Scuppernong Gazette May 2009

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May 2009

Issue # 21

Cover Photo Neli Lemme

Tyrrell Chamber Calender of Meetings and Events May 02, 2009 On the Dock of the Bay May 04, 2009 Tyrrell County Board of Education Meeting May 04, 2009 Tyrrell County Board of Commissioners Meeting May 04, 2009 Columbia's Board of Aldermen Monthly Meeting May 05, 2009 Children's Storytime at the Tyrrell County Public Library May 11, 2009 Tyrrell County ABC Board Meeting May 12, 2009 Tyrrell County Planning Board Meeting May 12, 2009 Children's Storytime at the Tyrrell County Public Library May 13, 2009 Tyrrell County Tourism Development Authority Meeting May 13, 2009 Greater Tyrrell County Chamber of Commerce Meeting May 14, 2009 Columbia's Planning Board Meeting May 18, 2009 Tyrrell County Board of Commissioners Meeting May 19, 2009 Rural Health Association Monthly Meeting May 19, 2009 Children's Storytime at the Tyrrell County Public Library May 24, 2009 Tyrrell County Historical & Geneological Society Meeting

On Apr 9, 2009, at 12:53 PM, Steve Bryan wrote: “Ingrid.......... I just had to comment on your reference to the Easter Bunny on the cover of the April Gazette. Beautiful picture, but in these areas we know them as squirrels. The Easter Bunny is actually a rabbit and we have plenty of those here also. Another note, we were honored and humbled last Thursday night to receive the Tyrrell County Outstanding Business Award for 2009 at the Chamber of Commerce annual meeting held at the 4-H Center. Bryan Funeral Service felt so special to have been selected and we will do all we can to merit that honor as the years come and go. Sharon Spencer Diggins, manager of East Carolina Bank was recognized as the Volunteer of the Year. Another highlight of my week is that I met your son Dom at the Town Board meeting on Monday night in Columbia. I told him that I felt I had known him for a long time, but we had never actually met and shook hands. What a kind and handsome young man and I could recognize his mother's personality in his warm greeting and smile. You have every reason to be proud of him.” “ O H I A M ! ! ! - T h a n k Yo u S t e v e , Yo u m a d e m y M o t h e r ’ s D a y ! “ - - I n g r i d



















z Quote of the Month z

“You may have tangible wealth untold; Caskets of jewels and coffers of gold. Richer than I you can never be - I had a mother who read to me. Strickland Gillilan (1869-1954)


Create a Mother’s Day Card at the “Columbia Theater”

Our fine local museum is a great place to let someone take a photo of you in a ‘sassy’ dress and send it to mom. Bet she’ll put it on the wall?



The morning my mother-in-law died, a robin sat in front of the main entrance door for a little rest, despite our always lingering cats. The day was July

Crook Bernie Madoff and his helpers had found a way to move millions of dollars from bank to bank without raising any suspicion from their banks for a long time and now he will finish his life in disgrace and locked up without the people he loves. My husband says that people who 4th, 2003 a Friday in the Christian Calendar and mom was a Christian. She was a loving, hardworking lady, a country woman who knew how to make soap, milked cows and baked tons of pancakes. The

don’t find inner peace will always look for more, no matter what is on their wish list. He never made the big money, but he is one honest guy who served our country with great honors and to whom I will be married to until our creator gives one of us the pink slip. xox Love Ingrid woman who gave birth to three of the most amazing, different male beings ever created. They are now all that is left, and the love inside our hearts. We miss you, Mom.

...On the Boardwalk... Restaurant of the Month

Baby of the Month

Mike’s Kitchen for their good menu and ‘The Hot and Sour Soup’


We met this adorable little baby-girl at the 4H livestock show.



Columbia’s 4-H

Melva Price Lilley and Cecil Lilley, parents of Miss Margo Lilley.


Elizabeth Suter

Pet of the Month

This cute little fellow, which has spots of terracotta color in his fur looking like the clay flowerpot he was sitting next too.

Couple of the Month


Jessi Williams

Volunteer of the Month

The real nice lady who volunteers at the Columbia Theater.


Business of the Month

Tyrrell’s Animal Vaccination Services, see Mike treating a dog

Artist of the Month

The person that created this fine painting of Scuppernong wine bottles.

Tip of the Month

Columbia’s Ben Franklin offers neat ‘money and time saving’ patterns & sewing tools.


Tyrrell County 4-H Livestock Show April 15, 2009, the day of the Tyrrell County 4-H Livestock Show, was a rather chilly day and many of the proud youth were wearing jackets over their new purple 4-H T-Shirts when they were tending to their pride and joy outside until it was time to

NEXT 4-H EVENT In partnership with the North Carolina 4-H Development Fund, the Eastern 4-H Center is welcoming summer and raising funds for camperships and facility construction with a Beach Music party on May 2, 2009, from 6:00 – 11:00 p.m. on the Center’s waterfront.

Do you remember the 49th Annual 4-H Livestock Show and Sale was held on April 15, 1998?

There were 19 children who exhibited hogs and 6 who exhibited lambs. The Grandchampion Heavyweight Hog was exhibited by Sandi Brickhouse who is the daughter of David and Linda Thorne Brickhouse. Sandi's champion hog was purchased for $729.76 by Pamco Implement Company. Others who placed were: Reserve Champion (Dave Brickhouse), 3rd Place

come in for the big show. And a fine show it was, many had come out and support our 4-H Youth! The livestock show began at 2:30 pm, while the sale started at 7:00. It was a great event for the entire family!

Individual (Courtney all who participated in Smith), 4th Place this years show and Individual (Megan Jones), thanks to all others who

5th Place Individual (Lindsey Suter), and 6th Place Individual (Jennifer Cooper). - as reported by Jimmy Fleming in his Tyrrell Enquirer. - Congratulations to Miss Bridget Spruill and

dedicated their time and effort to make this event such a wonderful success. Unfortunately I didn’t get the names of all the 2009 winners, since we were accompanied by company from Germany, and were all on the way to celebrate my niece Nina’s 25th birthday at Neli’s house. But we will announce all the names of the winners in next month’s Scuppernong Gazette.

Kids and Teens of the Month Ya’ll know who you are. Congratulations to a wonderful event! Photo Ingrid Lemme

Save the Date!

Saturday, May 30th ‘Joint Session’ Band is playing at KittyBeach $10 per person $ 15 for couples BYOB

Photo Neli Lemme

Photo Ingrid Lemme

“May Peas” - by Jimmy Fleming GARDEN TIME! As winter eases out of the picture and the Carolina sun begins to warm things up in Tyrrell County, gardening is on the mind of many locals. My dad and grandma used to have the finest of gardens. They would till, plant, weed, fertilize, and smile the entire time ... they just plain loved to raise a garden. Some of the goodies that they enjoyed planting in the spring were onions, May peas, sweet corn, squash, cucumbers, okra, kale, carrots, bunch beans, and of course tomatoes. They always took pride in having

the first ripe tomato of the season. There is just something about that first bowl of May peas, the first ear of fresh sweet corn, and the first ripe tomato of the season. I certainly miss seeing my dad and grandma happily tending their gardens and the smile as they shared their harvest with family and neighbors. To everyone who enjoys a spring vegetable garden and the bounty that it produces, just think, the time is almost here! Jimmy published this piece in his Tyrrell Enquirer in April 2001 MAY 2001 WEATHER DATA The Tyrrell County weather data had been collected by Jacob & Arnette Parker at their residence in Gum Neck, NC. “Thanks Jacob & Arnette for sharing your data with us” - wrote JF in his TE. •

Average High Air Temperature ...... 80` •

Highest Air Temperature ...... 90` on May 20

Average Low Air Temperature ...... 56` •

Lowest Air Temperature ...... 38` on May 1 & 2

Monthly Precipitation ...... 1.68"

Most Precipitation in 24 Hours ...... .44" May 13

Couple of the Month Melva & Cecil Lilley Miss Margo’s Parents

Photo Ingrid Lemme

Man of the Month Cecil Lilley Owner/Broker/Realtor Timber Manager




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IBXarts Headquarters in the Making The nerve center of IBXarts currently thrives despite the many "Paperlanches" caused by the horizontal filing system, Although our office may not be what you have ever imagined, It is serving our needs well. IBXarts mission is to empower other artist to realize the financial worth of their labor and learn how best to promote their work. If we are to accomplish this goal it will take more then networking and web space so we are looking ahead to serve our region with a headquarters to better serve our Inner Banks artists. Our search has led us to Tyrrell County for several reasons, 1) Centrally located within the Inner Banks on the Albemarle/ Pamlico Peninsula. 2) Located one block from Hwy 64. 3) Provides the town of Columbia critical mass to become a model epicenter of an artistic economy. Just as it is with everything else, it is no coincidence that IBXarts has grown so quickly and with so much enthusiasm. I believe that this is in part due to the time of citizens wanting to respond to the economy in a responsible way, and in part the need to express ourselves in a creative way and get back in touch with what is important. Many challenges lie ahead as IBXarts moves forward in the spirit of service to empower artist to sustain their households and bring viable growth to our Inner Banks towns. Get behind us, pray for us, help us to help you, Our Blessings, Tom Kilian

Historical Schlez Silent Theater slated to be renovated to house IBXarts Center IBXarts will host it's first Arts Fest on May 29th 2010. Independent artists from the 22 county Inner Banks region will be invited. Bring you art, sell your art, take home the full proceeds-stay posted for upcoming details.

Meet Chase Luker Chase Luker serves as the Program Director for the Eastern 4-H Center in Columbia, and everyone seems to like him. Chase is an Auburn University graduate and Alabama native. Though he loves Whitewater kayaking, rock climbing, duck hunting, and Auburn football he also loves Tyrrell County and especially the Sound! As a staff member at the Eastern 4-H Center, opportunities are nearly endless. Summer staff members are often like-minded, intelligent, hardworking, morally sound individuals that recognize the importance of childhood development. It looks like that Chase Luker fulfills most of these requirements and it also reads as if Chase slowly fell in love with Tyrrell County. “Auburn, Alabama is known as the loveliest village on the plain...and it's hard to argue that, despite the nasty traffic snarls, unappreciative town merchants, and archaic professors. Columbia, North Carolina, to me, is "the loveliest village in the pocosin"... Chase

What does a Summer Camp Director do?

A Summer Camp Director Summer Camp Director provides leadership to all summer positions. Serves as liaison to the Program Director. Also responsible for staff morale and discipline. Helps insure that all staff duties are fulfilled, schedules are followed, and the program’s mission is met. the way -

The Eastern 4-H Center has a new "blog". It's a great way for parents, agents, campers, and staff members to see what's going on at camp, ask questions, and stay updated on projects! The address is CL

Recycle, Reuse, Rejuvenate Your Jewelry Workshop with Valda Belyeu Saturday, May 16th, 2009 1:00-3:00pm. Tired of wearing the same old jewelry? Have a box full of stuff you have and never wear? Learn to take the jewelry you're not using and make something new and exciting. How about all those lost earrings? How about all the broken or bent pieces you've been meaning to fix? Bring all these pieces and parts and we'll inspire you to make something new and creative. Suggested Supplies to Bring: * Any "old" jewelry you have: broken or pieces or parts of necklaces, earrings, charms, pendants, pieces of leather, chains, ribbon, etc...* Head

pins, jump rings, and/or wire to match the type of jewelry to be used (could be sterling or gold plated or copper, or colored copper wire available at any craft store). * Chain or ribbon or cord or leather - these could be part of the original jewelry pieces or newly purchased, available in all sorts of styles and sizes (At least 20" of chain may be helpful) * Pliers - round nose, flat nose pliers, long nose pliers, cutting pliers * Crimping tools if using crimps and jewelry wire *Chasing hammer * Bench block * Any complementing beads or pins or anything that strikes your fancy which you may be incorporated into your pieces. Instructor will have some tools to share as well as books and magazines with examples for inspiration! Available for purchase from the instructor will be some incidentals to use as needed: plain simple black leather cord, copper wire, sterling silver wire, small sterling chain, jump rings of various sizes and headpins, in case extras are needed. Tuition: $10

Hidden Lake

It would be more exciting I am sure to write “It was a cold and rainy day. The sky was dark; the wind was blowing a gale out of the Northwest and the Albemarle Sound was whipped into a frenzy”, and so on. But in truth the day was pleasant. Skies were clear; wind was slight, and our spirits were peaked as we lifted the canoe from the back of the truck and gently slipped her forward and parted the waters. This adventure began to unfold about two weeks after a Rotary Club meeting where Gordon Barnes was overheard telling someone that all his life he had wanted to find “Hidden Lake”. Now, hearing another mid-timer say those words “All my life I’ve wanted to do this or that” has always been a challenge to me since most with a philosophical bent say we only come this way once. So there we were at the end of a dirt path leading from “Purple Man Road” to the Albemarle Sound, tossing our bottled water, life preservers, bell anchor, bow line and paddles aboard a 14 foot, Kevlar covered canoe. Barnes took the bow, Wheless settled into the stern. We shoved off and pointed the bow down the shoreline toward the west, staying about 150’-200’ offshore, and keeping our eyes peeled toward the distant shore. We could see hundreds of dead and live cypress trees and stumps, once a part of a thick cypress stand where the shoreline at one time had been a half mile or better from the current shoreline. About three miles down the shore we began to think that our objective had been wellnamed. We had seen no possible entrance into the innards of the land mass, no ditch, no canal, no sign, no lake, no luck. We paddled on, through and past the cypress derelicts, trusting that Gordon’s research on the subject, an old drawing of the Tyrrell landmass showing the small outline of a tiny lake, had not been a mere dream. But after all, isn’t life filled in so many pursuits of dreams, some successful, some not? On we went until we came upon a shoreline of residences. This brought about considerable discussion as Gordon and I thought about the prospect of paddling all the way back to the landing we had left some time before, and empty-handed so-to-speak. Dream unfulfilled.Our conclusion was that we had missed the entrance in the dark shadows that marked the shoreline, the bushes and trees so darkened by ages of pummeling from the waters of Albemarle Sound, and we decided that we would need to stay much closer to the shoreline if ever we were to find that doorway.

Off we went, and not too long after we saw a slightly darker section of shoreline that we considered would require further investigation. Our canoe advanced. We were there! The entrance was a creek or natural ditch some 20 feet wide, darkened by the shadows from the thick canopy overhead, and hidden from all except the closest inspection…by two brave explorers who came to realize a dream. The drama of the moment was oddly satisfying and both of us said silent prayers to our Creator for allowing us that moment. It was beautiful…and we were only at the entrance… as the overhead foliage formed a sort of high, cave-like tunnel, primordial, as if never before seen or touched by mankind. The tunnel appeared to be about 200 yards long, narrowing at the far end, and it invited us to come ahead. We paddled slowly, not talking, just looking at the beauty around us. Toward the end of the tunnel, our passageway opened to our left. We made the turn We were there! Hidden Lake, the dream fulfilled.. Gordon turned and we both smiled, signed a high-five, and slowly paddled forward. Here it was, beneath, fore, and aft, just as it had been for millennia. This northwest segment of Hidden Lake was about 75 yards wide and we could easily see ahead of us that the eastern segment turned south for a distance and width yet unknown. We took such joy in the moment, neither of us speaking. The lake was kidney shaped with about 100 yards of width at its widest. Overall length unknown. Relatively undisturbed or trashed by human beings. No drink cans, no abandoned vehicles, no fast-food detritus, no old tires, no trash. We almost felt that we were invading some protected, special place where God might go for peace and quiet, to rest. Oh, forgot to tell you the part about discovering the wooden walkway from the high land out over the marsh to the 14’ by 14’ camping deck built by the Conservation Fund and situated at the edge of the Lake. That was the only manifestation of man’s visit to Hidden Lake, but our appreciation was not dampened by the knowledge that man had been there before, and would come again. We tied up, sat on the dock, ate our sandwiches, stowed our trash, and paddled back down the tunnel into the Albemarle Sound, leaving nothing behind but our smiles and wonder for what we had seen and felt.


In partnership with

the North Carolina 4-H

Development Fund, the Eastern 4-H Center is welcoming summer and raising funds for camperships and facility construction with a Beach Music party on May 2, 2009, from 6:00 – 11:00 p.m. on the Center’s waterfront. This annual fundraising event is coordinated by the Center’s Advisory Board and event volunteers. Community sponsors and individuals support youth through their participation, gifts and silent auction donations. Join in the ‘Salute to the Sunset’ with your flute of champagne and a chance to win the “Dockside Diamond”. Check out the treasures in the silent auction. Also, the winning ticket to the Annual Lawnmower Raffle will be drawn!

Download Your RSVP On the Dock of the Bay Saturday, May 2, 2009 at the Eastern 4-H Center 100 N. Clover Way ~ Columbia, NC 27925 For more information, Call (252) 797-4800


















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