Ikusi News July 2012

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“At Ikusi we have prepared well in advance of the so-called digital dividend”

Discover our new products in http://www.youtube.com/IkusiTV

A Fibre Optic Network at 2 Gran Meliá Palacio de Isora Hotel



Ikusi´s MAC has the wind in its sales


A Campsite with IP Television?


P. instalación de referencia

I have a question 3Ikusi…Ikusi… Tengo una duda


Interview with Paco Gutierrez, Sales Director at Ikusi

Ikusi showcases its innovations at Anga and Communicasia In the last quarter Ikusi attended the Communicasia fair in Singapore and Anga Cable in Cologne. Ikusi was present at both fairs in order to present its latest products.

Interview with Gorka Fius,

4 Industrial Director at Ikusi


problema solucionado

Interview with Paco Gutierrez,

4 Sales Director at Ikusi


entrevista a...

Coexisting Television and 6 Mobile Broadband Services: a Sizeable Challenge


Ikusi Showcases its

novedades Ikusi

6 innovations at Anga and



7 IPTV, Television over Internet

futuro P.


reference installation

A Fibre Optic Network at Gran Meliá Palacio de Isora Hotel Ikusi... I have a question

Ikusi solutions

Gran Meliá Palacio de Isora is one of the most luxurious hotels in Tenerife and, naturally, has solved standards in all areas, to maintainproblem high quality including the reception of television signals. Senior managers at the hotel wanted to increase the range of television channels available to guests whilst offering optimum image quality. interview with...

The main difficulty in the project, which was awarded to Ikusi, was the distances of over 900 metres which had to be covered in order to deliver the signal. Given the impossibility of using a coaxial cable solution, it was decided to implement an optical fibre network with 11 optical transmitters and 32 optical/electrical reference installation nodes with new their return paths. developments in IkusiIt is now the largest project Ikusi has completed in the Canary Islands in terms of optical fibre. The successful conclusion of this project required the joint efforts of the Canary Islands I have a question office and Ikusi... the support of Ikusi’s R&D Department, to the extent that the racks were future assembled at the factory for installation in the hotel.


Ikusi solutions Ikusi presence

problem solved did you know that...?

Ikusi’s MAC has the wind in its sales interview with...

In 2008 the shipping company armas began a process to renew its fleet of ships, with the first clients speak units comingour into service between 2010 and 2011.

These boats are fitted with cutting-edge technology, with digital terrestrial television in the launching cabins and communal areas.

We recommended installing the new MACs, given their COFDM output and the option to name the services being modulated.

Most notably, the volcan del Teide which runs between the Canary Islands and Huelva, and the volcán de Tamadaba, which runs between the Canary Islands and Madeira.

The installer contacted us as the shipping company had entrusted it with installing 2 internal channels, but had found that analogue modulators were unable to provide a quality solution.

The installer carried out the test and found that the result was spectacular, with the COFDM signal reaching all parts of the boat with excellent quality and reading parameters of MER>36db.

new developments in Ikusi


Ikusi presence

did you know that...?


our clients speak


reference installation

Ikusi... I have a question

A Campsite with IP Television? Vilanova Park at Vilanova i la GeltrĂş Ikusi... I have a question

Ikusi solutions

problem solved Installation Company: Gaixas Pont, S.L.

Guests at Vilanova Park camping resort in Vilanova i la GeltrĂş, province of Barcelona, come from all parts of Europe. Discerning tourists who want to enjoy maximum comfort throughout the 45 hectares of the campsite. interview with...

The project was implemented in steps. Originally launching there were only 14 bungalows, whilst now there are 140 and further extension is envisaged. Thanks to this installation, guests at Vilanova Park can access channels from their own countries. Moreover, as the installed solution is highly flexible, the TV channels can be altered in line with the nationality of the guests. These actions can be carried out remotely by the installation company.

Optical fibre was already installed at the campsite, by Gaixas Pont in 2006, although the size of the installation and its high level of quality meant

In short, a singular project with added value which has made Vilanova Park one of the very few examples of a campsite with IP television.

In order to implement this solution, Gaixas Pont acquired different items of Ikusi equipment from the company Miliwats, most notably a headend with SNS 101 (satellite) and TNS 101 (TDT) streamers and the LANTV server, along did you know that...?set-top boxes (IPTV with 140 high-performance receivers). Miliwats continues to be directly involved in this project in order to ensure its success and excellent performance at all times.

Ikusi presence

What is the recommended bandwidth free percentage at output in the MTIs? Since the bandwidth used by each of the problem solved services can vary in line with the type of information being broadcast, we recommend leaving 15-20% of bandwidth free at the unit output.


Why are services pixelated at the output of my MAC-401 modulator? interview with...


It may be necessary to modify the BITRATE values for each of the inputs along with the Guard Interval and the Code Rate for output, in order for the signal to leave at a lower speed and with less data protection.

another kind of solution was necessary. They contacted again the company Gaixas Pont, which opted for a unique solution at a campsite: an IPTV installation.

In these circumstances, a high-quality television service was a necessity. Managers at the campsite wanted to improve the service taking into account two factors. The first factor was to improve the landscape by removing the antennas. The other factor was the services on offer. They wanted to offer guests channels from their home new developments in Ikusi countries, providing television on demand.

future Miliwats



Do the multiswitches for cascading new developments in Ikusi installations require an external power source? It is not necessary in this case, since this type of multiswitches can feed themselves using the signal from the user receivers or by way of one of the general distribution future downlinks.


Can I position the outgoing service of a MAC-401 home modulator in an S band channel as with the other modulators? The modulator can run in any channel widid you know that...? range. thin the 51-858 MHz frequency

Haritz Bechet our clients speak Technical Customer Support Ikusi

our clients speak



interview with...

“Our goal has been the automation of production capacity and its adjustment for maximum reliability” launching

new developments in Ikusi

Over the forthcoming months the arrival of the Digital Dividend will result in increased demand for certain products. This process will take place over a very specific future period and will require a major effort in terms of manufacturing equipment. Ikusi has prepared diligently and is absolutely ready to meet demand. We have spoken about these issues with Gorka Fius, the Director. did you know Industrial that...? Changes are afoot and this, logically, generates a level of unease on the market. As Industrial Director, what is your message with regards to the forour clients speak thcoming Digital Divide? My message would be a call for calm. At Ikusi we have spent many months investing and undertaking changes in our Industrial Unit in order to meet market demand at the moment it arrives. Our current production

can be summed up in one figure: we have capacity to assemble 350 million components a year. A more specific example, directly related to the presence Digital Dividend,Ikusi would be the manufacture of the single-channel SZB amplifiers. We count on a high-production cell fitted with a revolutionary new adjustment system to include robots in the process, which will allow us to produce, more than 25,000 single-channel amplifiers per month. What measures has Ikusi implemented to increase its production capacity and guarantee reliability? Our goal has been the automation of production capacity and its adjustment for maximum reliability. The first change introduced to achieve these goals was to implement a new system to produce electronic cards which included processes such as SMD, through-hole components robotic assembly, selective soldering and test systems for full quality assurance of the products.

In this regard it is important to note that the SMD lines have been transformed into multi-purpose, high-production lines with automatic product change, allowing them to work efficiently with small batches, a very important feature which means we can fulfil all demands of Ikusi clients, regardless of the size of their order. Another change which Ikusi production processes have undergone is the incorporation of robots for the assembly of through-hole components with artificial vision cameras in order to ensure the perfect assembly and quality of all the components. Moreover, electronic card soldering has been introduced in ovens with inert nitrogen atmosphere in order to prevent oxidation. Another of the major transformations undertaken at Ikusi’s manufacturing plant is the automation of the assembly processes, which count on artificial vision cameras which also carry out quality control of the assembled components. The robots carry out several tasks: soldering and screwing, handling and, finally, adjusting and testing the equipment.

“I would like to convince those who love and believe in this great profession that there is light at the end of the tunnel” It seems that changes are inherent in this sector. The Digital Dividend will soon be a reality. How is Ikusi preparing to meet the needs of the sector? As you rightly say, change is a constant in our activity. However, change does not have to mean uncertainty. At Ikusi we have prepared well in advance of the so-called digital dividend in order to continue to provide our customers with value. We have focused on two areas: innovation, with new products which simplify and resolve the problems which come about as a result of the new radio-electric spectrum, and production, with cutting-edge robotics for highly accurate and reliable manufacture, combined with production capacity ready for a huge surge in demand. However, the Digital Dividend is not the only change. We also need to prepare for the arrival of LTE broadcasts. What does Ikusi propose to its customers in order to ensure end users can continue to receive a quality television signal?


At Ikusi our obligation is to live, technologically speaking, in the near future. We are fully aware of the effects of interaction of LTE broadcasts in the UHF television spectrum. The digital dividend will be rolled out in stages, and throughout the process Ikusi will be offering the best technological solution at each moment in order to ensure end users can count on receivers with a long useful life which will not become obsolete in the short term. We realise that end users place their trust in telecommunications installers, and our duty is to back up this trust with products which are guaranteed to work for a reasonably long period of time. You are in permanent contact with the sector. How well do you think professionals are prepared to face the new scenario? The economic situation is hitting our industry extremely hard. I have seen this for myself during my regular visits to customers and organisations related to the sector. With very few exceptions, employees have been laid off throughout the sector and, although companies have branched out, the main problem continues to be economic

stagnation. However, this situation will not last forever, and there are many interesting projects underway which look to benefit from future demand. What is Ikusi’s message to the industry with regards to the changes which will be taking place over the upcoming months? I would like to convince those who love and believe in this great profession that there is light at the end of the tunnel. The digital dividend will provide our sector with a much-needed boost, and lead to a new range of technologies and products which Ikusi is already working on. DVB T2, IT Home, Sustainable Digital Home... these are just some of the technological options which will shortly be with us and which will require highly qualified companies in order to ensure their success. I am absolutely convinced that the future is bright, which is why we need to hold out just a little longer.



For all types of entries: DTT, SAT, A/V Analog and Radio

Support DVB-T2 For encrypted and unencrypted channels

Remote control allowed

Joserra Zabaleta future

Ikusi presence

Product Manager at Ikusi

Coexisting Television and Mobile Broadband Services: a Sizeable Challenge did you know that...?

For years the radio-electric spectrum only had to meet broadcasting requirements, but the Ikusi solutions exponential increase in demand for mobile telephony services has brought about the need to our clients and speakprovide for the coexreassign frequencies istence of both television and mobile telephony. Moreover, soon it will see the deployment of LTE, a new standard which will meet user demand for mobile broadband Internet. Ikusi’s goal in this new environment is to guarantee the reception of TV signals without any interference from LTE signals. To this end, it has developed and patented a solution which prevents any interference from LTE signals in TV channels, even in those areas closest to the main transmitters (exclusion zone), independently from existing equipment. This solution is developed by intervening in four areas: the antenna, the pre-filter, the end filter and the distribution network. Antenna The first intervention point will be the antennas,

as it is here that unwanted LTE signals will come in. It must be remembered that LTE signals may be quite superior (in terms of signal level) to DTT signals. This depends on the type of LTE transmitter and its proximity. In general, the electronics commonly used will NOT be able to isolate unwanted LTE signals. The actions being considered to mitigate the effects of LTE signals in the reception of signals are: •

Installation of antennas op timised to re ceive signals up to channel 60.

Elimination of active dipoles (particularly in areas with high LTE signal levels), in order to avoid saturation problems in the signals.

Pre-filter Installation of high-performance band-rejection filters. It is important to install the filters as close as possible to the antenna and before the antenna preamplifier. This will mean the LTE downlink,

which will have most effect on our installation due to penetration through the antenna, can be locked. End filter Another aspect to take into account is the signals generated by the LTE terminals themselves (4G devices and mobiles): uplink signals. There is currently little information on the signals which the LTE terminals will transmit, and the equipment inside the installations must be protected using end filters. Distribution network In those cases where high levels of LTE signals are received, even having adapted the antenna and amplifiers, other aspects of the installation must also be taken into account: cabling, distribution passives, connection points, adapters, STB, TV, etc. It is important to use properly screened connection points, distribution passives and cables, and to carefully install all cables and connectors. For example, if there is an isolation problem at any point of the cabled installation, filters must be installed before the STB and TV.

Ikusi presence

Ikusi showcases its innovations at Anga and Communicasia In the last quarter Ikusi’s Multimedia Unit attended the Communicasia fair in Singapore and Anga Cable in Cologne. Ikusi was present at both fairs in order to present its latest products, most notably five items of equipment. The ClassA continues to include functions which make it one of the leading headends in the sector. A flexible headend with cutting-edge equipment applied to the real needs of even the most demanding users. Embedded conditional access technology, remote management and monitoring, capability to support all DVB standards, MPEG 2 and MPEG 4 signal handling, content protection, integrated security management and modularity are some of the outstanding features of Ikusi’s ClassA. One of the most important innovations which Ikusi has presented in these two fairs is the real, definitive solution to the problems resulting from the implementation of LTE, the standard which will allow evolution towards fourth-generation networks (4G). This involves a patented signal blocking solution.


Moreover, Ikusi has introduced its latest innovations in digital television equipment. Most notably, these include Cascading and Stand-Alone active multiswitches. Both guarantee the same signal level at module input as at output towards users at any building level, thus reducing the number of items and facilitating customers’ stock requirements, whilst also making the design of complex installations much more straightforward. Another highly valued feature is that both ranges have an external power supply. The stand-alone COFDM modulators of the Mac series have also been prominent at Ikusi’s stands. These include the Mac Home, Ikusi’s stand-alone modulator for individual dwellings. Straightforward installation, modulation and image quality and autonomy

are the main characteristics of Mac Home. Mac Home is a digital apartment modulator which, like the rest of Ikusi’s Mac range, can send the audio and video signals from a satellite receiver, a closed-circuit camera, an intercom or any other A/V source to a television set in DTT format. The new Flashd, the only antenna on the market with automatic attachment, which is installed in two minutes using just one hand, was another of the innovations presented. The most important innovation is that it is the first automatic attachment system on the market. The attachment system, developed and patented by Ikusi, allows the antenna to be attached to the mast with one hand, reducing the risk of falls and eliminating unnecessary hazards.


did you know that...?

IPTV, Television over Internet Protocol our clients speak

IPTV is the most common name for the subscription distribution systems for television and video signals which use data network connections over IP protocol. IP television has been developed based on what is known as video-streaming. A simpler definition of IPTV

is the delivery of television content which, instead of using traditional means, is received through technologies used for computer networks. A standard IPTV system comprises: Josu Aristizabal, Support Department

A DVB-IP headend which converts traditional signals (DVB-S/S2, DVB-T and A/V) to DVB-IP signals; a services platform for administration and management of the different hardware and software components of the IPTV system; a VoD server, i.e., equipment for the storage and distribution of ondemand content; a data network, understood as the items of equipment which allow the interconnection of the different elements of the system in order to share information and resources and offer services; and the user devices to receive IPTV system content and services, STB IP and PC.


Ikusi’s offer for IPTV is based on the IP streamer modules for ClassA Headend Stations. These are gateways designed to disseminate services (TV and radio stations) from DVB reception (satellite, terrestrial, cable), or from DVB professional equipment or local audio/video sources, in multicast over a LAN local network. The IP streams can be viewed using the IP set-top box or video playback software. The modules have Ikusi’s ClassA mechanical format. As such, they are installed in the BAS-700 / BAS-900 support bases or in the SMR-601 rack support, and are fed at +12 VDC from a CFP module.

The range includes the following models: — TNS-101. DVB-T free-to-air or MultiCrypt reception. Common Interface. — SNS-102. DVB-S/S2 free-to-air or MultiCrypt reception. Common Interface. — RNS-101. Exclusively for Radio channels. DVB-S free-to-air or MultiCrypt reception. Common Interface. — BNS-200. Audio/video band-base streaming. Dual.



The MAC range: meet the family Single input digital modulator

Four input digital modulator

They convert the analogue audio and video signals into a freeview multiplex. Which one do you need ?

HEADQUARTERS: IKUSI - テ]gel Iglesias S.A. ツキ Tel.: +34 943 44 88 00 ツキ television@ikusi.com

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