Good behaviour is ok and fun

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Good behaviour is ok and fun

Year 2018.

About the project The problem of rude behaviour among teens is increasing in Europe. Parents and teachers often try to stop it by introducing different kinds of bans and penalties. Too little focus is put on showing children models of good behaviour.

Aims The main objective of this project is the promotion of good behaviour. Discovering rules of proper behaviour will help children to become more responsible in daily life. Another objective is to help pupils to become more creative and show their ideas using various methods and forms. ICT skills will also be developed and English is used as the main language for the international communication, which increases their foreign language skills.

Work process Suggested planned activities: 1. Magic words – each partner arranged some situations of everyday life in which ‘kind words’ are used. 2. Treat your friend the way you want to be treated – each partner shows the way how to behave to be a good friend. 3. In the class– each partner will work on the problems of rude behaviour at school and try to find the solution to them. 4. Acts of kindness – each partner will discover different ways of helping people. 5. Golden rules of good behaviour – finally partners will write a kind of e-guide containing all the rules which will be discovered during the project.

Expected results The project can be promoted throughout the school and on the school website. The project and its aims and outcomes could be presented to parents and families and to the wider school community.


Age range From 10 to 15

Subjects Citizenship, Cross Curricular, Foreign Languages, Informatics / ICT

Serbia Through every step of this journey we have taken with students’ peers and their teachers, my students have become more aware of their own behaviour and their responsibilities. They know what good behaviour means, they like it and hope for it, but have problems to stand by it in many situations. We have learned that we need to promote good behaviour everywhere - in our class, our partners classes, whole school, family, in everyday life. Many things we need to learn, like: to recognize acts of kindness, to enjoy in small good deeds we make for others, to greet magic words as huge drivers of good, beautiful emotions. But we are reacher for new feeling of liberty to express ourselves in different ways, creative and adapted to the enthusiasm and affinities of each student individually. When I say that I mean in good behaviour of all group members, who allowed each other to be on their own and yet so special. We have worked on our problems, used ICT to share our and discover results of our peers topic investigation. We have played and talked, discuss and analyze, in order to find the rules of good behaviour, we all are going to stick to next school year. As much as we can.


In this project,we aim at attracting our pupils’ attention to good behaviour.Unfortunately, we witness some bad behaviour everywhere, in the class,in the street, in the park etc. I think school is the best place to change our student’s bad manners and bad language.We have a plan to focus on good manners and good language. First of all, our pupils draw some pictures about what makes their friends feel sorry and sad.Thanks to this activity,I think we succeed in attracting our pupils’ attention to good behaviour.They know why their friends feel sorry and sad.Then, We focus on magic words to teach them about good language that makes them acceptable in the society.We try to do it in different languages .Preparing a multilingual dictionary makes them aware of different languages and also their peers in different countries.Finally,we play some creative games in the class about good behaviour.Our pupils try to discover what makes their friends feel sorry and solve problems.We try to provide value education for them as much as we can do.We also try to get new ICT skills like wordart,learning apps,cram,tarsia,canva and google slides..As for the next school year,we will use the same good practices in this project.Thanks to this project,our pupils get the chance of discovering good manners together with their peers from different countries and have a chance of getting good models of good behaviour.

France We all face rude behaviour and bullying at school, and I think it is important to make our pupils have a deep reflection about it, as individuals and as groups. This project enabled us to think about the consequences of our behaviour in everyday life, because we examined many situations in which we sometimes forget good behaviour. My pupils and I came to the conclusion that respect is the key, and their favourite part of the project was “TREAT YOUR FRIEND THE WAY YOU WANT TO BE TREATED�. We chose it as a slogan for the class, it sums up all we need to live happily together at school. This project found its strength in the international size. Indeed, eTwinning helped me, and my pupils, once more, to find motivation and enthusiasm to teach and learn, thanks to the activities we shared with our partners. I cannot say how great the platform is to meet people, to open our minds, to fight against discrimination and to accept the differences. My pupils particularly liked to discover other languages and alphabets. Finally, we acquired new ICT skills, with tools such as Google slides, Canva, Poster my wall, Learning Apps, WordArt, Cram, Word Cloud and many others! This project will definitely remain in our memories as a peaceful and benevolent interlude in our hectic lifestyle and hopefully we will be able to remember what we learned thanks to it!

For eTwinning project “Good behaviour is ok and fun” evaluation of project done by teachers: Katarina Ivanovic, OŠ "Stevan Dukić", Београд / Beograd ​Serbia Esra YILDIZ, Mithatpaşa Ortaokulu, Bursa ​Turkey PASCALE SAINT-CLOUD, Collège Rougemont le Château, Rougemont Le Chateau ​France

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