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44 Carrier bags, in colour
by iKnow
With the rise of consumerism, shopping as a leisure activity and buying things for pleasure rather than necessity, the carrier bag has become the norm. While it’s greener for shoppers to take their own canvas bags out with them when they’re off to buy something, carrier bags are probably here to stay.
As far as brands are concerned, they remind people that you’re there by serving as portable billboards. For brand awareness, carrier bags are brilliant.
The idea In New York, the most famous carriers are Bloomingdale’s Little Brown Bag, Medium Brown Bag and Big Brown Bag. They’re so well known they don’t even say Bloomingdale’s on them. They give the paper ones away with purchases, and you can buy the fabric shoppers.
In London, Harrods used to dominate the branded shopping bag market with their olive green and gold branded shoppers. Now, it’s Selfridges bright yellow that stands out on Oxford Street and beyond. You can spot a Selfridges bag from the other end of a train platform. Liberty’s purple is distinctive too, Nike’s is red with a swoosh.
People will always come out without their eco-bags, and retailers have to fi nd a way to help them get their shopping home. Whatever style you choose, make sure your brand can be spotted easily.
In practice • Use your name. • Use your corporate colours. • Use your logo.