IK Ingeniería Ecodesign Corporate Dossier

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IK IngenierĂ­a Helping companies design greener products

IK IngenierĂ­a is an environmental consulting firm specialized in ecodesign, sustainable building and environmental technical training. Our work is based on environmental innovation since 2004. Since then, we have provided with support and advice to more than one hundred companies (from SME to large companies and public administration), helping them to improve their products and services throught innovation, making them environmentally-friendly. As a result, over these years we have contributed to a reduction of the environmental impacts resulting from the activity of our customers. Many products have been improved and are now more respectful with our environment. Also, the application of ecodesign gives companies the key to save resources, gain differentiation, add value to the product and improve their market competitiveness. These are some of the advantages about being an ecoefficient company. Do you want to know more about how to ecoinnovate in your business?

Services Catalog 2012 - IK IngenierĂ­a & Ecodesign


he value of ecoinnovation for a company

Ecoinnovate means to integrate the environment in the company through innovation


ow to do it? The key concept is Ecodesign. Ecodesign is the main tool to take the

road towards ecoinnovation. A scientific methodology to detect those phases in which the product/service gets a significant impact on the environment (to consider: end of product’s life, when becoming a waste, along the production stage if high energy consumption is required, if there are polluting components when selecting materials, and so on). Ecodesign analyses all product development stages and indicates where it is necessary to make improvements, in order to create more environmentally responsible product with the cost savings associated. It is estimated that over 80% of all product-related environmental impacts are determined during the design phase. Integrating environment variables from the beginning, in the design stage, is the most effective way to make improvements that consider the whole life cycle of the product.


ur services in Ecoinnovation

IK IngenierĂ­a provides customers with Environmental Innovation Solutions, according to their needs. From short-term or specific actions on the development or the redesign of a product, to deeper innovation actions such as implementing Ecodesign International Management System Standard ISO 14006 (previously named UNE 150301) to integrate this methodology in each process of the organization.

Services Catalog 2012 - IK Ingeniería & Ecodesign

Global Solutions


Review of the existing legislation

codesign strategic viability study

If this is the first environmental innovation experience in your company of a product or service, IK Ingeniería provides you strategic advice about the possibilities of ecodesign in your organization. This “strategic viability analysis” allows you to identify those products/services eligible for applying ecodesign methodology, and other recommendations about ecoinnovation and key actions that could be carried out by the company.

Analysis of different actions on environmental innovation

Strategic analysis

Anlysis of appplicable certification systems (Ecolabels, Environmental Product Declaration...)

Motivations and specific interest of the customer

Phases of “Ecodesign strategic viability study”


codesign management in the organization: ISO 14006

As a strategic bet, more than 150 companies in Spain have already committed to environmental innovation through Ecodesign. For this reason, they have implemented Ecodesign Management System ISO 14006, ensuring this methodology as the regular and usual way of working in every proyect, and thus making possible to place on the market environmentally friendly products for a sustainable living. This system also ensures compliance with legislation. Ecodesign Management System permits to identify and analyze the environmental aspects of the product throughout its whole life cycle to incorporate environmental improvement measures in all projects. The system is integrated with any other existing management system in your company (ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and so on).

ISO14006:2011 AENOR

IK Ingeniería offers support in the implementation of Ecodesign Management System ISO 14006. We have worked with a result of a successful implementation in the following companies: AKABA, EREDU, GEROMOBEL, IKERTIA TECHNOLOGY CENTER, Ingenor, LASTER DISSMOFI 2000, Oneka Architecture and SORALUCE.

Services Catalog 2012 - IK Ingeniería & Ecodesign


ur Experience


AKABA, one of Spain's leading manufacturers of furniture for offices and public areas, decided to follow the path of environmental product innovation by integrating its quality management system according to the EFQM model, with the Ecodesign Management System (ISO 14006). This new system allows the company ensuring the ecodesign methodology as the usual form of work. IK Ingeniería has provided AKABA advice to achieve this goal successfully.

Company improvements: The Ecodesign methodology was tested in AKABA for the first time in the office chair, model MUGA. The obtained environmental benefits were as follows: 

Selection of materials with low environmental impact: Replacement of some materials in the chair, plastic parts were changed for recycled cardboard elements improving the recyclability of the product; wood from the back of the chair was changed for recycled plastic, less harmful and with better recyclability, and finally, a reduction of the seat foam thick.

Homogenization of references for standard pieces within the company: It reduces both the number of manufacturing processes, and also the quantity of consumables and energy required, which results in simplifying the repair process of the product.

MACHINE TOOL INDUSTRY Company improvements: SORALUCE is one of the global leaders in the design and manufacture of advanced technology and high performance Milling Machines, Milling-Boring Machines and Machining Centres. In 2010, it was the first company in the sector of machinetools to implement the Ecodesign Management System ISO 14006. Since then, the company incorporates the environmental dimension in all its designs.

The working system was implanted successfully in the company, and first applied in the development of a milling machine (Model TR) obtaining a 16% reduction of its global environmental impact. This improvement was a consequence of: 

Reconfigurating the structure of the machine, obtaining a 7% reduction of total weight

Reducing electricity consumption by 16% during the phase of utilization

Reducing oil consumption by a 21%, during its phase of utilization

Services Catalog 2012 - IK Ingeniería & Ecodesign


echnical consultancy service: an Ecodesign Deparment in your company

Do you want to implement sustainable design actions in your projects, but your company has no time or no specialized human resources? Most of small businesses can’t afford to employ their own team of Ecodesign and environmental Innovation professionals in-house. However, it is important to stay updated on the new European Directives about sustainable product design and to work constantly on product innovation, in order to be in a more-competitive position in the green markets where nowadays companies can find new opportunities. For this reason, IK Ingeniería offers the knowledge and experience of its professional team to help you. As your external Environmental Innovation and Ecodesign Department, we can provide you with reliable advice when you need it. We are a team both in which you can trust and which will provide you tools, ideas and solutions. You can either choose to take us on with a monthly retainer fee, or call us in when you need us for specific projects. Either way, we will be in contact with you throughout each project and after completion, ensuring you have all the support needed. Currently, we are supporting Ihobe (Environmental Management Public Agency of Basque Government) as its external Ecoinnovation Department. Moreover, we are working for HABIC- Basque Country Habitat and Contract Cluster - which gathers the most important companies in this sector with 87 members-. In both cases, we offer our expertise in environmental innovation to solve environmental concerns or give expert advice in the course of the projects. These are some of the services and tools we offer to our clients:

Methodology and tools for Environmental Innovation In coordination with other agencies and companies (Simpple, Neiker Tecnalia, HAZI, Mendinet), we are participating in the development of environmental software tools that facilitate companies, especially SMEs, to implement ecoinnovation activities. Some recent projects in this sense are: “LiMaS Project”, a tool for the environmental improvement of electrical and electronic products (www.limas-eup.eu), “More Wine, Less CO2”, a Carbon Footprint Calculator for the wine industry (www.masvinoco2.com) or “AgroLCAmanager”, a software program to improve the sustainability of food industry companies (www.agrolcamanager.com).

“More Wine, Less CO2” Proyect Carbon Footprint Calculator

Environmental technical Guidelines The deep knowledge in environmental innovation, ecodesign and sustainable building has allowed our professional team to participate in the development of several technical publications and ecodesign guides, in collaboration with other companies. There are some of the most recent publications, we could mention: Life Cycle Assessment and Carbon Footprint Guide, Ecodesign guidelines for furniture and street furniture , Product Environmental Labeling Guideline, Green Building Guideline for administrative and office buildings, also a review of Sustainable Building Guide for Housing Rehabilitation, in collaboration with both, Housing Department and Department of Environment and Regional Planning of the Basque Government.

“Ecodesign Guidelines for street furniture” and “Product Environmental Labeling Guideline”

Services Catalog 2012 - IK Ingeniería & Ecodesign

Green business awards External recognition is very important to our customers as a valuable opportunity to have environmental success of their business widely recognized. Also it is a contribution for a good corporate image, which plays an increasingly important role in consumer’s choice. Aware of this, IK Ingeniería detects all those award opportunities, depending on each company characteristics. Furthermore, our team is willing to prepare both your application and develop all technical documentation required and any other related issues for a successful candidature. In addition, we can assist you to prepare informational material about the product or project in order to communicate their environmental advantages. For example, we prepare the draft of Environmental Excellence Study Cases of numerous Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) for Ihobe, the Basque Government Environmental Management Agency.

European Business Awards for the Environment 2011/2012 -Basque Country section

Access to finance For this aim, our team searches for all the available ways to finance your project, and detects those which best fit within every type of company or project. There is now a variety of emerging funding opportunities, as government grants, related to ecoinnovation, energy efficiency, sustainability and environment protection, that can help your company to implement ecoinnovative activities. IK Ingeniería helps you to find them and put them at the touch of a button.

In many cases, financing is crucial for SMEs to implement ecoinnovation

Conference and event management Events are a great way to do public relations and seize the opportunity to boost sales and grow customer base. In the case of SMEs, it is also useful for promoting new products or services. For public administration, this is a convenient way to approach to their audience (suppliers, customers, employees, society) and improve relations. IK Ingeniería has experience, not only in small event management, but also in large international conferences with an audience of over 350 assistants. We help companies and public agencies to coordinate the technical organization by making the speakers (national / international) selection, preparing the content of the presentations, boosting forums, detecting potential audience and managing invitations, doing PR support or analysis the results.

"Bilbao Ecodesign Meeting 2011". IK Ingeniería was the technical assistance and scientific support for Ihobe in this international congress. Since 2006, we have participated in all ecodesign meetings celebrated in Bilbao: IVEcoinnovative Companies Meeting : Environmental &Building Product Innovation(2010) III Congress on Environmental Product &Building Innovation (2008) II Forum on Environmental Product Innovation (2007) I Basque Ecodesign Congress. Improving product environmental aspects (2006)

Services Catalog 2012 - IK Ingeniería & Ecodesign

Ecoinnovation in-company training IK Ingeniería currently offers tailored in-company training programmes. Our team customizes training sessions according to the client's needs and its requirements, and also according to target audience, technical and functional requirements, class duration, and subject matter. We cover from long-term courses, to intensive workshops. The topics vary depending on the client or project but some of the most common in which IK is specialized are: Environmental Product Legislation Environmental labels for products (eco-labeling) Ecodesign (methodology, steps for implementation) ISO 14006 (UNE 150301) for Ecodesign Management Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Carbon Footprint Identification of Environmental Aspects Ecodesign software and tools

Seminar on Carbon Footprint for winery and viticulture technicians

Official Master's Degrees and Ecodesign Classroom IK Ingeniería offer university education in the following Master Degrees, postgraduate programs and specialized university classrooms:

Environmental innovation projects: Ecodesign Classroom 2010-2011 Promotion Memory

Ecodesign Classroom, Engineering School of Bilbao (University of the Basque Country - UPV/EHU). Since 2004, IK Ingeniería coordinates the Ecodesign Classroom and offers qualify teachers in this subject. Among the offered modules, you will find Eco-labeling, Life Cycle Analysis of products, Software tools, Environmental management in the company and environmental innovation and sustainable building. Machine Tool Classroom, Engineering School of Bilbao (University of the Basque Country - UPV/EHU) Master in Construction Engineering, Engineering School of Bilbao (University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU) Postgraduate course in "Sustainable Planning, Building and Rehabilitation", School of Engineering at the University of Deusto in Bilbao Master in Building Thermal Engineering, Engineering School of Bilbao (University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU)

Ecodesign Classroom 2011-2012 Promotion Engineering School of Bilbao (University of the Basque Country - UPV/EHU)

Services Catalog 2012 - IK Ingeniería & Ecodesign

Specific Solutions

Improve the environmental profile of your products


ife Cycle Assessment (LCA)

The Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) has been used increasingly by industry to help reduce the overall environmental burdens across the whole life cycle of goods and services. LCA is a scientific technique to assess environmental impacts associated with all the stages of a product's life from-cradle-to-grave (i.e., from raw material extraction through materials processing, manufacture, distribution, use, repair and maintenance, and disposal or recycling). LCA’s can help avoid a narrow outlook on environmental concerns by: compiling an inventory of relevant energy and material inputs and environmental releases; evaluating the potential impacts associated with identified inputs and releases; interpreting the results to help you make a more informed decision. To perform this analysis IK Ingeniería has the knowledge of the most effective specific software tools in the market. Depending on customer’s needs (more or less complex) of the action), you can perform different types of product environmental analysis: Basic: Environmental Screening Premium: Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)

The LCA process is developed following the standards set by international ISO 14040 and ISO 14044

An LCA of your product detects if it complies with European Ecodesign Directive, and it is a first and essential step before the implementation of the Ecodesign Management System ISO 14006.


colabelling: Green Products Certification System IK Ingeniería can provide you all the information about ecolabelling and the ecolabels which could be applied to your product, by studying your market and helping you make the better possible choice.

European countries with own national models of ecolabeling

The term “green procurement” means the integration of the environmental considerations into the decision process when consumer wants to make an adquisition of a product/service. Ecolabels are a distinctives that ensure the communication of environmental truthful information. This makes consumers easier to recognize products that comply with rigorous environmental specifications.

Services Catalog 2012 - IK Ingeniería & Ecodesign

Currently, there are a variety of ecolabels by which a company can certify a product. IK Ingeniería offers:  

Advice on the selection of most appropriate environmental certification by studying product, sector and market Preparation and verification of Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs). IK Ingeniería has one of the five verifiers - approved by the Environdect - that exist in Spain for the certification of these type of ecolabels (III) Creation and preparation of all technical documentation


ur Experience


Naval and oil sector

Vicinay Cadenas, a basque company dedicated to design, manufacturing and supply of high technology chains and high-tech accessories for the naval sector and the oil and gas offshore industry, was the first company in the mooring sector to verify an Environmental Product Declaration (EPD). Prior to registering the EPD, the company worked out a baseline for its environmental impact. Nowadays, Vicinay Cadenas has registered, through the swedish agency Envirodec, its full range of chains and three of their shackle products. IK Ingeniería has worked together with Vicinay Cadenas for obtaining these ecolabels, preparing the environmental analysis of the process, conducting the Life Cycle Assessments (LCAs), advising on the certification process of the Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) and drafting all required documents.

FIRST ECODESIGNED TRAM CAF (Construcciones y Auxiliar de Ferrocarriles), a private company listed on the stock exchange that specializes in the design, manufacture, maintenance and supply of rolling stock for the rail industry, is always searching more efficient and environmentally friendly means of transport. Now CAF has certified the first Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) of a tram. Manufactured at its plant in Zaragoza, the tram Urbo 3 features an innovative system of catenary-free operation, meeting the highest environmental standards. The Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) of CAF Urbos3 tram certifies its environmental performance. IK Engineering has worked closely with the company in the process for obtaining this ecolabel.

Rail industry

Services Catalog 2012 - IK Ingeniería & Ecodesign


Our team and values nvironmental Sustainability Professionals

We are a team of highly experienced professionals in engineering, architecture and communication, specialized in ecodesign, sustainable building and sustainability. A qualified multidisciplinary team, young and dynamic, focused on continuous improvement and provide best quality of service to our customers. A team who is constantly retraining and learning. The promoters and founders of IK Engineering, Rubén Carnerero y Francisco Campo, are Industrial Engineers from the Technical High School of Engineering of Bilbao (University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU). During their last academic year in 2002, both were specializing in the Ecodesign Classroom of the university. A training initiative that at the beginning of the 2000s was pioneer in Spain, and still today is a reference in the field of public university formation in ecodesign and environmental product innovation areas.



More knowledge, more value for customer In IK Ingeniería we like to develop projects in collaboration with other organizations. For this reason, we have some strategic partners with whom we usually complete our expertise and create more value to find the best solution for our customer.

Stategic partners Simpple IK Ingeniería strategic partner. Expert in developing innovative solutions with high technological value.

Services Catalog 2012 - IK Ingeniería & Ecodesign

ENVIRONDEC (International EPD System) IK Ingeniería is Environdec’s associated member. Environdec is the best known International Certification Body of Environmental Product Declarations, and we are one of the 27 associated organizations worldwide.

Other associations HABIC Cluster - Basque Habitat & Contract Cluster More than 80 SMEs in the contract and furniture sector are associated. IK Engineering takes part into this group to promote ecoinnovation and sustainability as a weapon of competitiveness among companies.

AJEBASK Federation of Associations of Young Entrepreneurs in the Basque Country

INNOBK Forum for Innovative Companies in Barakaldo (Bizkaia)


ommitted to continuous improvement

The company's commitment to continuous improvement and our concern about the environmental issues has been the impulses to implement a Management Quality System and Environmental Management System, both certified by AENOR according to UNE-9001:2000 and UNE - 14001:2004, respectively.

As an organization involved in environmental sustainability, we participate in the Ecoefficiency Programme for Basque Companies 2010-2014, promoted by the Environmental Department of the Basque Government, through which about 500 companies have acquired their environmental commitments. In our case, we have taken various eco-challenges, putting stress on the promotion of green purchasing and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) that derivate from businesses activities.

Services Catalog 2012 - IK IngenierĂ­a & Ecodesign

What else does your company need to


IK IngenierĂ­a + 34 - 94.418.17.46 www.ik-ingenieria.com ik@ik-ingenieria.com


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