French Vocabulary list general and topic areas

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Vocabulary List General and Topic Areas 1 to 5 GCSE French OCR GCSE in French: J730 OCR GCSE (Short Course) in French Spoken Language: J030 OCR GCSE (Short Course) in French Written Language: J130

This Vocabulary List is designed to accompany the OCR GCSE French Specification for teaching from September 2009

© OCR 2010

Contents Contents


French GCSE Vocabulary List


French Vocabulary List General


Topic Area 1 Home and local area


Life in the home; friends and relationships


Local area, facilities and getting around


Topic Area 2 Health and sport


Sport, outdoor pursuits and healthy lifestyle


Food and drink as aspects of culture and health


Topic Area 3 Leisure and entertainment (includes online)


Socialising, special occasions and festivals


TV, films and music


Topic Area 4 Travel and the wider world


Holidays and exchanges


Environmental, cultural and social issues


Topic Area 5 Education and work


School life in the UK and in the target language country or community


Work experience, future study and jobs, working abroad.


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GCSE French General Vocabulary List Š OCR 2009

French Vocabulary List General

French GCSE Vocabulary List This vocabulary list will be a valuable guide for teachers when planning their teaching and learning programmes and preparing candidates for the assessment. Please note that this list should not be seen as a self-study aid, as only brief meanings have been given and candidates may need help from their teacher/tutor to interpret some items correctly. Foundation Tier: Assessment tasks for Foundation Tier Listening and Reading will be based on material in this vocabulary list. The assessments will contain some unfamiliar vocabulary but this will not be tested. Higher Tier: Assessment tasks for Higher Tier Listening and Reading will be based on material in both the Foundation and Higher Tier lists. Assessments will contain some unfamiliar vocabulary, and some of this will be tested, since the national subject criteria require candidates to use a range of techniques to deduce meaning. Speaking and Writing In Controlled Assessment tasks, candidates may use vocabulary from the Foundation and Higher tier lists but can also use vocabulary that specifically suits the tasks they choose to do and their own personal interests. Prior knowledge It is expected that candidates will be already familiar with the following: Numbers – (ordinal and cardinal) Days of the week, months of the year and seasons Towns, countries and nationalities Feminine and plural forms of the words listed Prefixes and suffixes of words already listed Target-language words used in English English words used in the target language. Grammatical items and structures figuring in Appendix B in the Specification (e.g. conjunctions, prepositions, both simple and compound, reflexives, common adverbs and adverbial phrases, etc.) Straightforward and common cognates Please note that some easily recognisable cognates may not be present in this list; however, others have been presented as a help to teachers and candidates. Cognates included in this list GCSE French General Vocabulary List Š OCR 2009

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are those that are written similarly to their English counterparts, but pronounced in a markedly different way. At Higher tier, candidates should know how to interpret suffixes as linguistic markers showing relationships between different parts of speech and have an awareness of the function of prefixes to modify the meaning of the root: e.g. réserver






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place réservée


GCSE French General Vocabulary List © OCR 2009

French Vocabulary List General

French Vocabulary List General Foundation à peu près à point absolument d'accord alors approprié au revoir aussi / aussi bien que autant autre autrefois autrement avis bien entendu bien sûr bienvenue bon cela m'est égal ! cela ne fait rien cependant certain chance chose de la part de demi donc douzaine égal également encore encore une fois espace espèce exprès fois grand’chose idée il y a journée machin manche manière marque même merci milieu mixte moins (que) mois moitié moyen moyen neuf non plus nouveau GCSE French General Vocabulary List © OCR 2009

about / roughly just right / medium absolutely agreed / OK then appropriate goodbye also / as well as as much other formerly otherwise opinion / notice of course of course welcome good I don't care! it doesn't matter however certain / sure luck thing from (a person) half so / therefore dozen equal equally / also, too still / yet again space sort / kind on purpose time much idea there is / are day thing / whatsit handle manner / way make / brand even / same thank you middle mixed less (than) / minus month half medium / average means / way (brand) new neither new Page 5 of 52

French Vocabulary List General

nul numéro occasion d'occasion occupé oui particulier pas pas encore pas mal de peut-être plein plupart plusieurs plutôt pointure presque pressé principal(ement) privé quand même quant à quart quelque chose quelque part quelquefois raison / raisonnable réel régulier (de) rien salut seconde semblable sembler seul seul / seulement si suffisamment suivant / suivre supérieur sûr surtout tant tant mieux tant pis tas tel / tellement tiers tous les deux tout le monde unique utile / utiliser vœu voici voilà volontiers vrai / vraiment y compris

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no good number opportunity second-hand occupied / busy yes particular step not yet a fair number of perhaps full majority several rather / quite size almost in a hurry main(ly) private all the same as regards quarter something somewhere (or other) sometimes reason(able) real regular nothing; (don't mention it) hello / good-bye second similar to seem alone only so / if / yes enough following, next / to follow higher certain / sure especially so much so much the better / thank goodness never mind / too bad pile / heap / a lot of such / so third both everybody only useful / to use wish here is there is willingly real, true / really including

GCSE French General Vocabulary List © OCR 2009

French Vocabulary List General

avoir raison apercevoir chercher commander commencement commencer se débrouiller début découverte découvrir décrire demander désir désobéir désolé devenir devoir dire discuter disponible disposer de douter enlever espérer espoir falloir fermer / fermer à clef laisser livrer manqué manquer marcher mélanger mener mesure mesurer montrer obliger obtenir offrir oublier paraître penser pousser pousser un cri pouvoir promettre raccrocher raconter ramasser rater recommander réduire remarquer remercier remettre remplacer remplir rendre GCSE French General Vocabulary List © OCR 2009

to be right to notice to look for to order start / beginning to begin to manage / cope beginning discovery to discover to describe to ask wish to disobey sorry to become / get must, to have to / duty to say / tell to discuss available / free to have available to doubt to remove to hope hope must, to have to to close / to lock to leave / let to deliver lack to miss, lack to go, walk / to work, function to mix to lead measure to measure to show to oblige to get / obtain to offer / give to forget to appear / seem to think to press / push to cry out to be able to / can to promise to hang up to tell to pick up to fail / miss to recommend / to register a letter to reduce to notice to thank to put back to replace to fill (in) to give back Page 7 of 52

French Vocabulary List General

saisir souhaiter se souvenir tenir terminer tirer trouver se trouver vouloir dire vouloir

to seize to wish to remember to hold to finish to pull to find to be (situated) to mean to want to

à bientôt! à l'heure après après-demain après-midi à l'avance avant-hier bientôt d’abord d'habitude de bonne heure déjà déjeuner dernier / dernièrement en avance en ce moment enfin ensuite fréquent / fréquemment frequenter habitude habituel heure hier lendemain (matin) longtemps maintenant matin / matinée midi minuit minute nuit parfois puis récemment / récent soir / soirée soudain souvent tôt tôt ou tard toujours tout tout à coup tout à fait tout à l’heure tout de suite

see you soon! on time after / afterwards day after tomorrow afternoon beforehand / in advance day before yesterday soon at first usually early already lunch, mid-day meal / to have lunch final, last / recently early at the moment at last next frequent(ly) to go to habit usual hour yesterday next day (morning) a long time now morning midday midnight minute night sometimes then recently / recent evening sudden(ly) often early sooner or later always / still all / every suddenly quite / completely a moment ago / in a minute immediately

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GCSE French General Vocabulary List © OCR 2009

French Vocabulary List General

Higher accueillir actuel actuellement s'adonner afin que agrandir d'ailleurs à peine aperçu appartenir appuyer arriver aussitôt comparaison délai en effet efficace hasard hausser hebdomadaire l'un l'autre mensuel n'importe n'importe qui etc. oser ôter part se presser se produire risquer si siècle signifier veille venir de

GCSE French General Vocabulary List © OCR 2009

to welcome present / current at the present time to be keen on so that to enlarge besides scarcely / hardly general idea / insight to belong to to lean / press / support to manage to immediately comparison period of time indeed effective / efficient chance to raise weekly one another monthly it doesn't matter anyone etc. to dare to remove share to hurry to happen to be likely to whether century to mean previous day / eve to have just

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French Vocabulary List General

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Topic Area 1: Home and local area Life in the home; friends and relationships Local area, facilities and getting around

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Topic Area 1 Home and local area

Topic Area 1 Home and local area

Life in the home; friends and relationships Foundation abeille animal domestique canard chat chien cochon (d'Inde) grenouille lapin mouche mouton oiseau patte perruche poisson / poisson rouge porc queue sauvage serpent souris taureau tortue vache

bee pet duck cat dog (guinea-)pig frog rabbit fly sheep bird paw budgerigar fish / goldfish pork / pig tail / queue wild snake mouse bull tortoise cow

acier bois brique carton coton cuir fer laine pierre plomb tissu

steel wood / forest brick cardboard cotton leather iron wool stone lead material

adolescent aîné ami beau-père / belle-mère etc. bébé cadet camarade copain / copine correspondant dame enfance / enfant / enfant unique être humain famille femme fiancé

teenager / young person elder friend father- / mother-in-law, step-mother etc baby younger friend / mate friend pen friend lady childhood / child / only child human being family woman / wife engaged / fiancé

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Topic Area 1 Home and local area

fille fils frère garçon gens grand-mère / grand-père / grand-parent homme jeune / jeunesse jumeau / jumelé Madame Mademoiselle maman mari mère monsieur neveu nièce oncle parent père petit ami / petite amie petit-enfant petit-fils / petite-fille peuple soeur tante type vieillard voisin

daughter / girl son brother boy / waiter people grandmother / grandfather / grandparent man young / youth twin / twinned Mrs Miss mummy husband mother Mr / gentleman nephew niece uncle relative / parent father boyfriend / girlfriend grandchild grandson / granddaughter people sister aunt bloke / chap old man neighbour(ing)

adresse âge / âgé an / année anniversaire appel appeler / s'appeler barbe bouclé chauve cheveux épeler frisé naissance / naître / né nom / nom de famille nombre / nombreux poids prénom taille

address age / old year birthday call to call / to be called beard curly (hair) bald hair to spell curly birth / to be born / born name / surname number / numerous, large weight first name size / height

affreux agréable aimable aimer ambiance amer amical / amicalement amitié amour / amoureux de amusant / amuser

awful enjoyable / nice / pleasant kind / nice to like / love atmosphere bitter friendly / yours sincerely friendship love / in love with funny / to amuse

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Topic Area 1 Home and local area

ancien anxieux aveugle barbant bavard / bavarder beau bête / bêtise bizarre bonheur bruit / bruyant célèbre célibataire colère confiant content contraire court déçu désordonné doux drôle embêter embrasser en avoir marre ennui ennuyeux s’ennuyer énorme épais épouse, époux / épouser esprit étonner étrange fâché faible fatigue / fatigant / fatigué fier formidable fort fou génial gentil / gentillesse grand grave gros haut / hauteur heureux honnête humeur impoli inquiet (s’)inquiéter jaloux joli joyeux juste laid léger lent Page 14 of 52

former / very old anxious blind boring talkative / to chat beautiful / handsome / fine stupid / stupidity funny / strange happiness noise / noisy famous unmarried anger confident glad / happy / satisfied / pleased contrary short disappointed untidy gentle / mild / sweet funny to annoy to kiss to be fed up boredom / trouble boring to be bored huge thick wife, husband / to marry spirit / mind / wit to astonish / surprise strange angry weak / no good at tiredness / tiring / tired proud tremendous / fantastic strong / good at / loud mad great / brilliant kind / kindness big / tall serious big / fat tall, high / height happy honest mood impolite / rude anxious to worry jealous pretty happy / joyful / merry fair / just ugly light slow GCSE French General Vocabulary List © OCR 2009

Topic Area 1 Home and local area

long / longueur lourd lumière luxueux magnifique maigre mal malchance malheureusement / malheureux mauvais méchant mécontent merveilleux se mettre en colère mignon mince moche mort ordinaire pâle paresseux parfait passionnant pauvre personnage petit plaire plaisir poli pratique précieux précis profond / profondeur propre raide ravi reconnaissant ridicule sage sale satisfaisant sensass, sensationnel sévère silencieux sottise sympa, sympathique timide tranquille triste typique vérité vie vieux vif vilain

long / length heavy light luxurious magnificent / splendid thin bad / badly bad luck unfortunately / unhappy bad nasty / malicious unhappy wonderful to get angry pretty / cute slim horrible / lousy / ugly dead / death ordinary pale lazy perfect exciting poor character little / small to please pleasure polite practical / handy precious precise deep / depth clean / own stiff / straight / steep delighted grateful ridiculous good / well-behaved / wise dirty satisfactory fantastic, sensational strict very quiet stupidity friendly, nice shy quiet sad typical truth life old bright / lively ugly / unattractive / naughty

aide / aider s'allonger allumer

help / to help to lie down to switch on / light

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Topic Area 1 Home and local area

s'asseoir avoir tort se baigner baignoire bain brosse (se) brosser se changer couché se coucher cuire / cuire au four cuisine / cuisinier cuisinière débarrasser descendre se détendre dormir / dortoir douche / se doucher endormi s’endormir garder habiller habitant / habiter introduire laver se lever lire mettre mettre la table mourir nettoyer (à sec) obéir partager passer se passer passer l’aspirateur peigne peigner peser plancher poser posséder présenter ranger raser rasoir réveil (se) réveiller rire sommeil sonner sonnette sourire surveiller tondeuse tondre vide

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to sit down to be wrong to bathe / to have a bath bath (tub) bath brush to brush to get changed lying down / in bed to lie down / go to bed to cook / to bake cooking, kitchen / chef, cook cooker / stove to clear away to go down / get off, out / to stay at to relax to sleep / dormitory shower / to shower asleep to go to sleep to keep / look after to dress inhabitant / to live introduce to wash to get up / stand up to read to put to set the table to die to (dry-)clean to obey to share to go past / to sit / to spend to happen to hoover comb to comb to weigh floor to put / place to possess to introduce to tidy up to shave razor alarm clock / waking up to wake up to laugh sleep to ring door bell to smile to keep an eye on mower to mow empty

GCSE French General Vocabulary List © OCR 2009

Topic Area 1 Home and local area

vider vivre

to empty to live

anneau bas basket blouson botte boucles d'oreille bouton casque casquette ceinture / ceinture de sécurité chapeau chaussette chaussure chemise / chemisier collant collier complet cravate culotte écharpe foulard gant imper(méable) jean jupe lunettes maillot de bain / maillot manteau maquillage (se) maquiller mode paire pantalon parapluie pardessus parfum / parfumerie poche porter pull pyjama rayé robe / robe de chambre serré serrer short slip soutien-gorge survêtement tricot / tricoter veste vestiaire vêtements

ring low / stocking basketball / trainer bomber jacket boot earrings button / spot helmet / headphones cap belt / seat belt hat sock shoe shirt / blouse tights necklace suit / full, complete tie shorts / knickers scarf scarf glove raincoat / mac jeans skirt glasses swimming costume / sports shirt coat make-up to make-up fashion / way pair trousers umbrella overcoat perfume / perfume shop pocket to carry / wear pullover pyjamas striped dress / dressing gown tight to grip, shake shorts knickers / underpants bra tracksuit knitting, jumper / to knit jacket cloakroom / changing-room clothes

appartement banlieue bâtiment

apartment / flat suburb / inner city building

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Topic Area 1 Home and local area

capitale en haut / en bas environ / environs immeuble maison quartier rez-de-chaussée sous-sol ville

capital at the top, upstairs / downstairs about / neighbourhood block of flats / tower block house / home district ground floor basement town

armoire atelier balcon barrière bibliothèque bureau canapé cave chaise chambre / chambre familiale chauffage (central) / chauffer congélateur couette couverture couvrir drap escalier étage étagère évier fauteuil fenêtre four (à micro-ondes) frigo horloge image lavabo lave-vaisselle lessive linge lit livre machine à coudre machine à laver magasin marche ménage meublé / meuble miroir montre moquette mur nappe ordinateur outil pelouse pendule pièce pièce d’identité

wardrobe / cupboard workshop balcony gate book case / library desk / office / study sofa / settee cellar chair bedroom / family room (central) heating / to heat freezer duvet blanket / cover to cover sheet stairs floor / storey shelf sink armchair window oven (microwave) fridge clock picture washbasin dishwasher washing washing bed pound / book sewing machine washing machine shop walk / step / stair housework furnished / piece of furniture mirror watch carpet wall tablecloth computer tool lawn clock coin / room I.D.

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Topic Area 1 Home and local area

placard place plafond poêle porte (d’entrée) porte-clefs portefeuille porte-monnaie poubelle poupée rayon rideau robinet salle / salle de jeu salle à manger salle de bain(s) salon / salle de séjour savon sec sécher sèche-cheveux serviette shampooing tapis toit toilette vapeur vitre vitrine

cupboard room / square / place / seat ceiling frying-pan (front) door key ring wallet purse rubbish bin / dustbin doll shelf / department curtain tap hall, large room / playroom dining-room bathroom living-room soap dry to dry hairdryer towel shampoo carpet roof toilet steam window / pane shop window

blanc bleu brun châtain clair couleur foncé gris jaune marron noir or rose rouge rouge à lèvres roux vert violet

white blue brown brown light (colour) colour dark grey / overcast, dull yellow brown black gold pink / rose red lipstick auburn / ginger / red green purple

Higher agacer aigu ampoule annuaire arroser assister attirer baignade baisser GCSE French General Vocabulary List © OCR 2009

to annoy sharp / acute light bulb telephone directory to water to be present to attract bathing to lower Page 19 of 52

Topic Area 1 Home and local area

balai balayer baptême bougie bouillir brancher brûler buanderie capot cheminée climatisation clôture cogner col se comporter coupable cueillir décoller démodé dépanner devoir distrait échelle épouvantable escalier roulant espèce essuyer fâcher se fâcher faire la grasse matinée fermeture éclair se fier fil fondre fournir gagner gamin gant de toilette gaspiller gâter gêner gosse grenier grossir habile honte important impressionnant indicatif s'installer loyer maigrir marrant mémoire minuscule mode d'emploi modéré modifier Monsieur / Madame Page 20 of 52

broom to sweep baptism candle to boil to plug in / switch on to burn utility room bonnet / cover fireplace / chimney air-conditioning fence to knock collar to behave guilty to pick / gather to take off old-fashioned to fix / repair to owe absent-minded ladder / scale terrible escalator species to wipe / dry to annoy to get angry to have a lie in zip to trust cable / thread to melt to provide to gain kid flannel to waste to spoil to embarrass kid attic / loft to put on weight clever / skilful shame considerable / large impressive dialling code to settle rent to lose weight funny memory tiny instructions for use moderate to change / alter Dear Sir / Madam GCSE French General Vocabulary List © OCR 2009

Topic Area 1 Home and local area

muni de négligent nommer s'occuper de ordures perroquet piqûre piquer plaindre plaisanter plier portière poussière rapport rassurer remise rendre + adj se rendre compte repasser résoudre retraite rêver sensé sensible serrure soigner soigneux soin souci tache têtu tiroir user veuve / veuf vexer volet

equipped with careless to name to take care of rubbish / domestic waste parrot sting to sting to pity to joke to fold door dust relation(ship) to reassure discount / shed to make to realise to iron to decide / resolve retirement to dream sensible sensitive lock to look after careful care worry / concern / care stain / mark / blot stubborn drawer to wear out widow(er) to annoy shutter

Local area, facilities and getting around Foundation accès aller aller chercher aller-retour aller simple (s')approcher arrivée / arriver billet changement changer chemin chemin de fer chemin de retour collection collectionner consigne automatique contrôle GCSE French General Vocabulary List © OCR 2009

access to go to fetch / pick up / meet return journey / return ticket single ticket to approach arrival / to arrive, happen ticket / banknote change to change way / road / track / footpath railway way home, back collection to collect luggage locker test Page 21 of 52

Topic Area 1 Home and local area

contrôler contrôleur

to control, check ticket collector

quai rapide rapide retard / en retard / retarder retour / retourner SNCF tard tarif train traitement traiter trajet tramway transports en commun

platform / quay express train quick delay / late / to delay return (journey) / to return, go back SNCF / French railways late fare / charge train treatment to treat journey tram public transport

aéroport (auto)bus / (auto)car / auto(mobile) automobiliste autoroute avion bateau / bateau-mouche bicyclette chauffeur conducteur conduire camion / camionnette carré carrefour circulation clé / clef coffre crevaison crevé débarquer démarrer déménager déménageur demeurer départ dépasser se dépêcher déplacer deviation doubler essence étroit faire le plein frapper frein / freiner garage / garagiste gare (SNCF) gare routière garer large ligne se mettre en route

airport bus / coach / car driver motorway plane boat, ship / tourist boat on Seine bicycle driver driver to drive / lead lorry / van square crossroads traffic key boot (of car) puncture tired out / punctured to land / disembark to start moving to move house removal man to live departure to go past / exceed / overtake to hurry to move diversion to overtake / dub petrol narrow to fill up (petrol) to hit / knock brake / to brake garage / garage owner (railway) station bus station to park wide line to set off

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Topic Area 1 Home and local area

moteur moto(cyclette) / motocycliste (tomber en) panne panneau parking (souterrain), parking à étages partir partout passage à niveau passager passant permis (de conduire) phare piéton pile plat pneu poids lourd quitter rond rond-point roue rouler route nationale rue (à sens unique) sens / sens interdit siège situé sortie sortir station-service stationnement stationner tour tourner travaux traversée traverser véhicule vélo / vélomoteur venir vérifier virage vite vitesse voiture volant voyage voyager voyageur

engine / motor motorbike / motorcyclist (to) break down (road) sign (underground) car-park, multi-storey car park to leave / depart / go away everywhere level-crossing passenger passer-by driving licence headlight pedestrian battery (e.g.torch) flat tyre lorry / HGV to leave round roundabout wheel to drive / to go A-road / main road (one-way) street sense, direction / no entry seat situated exit, outing to go out, take out petrol station parking to park, be parked tour / turn / tower to turn road works crossing to cross vehicle bike / moped to come to check bend quickly speed car / railway carriage steering wheel journey to travel traveller, passenger

ailleurs arrêt d'autobus arrêter à l'arrière à l'avant bout coin dedans

elsewhere (bus)stop to stop at the back at the front end / tip corner / area inside

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Topic Area 1 Home and local area

dehors dessous dessus droit droite en route extérieur en face au fond gauche inférieur intérieur loin / lointain niveau prochain proche tout droit

outside underneath (it) on top (of it) right / straight right on the way outside / outer / external opposite at the bottom / far end left lower inside / inner / internal far / distant level next near(by) straight ahead

arbre banque / bancaire bijou / bijouterie bijouterie / bijoutier bistro(t) boîte aux lettres boîte (de nuit) boucher / boucherie boulanger / boulangerie boutique cabine téléphonique campagne centre (commercial) champ charcuterie charcutier château cirque colline confiserie croix église feuille feuille (de papier) fleur / fleuriste fleuve forêt herbe hôtel de ville hypermarché jardin / jardin public / jardinage / jardinier

tree bank / bank(ing) jewel / jewellery jeweller's / jeweller café letter box night-club butcher / butcher's shop baker / baker's shop phone box country(side) (shopping) centre field delicatessen /cooked (pork) meat pork-butcher castle circus hill sweet shop cross church leaf sheet of paper flower / florist river forest grass town hall hypermarket garden / public park / gardening / gardener kiosk / news stand lake bookshop / bookseller mayor / town hall market / shopkeeper, stallholder mountain museum tourist office stationer’s

kiosque lac librairie / libraire maire / mairie marché / marchand montagne musée office de tourisme papeterie Page 24 of 52

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Topic Area 1 Home and local area

papier papier peint pâtisserie pâtissier paysage poissonnerie / poissonnier pont rivière sentier supermarché tabac terre timbre trottoir trou tube tuyau vallée

paper wall paper cake shop / cake(s) pastrycook / confectioner countryside / scenery fish shop / fishmonger bridge / deck river path supermarket tobacco / tobacconist’s ground / land stamp pavement hole hit / tube pipe valley

Higher atterrir atterrissage attraper auto-stop bouchon boue caverne centrale composter couler durée échangeur embouteillage émouvant ému entourer étal faire attention falaise héler klaxonner lune navire numéro d'immatriculation pare-brise pétrole pression provisoire prudence ralentir rétroviseur roche / rocher ruisseau vitesse

GCSE French General Vocabulary List © OCR 2009

to land landing to catch hitch-hiking cork, stopper / hold-up, traffic jam mud cave power station to stamp a ticket to flow length motorway junction traffic jam moving moved to surround stall to pay attention cliff to hail / call to hoot moon ship registration number windscreen crude oil / petroleum pressure provisional care / caution to slow down rear-mirror rock stream gear / speed

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Topic Area 2: Health and sport Sport, outdoor pursuits and healthy lifestyle Food and drink as aspects of culture and health

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Topic Area 2 Health and sport

Topic Area 2 Health and sport

Sport, outdoor pursuits and healthy lifestyle Foundation aller à la pêche alpinisme arbitre athlétisme balle / ballon boules bricolage bricoler bricoleur but cacher canne / canne à pêche canoë cheval courir course cyclisme / cycliste équipe equitation escalade événement faire du patin faire partie de faire une promenade filet fléchettes formation grimper gymnase jeu jouer jouet lancer match / match nul monter nager natation partie passe-temps patinage à glace / patinage à roulettes patiner patinoire / patins (à roulettes) pêche piscine piste planche à roulettes / planche à voile / planche plein air plongée sous-marine pratiquer un sport promenade Page 28 of 52

to go fishing climbing referee athletics ball bowls DIY to do DIY do-it-yourselfer goal / intention to hide stick / fishing-rod canoeing horse / horse-riding to run race cycling / cyclist team horse-riding climbing event to skate to belong to to go for a walk net darts training to climb gymnasium game to play / to act toy to throw / launch match / draw to go up / get in, on / to ride to swim swimming game / part hobby ice skating / roller skating to skate skating rink / (roller) skates fishing / peach swimming pool / bath track / dance floor skateboard / windsurfing / board open air diving to do sport walk / ride GCSE French General Vocabulary List © OCR 2009

Topic Area 2 Health and sport

se promener / promener randonnée / randonneur roller (in-line) sauter sportif sports nautiques stade supporter voile volley VTT

to have a walk / to take for a walk walk, hike / hiker roller skate / skating to jump sporty, relating to sport watersports stadium fan / supporter sailing / sail volleyball mountain bike

abeille aller bien / mieux aspirine besoin bien blessé bouger cabinet ça va comprimé couper debout dent / dentifrice / dentiste douleur enrhumé entretien faire mal fièvre / fiévreux en forme grippe guêpe hôpital infirmier / infirmière mal malade / maladie médecin médicament (le) meilleur / mieux mouche mouchoir odeur ordonnance ordonner pénible pharmacie / pharmacien pilule qu'est-ce qu'il y a ? rhume sain / en bonne santé au secours ! sentiment (se) sentir souffrir sparadrap tomber tousser / toux vomir

bee to be well / better aspirin need well / good / fine hurt / injured to move surgery / consulting room I'm fine etc. tablet / pill to cut standing tooth / toothpaste / dentist pain having a cold maintenance to hurt (e.g. my arm hurts) fever / feverish fit flu wasp hospital nurse pain / ache / sickness ill, patient / illness doctor medicine better (best) fly handkerchief smell prescription to order painful chemist’s shop / chemist pill what's the matter? cold healthy help! feeling to feel / sense / smell to suffer plaster / elastoplast to fall to cough / cough to be sick

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Topic Area 2 Health and sport

bouche bras cœur corps cou doigt dos épaule estomac figure genou gorge jambe lèvre main nez œil oreille peau pied poing poitrine tête ventre visage voix yeux

mouth arm heart body neck finger back shoulder stomach / tummy face knee throat leg lip hand nose eye ear skin / peel foot fist chest head stomach / belly face voice eyes

Higher (s')améliorer aménager avaler se battre blesser blessure cerveau championnat cheville chirurgien chute coude débuter / débutant doigt de pied élever enflé s'enrhumer (avoir l') estomac dérangé flèche forme fouler glisser gratter guérir insolation joue marquer matériel menton Page 30 of 52

to get better / improve to equip / fit out to swallow to fight to injure wound / injury brain championship ankle surgeon fall elbow to begin / beginner toe to raise swollen to catch a cold stomach upset arrow fitness to sprain to slip / slide to scratch to cure / get better sun stroke cheek to score equipment chin GCSE French General Vocabulary List © OCR 2009

Topic Area 2 Health and sport

nu ongle orteil os pansement piqûre piquer plâtre plonger poignet premiers soins rayon X se remettre rhume des foins saigner sain et sauf sang santé saut à l'élastique saut (en hauteur / en longueur) sauver sauvetage secouer secours sécurité sentir soulager soulever tournoi d'urgence victoire

naked nail toe bone bandage sting to sting plaster to dive wrist first aid x-ray to get better hay fever to bleed safe and sound blood health bungee jumping (high / long) jump to save / rescue rescue to shake assistance / help safety to smell to relieve to lift tournament emergency win / victory

Food and drink as aspects of culture and health Foundation abricot agneau ail ananas assiette anglaise banane beurre bifteck bœuf bonbon carotte casse-croûte cassis cerise champignon chips chou-fleur chou / choux de Bruxelles citron concombre confiture / confiture d'oranges côte / côtelette GCSE French General Vocabulary List © OCR 2009

apricot lamb garlic pineapple selection of cold meats banana butter steak beef sweet carrot snack blackcurrant cherry mushroom crisps cauliflower cabbage / sprouts lemon cucumber jam / marmalade chop / cutlet Page 31 of 52

Topic Area 2 Health and sport

crème / crème solaire / crémerie crêpe / crêperie crevette croque-monsieur crudités dinde épinards escargot farine foie frais fraise framboise frites fromage fruits de mer gâteau glace haricot huile huître jambon laitue légume miel moule moutarde noix œuf à la coque / œuf sur le plat / œufs brouillés oignon pain / pain grillé pamplemousse pâtes petit déjeuner petit pain petits pois poire poivre pomme pomme de terre potage poule / poulet prune purée raisin / raisin sec riz salade (de pommes de terre) salade saucisse saucisson saumon sel sirop sucre / sucré / sucrer / sucreries tartine thon tomate truite vanille Page 32 of 52

cream / sun cream / dairy (shop) pancake / pancake restaurant shrimp toasted ham/cheese sandwich raw vegetables turkey spinach snail flour liver cool / fresh strawberry raspberry chips cheese sea food cake ice (cream) / mirror bean oil oyster ham lettuce vegetable honey mussel mustard nut / walnut boiled egg / fried egg / scrambled egg onion bread, loaf / toast grapefruit pasta breakfast bread roll peas pear pepper apple potato soup chicken plum mashed potato grape / raisin rice (potato) salad lettuce sausage sausage salmon salt syrup sugar/sweet/to sugar/sweet things slice of bread and butter tuna tomato trout vanilla GCSE French General Vocabulary List © OCR 2009

Topic Area 2 Health and sport

veau viande vinaigre yaourt

veal / calf meat vinegar yoghurt

alcool / alcoolisé bière boire boisson / boisson gazeuse café / cafetière eau minérale eau (potable) jus (de fruits) lait limonade rhum soif thé / théière vin

alcohol / alcoholic beer to drink drink / pop, fizzy drink coffee, café / coffee-pot bottled water / mineral water (drinking) water (fruit) juice milk lemonade rum thirst tea / teapot wine

alimentation addition bien cuit boîte bouteille dégoûtant déguster dîner donner / donner à manger à emmener emporter entrée / entrer épicé épicerie / épicier essayer faim goût goûter griller / grillade manger morceau nourriture panier (un) peu plat / plat principal plateau plats cuisinés pot prendre produit provisions recette reçu repas rôtir / rôti saignant satisfait serveur / serveuse serviable

food / grocery / grocer's bill well-done box / can, tin bottle disgusting to taste dinner / to have dinner, dine to give / to feed to take away to take away entrance, starter / to enter spicy grocer’s shop / grocer to try hunger taste to taste / afternoon tea to grill / grill to eat piece food basket (a) little dish / main course tray ready-made meals jar / pot to take / to have (a meal) product food stuff / groceries recipe receipt meal to roast / roast rare / underdone satisfied waiter / waitress helpful

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Topic Area 2 Health and sport

servir se servir de tranche

to serve / be useful to use slice

assiette bol casserole couteau cuiller / cuillère fourchette soucoupe tasse vaisselle verre

plate bowl pan knife spoon fork saucer cup crockery / washing up glass

Higher chèvre coupe couverts épicé flacon goutte graisse matière grasse peler se plaindre régime suffire vendange verser vignoble viticulteur volaille

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goat('s cheese) glass / dish cutlery spicy little bottle drop fat fat to peel to complain diet to be sufficient grape harvest to pour / to pay vineyard wine grower poultry

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Topic Area 3: Leisure and entertainment (includes online) Socialising, special occasions and festivals TV, films and music

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Topic Area 3 Leisure and entertainment

Topic Area 3 Leisure and entertainment (includes online)

Socialising, special occasions and festivals Foundation accompagner achat / acheter / acheteur s'amuser attendre / attendre avec impatience / attente baiser bal boum bûche de Noël buffet cadeau chariot colis courses distraction échecs envie exposition félicitations! fêter / fête feu feux d'artifice foire guichet invitation inviter invite Jour de l'An jour férié loisirs mariage / marié marié(e) Noël Pâques paquet parc / parc d’attractions peindre peinture recevoir rencontre rencontrer rendre visite renseignements / renseigner se retrouver réunion surprendre surprise surprise-partie

to accompany purchase / to buy / buyer to have a good time, fun to wait for / look forward to / waiting kiss dance party Christmas log sideboard / buffet present shopping trolley parcel shopping leisure activity / something entertaining chess desire exhibition congratulations! to celebrate / celebration, party fire / traffic light fireworks fair ticket-office invitation to invite guest New Year's Day bank, public holiday free time / leisure activities marriage, wedding / married bridegroom, (bride) Christmas Easter packet / parcel park / theme park to paint paint(ing) to receive meeting to meet to visit information / to inform to meet meeting to surprise surprise party

clic courriel

(mouse) click e-mail

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Topic Area 3 Leisure and entertainment

courrier électronique envoyer / envoyer un SMS portable

e-mail to send / to text mobile phone / laptop

avantageux bon marché ça fait combien ? ça me plaît beaucoup cher coût coûter dépenser gratuit peu cher prix rembourser soldes vendre vente

good value cheap how much is it? I like it very much dear / expensive cost to cost to spend free cheap price, cost / prize to reimburse / pay back sale to sell sale

connaissance connaître faire la queue se rappeler rapports

knowledge to know / acquaintance to queue to remember relationship

Higher annuler entracte entraîner féliciter fiançailles foule jouir lèche-vitrines logiciel mardi gras noces reconnaître réseau société suggérer télécharger

to cancel interval to drag / carry along / entail to congratulate engagement crowd to enjoy window-shopping software Shrove Tuesday wedding to recognise network company to suggest to download

TV, films and music Foundation acteur / actrice il s'agit de auteur animé annonce

GCSE French General Vocabulary List © OCR 2009

actor / actress it's about author lively / animated announcement / advertisement

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Topic Area 3 Leisure and entertainment

bande dessinée chaîne chanson (populaire) chanter chanteur chœur, chorale dessin / dessin animé / dessinateur dessiner écran émission feuilleton genre informations journal livre de poche nouvelles pièce (de théâtre) prevision météo regarder revue roman (policier) séance série (policière) sous-titré spectacle téléviseur vedette voir

comic strip / book channel / chain / music system (pop) song to sing singer choir art / cartoon / designer to draw screen programme serial / soap opera sort / kind news / information newspaper paperback news play (theatre) weather forecast to look at / to watch magazine (detective) novel session / performance (police) series sub-titled show TV set star to see

batterie (s’)entraîner groupe son trompette violon

battery (car) / drums to train (practise) group sound trumpet violin

Higher agir aventure clavier comédien distraire divertissement étape fanfare medias publicité quotidien représentation scène spectateurs télécommande titre

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to act adventure keyboard actor to entertain entertainment stage brass band media advert(ising) daily (paper) performance stage audience remote control title

GCSE French General Vocabulary List © OCR 2009

Topic Area 4: Travel and the wider world Holidays and exchanges Environmental, cultural and social issues

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Topic Area 4 Travel and the wider world

Topic Area 4 Travel and the wider world

Holidays and exchanges Foundation s'en aller amener apporter se bronzer défaire se reposer réservation réserver rester

to go away to bring to bring to get brown / sunbathe to undo / unpack to have a rest booking to book to stay / remain

bagages faire les valises valise

luggage to pack suitcase

appareil (photo) ascenseur auberge auberge de jeunesse bloc sanitaire bord chameau concierge congé côte dépliant drapeau dresser endroit étranger fiche frontière île libre / libre-service lieu avoir lieu location logement loger louer Manche mer monde pays (natal) plage ours quinzaine / quinze jours sable sac / sac à dos / sac à main / sac de couchage séjour semaine

camera lift inn youth hostel showers / toilet block edge / side camel caretaker time off / holiday coast leaflet flag to put up (a tent) / to train place foreign / foreigner, abroad form border island free / self-service place to take place hire / renting (out) accommodation to house, stay at to rent, hire (out) / to praise English Channel sea world / people (native) country beach bear fortnight sand bag / rucksack / handbag / sleeping bag stay week

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Topic Area 4 Travel and the wider world

singe skier / ski sommet station station balnéaire station de ski station de taxi station thermale syndicat d'initiative tente (terrain de) camping vacances / vacancier vague valable valeur valoir vue

monkey to ski / skiing, ski summit / top station / resort seaside resort ski resort taxi rank spa town tourist office tent camp site holiday / holidaymaker wave valid value to be worth view

briller brouillard brume chaleur chaud ciel climat couvert ensoleillé est étoile froid gel, gelée / geler météo / prévision du temps mouillé neige neiger nord nuage / nuageux orage / orageux ouest il pleut à verse pleuvoir pluie / pluvieux saison soleil sombre sud tempête temps tonnerre vent verglas

to shine fog / mist mist heat hot / warm sky / heaven climate overcast / dull (weather) sunny east star cold frost / to freeze weather forecast wet snow to snow north cloud / cloudy (thunder)storm / stormy west it is pouring with rain to rain rain / rainy season sun / sunshine dark south storm / high wind time / weather thunder wind (black) ice

Higher animateur arrhes assurer augmenter averse GCSE French General Vocabulary List © OCR 2009

organiser / group leader deposit to insure to increase shower Page 41 of 52

Topic Area 4 Travel and the wider world

cabane concours cours du change éclair éclaircie éclairer enregistrer foyer frais grêle humide marée marin ombre pencher pente seau souffler tiède tonnerre

hut competition exchange rate lightning bright period to light up / shed light on to record / check in home / hostel / club costs hail damp tide sailor shade to lean slope bucket to blow (luke)warm thunder

Environmental, cultural and social issues Foundation battre briser cassé casser causer empêcher peur avoir peur

to beat to break / smash broken to break to cause / chat to prevent fear to be frightened

avantage bureau des objets trouvés commissariat de police conseil conseiller coup coup de main coup de pied coup de soleil coup de téléphone déchets défendre défense de se disputer dommage douane / douanier environnement état éteindre exagérer faute fumée fumer gaz

advantage lost property office police station advice to advise blow helping hand kick sun burn (telephone) call rubbish to forbid / to defend it is forbidden to to argue shame / pity customs / customs officer environment state to turn off / put out to exaggerate fault smoke to smoke gas

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Topic Area 4 Travel and the wider world

inconvénient inconnu incroyable indiquer interdit jeter paisible / paix péage perdre permettre perte pessimiste pleurer Police-Secours policier / policière pompier pourboire punir régler réparation réparer (sapeurs-)pompiers tuer il vaut la peine vol voler / voleur

disadvantage unknown / stranger unbelievable to indicate forbidden / not allowed to throw (away) peaceful / peace toll to lose / waste to let / allow loss / waste pessimistic to weep / to cry emergency services policeman / woman fireman tip to punish to settle repair to repair fire brigade to kill it is worth / it is worth the trouble flight / theft to fly, to steal / thief

Higher abîmer allumettes amende arrêter cambrioler cauchemar chasser commettre condamner consacrer conteneur pour verre usagé contrat craindre craintif défaut dégâts dépendance déranger désavantage détruire disparaître se douter échec échouer écraser effet de serre effrayer s'égarer empoisonner enceinte GCSE French General Vocabulary List © OCR 2009

to damage / spoil matches fine to arrest to burgle nightmare to hunt to commit to condemn to devote bottle bank contract to fear timid / fearful failing damage addiction to disturb disadvantage to destroy to disappear to suspect failure to fail to crush / run over greenhouse effect to frighten to get lost to poison pregnant Page 43 of 52

Topic Area 4 Travel and the wider world

énerver enfermer s'engager énigme s'évader éviter fauteuil roulant fuir fuite fusil fusiller grève gréviste guerre heures de pointe heurter HLM (+ habitation à loyer modérée) incendie infirme inonder inquietude interdire ivre jurer laisser tomber larme lutter mal mal du pays malentendu menacer mensonge mentir messe meurtre mœurs mordre noyer point de vue polluer preuves prévenir prévoir prier protéger récompense règlement reine remettre renoncer renverser renvoyer roi sida soupçonner sourd soutenir soutien supporter Page 44 of 52

to irritate to close in / lock in, up to enlist puzzle to escape to avoid wheelchair to flee flight, leak gun to shoot strike striker war rush-hour to strike / bump into council house / flat fire disabled to flood worry to forbid drunk to swear to drop tear to fight / struggle difficulty / trouble homesickness misunderstanding to threaten lie to lie mass murder customs / ways to bite to drown view to pollute proof to inform / warn to foresee to ask, request / pray to protect reward rule queen to hand (in) / postpone to give up to run over to sack king AIDS to suspect deaf to support support to bear / put up with GCSE French General Vocabulary List © OCR 2009

Topic Area 4 Travel and the wider world

syndicat tĂŠmoin tirer toxicomane tricher voyou

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trade union witness to shoot drug addict to cheat yob

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Topic Area 5: Education and work School life in the UK and in the target language country or community Work experience, future study and jobs, working abroad

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Topic Area 5 Education and work

Topic Area 5 Education and work

School life in the UK and in the target language country or community Foundation affaires bic cahier calcul / calculatrice, calculette carnet cartable carte ciseaux crayon feutre gomme règle stylo trousse truc

belongings / stuff / business biro / ball-point pen exercise book sum / calculator note book schoolbag card / map / menu scissors pencil felt / felt-tip pen rubber rule / ruler pen small case, bag / pencil-case thing / whats it

affiche agenda banc bande ça suffit certificat chiffre classe copie copier couloir cour cours devoirs difficile directeur dossier échange (scolaire) échanger élève en seconde / en sixième enseignement ensemble épreuve erreur étude / étudiant étudier examen excuser / s’excuser s’exercer exercice expérience explication expliquer

poster diary bench group / gang that's enough certificate figure / number class piece of written work to copy corridor playground / yard / court lesson homework difficult head teacher / director file (school) exchange to exchange pupil in Y11 / in Y7 education / teaching together test mistake study / student to study examination to excuse / to apologise to train / practise exercise experiment explanation to explain

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Topic Area 5 Education and work

façon fait faux favorable / favori horaire intéressant / intérêt intéresser s’intéresser inutile leçon lecture lettre matière (facultative) / (obligatoire) mot note objet pause plan préféré préférer première / terminale prêt professeur récréation résultat sondage stage / stage en entreprise / stagiaire succès sujet tableau terrain / terrain de sport trimestre

method / way fact wrong / false favourable / favourite timetable interesting / interest to interest to be interested in useless lesson reading letter subject (optional) / (compulsory) word / message mark / note object break plan favourite to prefer year 12 / year 13 (sixth form) ready teacher break result survey course / work experience / trainee success subject / topic picture / board ground / sports ground, school field term

apprendre cesser choisir choix compliqué comprendre compter / comptoir corriger cri crier critiquer croire dur durer écouter s’écrier écrire / écriture écrivain emprunter entendre s’entendre fabriquer facile faire faire une pause fin / finir

to learn / teach to stop to choose choice complicated to understand / include to count / counter to correct call, shout to shout, scream to criticise to believe / think hard to last to listen to to cry out / exclaim to write / writing writer to borrow to hear to get on with to make easy to do / make to have a break end, finish / to finish

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Topic Area 5 Education and work

parler parole phrase poser une question prêter rentrée rentrer répéter répondeur / réponse répondre savoir souligner se taire se tromper

to speak word sentence to ask a question to lend start of term/ back to school/return return (home/school) / to go home to repeat answering machine / answer to answer to know (how to) to underline / stress to be silent / shut up to be wrong, mistaken

art dramatique bac(calauréat) chimie EMT EPS histoire / historique / histoire-géo

drama bac / A-level chemistry CDT P.E. story / history / historical / historygeography PSE language / tongue physics scientific / scientist

instruction civique langue physique scientifique collège (technique) école (primaire) instituteur internat lycée / lycéen scolaire secondaire

comprehensive school (technical college) (primary) school primary school teacher boarding school grammar school, sixth-form college / pupil school (adj) secondary

Higher bulletin scolaire cercle coller commerce constater couramment décevoir déchirer discours enseigner exploit panneau d'affichage redaction redoubler réfléchir réussir réussite sciences humaines scotch

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school report circle to stick business (studies) to note / notice fluently to disappoint to tear speech to teach achievement notice board essay to repeat the school year to think to succeed success social sciences sellotape

GCSE French General Vocabulary List © OCR 2009

Topic Area 5 Education and work

Work experience, future study and jobs, working abroad Foundation agent de police armée avocat caisse / caissier chômage / chômeur facteur ferme / fermier gendarme / gendarmerie gérant hôtesse de l'air informaticien / informatique ingénieur interprète maçon mécanicien militaire moniteur (de ski) photo / photographe / photographie plombier programmeur propriétaire secrétaire soldat vétérinaire

policeman army lawyer / avocado till / cashier unemployment / unemployed person postman farm / farmer police officer / police station manager air hostess I.T expert / I.T. engineer interpreter builder mechanic soldier (ski) instructor photo / photographer / photograph(y) plumber computer programmer owner secretary soldier vet

ANPE apprenti / apprentissage argent avenir cantine carrière client coiffé de coiffeur coiffure conférence économiser employer / employé entreprise étude (à plein temps) / à temps partiel étude du temps faire des économies gagner / gagnant jour (de congé) métier monnaie ouverture ouvrier ouvert ouvrir paiement payer patron poste progrès

job centre apprentice / apprenticeship money / silver future canteen career customer wearing on head hairdresser hairdressing / hairdo lecture to save to employ, use / employee firm (full-time) study / part time study timetable to economise / to save to earn, win / winner day (off) trade / job change / currency opening worker / labourer open to open payment to pay (for) boss post (office) / post, job progress

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Topic Area 5 Education and work

projet salaire somme taper traduction traduire travail / travailleur travailler usine

project / plan salary / wages sum to type translation to translate work / hard working, worker to work factory

Higher boulot charger commerçant compte construire entrevue imprimer imprimante s'inscrire licence loi œuvre orientation professionnelle poser sa candidature tâche taux

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job to load shopkeeper account to build interview to print printer to enroll degree law work careers advice to apply for a job task / job rate

GCSE French General Vocabulary List © OCR 2009

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