, I. Ahmad, M. Imran and M. Shoaib; 2020)

The ID and order of growths in the human brain from MR pictures at a beginning phase assume a crucial part in determination such illnesses. This work gives the original Profound Brain network less number of layers and less complicated in planned named U-Net (LU-Net)fortherecognitionofcancers.(HariMohan Rai, Kalyan Chatterjee; 2020)


The essential complaints of my speculation work are as per the going with:


2: Brain MR Image.

X-ray is essentially used as a piece of the biomedical to perceive and picture better unpretentious components in the internal design of the body.


X-ray pictures are the main apparatus for early identification of mind cancer. Growth and malignant growthareahurtfulandshockingsicknessforhuman existence. In this paper a proposed framework manages clinical X-ray for characterizing input computerized picture into typical or unusual cancers, likewise the kind of strange case that alludes to the presence of mind growths is additionally analyzed into harmless cancer or threatening growth. The proposed mind growth order framework depends on utilizingFilterdescriptorforremovingvaluableX-ray highlights for determination clinical X-ray pictures. (Mohammed Sahib Mahdi Altaei and Sura Yarub Kamil; 2020)

Brain is an organ that regulates all parts of the body activities. Detection of glioma from MRI image was an important method in medical field. In order to better interpret the medical image segmentation is generally done as a fundamental step for further processing. This work proposed a segmentation algorithmfortheMRIimageinwhichtheentirework was structured into two parts. The first section of the proposed model involved pre-processing of the MRI image through weiner filter that removes noise after

1. Supervised tumor detection model take an image in a specific format, but it should be generalize.

2. Some of tumor detection model need prior information for training, this reduces dynamic adoption of work.

3. Noise removal steps should be improved for increasing the detection rate.


1. Reduce the noise present in the image by using median filter.

2. To studySkull part of the MRIimage needs to be perfectly segment out.

3. Identification of tumor portion from the skull portion of the MRI image.

4. To study the Accuracy of segmented region should be increased.


The algorithm of the proposed work is as follows. This method works under four phases.

A. Phase 1

1.1. Read image

Inthisstep,westorethepathtoourimagedatasetinto a variable then we created a function to load folders containing images into arrays.

1.2. Resize image

In this step in order to visualize the change, we are goingtocreatetwofunctionstodisplaytheimagesthe first being a one to display one image and the second for two images. After that, we then create a function

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called processing that just receives the images as a parameter.

1.3. Remove Noise (De-Noise)

Still, inside the function Processing () we add this code to smooth our image to remove unwanted noise. We do this using gaussian blur. Gaussian blur (also known as Gaussian smoothing) is the result of blurring an image by a Gaussian function. It is a widely used effect in graphics software, typically to reduce image noise. The visual effect of this blurring techniqueisasmoothblurresemblingthatofviewing the image through a translucent screen, distinctly differentfromthe bokeh effectproducedbyanout-offocus lens or the shadow of an object under usual illumination. Gaussian smoothing is also used as a pre-processingstagein computer vision algorithmsin order to enhance image structures at different scales.


Segmentation and Morphology (smoothing edges)

In this step, we step we are going to segment the image, separating the background from foreground objects and we are going to further improve our segmentation with more noise removal.

Phase 2

2.1. Binarizetheimageusingthestatisticalstandard deviation method

2.2. The complement of the binarized image is done.

2.3. Two dimensional wavelet decompositions is done using ‘db1’ wavelet up to level two.

2.4. Re-composition of the image is done using the approximate coefficient of previous step.

2.5. Interpolationmethodisusedtoresizetheimage of the previous step to the original size.

2.6. Re-complement of the image in the last step is done.

2.7. Labeling of the image is done using union find method.

2.8. The maximum area of all the connected components is found out which represents the brain. 2.9. All other components except the maximum component are removed from the image.

2.10. Theimageobtainedcontainsonlythebrainas1 pixel.

2.11. Convex hull is computed for these 1 pixel and the entire pixels inside the convex hull are set to 1 and outside it are set to zero.

2.12. The image of the previous step is multiplied to original image pixel wise and thus segmented brain is obtained.

Phase 3

Now we find out the SIFT descriptors of each source image of cell arrayfor images of image dataset. SIFT method perform the following sequence of steps for find the keypoint descriptors for texture feature.


Scale-Space Extreme Detection

Theinitial stepofevaluationfindstotalallscale-space and different image area in image dataset nodes [4]. It is completely apply effectively by using a Difference-of-Gaussian(DoG) mappingtorepresents potential interest keypoints of feature descriptors which are scale invariant and orientation in image dataset nodes [6].


Keypoints Localization

AllcandidateareaofimageinselectedROI(Regionof Interest),adetailedprototypeisfittoanalyzekeypoints areaanditsscale-space[5]. Keypointsofimageareain image ROI are chooses basis on calculate of existing stability [6].


Orientation Assignment

One or more orientations task are applied to each keypoints area based on local image data nodes gradient directions [2]. Each and every future image operations areimplementedonimagekeypointdataset which has been transformed relative to the applied orientation, scale, and location for each feature descriptor, hence providing invariance to these transformations in image data nodes.


Keypoints Descriptor

The local image gradients value are measured at the chosen scale space in the Region of Interest (ROI) around all keypoints in image dataset points [4].

Phase 4

In this phase, algorithm work has following steps.

4.1. First generate random matrix have same dimension as of input image then combine this matrix in the image. Here this help in generating the contour in the image.

4.2. Now find the contour position in the image and generate contours that help in finding the segmentation of the image. This creates initial segmentation for the image.

4.3. Once these contours were found in the image next is to update the different segments by finding the nearby distance from the segment region.

4.4. Now next step is to update the segmented area by analyzing the nearby pixel values of the segment.

4.5. Goto step (4.3).

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Theproposed methodologywasimplemented inMATLABsoftware. Forthispurpose,MATLABR2021awas used. The image processing toolkit was used to provide essential image processing functions. The proposed model was evaluated by implementing it in MATLAB, and the efficiency of the algorithms was analyzed.

Figure 3: Load Brain MRI Image


4: Brain Threshold Image

Table 1: Compare Precision for Brain Tumor Classification Classes CFIB[1] CFDB[1] Proposed Model

Glioma 99.67 99.75 99.83

Meningioma 98.3 98.37 99.87 Pituitary 94 97.67 98.18

Figure 5: Graphical Comparison of Precision

Table 2: Compare Recall for Brain Tumor Classification Classes

CFIB[1] CFDB[1] Proposed Model

Glioma 97.67 99 99.62

Meningioma 96.67 97 97.15 Pituitary 99 99.21 99.84

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Figure 6: Graphical Comparison of Recall

Table 3: Compare F1-Score for Brain Tumor Classification Classes CFIB[1] CFDB[1] Proposed Model

Glioma 99 99.3 99.47 Meningioma 97.67 97.81 98.11 Pituitary 97 98 98.78

VII. Conclusion

Figure 7: Graphical Comparison of F1-Score

Table 4: Compare Accuracy for Brain Tumor Classification Model Accuracy (%)

CFIB[1] 99.34 CFDB[1] 99.51 Proposed Model 99.62

Figure 8: Graphical Comparison of Accuracy

The accuracy of the proposed model is higher than CFIB [1] (Joined Element based Commencement Block/Origin CNN Model) and (Consolidated

Component based DensNet Block/DensNet CNN Model).Theaccuracyworthofproposedmodelwork on by 0.16% and 0.08% for CFIB [1] and CFDB [1] separately.

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The review of the proposed model is higher than CFIB [1] (Consolidated Component based Initiation Block/Commencement CNN Model) and (Joined Element based DensNet Block/DensNet CNN Model). The review worth of proposed model work on by 1.99% and 0.63% for CFIB [1] and CFDB [1] separately.

The F1 Score of the proposed model is higher than CFIB [1] (Consolidated Element based Origin Block/Beginning CNN Model) and (Joined Component based DensNet Block/DensNet CNN Model).TheF1Scoreworthofproposedmodelwork on by 0.47% and 0.17% for CFIB [1] and CFDB [1] individually.

The precision of the proposed model is higher than CFIB [1] (Consolidated Element based Origin Block/Beginning CNN Model) and (Joined Component based DensNet Block/DensNet CNN Model).Theexactnessofproposedmodelworkonby 0.28% and 0.11% for CFIB [1] and CFDB [1] individually.


Theopportunitiesfordistinguishingamindgrowthin the future are that assuming we get a three-layered picture of the cerebrum with the cancer, then, at that point, we can gauge the sort of growth as well as the phase of the cancer. Later on, we will investigate and apply calibrate methods on pre-prepared models prepared with a bigger number of layers and may likewise scratch-based models with information increaseprocedurestocharacterizemindgrowths.We will likewise investigate the outfit strategy (combination of classifiers yield) in light of calibrating and scratch-based highlights separated from profound learning models.


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