Portfolio 2015 English

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Ilaria Federici Graphic & Web Designer Poster design

Made in Lisboa (Lisbon 2014)

Poster for first Made in Lisboa market, ArtCasa www.madeinlisboa.pt

Inspired by Lisbon creative light

Events organized to promote the creativity in Lisbon. Every art craft has been conceived and realised in Lisbon. Swap Party & Made in Lisboa

Poster for second hand clothes market.

Ilaria Federici Graphic & Web Designer Logo design

Lactuga Criativa - Designed for association. (2014)

Poster for 2014-2015 events Logo designed for cultural / recreative association. It represents a Lusitan heart, shaped as two lettuce leaves. There is a popular legend on being “from Lisbon” that means also to be “alfacinha” (a small lettuce).


Lac uga riativa


Joking on this, we had the idea to fuse Lisbon, its citiziens and the Latin worlds “Lactuga” (Lettuce) and “Criativa” (Creative); some words are emphasized like “Tuga” that is a common slang name for Portuguese people, and “Cria” which means “creates”.

Facebook cover https://www.facebook.com/lactugacriativa

The main hall of the library is characterized by this black and white floor, with tiles creating a ‘X’ shape. I took an immediate inspiration to design the logo: the ‘X’ represents a infinite-cross book, but even the meeting point for people and cultures.

Logo and signage for Public Library (Studio Risaliti, Italy 2007)

Ilaria Federici Graphic & Web Designer Candle design

Inspired by European museums and artists

My proposals for Candle-In. Wax cubes with printable sides, containing a mini candle.

Antoni Gaudí, Parc Güell, Barcelona

(Lisbon 2013)

Francisco Goya, Museo del Prado, Madrid

Graphics inspired by love and time (Portuguese / Brazilian market)

Amor é o que se aprende no limite, depois de se arquivar toda a ciência herdada, ouvida. Amor começa tarde. Carlos Drummond de Andrade

O amor calcula as horas por meses, e os dias por anos; e cada pequena ausência é uma eternidade. John Dryden

O amor é o espaço e o tempo tornados sensíveis ao coração. Marcel Proust

O tempo passa? Não passa no abismo do coração lá dentro, perdura a graça do amor, florindo em canção. Carlos Drummond de Andrade

Ilaria Federici Graphic & Web Designer Web design

www.madeinlisboa.pt (Design, 2014)

Cocktail bar in Cais do SodrĂŠ, Lisbon


My personal website.

www.ilariola.com (Design and Html, 2004 - today)

(Wordpress, 2014)

Ilaria Federici Graphic & Web Designer Menu design

Menù “Veranda” - Quel Castello di Diegaro

(Menù design for a chic pizzeria - Italy, 2011)

Projects developed for the restaurant “Quel Castello” , Cesena, Italy.



Beers Menù - Quel Castello di Diegaro (Italy 2011) Cover

Ilaria Federici Graphic & Web Designer Packaging design

These packaging prototypes have been created on purpose for my final dissertation project, shown at ISIA (Urbino, Italy) on June 26th 2004, with the title “Fair Trade Design: synthesis of a design planning”

Prototypes for fair trade food packaging ISIA, Italy 2004

Coffee pack, 250 grams

Complete set of 6 spices

Chocolate bars.

I realised this prototype for the “Packaging Design” exam at ISIA, and it has been awarded with the Pro Carton 2003 prize as the “Most innovative use of the board”

Prototype for strawberry milk packaging ISIA, Italy 2003

Front side view

Upper view


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