IKA PREVIEW Summer 2020

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IKA S2020



There is no application deadline and no admission fee. Further information on the program: ika.akbild.ac.at/school/ admission/Dr_techn For queries concerning the program, please contact: arch@akbild.ac.at

Architecture, as a discipline situated between the Arts and Sciences, finds itself in a unique position. Even if classified as scientific program of study by statute, the design process and therefore creative-artistic thinking forms the core of its education, thus architecture cannot be understood solely as an applied science. Architecture cannot be considered as a purely artistic discipline either since its practice involves a wide range of scientific aspects that require a rationalanalytic and/or interpretive approach. These aspects are prerequisites to, as much as immanent societal obligations of the discipline.

Screening Earth Others at Filmmuseum Wien, with Vandana Shiva. Winter 2019. Photo: Lisa Penz

Making research visible by means of a PhD program at the IKA emphasises the particular position of the discipline. This has given rise to a distinctive, highly original, concept of research which allows for both strict scientific research formats – i.e. within the field of architectural history or material technology – and artistic research at the intersection of design practice. Consequently, Doctoral theses may include and focus on theoretical, historical, technical as well social themes. Additionally, Design based research equally qualifies as a research path. The IKA has offered a doctorate study program in architecture (Dr. Techn.) since 2011 which is open to students holding an appropriate university degree in architecture (master, diploma). Candidates who wish to apply for the program are required to write a synopsis of their proposed dissertation project and are encouraged to approach a professor at the institute who could act as a supervisor for their intended doctoral thesis. Once a supervisor is found the program normally stretches over six semesters.

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