IKMG 2nd International Meeting Program

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Interna,onal Kidney and Monoclonal Gammopathy Research Group 2nd Interna,onal Mee,ng La Rochelle, France, September 3-­‐4, 2015 hFp://interna,onalkidneymonoclonalgammopathy.org Dear Friends and Colleagues,

We would like to invite you to a7end the second interna:onal IKMG mee:ng in La Rochelle which is taking place in September 2015. The goal of the IKMG is to promote research into, and understanding of, kidney diseases resul:ng from monoclonal gammopathies and we are very excited about the program our organizing commi7ee has put together. We plan to include state of the art lectures on the pathology, diagnos:cs and treatment of monoclonal gammopathy-­‐related kidney diseases presented by experts from around the world. A poster and plenary session will cover the latest advances in this evolving field. This mee:ng will hopefully s:mulate exchanges between clinicians and researchers, and open up new perspec:ves for diagnos:c and therapeu:c approaches to the treatment of these rare disorders, through a be7er understanding of their pathophysiological mechanisms. Call for abstracts will be announced in May. La Rochelle is a very pleasant city located on the west coast of France. The mee:ng will be held at the Espace Encan, close to the old port in the historical city center, with a wide choice of hotels within walking distance. The social program will be a unique opportunity to discover the best local food. We look forward to mee:ng you in La Rochelle,

Guy Touchard, Congress President , Frank Bridoux, Congress Vice-­‐President, Nelson Leung, IKMG President, Maria M. Picken, IKMG secretary * ERA-­‐EDTA’s endorsement is for the promo6on of educa6on in general, therefore the specific content of the event/course is the responsibility of the organizer


eeting address: Espace Encan, Quai Louis Prunier, BP 3106, 17033 La Rochelle,

Online Registra,on and Hotel Reserva,on: h7p://reserva:on.larochelle-­‐evenements.fr/event/registra:on?even:d=73 Contact: Tiffany Barbier, La Rochelle Evenements, Quai Louis Prunier – BP 3106 17033 La Rochelle cedex 01, France Tel : (33) 5 46 45 91 43. www.larochelle-­‐evenements.fr e-­‐mail address: resa@larochelle-­‐evenements.fr Registra:on fees (including lunch and dinner on Thursday September 3rd): Seniors: 325 Euros

MD or PhD age less than 35 years: 175 Euros Trainees, PhD students: 75 Euros

The number of par,cipants will be limited to 250, registra:on will close on Monday August 31, 2015

Thursday, Sept. 3.


8:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Monoclonal gammopathy of renal significance – MGRS Moderators: Guy Touchard and Robert Kyle -­‐ Introduc:on: Guy Touchard and Nelson Leung -­‐ The history of monoclonal gammopathies: Robert A. Kyle (Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA) -­‐  Classifica:on of renal disorders in monoclonal gammopathies: Guy Touchard (University of Poi:ers, France) -­‐  MGRS: an evolving concept: Nelson Leung (Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA) -­‐ The kidney biopsy in MGRS: recent advances in pathology: Samih Nasr (Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA) -­‐ Coffee break

10:15 a.m. – 12:30 a.m. Proximal Tubule in Monoclonal Gammopathy: From the microscope to the Lab Moderators: Pierre Ronco and Maria Picken -­‐ Light chain (LC) tubulopathy with crystals: ViveFe D’Aga, (Columbia University, New-­‐York, NY, USA) -­‐ LC proximal tubulopathy without crystals: Guillermo A. Herrera (Louisiana State University, Shreveport, LA, USA) -­‐ LC-­‐induced inters::al nephri:s: Maria M. Picken (Loyola University Medical Center, Chicago, IL, USA) -­‐ Inflammatory pathways involved in proximal tubular injury: Veichi Batuman (Tulane University, New Orleans, LA, USA) -­‐ Panel discussion 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Update on monoclonal protein detec,on/measurement Moderators: Helen Lachmann and Arnaud Jaccard -­‐ New free light chain assays: Ashu Wechalekar (Na:onal Amyloidosis Centre, London, UK) -­‐ Mass spectrometry: David Murray (Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA) 3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. New Renal response and emerging therapies in AL amyloidosis Moderators: Joan Blade and Julian Gillmore -­‐ Assessing renal response in AL amyloidosis: Giampaolo Merlini (University of Pavia, Italy) -­‐ An:-­‐SAP therapy: Philip Hawkins (Na:onal Amyloidosis Centre, London, UK) -­‐ Coffee break 4:30 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Update on the management of myeloma cast nephropathy Moderators: Jean Paul Fermand and Nelson Leung -­‐ Chemotherapeu:c op:ons: Efstathios Kastri,s (University of Athens, Athens, Greece) -­‐ Free light chain removal: Colin Hutchison (Hawke's Bay DHB, New Zealand) -­‐ Response measurement: Heinz Ludwig (Wilhelmine Hospital, Vienna, Austria) -­‐ Group discussion 6:00 p.m. Poster viewing (,tles and authors listed at the end of the program) and wine recep,on, dinner to follow Financial Sponsors:

Friday, Sept. 34


8:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. Update in pathophysiology: animal models Moderators: Michel Cogne and Pierre Aucouturier -­‐ Cast nephropathy: Paul Sanders (University of Birmingham Alabama, Birmingham, AL, USA) -­‐ LC Fanconi syndrome: mouse and cellular studies: Olivier Devuyst (University of Zurich, Switzerland) -­‐ AL amyloidosis: Guillermo A. Herrera (Louisiana State University, Shreveport, LA, USA) -­‐ Randall-­‐type MIDD: Christophe Sirac (University of Limoges, France) -­‐ Coffee break 10:45 a.m. – 12:00 a.m. C3 glomerulopathy and monoclonal gammopathy Moderators: ViveEe D’AgaH and Samih Nasr -­‐ C3 GP and monoclonal gammopathy: the disease spectrum: Frank Bridoux (University of Poi:ers, France) -­‐ The complement system in C3GP and monoclonal gammopathy: Véronique Frémeaux-­‐Bacchi (HEGP, Paris, France) 12:00 – 12:45: Extra-­‐renal manifesta:ons of monoclonal gammopathy: Jean Paul Fermand (Saint Louis University Hospital, Paris, France) 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Oral communica,ons Moderators: Chris Venner and Giampaolo Merlini The numbers below correspond to the abstract number in the abstract book 1. Comparison of Freelite and N Latex serum free light chain assays in subjects with end stage renal disease on haemodialysis. Kennard A, Hawley C, Tate J, Klingberg S, Pretorius C, Hutchinson C, Mollee P. 16. At Myeloma Diagnosis, Age and Free Light Chain Level Predict Renal Func,on and These Factors with Free Light Chain Response Predict Renal Outcome. Yadav P, Drayson MT, Cook M, Pinney J, Giles H, Aung YS, Cockwell P. 18. Cast nephropathy vs Acute Tubular Necrosis in newly diagnosed Mul,ple Myeloma: a compara,ve study. Sathick IJ, Nasr S, Leung N. 37. Proteomic Analysis of Myeloma Cast Nephropathy by Laser Microdissec,on Capture Tandem Mass Spectrometry Leung N, Sethi S, Quint P, Madden BJ, Bergen III HR, Kumar R. 32. Efficacy of high-­‐cut off membrane in the treatment of acute renal failure due to myeloma kidney – data from Czech cohort of pa,ents. Ryšavá R, Lachmanová J, Havrda M, Kielberger L, Orság J. 33. Proximal tubulopathies in pa,ents with monoclonal gammopathies of undetermined significance (MGUS): beyond crystals. Herrera GA, Picken MM. 11. Monoclonal light chains associated with Fanconi syndrome trigger aberra,ons in the lysosome-­‐autophagy pathway in proximal tubule cells. Bouteau I, Luciani A, Sirac C, Bridoux F, Devuyst O. 13. Current an,-­‐myeloma therapies improve renal manifesta,ons of monoclonal light-­‐chain proximal tubulopathy. Vignon M, Arreule A, Nasr SH, El-­‐Karoui K, Karras A, Roos-­‐weil D, Royer B, Karlin L, Knebelman B, Asli B, Jaccard A, Bridoux F, Leung N, Fermand JP. 9. Urinary albumin to crea,nine ra,o in morning void can subs,tute measurement of proteinuria in 24 h collec,on in diagnosis and staging of renal AL amyloidosis. Riva E, Basset M, Milani P, Foli A, Palladini G, Merlini G. 8. Outcome of pa,ents with AA or AL amyloidosis admiFed in ICU. Guinault D, Canet E, Lavayssiere L , Huart A, Ribes D, Cointault O, Nogier MB, Roussel M, Bernadet-­‐Monrozies P, Lemiale V, Arnulf B, A7al M, Chauveau D, Azoulay E, Faguer S. 31. Clinicopathologic Correla,ons in Waldenström’s Macroglobulinemia and related IgM producing B-­‐ cell lymphoprolifera,ve disorders: A Case Series of 57 pa,ents with Kidney Biopsies. Higgins L, Said SM, Nasr SH, Gertz MA, Leung N.

4. Kidney Transplant (KT) in Individuals with Monoclonal B-­‐cell lymphocytosis (MBL) and Chronic Lymphocy,c Leukemia (CLL). Stra: P, Gharaibeh KA, Leung N, Cosio F, Call TG, Shanafelt TD. 4:00 p.m. Closing remarks 4:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. IKMG board mee,ng 5:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Public pa,ent conference with the par,cipa,on of the Fédéra,on na,onale d’Aide aux Insuffisants rénaux, Associa,on Française contre l’Amylose, Associa,on Française des Malades du Myélome Mul,ple

POSTER PRESENTATIONS The numbers below correspond to the abstract number in the abstract book 2. Bortezomib produces high hematological response rates with prolonged renal survival in monoclonal immunoglobulin deposi,on disease. Cohen C, Royer B, Javaugue V, Szalat R, El Karoui K, Caulier A, Knebelmann B, Jaccard A, Chevret S, Touchard G, Fermand JP, Arnulf B, Bridoux F. 3. Two cases of crystal storing his,ocytosis with kidney involvement. Garderet L, Bender S, Brochériou I, Verpont MC, Fabiani B, Boffa JJ, Aucouturier P. 5. A Case Report of a 64-­‐year-­‐old Male with IgG1κ Monoclonal Deposi,on and Ultrastructural Striated Structure Mimicking Striated Muscle Bundle. Tsukaguchi H, Joh K 6. Proposal for a Classifica,on of the Glomerular Deposi,on Diseases. Joh K. 7. LECT2 Amyloidosis: Not just a Hispanic disease. Ramzy J, Mollee P, Kwok F, Gilbertson J, Hosking P, Fraenkel M, Renaut P, Stewart G, Booth D, Gibbs. 10. Masked AL amyloidosis lambda in fibrillar pseudo-­‐amyloid glomerulonepri,s with gamma, kappa and lambda posi,ve deposits associated with gamma1 heavy chain disease… Touchard G, Karras A, Nochy D, Goujon JM, Quellard N, Bruneval P, Debiais C , Bender S, Bridoux F. 12.  Acute efficiency and Paradoxical effects of Targeted Therapy for GlomeruloNephri,s MembranoProlifera,ve with non organized deposits of IgG3 kappa. Maurier F, Guerard A, Aymard-­‐Chevrier B, Debiais-­‐Delpech C.

14. Prolifera,ve glomerulonephri,s with monoclonal IgA deposi,on : clinical significance and treatment. Vignon M, Faguer S, Noel LH, Guilbeau C, Her:g A, Francois H, Knebelmann B, Pourrat J, Chauveau D, Goujon JM, Bridoux F, El Karoui K. 15. Light chain proximal tubulopathy (LCPT) with (very) incomplete Fanconi syndrome. Stehlé T, Vignon M, Vidal-­‐Pe:ot E, Figueres ML, Rabant M, Noël LH, Arnulf B, Flamant M. 17. The Impact of Dialysis-­‐Dependent Acute Kidney Injury on Mortality in Myeloma: Findings from England Hospital Episode Sta,s,cs Data Yadav P, Evison F, Sangha J, Aung YS, Ray D, Sharif A, Pinney J, Cook M, Drayson MT, Cockwell P. 19. Title: Cryoglobulinemic glomerulonephri,s: A single-­‐center experience. Sathick J, Klobucher T, Cornell LD, Murray DL, Leung N, Nasr SH. 20. Bortezomib-­‐containing regimens for the treatment of AL amyloidosis: Experience at a single Ins,tu,on. Jimenez-­‐Zepeda V, Duggan P, Neri P, Nizar B. 21. Randall type light and heavy chain deposi,on disease (LHCDD) : clinical and immunopathological characteris,cs. Diolez J, Desport E, Javaugue V, Debiais C, Cohen C, Goujon JM, Jaccard A, Touchard G, Bridoux F. 22. Mu and kappa LHCDD : the first case ? Javaugue V, Guillaudeau A, Debiais C, Diolez J, Bender S, Gombert JM, Sirac C, Jaccard A, Goujon JM, Bridoux F. and G. Touchard. 23. Long-­‐term outcome in Glomerulonephri,s with Organized Microtubular Monoclonal Deposits (Immunotactoid Glomerulonephri,s): a case series of 25 pa,ents. Dufour L, Javaugue V, Fermand JP, l Goujon JM, Touchard G, Bridoux F. 24. Elevated crea,nine and monoclonal gammopathy: MGRS or not? That isn’t the first ques,on! Colombo A, Dosbaa I, Labatut D, Verove C, Sechet A, Moumas E. 25. Alpha Heavy Chain Deposi,on Disease: a case report Colombo A, Debiais C, Lacombe C, Labatut D, Vérove C, Sechet A, Gombert JM, Goujon JM, Moumas E, Touchard G, Bridoux F. 26. Waldenström macroglobulinemia (WM) with type I cryoglobulinemia, intra-­‐capillary glomerulonephri,s (GN) and membranoprolifera,ve glomerulonephri,s (MPGN) with organized glomerular deposits and thrombi. Javaugue V, Debiais C, Plasse F, Delbes S, Bonarek H, Goujon JM, Bridoux F, Touchard G. 27. Mul,ple myeloma and kidney failure: a rare and unexpected cause Labatut D , Rudelle E, Moumas E, Sechet A, Verove C, Colombo A, Roullet B, Delwail V, Puyade M, Motard C. 28. Diversity of Fanconi syndrome (FS) due to monoclonal immunoglobulin light chain (LC) Livrozet M, Aucouturier P, Callard P, Bender S, I Brocheriou, Ronco P, Buob D, Boffa JJ. 29. Clinical symptoms and molecular inves,ga,ons in 13 pa,ents with Schnitzler syndrome iden,fied at the single UK centre Rowczenio DM, Trojer H, Baginska A, Gillmore JD, Wechalekar AD, Hawkins PN, Lachmann HJ. 30. About a case: fibrillary glomerulonephri,s relapses are closely related to B lymphocytes recons,tu,on and give new insights of its physiopathology and therapeu,cal strategies. Leibler C, Ma:gnon M, Kofman T, Remy P, Lang P, Audard V,Grimbert P. 34. Unexpected histological finding of Monoclonal Gammopathy of Undetermined Significance (MGUS) in a Pa,ent With Nephro,c Syndrome , Hypertension and Acute Renal Insufficiency. Lanoiselelee S , Berrou C, Rabant M , Mar:nez F, Seret G Babinet F , Laradi A. 35. Myeloma cast nephropathy: a single-­‐centre experience from Australia in the era of novel agents. Ramzy J, Galiabovitch E, Schwarer A, McMahon L, Coughlin P, Fong C, Nedeljkovic M, Hosking P, Hocking J, Rajakumar S,Roberts M, Lee D, Gibbs S. 36. Prolifera,ve glomerunonephri,s with monoclonal kappa LC and C3 deposits: local ac,va,on of the alterna,ve complement pathway? Cohen C, Hummel A, Rabant M, Bridoux F, Knebelmann B.

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