Residents' Willingness to Separate Garbage and its Influencing Factors
Yanyi Li, Zihan Liang School of Information, Beijing Wuzi University, Beijing, ChinaABSTRACT
Inordertorespondtothenationalcallandpromotetheworkofwaste separationinTongzhouDistrict,Beijing,weconductedasurveyand research on the willingness and influencing factors of waste separationinTongzhouDistrict,Beijing.Accordingtotheresultsof thequestionnairesurvey,80.6%oftheresidentswereabletosorttheir garbage according to the garbage sorting standard, but 9.2% of the residents still did not have knowledge about garbage sorting. The questionnaire data were analyzed and the effect of supervisory guidance and promotional guidance on the analysis of garbage was foundtobesignificantbythe chi-squaretest,indicatingthathaving supervisory and promotional guidance has a positive effect on increasing the willingness to separate garbage. Further, the factors influencing residents' willingness to separate garbage were investigatedbyregularizedmulticategoricallogisticregression,andit was found that the recognition of responsibility had a significant effectonresidents'willingnesstoseparategarbage.Finally,basedon theresultsofdataanalysis,weproposedevelopmentopinions.
KEYWORDS: Garbage sorting; Chi-square test; Regularized multicategoricallogisticregression
In order to speed up the classification of domestic waste in Beijing, the General Office of the Beijing Municipal People's Government put forward the followingviews.Bytheendof2020,theformationof the rule of law-based, government-promoted, universal participation, urban and rural integration, according to local conditions of the garbage classificationsystem,toimprovetheoveralllevelof garbage classification work, to create an excellent livingenvironment.
In recent years, a large number of scholars have conducted research on waste separation. Chen et al. (2020)1 investigatedthegreenhousegascontribution of a pilot community in Shanghai, China, when disposing of domestic and residual waste under differentmodelsofwaste separation, andfoundthat greenhousegasemissionscanbeeffectivelyreduced by separating food waste under the right model. Alpízar et al.(2015)2 conducted an experiment on waste segregation with household heads in a Costa Ricancitytoexplorewhethernon-monetarymeasures can motivate residents to segregate their waste, and the results showed that both shame and pride can
How to cite this paper: Yanyi Li | Zihan Liang "Residents' Willingness to Separate Garbage and its Influencing Factors" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN:24566470, Volume-6 | Issue-6, October 2022, pp.1658-1664, URL:
Copyright © 2022 by author (s) and International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development Journal. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0) (
motivate residents to segregate their waste. Han et al.(2019)3 showed that demonstration projects and publicawarenessoftheneedforwastedisposalhada significant positive impact on WTP and WTPP. Kuangetal.(2021)4 investigatedpublicparticipation in urban waste separation. Liu et al.(2015)5 studyof recyclablehouseholdsolidwasteinBeijing.
In order to respond to the call of Beijing Municipal Government and promote the construction of waste separationfacilitiesinBeijing'surbansub-center,this paperconductsasurveyandresearchontheproblem oflowmotivationand lowparticipationof residents in Tongzhou District to understand the residents' willingnesstoparticipate inwasteseparationandits influencing factors and satisfaction with the current situation of waste separation, so as to improve the residents' willingness to separate garbage and promote the construction of waste separation in TongzhouDistrict.
2. Data Collection
The questionnaire was designed to understand the situation of waste separation and residents'
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
willingnesstoseparategarbageinTongzhouDistrict (including but not limited to: whether to separate garbage,thesituationofwasteseparation,etc.).The questionnaires were collected by distributing questionnaires online to residents in Tongzhou District to obtain real feedback on their satisfaction withwasteseparation.
A total of 149 questionnaires were distributed and a totalof108validquestionnaireswerecollectedfrom residentswhoarecurrentlyorhavelivedinTongzhou Districtinthepasttwoyears.
3. Descriptive statistical analysis
Reliability test and validity analysis
Table 1 Reliability statistics
Cronbach Alpha Number of items 0.772 5
3.2. Analysis of penetration rate and response rate
The reliability analysis can reflect the true extent of the measured characteristics. As shown in Table 1, according to the results of SPSS analysis, the CronbachAlphacoefficientisbetween0.70and0.80, whichindicatesthatthestructureofthisquestionnaire and the design of the questions are in line with scienceandrationality.
Table 2 KMO and Bartlett's test
KMOSamplingsuitabilityquantity 0.734 Bartlett's sphericity test
Approximatecardinality 120.030 Degreesoffreedom 10 Significance 0.000
Validityreferstothedegreetowhichthethingtobe studiedcanbeaccuratelymeasured,i.e.validity.We mainlytookcontentvalidityandstructuralvalidityto test the validityof the pre-surveydata. As shown in Table2,theKMOcoefficientofthequestionnaireis 0.734 and the p-value is 0.000, so the structural designofthequestionnairecanbeusedforanalysis.
Fig 1 Pie chart of the degree of compliance of residents' waste separation behavior in Tongzhou District
Firstofall,weconductedastatisticalsurveyonwhetherallresidentsinTongzhouDistrictcouldsortanddeliver garbageaccordingtotherequirementsofgarbagesorting.AsshowninFigure1,83%oftheresidentsaroundthe respondents'residencecouldsortanddelivergarbageaccordingtotherequirementsofgarbagesorting,whilethe remaining17%haddifficultyinsortinggarbageaccordingtotherequirements.
General conformity Not quite Not at all Residentsaroundtheareaareableto sortanddelivertheirgarbage. 10.19%
28.70% 12.04% 4.63% Theyusuallyputoutgarbageseparately 9.26% 37.96% 33.33% 13.89% 5.56% AsshowninTable3,81%oftherespondentshadtheawarenessofwasteseparation,andtheremaining19%had noawarenessofwasteseparation.Ingeneral,mostoftheresidentswereawareofwasteseparationandwereable tofollowthestandardsfordelivery.Further,wesurveyedthoseresidentswhodidnotseparatetheirgarbageand analyzedthereasonsthatinfluencedthemnottodoso.Table4showsthepercentageanalysisofthereasonsfor notseparatinggarbage.Regardingthereasonsfornotseparatinggarbage,42respondentsthoughtthatthelackof communitygarbage sortingfacilities was an influencingfactor for not beingable to separate garbage, with a response rate of 31.34% and a prevalence rate of 73.68%. It can be seen that the lack of community waste separationfacilities,thetimeconsumingandtroublesomenatureofwasteseparationandthelackofmandatory requirements by the community and the government are the main reasons for residents in Tongzhou not to separatetheirwaste.
Table 4 Analysis of the percentage of causes of not separating garbage Item Response Penetration rate (n=57) n Response rate
Timeconsumingandtroublesome 32 23.88% 56.14%
Don'tknowhowtosortgarbage 19 14.18% 33.33%
Communitygarbagesortingfacilitiesareincomplete, makingitimpossibletosortandputoutgarbage 42 31.34% 73.68%
Nomandatoryrequirementsbycommunity, government 31 23.13% 54.39%
Nobodyelsecares 9 6.72% 15.79% Others 1 0.75% 1.75%
Aggregation 134 100.00% 235.09%
Fig. 2. Pie chart of self-assessed compliance with waste separation behavior of residents in Tongzhou District
Inaddition,wehavecalculatedwhetherthesurveyedresidentsthemselvesusuallyseparategarbage,andthepie chartinFigure2showsthatmostoftheresidentsinTongzhouDistrictusuallyputoutgarbageseparately,80% ofthesurveyedresidentsusuallyputoutgarbageseparately,and20%ofthesurveyedresidentsusuallydonot separategarbage.
Fig. 3. Bar chart of satisfaction status of the construction of sorting bin drop-off points in Tongzhou District
Table 5 Analysis of the percentage of dissatisfaction with the sorting bin drop-off point Item Response Penetration rate n Response rate (n=27)
Lownumberofgarbagebinsplaced 15 19.48% 55.56%
Dumpstersarefarawayfromresidential areasandnoteasytodeliver 20 25.97% 74.07%
Theexistinggarbagedrop-offpointisnot timelyandthesanitaryenvironmentispoor 23 29.87% 85.19%
Lackofcommunityvolunteeroversight 17 22.08% 62.96% Others 2 2.60% 7.41% Aggregation 77 100.00% 285.19%
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Thesatisfactionsurveystudywasconductedontheaboveresidentswhousuallycarryoutgarbagesorting.From Figure3,itcanbeseenthatmostoftheresidentsinTongzhouDistrictaresatisfiedwiththeconstructionofthe existing garbage drop-off points. Considering the unsatisfactory aspects, it can be seen from Table 5 that 23 residents think that the existingdumpster drop-off points are not timelyfor collection and transportation and haveapoorsanitaryenvironment,witharesponserateof29.87%andaprevalencerateof85.19%.Fromthis,it canbeseenthattheresidentsofTongzhouaredissatisfiedwiththeexistinggarbagedrop-offpointsbecauseof theiruntimelycollectionandtransportation,poorsanitaryenvironment,andthefactthatthegarbagebinsarefar awayfromtheresidentialareasandnotconvenientfordelivery.
4. Model construction and solving
Analysis of Column Tables
Using a columnar analysis, we explore the relationship between willingness to sort garbage and supervisory guidanceandpromotionalguidance.
4.1.1. Willingness to sort waste and supervision guidance
InTable6,theresultsofthetwovariablesregardingthelambdacoefficient,tau-ycoefficientanduncertainty coefficient again with symmetric relationship, asymmetric pair relationship (bootstrap supervision as the dependentvariableandcategoricalwillingnessasthedependentvariable)aregivenin8calculations.
For the lambda coefficient, the calculated results with symmetric relationship, asymmetric pair relationship (bootstrapsupervisionasthedependentvariable andclassificationwillingnessasthedependentvariable)are 0.375, 0.333,0.41, respectively, with p-values less than 0.05, which means that the correlation between willingnesstosortandguidancesupervisionvariablesissignificant.Thetau-ycoefficientsare0.195and0.195 with p-values less than 0.05, which means that the correlation between waste sorting intention and guidance supervision variables is significant. For the uncertainty coefficient, the p-value is less than 0.05, which also means that the correlation between the willingness to sort garbage and the guidance supervision variable is significant.
Table 6 The lambda coefficient, tau-y coefficient and uncertainty coefficient of waste sorting intention and guidance supervision
4.1.2. Willingness of waste separation and publicity guidance
Table 7 The tau-y coefficient and uncertainty coefficient of willingness to sort garbage and publicity guidance
standard error a Approximation Tb Asymptotic Significance
Nominal to Nominal
Goodman &Kruskal tau
Uncertainty factor
Propagandaguidance dependentvariable .044 .039 .030c Willingnesstoclassify dependentvariable .044 .039 .030c
Symmetry .033 .030 1.112 .029d
Propagandaguidance dependentvariable .034 .030 1.112 .029d Willingnesstoclassify dependentvariable .032 .029 1.112 .029d
InTable7,thetau-ycoefficientanduncertaintycoefficientagainwithsymmetricrelationship,asymmetricpair relationshiparegiven.Forthetau-ycoefficientwithasymmetricpairwiserelationship,thecalculationresultsare 0.044, 0.044. P-value = 0.03, which is less than 0.05, that is, the correlation between the willingness to sort garbageandthepropagandaguidancevariableissignificant.Theuncertaintycoefficientcalculationshowedthe sameresuts.
Accordingtotheaboveanalysis,theeffectofsupervisoryguidanceandpublicityguidanceontheanalysisof garbageissignificant,whichmeanshavingsupervisoryguidanceandpublicityguidancehaveapositiveeffect onincreasingthewillingnesstosortgarbage.
4.2. Regularized Multinomial Logistic Regression Analysis
Wedevelopedaregularizedmulti-categorylogisticregressionmodeltoinvestigatetheeffectsofeightvariables, including age, gender, education level, dutyrecognition, guidance and supervision, and knowledge of waste separation,onthewillingnesstoseparatewaste.
The meaningof the interpreted variable: whether you will sort garbage" will be "Not at all"is assigned as 5, "Notquite"isassignedas4,"Generally"isassignedas3,"More"The"fullyconform"isassignedas1.
First,theorderedmulticategoricallogisticregressionmodelwasestablished,andtheresultsoftheparallelline testinTable8showedthatP=0.000,i.e.,theoriginalhypothesiswasnotvalid,sotheanalysiswasconductedby unorderedmulticategoricallogisticregressioninstead.
FromTable9,theprobabilityp-valueis0.000,indicatingthatthelinearrelationshipbetweentheexplanatory variablesallandthegeneralizedLogitPissignificantandthemodeliscorrectlychosen.
Table 10 Likelihood Ratio Tests
Effect Model Fitting Criteria Likelihood Ratio Tests -2 Log Likelihood Chi-Square df Sig.
Intercept 200.335a .000 0 .
Educationlevel 225.019 24.684 12 .016
Guidedsupervision 217.906 17.571 4 .001
DutyRecognition 233.124 32.789 12 .001
Table10showsthechangesinthelikelihoodratiochi-squarevaluesaftertheintroduction(orexclusion)ofeach explanatory variable in the model. Their chi-square test probability values are 0.016, 0.001, and 0.001, respectively,whichmeansthatthesethreeexplanatoryvariablescontributesignificantlytothegeneralizedlinear regressionmodel.
Table11 Pseudo R-Square
CoxandSnell .553 Nagelkerke .590 McFadden .290
FromTable11,thevaluesofCoxandSnellstatisticandNagelkerkestatisticare0.553and0.590,respectively, showingthemodelfitswell.ThevalueofMcFaddenstatisticisbestintherangeof0.3-0.5,andhereitisvery closeto0.3,indicatingthattheregularizedlogitsicregressionmodelfitswell.
Tables 12-13 give the estimation results of the model parameters with the reference category of no garbage sortingatallinnormaltimes.ThefourgeneralizedLogitequationscanbeobtainedasfollows.
(1) (2)
Eq. (1) is a log-natural model of the probabilityratio of completelysorting garbage in the usual wayand not sorting garbage at all in the usual way. From equation (1), it can be seen that the explanatory variable is significant. It can be concluded that, other things being equal, the natural logarithm of the ratio of fully complying is 3.667 units higher than the average of not complying at all, and the probability ratio of fully complyingis2.06timeshigherthantheaverageofnotcomplyingatall,comparingtheresidentswhoacceptthat itiseveryone'sresponsibilitytoseparategarbagetothosewhousuallycompletelyseparategarbagesignificantly higherthanthosewhousuallydonotseparategarbageatall.
Eqs.(2)-(4) arelogarithmicnaturalmodelsoftheprobabilityratiosoftheusualfrequent garbagesorting,the averagecompliancewithgarbagesorting,therelativelynon-compliancewithgarbagesorting,andtheusualtotal non-compliancewithgarbagesorting,respectively.InEqs.(3)-(4),theexplanatoryvariablesaresignificant,and it can be concluded that the categoryof more accepted garbage sortingis everyone's responsibilitygenerally conformingandmorenon-conformingissignificantlyhigherthannotnormallysortinggarbageatall.
Table 13 Coefficient estimation results2
General conformity Not quite
Garbage sorting behavior B Std. Error Sig. B Std. Error Sig.
Intercept -1.32 0.971 0.174 0.478 0.733 0.514
[Educationlevel=1] -1.352 1.92 0.481 -1.997 1.848 0.28
[Educationlevel=2] -1.947 1.162 0.094 -1.101 0.994 0.268
[Educationlevel=3] 0.901 1.377 0.513 0.55 1.306 0.674
[Guidedsupervision=0] 2.373 1.27 0.062 1.113 1.224 0.363
[DutyRecognition=2] 17.619 8963.538 0.998 -0.18 10568.782 1
[DutyRecognition=3] 17.867 1364.785 0.99 15.425 1364.785 0.991
[DutyRecognition=4] 3.761 1.288 0.003 2.883 1.165 0.013
5. Conclusion and Recommendations
The research topic of this project is the willingness and influencing factors of garbage sorting in TongzhouDistrict.Thepurposeistounderstandthe level of residents' participation in waste separation and their satisfaction with the existing waste separation work. First, we confirmed the survey format, schedule and offline visit locations. The questionnairesweredistributedtotheresidentsofthe visited places, and 108 valid questionnaires were collected. The structure and questions of this questionnaireprovedtobescientificandreasonable. The results of validity analysis proved that the correlationofthequestionnairedatawassignificant, which indicated that the questionnaire had good contentvaliditytoachievethepurposeofthissurvey. Secondly,SPSSwasusedtodoacolumnassociation analysisonresidents'wastesortingbehavior,andthe chi-square test results showed that guidance supervision and publicity and education had significanteffectsonwastesortingbehavior.Further, we developed a regularized multi-category logistic regression model to investigate the effects of age, gender, education level, duty recognition, guidance andsupervision,andknowledgeofwasteseparation on the willingness of waste separation. The study found that the degree of responsibility recognition hadasignificanteffectonthewillingnesstoseparate garbage.
In summary, we propose the following policy recommendations.
1. Itisimportanttoincreasethepopularityofwaste separation, innovate and broaden the publicity channels, and enhance the participation of residentsinwasteseparation.
2. Regularly organize garbage sorting exchange activities to increase residents' sense of responsibility and accomplishment in participatingingarbagesorting.
3. Anefficientandcoordinatedmanagementsystem and operation mechanism should beestablished. Theworkresponsibilitiesofrelevantdepartments shouldbeclarified,andtherelevantunitsshould follow up and supervise the promotion of waste separation, and provide timely feedback on problemsandeffects.
4. Buildateamofcommunitystreetgarbagesorting supervision volunteers. The team will be trained and managed by the relevant departments to improvetheprofessionallevelofthesupervisory team and guide the residents to complete the garbageseparation.
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