APRIL 2018
A community publication for Ilkeston and surrounding area
New start-up successes Businesses and more jobs created after agency helps would-be entrepreneurs
IFTEEN people have now successfully set up their own businesses after benefiting from advice and support on the D2 Business Starter Programme run last year by enterprise agency Erewash Partnership. More than 100 would-be entrepreneurs attended a series of free workshops in Erewash and Amber Valley.
By Kevin Palmer This has resulted in creating 21 jobs. The Partnership is now preparing to run the programme again in each of the two areas on behalf of East Midlands Chamber. This is part of a county-wide initiative that is funded by Derbyshire County and City Councils and Derby and Derbyshire Economic Partnership. The programme is available to residents in Erewash and Amber Valley, who have to enrol and register through the agency, whose headquarters are based in Long Eaton. An individual tailored package of support is offered, which includes one to one mentor support and a series of workshops, these are led by experienced professionals and are designed to compliment the mentoring sessions. Workshops include subjects such as an introduction to self-employment, marketing, business planning, bookkeeping and social media. The free half-day workshops will begin in Erewash on 11th April and continue until May 25. Workshops will be repeated in the autumn in Amber Valley. The largest number of jobs created has been at The Factory Kitchen, a licensed restaurant in Mundy Street, Ilkeston. Owners Kevan and Jane Pierrepont, who were previously in engineering, set up the business in August. They now employ six members of staff in a variety of positions. “It was good. It gave us a fresh insight to help our new business which was different to before,” said Jane. Mark Ratcliffe accessed all areas of the programme and attended all five workshops. Mark set up Marlon Training Associates in Ripley which trains people who work with new computer systems, processes and working practices. Previously, Mark had worked for a high street bank for 31 years. He realised he could use his skills and experience but required help and support to set up and run his own business. “Each workshop was really useful with good
Ian Viles practical advice and the mentoring was excellent,” he said. Partnership chief executive Ian Viles said: “Any successful entrepreneur will say that starting a business is not easy and there is an old saying that if you fail to plan, plan to fail. “Our programmes provide would-be business owners with sound, helpful advice, based on proven techniques which is backed up by years of successful experience by mentors – to hopefully eliminate potential pitfalls and so give a solid foundation. “We are delighted with the number of people who have started their own businesses, boosting the mixed local economy. We wish them every success and are confident others will follow.”
Patricia Spencer Local
Independent Fresh Entertaining
f you don’t get a copy through your door, Ilkeston Life is available online and from various outlets including newsagents, shops, cafes, Post Offices and supermarkets in our growing circulation area. Besides Ilkeston, we are currently supplying: KIRK HALLAM COTMANHAY SHIPLEY VIEW HALLAM FIELDS LARKLANDS STANTON-BY-DALE DALE ABBEY WEST HALLAM STANLEY
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Editorial office: 1 Bath Street, Ilkeston, DE7 8AH Tel: 07539 808390 Editor: Robert Attewell Deputy Editor: Paul Opiah Staff feature writer: Patricia Spencer Staff photographer: John Shelton Advertising: Christine Chell Paul Opiah sales Webmaster: Adam Newton © Copyright 2018 The material in Ilkeston Life is protected by copyright. If you wish to reproduce anything, please contact the editor. While every care is taken to be accurate, we are only human and mistakes do occur occasionally. If you are unhappy with any of the content in the paper, please contact the editor in the first place. We accept news and information from correspondents in good faith and cannot be held responsible for inaccuracies. We try not to include stories which may cause distress to anyone. If you have a view on any of the articles, please write and let us know. Your letters are always welcome, but we reserve the right to withhold or edit. Anonymous letters will only be printed in exceptional circumstances.
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Ilkeston Life is registered with the British Library. ISSN 2515-1231 Current circulation: 10,000 copies
and at this period in time he can remember one or two people delivering milk in the Cotmanhay area from local houses. Firstly was a gentleman who lived at the bottom of Church Street, opposite the cart track, known as Skeavington’s Lane. The next one, He said he had found the articles he remembers, was a man who very interesting, and added that the lived on Milton Street, who lived milkmen had been delivering milk three doors down from his Aunt to his home in Stanley village for and Uncle’s newsagent’s shop. around thirty years. Another one he remembers very However, he was born in Ilkeston well, as he delivered their daily in 1928 and lived on Norman newspaper. This was the one menStreet in Cotmanhay until 1950 tioned in the January issue of the when he got married and moved to Ilkeston Life. At that time, the Stanley Village. owners were Mr and Mrs Moss. During his school days, before the On Archer Street, a man pushed a war he delivered newspapers from large milk churn on two large 1939 until he started work in 1942 wheels twice a day to do his deliv-
ith regard to the past articles on the West Hallam Milkmen, Mr Derek Shooter, who lives in Stanley Common, spoke to me about a few other things that may be of interest to our readers.
April 2018
Early milkmen remembered eries. He would then dispense it into the customer’s own jug. Of course, we must not forget the good old Ilkeston Co-Op delivering the milk by horse and dray. Derek also mentioned that in the summer if it was very hot people used to boil up the milk so it would keep longer. He also remembers a gentleman who lived on Milton Street who came around on most Fridays pushing a home made four-wheeled barrow with a flat top which he used as his counter for selling wet fish.
Doorstep pintas in glass bottles are making a comeback as more and more people are realising the danger being caused to our environment and wildlife in particular by overuse of plastic
n Tuesday 13th February I O went to the U Choose Café Do you have a skill and some time to meet with Jo Perkins from the Time Swap team. Time Swap, is run by Derbyshire County Council.
At this time they have 69 members in Ilkeston and 99 in Long Eaton district. The hours exchanged at the end of January 2018 added up to 1,436. They would like to continue to expand this membership across the district so that many more people may be helped by the scheme. Time Swap already covers the whole of Derbyshire, however, Jo Perkins covers Erewash Borough in particular. I know that many of you, our readers do a lot of voluntary work already but by joining the Time Swap team it would then allow you to store up time so that you too could have something done for you in return. This Time Banking Scheme allows you to share your talents, whatever they may be, for free, then save your hours until you need something doing in return. For every hour of your time that you give to someone else you accumulate an hour for when you may need it. For example you might like to take
on your hands? Join Time Swap! someone’s dog for a walk if the owner is ill or becomes disabled. Then if you should get a leaky tap, for instance and need a plumber to fix it one will be found for you from their extensive list of volunteers. You can bank your time until such time as you need to use it, or if you wish donate it to someone else. To be a member of this scheme you will need to fill out a simple membership form providing two references, a photo ID and a proof of address. The induction process is done in person and they will take you through the very straightforward handbook. All the exchanges must be made through a third person - the Time Broker. This is Jo who I met in February. She came across as a very professional and dedicated member of this scheme. She came over from Nottingham to speak to me. If you would not feel happy doing the time swap on your own you
could elect to swap in a group setting. There are many ways you can get involved. Some people may need the support of a parent, carer or support worker with them. They can accommodate this. The Time Swap Team hold many meeting to give members chance to meet up with one and another, but it is not compulsory to go to them. Jo gave me the current list for people waiting for various tasks to be done. They are many and varied, also a list of people who have talents and would like to help others. Below is a list of a few of them. Gardening, dog walking, repairs to various items, fitting carpets, fixing computers, knitting, making cards, wallpapering, genealogyguidance, travel advice, help on hospital appointments, help with writing official letters. So if you need help with virtually anything, or on the other hand you think you may have a talent or skill that would help or enrich someone’s life, Jo would love to
hear from you. Last November was the best month yet for Time Swap with a whopping 462.5 hours in time given to helping others. This amount includes 356 hours worth of knitting done during October and November by the Knit & Natter Group from Ilkeston. They meet up at the U Choose café at the top of Bath Street on a Friday. New knitters would be made welcome. This group knit toys to be distributed to various charities and Twiddle Muffs for people living with dementia. If you would like to become a member of Time Swap you can contact Jo on 07974 269193. She would love to hear from you. Right: Jo Perkins, Time Swap organiser. Pictured below, left to right: Sharon and Kate on a theatre visit; Louise and David at Erewash Museum.; Brenda and Melvyn
Are you planning an event to mark the royal wedding?
rewash residents planning a right royal celebration to mark the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle in May have the chance to apply for funding to help organise a traditional street party.
Erewash Borough Council has confirmed that it has made grants available and individuals and groups in the borough have until 5pm on Friday 6 April to bid for money towards their royal celebration. The wedding takes place at Windsor Castle on Saturday 19 May and is expected to spark street parties across the country as jubilant royal fans roll out the bunting for the landmark occasion. The Grant Application Form and details of how
to apply are available at Please note that grant funding cannot be used for the purchase of alcohol. Councillor Gerri Hickton, Lead Member for Community Engagement, says: “We are delighted to be able to offer this support, which will give some extra sparkle to what will be a wonderful royal day. Street parties bring communities together, so as the countdown begins to the big day I would urge party planners to put in their bids for funding as soon as possi-
April 2018
ble.” Further details and an application form are available at click on the ‘For You’ and then ‘Grants’ links. Contact the council’s Community Engagement Officer Colin Handley on 0115 907 2244 ext. 3575 or via email: Where events are to be held on a street an application for a Road Closure Order must be submitted and this information is also available on the council’s website
Summer sponsorship opportunities
to the highest standards with the opportunity to sponsor flower baskets. The colourful baskets are attached to lamp columns and brighten up the towns and villages in Erewash throughout the summer. The sponsorship fee is £95 per year, based The award-winning summertime planting on a three year contract, and covers everyand floral displays are always popular with thing from the cost of the basket and plants residents and last year both Ilkeston and Long Eaton won Gold in the prestigious East through to watering, maintenance and an optional sponsor plaque. Midlands in Bloom competition. Now the council is inviting the whole com- Councillor Mike Wallis, Erewash Borough munity to help ensure the borough blossoms Council’s Lead Member for Culture and Leisure says: “Sponsorship offers businesses, parish councils and our residents the chance to play their part in helping Erewash bloom and maintain the high standards – with a sponsorship plaque clearly demonstrating their support for Pride in Erewash.” Anyone interested in sponsoring a flower basket need to apply by Friday 23 March. Application forms can be obtained by emailing or telephone 0115 907 2244. Applications will be dealt with on a first come, first served basis.
ocal businesses, parish councils, community groups and residents can show their pride in Erewash by sponsoring flower baskets to put the feelgood factor in the borough over the summer months.
Come and join us to celebrate our national Bard’s birthday THE BARD’S BIRTHDAY BASH will take place on Saturday 21st April in West Hallam Village Hall, starting at 7.00pm. Hot food, vaguely Shakespearian – meat (or vegetarian) pie and peas; apple pie and cream will be served. You are welcome to bring your own table drinks but (unShakespearian!) tea and coffee will be available. There will be lots of light hearted entertainment by John Scargill’s Players, with music from the Greenwood Ensemble and Singers and ‘Pigeon Pie’, dancing and more. Tickets £6 can be reserved with Ruth on 07531 441256 or Alan on 0115 9321729 Admission numbers are limited so please book early! All proceeds will go to West Hallam Village Hall. Alan Cooper
ARTIST IN FOCUS. Artist Nandina Mason had examples of her work on show upstairs in the Smoothie Bar, Ilkeston for two weeks in February as the Artist in Focus. A new artist appears every fortnight. If you missed Nandina’s work on that occasion you have another opportunity to see her work when she displays again in June, this time in the front window of the Smoothie Bar. For more information con-
Have your say Letters to the
April 2018
Drama at the EMEB
Get in touch with your views — Email: Post: The Editor, Ilkeston Life, 1 Bath Street, Ilkeston, Derbyshire DE7 8AH
Monty Sunshine band at the Co-op was a big draw I especially enjoyed reading Hilary Knight’s letter recalling hearing the Monty Sunshine band in Ilkeston in March 1961 (Ilkeston Life March 2018, page 4). I was a passionate fan of the Chris Barber band, and often went to Nottingham to hear Barber in concert, usually in the Albert Hall. Many of us were shocked when Monty Sunshine, Barber’s clarinettist, decided to form his own band, and I remember well the performance in the Ilkeston Co-op Hall – a real ‘first’ for Ilkeston, and one of the earliest sessions outside London played by Monty’s band. Sunshine had a young Rod Mason on trumpet, former Humphrey Lyttelton pianist Johnny Parker and vocalist Beryl Bryden. I managed to get a chat with Beryl during the interval and she introduced me to Johnny Parker. Sadly, Monty, Beryl and Rod are no longer with us, but, amazingly, Chris Barber is still going strong.
The impressive East Midlands Electricity Board building on White Lion Square, Ilkeston, served several areas including Chesterfield, Matlock, Heanor and IIkeston.
These days I have the pleasure of playing, in Spicy Jazz, with two of Chris Barber’s recent musicians – clarinettist Zoltan Sagi and drummer Alan ‘Sticky’ Wicket – who marvel at Chris’s resilience and continuing passion for the music.
Bob Jackson
Nights at Poplar Inn and ‘legendary’ Sgt Moon remembered A copy of your great publication was sent to me. Although I didn’t live in Ilkeston, a great deal of my time was spent there. My friend Fred Pringle lived on Green Lane and we shared a common interest in jazz. We attended big jazz festivals at Matcham Park, Ringwood. We also sometimes used to go dancing at the Ilkeston Co-op on Saturday evenings or The Festival Inn, Trowell. It was my lifelong friend Keith Lancashire who told me about Fred’s column in the paper. For 16 years Keith spent a fortnight with us to watch the T.T. Races. Alas, he took ill and has difficulty in walking so he cannot make it anymore. However, we keep in touch by telephone every week. Keith was born on Cotmanhay Road and now lives close to his sister Janet in Ilkeston. Our memories are not very good but one person we can both recall was a big policeman by the name of Moon. He was a legend and kept Ilkeston in order in his way! Fred and I used to visit the Poplar Inn on Bath Street, which was more like a Wild West
More to come I am very pleased that some Ilkeston Life readers liked my first article on Harry Sewell, the Olympic athlete. Tony Buck might be interested to hear that I have also been researching the life and career of Fred Poynton, the road walking champion of the 1920s, and that I am preparing an article on his achievements. Another top class local athlete was Jack Winfield, and there is something in the
saloon. We went just to see what transpired. Sure enough, Sergeant Moon would “drop-in” to sort things out. He used to handcuff trouble makers by one hand to the railing around the church on the Market Square. Law and order in Ilkeston was firmly kept by Sergeant Moon. If you can find others who knew him you could have a nice little story. Another character was a man named George who worked in ‘R. Gamble’ motorcycle shop, off Bath Street. One day he parked his car on Bath Street and as he was walking away from it, it passed him, mounted the pavement and ended up in a shop window. The policeman said: “You didn’t put the handbrake on!” George replied: “Apparently not!” Anyway, I wish you to send 12 copies of your paper to me please, which I will pay for. Sorry about my scribble. Keith and I have many happy memories in connection with Ilkeston, but our memories are not what they used to be.
Terry R Muir, Sulby, Isle of Man.
pipeline about him too! Most of my information about these stars of the past is from newspaper archives. Sometimes I am lucky enough to find one of their descendants or someone who knew them. This was the case with Fred Fletcher and Alf Trussell, the cyclists, and with Harry Sewell. If anyone can shed any more light on any of these admirable amateurs, I’d love to hear from them.
Jeff Wynch
Road Methodist Church. The group instantly agreed to this request but the problem we then encountered was that the building was still under construction. However, after much effort by the builders our venue was completed, although the curtains were only hung on the day of our first performance. We received a great ovation from a sell out of tickets for a two-night performance, so the maximum amount of money was raised for the church extension. Unfortunately, I never knew the exact amount but obviously it was met with great appreciation. As some of our group worked in the Matlock area, their colleagues came to see their performance and this led to us being asked if we would travel to Darley Dale to raise funds for their church. Again, we immediately agreed and I remember travelling to Darley Dale on some very dark winter nights. It was worth the effort as everyone enjoyed the performance. People on the photograph left to right are, on the back row: our maid, John Titmus, Sheila Aldred, Ilkeston councillor Edgar Heasem (also EMEB Commercial Manager), Rex Mason and Richard Brearley. On the front row: Patricia Lingley, Megan Walker, John Cooke and Maureen Jackson. Unfortunately, some of our members are no longer with us but I am sure their families will be pleased that they are not forgotten. Happy memories from 1958.
Other EMEB sites in Ilkeston at the time were Manor (Central Stores), Park Road and Orchard Street drawing office. The EMEB sent a notice asking for employees who wished to form a drama group from any of the EMEB areas, which met with a very good response. Our first meeting was at the building on White Lion Square in the manager's office, a very grand location with its oak panelling and Greek key pattern design. Our members all sat around the boardroom table and were given parts for a play called 'Candied Peel'. You can still see this location on the first floor through the central large window over the revolving doors, through which the town's people passed to pay their electric bills. We continued to rehearse in this room and ate our sandwiches around the large table. I hope we left no crumbs. We later relocated to the EMEB Social Club on High Lane East, West Hallam, where we started to act our parts on stage. As we got near to our first performance, tension began to rise but we were a great group and all supported each other. Our performances were an overwhelming success and we were asked to perform in the hall at the new South East Derbyshire College, Field Road, to raise money for the Maureen Jackson new extension to be built at the Nottingham
Online reader in America appreciated home made dog food article I hope you’re having a wonderful day! My dog is the light of my life and I am always looking for the absolute best for her – that’s actually how I ended up on your site!
their dogs, we recognized that not all pups (or their diets) are the same. Each has unique needs, and the wrong food can affect everything from health to behaviour. Dog food meal delivery is a relatively new After seeing your Facebook post and online phenomenon catering to owners who prefer newspaper article Made in Ilkeston: Home- safe, high-quality raw food and want to avoid the hassle of cooking or stocking up made dog food is a winner, I wanted to let you know that I appreciate your dedication at the pet store and want to avoid the hassle of cooking or stocking up at the pet store. to responsible pet care. Your passion for the pet community is very I’m always looking to strike a balance between nutritious food and convenience, so I clear in the advice and tips you provide with the Recollections of a Vet article. wanted to share a dog food resource with you that I’ve found helpful for my own pet Would you be open to mentioning our guide parenting. You can check it out here: https:// on your site as a resource for your readers? Elizabeth Reynolds, service/ Seattle, USA. After hearing feedback from thousands of loving pet owners looking for the best for
Forty years with Ilkeston motor company
The 28th of March 2018 is a sad day for Ron Brooks Toyota as they say goodbye to Graham Mason who retired after 40 years with the Derby Road dealership.. Managing director Kevin Slack had this to say to Graham: “I would like to congratulate you on almost the completion of 40 years employment with Ron Brooks,. Your start date was 29th July 1978 which was when the company took over the Ilkeston Coachworks. “Over the last 40 years you have been an exemplary employee with an excellent attendance record and you have helped de-
velop many of the young apprentices, some of whom have remained with the company and others who have moved on, growing in their own right and some even now working as trainers within the Toyota Training Academy.” He added: “In closing, both I and Mrs Brooks put on record our appreciation of your hard work and dedication and commitment to the company.” Graham responded: “I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my time with the company and am sad to say goodbye, especially to my team who are a great bunch of lads.”
Parking charges frozen Car parking charges in Erewash have been frozen for this year and the popular free one hour parking in town centre car parks will continue. Erewash Borough Council has confirmed that there will be no increase in parking rates in its car parks following its budget setting meeting this month. The move comes despite many local authorities across the country announcing a hike in parking rates as councils continue to find ways to deal with budget shortfalls in these financially challenging times. Councillor Michael Powell, Erewash Borough Council’s Lead Member for Regeneration and Planning, says: “Our message is clear – there is no increase in parking charges in Erewash and our free one hour parking scheme continues. We firmly believe this is important in the continued drive to bring people into our town centres which is why we worked hard within our budget to ensure we could freeze the parking rates and still offer the free parking.”
Spring and Plant Fair St. Giles' Church in Sandiacre is holding a Spring and Plant Fair on Saturday 12th May 2018 from 2 to 4.30pm It takes place in and around the Church Hall on Church Drive, Sandiacre. Major attractions are a Classic Vehicle Display and Music from the Long Eaton Silver Training Band. Stalls include plants, cakes and products and books and jigsaws. There is also a Grand Prize Draw, Bottle Tombola and other games and attractions. Refreshments include Afternoon Tea. Admission is 50p for adults and accompanied children are free. Disabled access and free parking nearby. For more information contact 0115 939 8057.
April 2018
Wellbeing Lounge opened
An Ilkeston mum-of-two has opened Ilkeston’s first well-being lounge. Gemma Worthington, 36, opened the Barefeet Wellbeing Lounge on Manners Road on Monday 5th March with an official opening by the Mayor of Erewash Cllr Mary Hopkinson four days later. This is the second business venture for Gemma who already runs the cafe Barefeet in the Park at Victoria Park during the summer months. Gemma hopes that the lounge will help to regenerate the bottom end of the town. It offers a number of services including reiki, reflexology, colour therapy, hypnotherapy, teeth whitening, anti-wrinkle treatments, Indian head massage, aromatherapy massage and inch loss wraps. Gemma has completely transformed the lounge - a former accident claims shop - doing much of the work herself. She told us: "I am trying to create a cosy, welcoming, warm environment for people."
Death of decorated veteran soldier
World War Two veteran given France's highest bravery award has died.
Ernest Turner of Awsworth was made a Chevalier de l'Ordre National de la Legion d'Honneur for his part in the D-Day landings in a presentation at IlkestonTown Hall in 2016. Jean-Claude Lafontaine, a representative of the French Embassy, said when presenting him with the medal, “France must never forget those like you who came from Britain and the Commonwealth to begin the liberation of Europe by liberating France. We owe our freedom and security to your dedication.” Ernest, 92, passed away on 25th February. Paying tribute, Erewash Councillor James Dawson said: “I am very sorry to hear this, it was a privilege to see Ernest being invested as a Chevalier - Légion d'Honneur at the Town Hall by the French Consul. “His stories of his time in Normandy, and general wartime experiences were fascinating, especially to me as a military historian. We are very lucky and owe a huge debt of gratitude to Ernest and his generation. I hope he manages to get plenty of eggs up there!” (referring to one of Ernest’s tales). Lawrence Lamond, administrator of the Hallcroft Facebook group said: “Ernest started Hallcroft School in 1937 and was the oldest member of our group. He was the photographer at recent reunions and will be sadly missed by fellow Hallcrofters. He was a gentleman of warmth and humour, a link to the long-past era of the school and an alumnus whose heroism brought honour to the school’s name.”
Ernest ,who was a familiar figure at local British Legion Remembrance events, served in 120 Field Regiment Royal Artillery. A spokesman for the RBL Ilkeston Branch described him as “a real gentleman and a hell of a fighter”, adding: “Sadly, Ernie lost his last battle with bowel cancer. He was one of the last few members of 120 Fd. Regt RA.” Other veterans with standards gathered to say farewell at his funeral held at Bramcote Crematorium on 21st March.
RAF wartime flyer and football man dies By Philip Dalling
Ernest Turner
April 2018
ne of the Nottingham and Derby area’s foremost authorities on non-league football, one-time Ilkeston Town secretary Harry Brazier, has died at the age of 94. RAF World War Two flyer Harry, who in his later years lived in Woodborough, Nottinghamshire, covered the non-league scene in the 1960s and 1970s for BBC local radio and was a well known figure on many grounds. His own career in the game was spent playing in the Midland Amateur Alliance league. Harry grew up in Heanor, where his father was an official of Heanor Town FC between the world wars. His main allegiance was nevertheless always to Ilkeston Town and he attended both home and many away matches. Ill-health eventually made it difficult for him to attend matches but in November 2017 Harry’s carers made arrangements for transport to the New Manor Ground, where the club entertained him in the VIP lounge. The team beat Uttoxeter Town 3-0 that afternoon to extend their winning run to ten matches, making it a memorable day for Harry. He had special praise for the welcome he was given by Town manager Steve Chettle and other officials of the club. He was very proud of his wartime service as a navigator in the Royal Air Force. Like so many aircrew he trained in Canada, at Rivers, Manitoba, returning to the UK on board the Queen Mary liner and finishing his training in his native county of Derbyshire, at RAF Ashbourne. Operational flying in Halifax bombers took him to Norway, transporting British troops to supervise the German surrender in the occupied country, and later to the Middle East and Greece. After the war he became a schoolmaster, teaching at Chandos Street and Claremont schools in Nottingham, and lecturing on economics at the then Nottingham Polytechnic (now Nottingham Trent University). For a time he returned to Canada on a teacher exchange scheme. He married another teacher, Sheila, who predeceased him. More stories of the wartime exploits of men from the borders of Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire, over more than 200 years, are told in a new book, The Erewash Valley The Landscape of D H Lawrence, by Philip Dalling (Coppice Books ISBN 9781527208667 £17.99p). The book has 160 pages and more than 250 photographs, including a 16-page colour section. Photos (top to bottom): Harry pictured at Ilkeston Town’s New Manor Ground in the autumn of 2017. Flight Sergeant Harry Brazier in 1943. He was later promoted to Warrant Officer.
Harry Brazier, football administrator, is pictured on the far right of this team group of Ilkeston Town Reserves, taken in the early 1960s. spread use of such signals could well stifle minor aggravation that occurs on our overcrowded roads and may even mute major road rage, that often leads to full-blown by Ken Calder tragedies. No. 4, Road Rage! Sadly, those signals are not in the Highway Code and our society, I feel, is the worse for that. I say ‘worse’ without fear or contradiction because repentance and forgiveness will always make the world a better place. Well, the Woe betide the driver who makes Highway Code may omit them but the Bible certainly includes them. the slightest mistake in a traffic jam; the guilty offender will often In fact, the whole Gospel of Jesus face the cold fury of fellow motor- rests on those two signals – apoloists. A traffic ‘snarl-up’ can certain- gy and apology accepted! I use ly bring out the worst in us; that is them when I fail God. I have lost count of the number of times I the time when tempers often fray have sincerely signalled ‘sorry’. But and self-discipline snaps! I have the return signal has always been, noticed one thing when drivers without fail, ‘apology accepted’; I make mistakes – it is difficult to just know it, in my spirit! convey an apology. Have you tried Now, a short prayer for the rush mouthing contrition through a hour motorist, “Have patience with vehicle’s windscreen? I have given me Lord, even though mine has up – it does not work! How then worn thin. So far, on my journey, can a patient road-user say sorry I’ve honked pedestrians crossing for a motoring slip-up? the road, fumed over numerous Well, I have an idea – driver sign hold-ups and yelled at every red language! You may not like it, ini- light. Even now, I want to lean on tially, because it would mean fur- the horn to vent my frustration at ther additions to the Highway the slow response from other drivCode. ers. Help me endure these fleeting, niggling delays, especially since First, a sign of apology – a visible signal, easily understood and rec- your Son suffered for hours on the cross but then asked forgiveness ognised universally by motorists. for those who caused His agony Then, a return signal meaning, and pain.” ‘apology accepted’. The wide-
April 2018
Local Church News
Motoring Comment
Good Friday and Easter Dance at West Hallam MethIlkeston churches join together on 30th March for their traditional Good Friday Procession of Witness through the town centre. There is an initial act of worship at the United Reformed Church at 10am, then participants make their way to the Market Place for the procession led by a cross bearer and drummer who will provide a slow beat as the line moves through the town centre, making some stops for hymn singing and dramatic readings. On Easter Sunday morning (1st April) there will also be the traditional dawn service in the grounds of the abbey at Dale (6.30am). Afterwards local churches will hold their own Easter services, to which all are welcome.
West Hallam Methodist Church
A book mark with a message Sent in by Rex Toplis
April brings Easter, Spring (hopefully) and Song and
odist Church. On Friday 13th at 7.00pm we have the Elderly Brothers in Concert – space is limited so Chris on 0115 930 7730 is taking bookings. A donation of £6 is requested and a light supper will be provided. Proceeds are for Church Funds. Saturday 28th April from 2 to 4pm there will be an Afternoon Line Dance with Yvonne from Crystal Cats. The suggested donation is £5; a drink and cake will be provided. Proceeds are for Christian Aid. All are welcome including Men! To assist with catering please reserve your place with Jean and John 0115 932 0859.We are a welcoming church on the High Lane next to the Bottle Kiln with lots happening. Our main service is Sunday at 10.30am . John Moorley
Kirk Hallam Church The popular Pye Hill Choir will provide an Evening of
Local church news, events and Christian comment Musical Entertainment at All Saints Church on Saturday 12th May, starting at 7pm. Tickets are £5 for adults and £3 for children.
Sandiacre churches Messy Church in Sandiacre, which is a joint project by the Anglican and Methodist churches, will look at the life of the apostle Paul at their session at Butt Street on Saturday 28th April. (See advert below.)
Holy Trinity, Ilkeston The church is planning a Garden party and a Strawberry Tea on Saturday 23rd June.
The Diary of a Vicarage Cat Dear Diary, Being the Vicar’s cat means I do get to observe some strange human behaviours, none more so than the big box routine. I’m not sure what it is about the big box, but generally every week one is brought into the church. Most times there are lots of people waiting for the big box to arrive, some go into church before it arrives, and some wait outside until it pulls up in a big smart car. The people are all very sad, many are tearful, and it’s not fever either, with all the beautiful flowers that are arranged in stunning tributes on the big box. Several people solemnly carry the big box into the church, but I don’t think they are very good with directions as my guardian has to lead them in every time and then the tearful people follow them. Now I don’t go into church on these occasions, but Pips does, and on one such occasion she jumped onto the big box – oh my guardian was furious with her for days, I don’t think any of the sad people were, they fussed her and smiled at her, they looked kind people. Now my favourite bit is when the people who carried the big box come out of church, having left the box in there with everyone. I get lots of fuss from them while strolling around their legs and leaving a trail of my white fur on their smart black trousers. There are lots of different solemn box carriers, but I now recognise some of them by their smell, because I can’t
hear, my other senses are even more important to me. In my favourite group there are lots of animal smells, the young one smells of a male cat, I think he has one to look after him – he’s very young; the jolly one smells of a dog, I’m getting better at recognising the smell of different breeds of dogs – and I smell poodle on him; two of the others – the father and son, have a whiff, actually it’s more of an odour of Jack Russell; but one chap has a variety of smells about him, yes there is a doggy pong (and I’m guessing it’s a Chihuahua), and a whiff of cat, but I can also pick up a waft of birds, part of it I recognise – chickens, well hens to be precise, (I do miss my hens) but interestingly there is also something more exotic, I’m not sure what exactly, its different, is there an ostrich or emu in Ilkeston? Then after fussing me they go back into church and come back out with the big box. Sometimes they take it straight into the church yard and sometimes they drive it away, whatever happens the people follow the big box, I’m not exactly sure what’s in it, it must be something very special, Pips pretends she knows, but she isn’t letting on to me. Bye for now Florence
Church but not as you know it Activities, music and a simple meal for you and your children
Good Friday 30th March: St Giles Church, Sandiacre, 10.30am
Saturday 7th April: Ilkeston URC (Green Spire) 4pm Saturday 28th April: Sandiacre Methodist Church, Butt St., 4pm If you like Messy Church, how about trying the Toddlers Service at the Green Spire church (URC). It’s always the first Friday of the month, 10am. It’s like Messy Church but only half an hour and specially for families with very young children. Drinks, biscuits and toys to follow.
Mind Games Often when having pleasant thoughts in our head They can change in an instant to sad ones instead The mind can play tricks from time to time Becoming one of life’s mysteries hard to define. Sometimes we act brave when really we’re not Or tell a white lie to get out of a spot Faces turn red when getting embarrassed Hearts begin to race from feeling harassed. We all have our differences, some more than others Falling in love becomes a game to young lovers Some get quite moody and may sulk for a week While others feel hurt and lose out on their sleep. Most people through life work hard for what they get Others don’t bother and fall quickly in debt Jealously can sometimes rear its ugly head Has your thoughts play mind games and little is said. Family feuds can flare up between each other Setting off mind games against sister and brother Programmed to be the greatest computer on earth Our brain will play mind games from the beginning of birth.
Thomas Hosker
My Canine friend A brave German Shepherd on guard at the door. He's my very best friend and hard to ignore. Now sometimes you see him and sometimes you don't, for quite often he's there in fine fashion coat. A friend when you need one at home all alone, and all for the price of a biscuit or bone. He makes it so simple to show how you feel, the perfect prescription for sad hearts to heal. He won't last forever and neither shall I. I'll cherish his friendship with a tear in my eye.
Tina Finch
The sight of her passing by The sight of her passing by, Is a delicious feast for my eyes, I am thrilled and mesmerised, When she is gone I am mortified, I long for a smile, a look in return, With longing, my pent-up passions burn. She came by same time today, And as usual she took my breath away, My wide open eyes just had to stay, On this incredibly lovely display, Oh, I beg you, my secret friend, Bring my yearning to an end. See me waiting in the shade, Wanting to speak but too afraid, Look my way, notice me, Standing under the leafy tree, How I wish I could catch your eye, If only I were not so shy.
Death of a homeless man (England 2018) The temperature is below freezing, There's old cardboard on the ground, A homeless man is shivering, In a thin tent that now surrounds, Pitched up against a wall, In a darkened church yard, A sleeping bag thats ripped, And a bed that's cold and hard. Released from a hospital, Just a few weeks before, No forwarding address, Just released and ignored. There is no humanity, When Governments close doors, When any visit to a City, Means seeing people on the floor. Begging for some change, With a scrawled cardboard sign, A degredation of the soul, And a sad state of our times. And the papers print the bare facts, 'The death of a homeless man', And then we read the next day, That it's happened yet again.
©Steven Michael Pape 2018
The Bennerley Viaduct What next for our giant bridge across the valley? When ‘Heritage Funds’ won’t even grant a penny Is it to weaken further, shake and fall? No footpath, track or trail, for folk at all! Should this marvel of a bygone age be left to die? Surely not, ‘Those Bennerley Friends’ deserve another try A lattice-iron construction gave it strength and rigid power Just like it’s lattice-iron cousin: the Eiffel Tower Could they let that famous Tower fade away? Would they not secure it’s future come what may In truth they would protect it tooth and nail And we should do the same, and never fail
Harry Riley 2018
The Trial Caiaphas to Pontius Pilate:
Questions of a child
He is a rabble rousing malcontent With dangerous ideas Who gives false hope to many And preys on people's fears A self proclaimed Messiah Who aspires to lead the nation The humble son of a carpenter With ideas beyond his station A way with words without a doubt As he foments revolutions And would plunge us into conflict With his simplistic solutions.
Why are zebras mild? Why are tigers wild? Why do birds fly so fast?
They boast of having just one God And still they can't agree
Abdulbasit Abubakar
Pilate to his Wife:
Your Space
Why do rainbows never last? Why are clouds so white? Why does day turn to night? Why does the moon replace the sun? Why do I have freckles and you have none? Such a lot of questions As silly as can be If you don't answer them They'll ask to Eternity!!!!!!
Helen Penny
April 2018
Do you enjoy writing creatively? Lots of local people do, so why not share your poetry, stories, songs, sketches, limericks, memoirs, humour, etc., with other Ilkeston Life readers? Preferably send by email to Alternatively, drop in/post to The Editor, Ilkeston Life, 1 Bath Street, Ilkeston, Derbyshire DE7 8AH. We look forward to hearing from you.
We Romans cope with a dozen or more To whom we bend the knee Just another Jewish prophet They produce them by the score I could find no fault in him He kept within the law. The high priests seemed afraid of him When I proffered my advice I thought that in the circumstance Forty lashes would suffice But that bane of my life - Caiaphas Who from the deed would shirk Entreats the Roman army To do his shameful work When I offered one free pardon Barabbas was their choice Incited by the high priests The mob gave forth full voice I washed my hands, to let them see His blood would never rest on me Then delivered him, without conviction To suffer death by crucifixion He seemed to me a man of peace Though his end was dark and grim Very soon he'll be forgotten We will hear no more of him.
John White
Skin is skin. Skin is skin, A heart is a heart, If our skin's white as ivory, Or as black as the dark. If your accent is clipped, I really don't care,
A memory written in local dialect by
Jim Sumner Thayse dees way orlis baying tewd abert th’importance of hygiene, but years agoo way didner bother sa much—but way survived! Durin’ th’scowl ’olidays in th’summer, ar yewsed ta goo an’ meet mi dad comin’ back from ’is shift dern Shipley Pit. I orlis asked ’im if ayd gorrany san’wiches left in ’is snap tin. Ar knew thid bay either bread an’ pork drippin’ or bread an’ jam—ar didna mind which. Ner an’ again, ay ’adner gorrany on ’em left but ar ’ad ta purrup wi’ that. Thi wa orlis a chance thi might be one or tow left.
Thank you I would like to send a big thank-you to all who came to my aid when I fell at the bottom of Bath Street on the 16th of February. Among them was an off duty ambulance lady and two young men who put a teddy bear under my head. A blanket was provided by a near-by shop. There were others too who offered help. The ambulance service was excellent. God Bless you all,
Mary Taylor
If you've been born here, Or from way over there. You see, we bleed the same colour, We feel hurt and pain, Hatred is self hatred, There's nothing to gain. Ignorance isn't bliss, It's intelligence turned low, There is no argument, There's nowhere to go. The power is in the people, Respect should be in us all, What can we gain, From a faded slogan on a wall?
©Steven Michael Pape 2018 When thi wor one or tow left, me dad oppened ’is snap tin up ta let may ay a lowk what wa theer. Thi wa all covered in black coal dust but that didner worry may much. Ar soon scoffed ’em dern me ta th’ very last crumb, specially the pork drippin’ uns, an’ by gum ar didner aif smack mi lips after, thi wa th’ best ard ever tasted in mi life—ar can taste ’em ner!
to build and race motorcycles of his own design, that was his dream to take on and beat the then dominant all conquering Italian multies of Moto Guzzi, M.V. Agusta and Gilera, on their own ground at A Genius lost in time Monza. It was a passion that went on to produce four very special ennis Llewellyn Jones is a racing motor bikes, that one look at quiet gentle man in his twilight years. Few people know him them would bring to life beauty, or have heard his name, but behind imagination and engineering skills, and pure genius all in one piece of this modest man is a genius of his work. It is a pure delight just to design and speed. look at the complex and artistic Born in Long Eaton, Nottingham, design of his engines. To cover the in the days you would hardly have working parts up for practical use is seen a vapour trail in the sky, he almost like covering up the Mona went as a young man to work at Lisa, but then again on starting the Rolls Royce during the war years engine, they sound like poetry in becoming a top designer and engi- motion, what a delight. neer. In those days of uncertainty and fear, projects beyond imagina- Although they were built in another time, they even transcend this time tion were being developed, and at the forefront was Dennis. Being the of today, and even tomorrow they will be ahead of their time and a main man, he designed and made top secret war weapons, the sound thing of beauty. The motor cycle seeking torpedoes that went a long brakes that Dennis designed were so unique that the aircraft compaway towards shortening the war. nies, Lockheed and Boeing, took One remarkable torpedo that was them up and they were tried on the being designed, tested and made earlier models of the space shuttle, ready to go but overtaken by the H that's really ahead of your time, bomb, was a remarkable piece of another time, in fact the future. engineering. This torpedo was The first Jones special was built in meant to set off and overcome 1943, a supercharged flat four 2 many obstacles in its path, before stroke racer. In 1948 it was folit ever made its target which was lowed by a twin cylinder double theU-Boat pens at Brest, again pure genius. He went on to design overhead cam shaft 250 cc. twin 4 the photo finish mechanism that is stroke racer, ridden by multi world used in racing today. At every turn champion Bill Lamas, who even now has a special soft spot for the this man has touched everyone's life in some way or other, without Jones' machines. In 1955 he went on to produce a 4cylinder 500 cc. knowing his name. He was the double overhead cam shaft 4 stroke Barnes Wallis of Rolls Royce. racer, and in 1959 he designed and Dennis had one hobby away from made a 250 double overhead cam his innovative work, and that was
shaft single cylinder 4 stroke racer. Believe me when I say that these are just the details and data. The true picture is to see these pieces of art, they should be in a museum, just as a Rembrandt or Mattise or a Gaugan, they most certainly should be looked at and admired for that they are and praise this man Dennis Jones, for his genius and say to ourselves, 'I'm proud to be British' and this man makes you feel proud, but it takes someone else to sing his praises, as this quiet man would never dream of doing that. He comes from a time we'll never see again, but we're glad he came along and touched all our lives in some way. That is what Britain is all about, past present and future, the people that made you proud to be British. Moira Isherwood
Riding to Skegness for Myeloma On Saturday 28th April 2018 ‘The Wild Hogs’ are setting off on a Charity Bike Ride to Skegness to raise money and awareness of 'Making Myeloma History' on Myeloma UK’s 21st Anniversary. They are hoping to raise £5,000 for the charity. Ten local people, with ages ranging from 35 to 70, on cycles and a tandem will leave Ilkeston and travel through East Bridgford, Coddington, Boothby Graffoe, Woodhall Spa, Old Bolingbroke, Burgh Le Marsh, before their triumphant entry into Skegness, some 90+ miles later. Myeloma is an incurable bone marrow cancer that is very difficult to diagnose. The team are hoping some of your donations can go forward to their target of 'Making Myeloma History' To pledge your support, sponsorship forms can be found at any of the fol-
April 2018
lowing supporting Ilkeston Real Ale Houses: The Dew Drop Inn, The Burnt Pig or Ilson Tap. Or you can give ‘online’ via a dedicated secure Just Giving web page - https:// julian-skelton1 One of the riders, David White, told us: “ Some 5,500 people in the UK alone are diagnosed with Myeloma each year and as is often the case we are oblivious about it until someone we know or are close to becomes diagnosed or affected. Sadly, this is the case for Sheila Skelton the wife of organiser Julian Skelton, who has Myeloma and was, at the time a writing, due to undergo a stem cell replacement at the Nottingham City Hospital.” ‘The Wild Hogs’ are Julian Skelton (event organiser), Gav Shaw, Paul Dean, Dave White, Bill Dunbar, Godfrey Ohanlon, Andy Mee, Christine Simpson, Adam Hull and Mark Leary. Support team; Andy Inwood and Toni Wrench.
Ilkeston Life: Important notice to retailers From April 2018 we are asking all retailers who sell Ilkeston Life to return half of the money to us. For example, 20 copies sold, 20 x 30p = £6 taken, so £3 to be given back to us. Like all newspapers, we are having to find ways of raising money and reducing costs to enable us to keep going. We believe our readers want us to continue producing the paper which has become a popular and eagerly anticipated part of local life. We know this because of the number of people coming into our office and asking “Is the paper out yet?” Ilkeston Life is only a fraction of the price of other papers and is not profit driven. We hope shopkeepers will want to continue selling Ilkeston Life even if they only sell a few copies. Many retailers already do voluntarily give us back half of the selling price. We hope that by making this the rule for everyone, it will be fairer for all.
April 2018
Residents take part in nutritional care week Ashmere Derbyshire showed its commitment to nutritional care by taking part in national nutrition and hydration week. All seven care homes situated in Derbyshire including West Hallam organised a special afternoon tea for residents which was celebrated around the world! It didn’t stop there, they celebrated national swallowing day by organising a range of activities such as smoothie tasting, hydration stations and a vast array of drinks to sample. Ashmere follow good practice by promoting mealtime matters and protected mealtimes for its residents. Managing Director David Poxton said “We take the nutritional care of our residents very seriously, we think national nutrition and hydration week is a great idea and one that we fully support”. Andy Jones from national nutrition and hydration week said “ It is brilliant to see how this week has grown into a global event, and the willingness of people to collaborate across continents has
been fantastic.”
looking at her portfolio I was impressed by her sharp news writing style. I think that Jordan will be a great asset to our team and the clients will get on with her really well. Ilkeston based Poppy PR has stepped its PR “We are over the moon that Bradd can join us as social media manager. I was first introservice up a gear, by hiring both a new social media manager and PR account manag- duced to Bradd during his university studies when he joined us on work experience on a er. few occasions. The duo, who have both have previous experience in communications and marketing "It was a massive coincidence that both of for the transport sector, joined the team ear- our new hires have transport experience- but I hope that they both set the wheels in molier this month. Journalism graduate Bradd Farnsworth (24) tion in regards to helping me grow the company!." and marketing expert Jordan Hazell (27) Established in 2010, Poppy PR has executed will set the cogs in motion later this month major press campaigns for clients and sewith a fresh outlook and new ideas. cured news coverage in the tabloids, the Since graduating from Bangor University with a degree in multimedia and journalism, broadsheets, and on national and regional radio programmes. Bradd has amassed a wealth of journalistic The agency offers specialist public relations experience across the magazine, PR and services to those in the property and contransport sectors. He will draw upon his previous employment struction industry, making it one of the only agencies in the Midlands to offer such a at Nottingham Cars as social media and niche service. marketing co-ordinator, where he was responsible for multiple campaigns which improved relations with local businesses by engaging with the wider community. Bradd said: “I am delighted to be joining the Poppy PR team, especially as a local person. I am looking forward to working with all of our great clients across the industries. I understand the importance of the personal touch when working with local businesses.” Jordan graduated from Teesside University in 2013 with a degree in Management and Marketing and has since gained experience working for Blue Chip companies in internal and external communications. Her last role was at Hitachi Rail as communications co-ordinator where she worked very closely with the press on high profile projects. These projects included celebrating the first ever trains manufactured in the North East for over 100 years. Tina Clough (32) director of Poppy-PR said: “Jordan and Bradd both came to me after we advertised the roles on Indeed and I was really impressed with Jordan’s wealth of experience, her attitude and her knowledge in securing press coverage for clients. After
Agency sets wheels in motion with two new hires
ly, this is a very rare disease. There have been 143 cases in the UK since 2012, with 20 cases so far in 2018. However, as this is a disease Many dog owners will be aware of a relatively where the cause is not known, there is no real way to avoid exposure, and so all dog owners new disease that’s been in the news recently. should be vigilant. The current advice is to get It’s often known as “Alabama Rot”, and it’s any skin lesion checked by your vet, particucaused quite a few deaths - including at least larly any that are ulcerated or on the lower one in Nottinghamshire - so it’s rather conlimbs, belly, nose or tongue. The lesions can cerning for many of us. I thought this month be variable in appearance, but the specialists I’d see if I could bring together some inforsuggest that they don’t look like the usual skin mation on it. lesions that vets deal with day-to-day, so your This disease is known as Alabama Rot but it’s vet may be able to reassure you if, for examproper name is Idiopathic Cutaneous and Reple, your dog has a lesion that looks like a nal Glomerular Vasculopathy, or CRGV. You scrape wound, or a lick injury. can see why we tend to use the shorter name, Any dog that has had skin lesions and then although it’s not technically accurate! Alabecomes unwell in itself within 10 days of the bama Rot was a disease seen in the US in skin lesion appearing definitely needs to be greyhounds in the late 20th Century, which checked by a vet as soon as possible, and the caused skin lesions and kidney failure in dogs. vet may suggest blood and urine tests in order No cause was ever identified, and it seems to to assess the kidney function. Some dogs with have disappeared. It was rarely fatal. this condition don’t develop kidney failure, but as the disease can progress so quickly, even The UK disease is a slightly different issue. with a normal blood test result the vet may The first case was identified in November suggest follow up tests over the next few days 2012 and since then there have been small in order to check that things aren’t progressnumbers of dogs with similar signs, initially around the New Forest but now it’s been iden- ing. tified widely across the country. Unfortunately the UK disease seems to be around 90% fatal, If a dog does become systemically ill, your own vets might be happy to keep him at their which is a major concern, particularly as the hospital, but it might well be better to refer cause is not known. him to an internal medicine specialist in order The first sign is usually a skin sore that hasn’t to get additional monitoring. been caused by an injury, most often on the lower leg with a swelling, a patch of red skin, Obviously I don’t want to cause fear amongst our dog owners, but we do need to be aware of or an open ulcerated area. Within 2 to 7 days this disease, as it usually starts with skin leof this appearing, the dog develops signs of sions that owners might not consider signifisudden kidney failure, such as vomiting, recant. Of course, the vast majority of skin leduced appetite and lethargy. Sudden kidney sions in dogs will NOT be caused by this, but failure needs to be treated very seriously in it’s worth taking extra care. In the winter order to give a dog any chance of recovery. One of the specialist veterinary hospitals, An- weather, it’s also very important to wash any derson Moore Veterinary Specialists, is doing mud off dogs’ legs after walks, so that the skin a lot of work on this disease and so are having can be checked over more readily and any skin many of the affected dogs referred to them for lesions found as soon as possible. care. Even with intensive and early care, many For further information, dogs will not survive this disease. see So what does this mean for dog owners? First- CGRV.php
Reflections of a vet
I had a go at blindfolded archery last night … if you've never had a go you don't know what you've missed - John Allen
April 2018
Students at Saint John Houghton CVA prepare for trip of a lifetime
Warming up for the Gang Show Libby (right) a young leader at 10th Ilkeston Scout Group and member of 'Voyager' Explorer Scout Group together with friend Emily a young leader with Borrowash Scouts preparing for the 'Battle of the Bands' at the recent Derby Theatre production of the Scouts' Gang Show, 'Flying High'.
SANDIACRE & DISTRICT PROBUS CLUB Sandiacre and District Probus Club held their monthly meeting in St. Giles’ Church Hall on Wednesday, 21st February 2018. The meeting consisted of the annual event of the Speaking Contest for the ‘John Littlewood Trophy’, a trophy presented to the club by Peter Littlewood, son of John Littlewood one of the founding members of the club. President Peter Barber welcomed members and special guests Andrew and Sarah Kilghour and son William , son in law/ daughter/grandson of Vice President Ray Morley and wife Jean. William gave a talk about his planned expedition to Uganda where he is to provide school/teaching facilities together with various restoration projects. The family provided cakes to the meeting to provide aid to finance the project. After the official business of the club 5 members contested the speaking contest, consisting of a 5 minute talk by each member and timed by Social Secretary Malcolm Chapman. In order of speaking the topics are listed:1. Derek French – The Power of 3: Derek outlined the triumph of 3 in the 3 bears (Goldilocks), 3 wise men, 3 ships come sailing in, Peter denied until cock crows 3 times, 3 men in a boat and more. 2. Fred Bromley – The double edged sword: The changes with microprocessers starting in the 1970s were outlined resulting in the Internet/Emails, Smartphones, Computers and Ipods making us dimmer through no face to face contact. 3. Sid Tidmarsh – Lucky Money: Sid outlined his experiences in the carpeting/flooring business, projects locally and in the new Hong Kong Airport. Sadly lost the contract because of lack of money. 4. Peter Sheylane – Monologues: These were stories written by Paul Finch who lived in Edwardian times. Amusing monologues after sending typewriter for repair and being returned with mixed up keys. 5. Robert Flint – Respect: Everybody is entitled to respect but it had to be earned. Stories about Dumb Jack who refused to speak. Following on Dumb Jack earned respect by chairing a meeting in the Methodist Hall. The overall winner by ballot was Derek French and was presented with the John Littlewood Trophy. The raffle winners were David Sillandy, Bill Foulke, Peter Flint and Alan Simpson. The meeting was closed by President Peter thanking Denis Dumelow for setting out the room and Derek French for Coffee/milk. Denis Dumelow
tudents at Saint John Houghton Catholic Voluntary Academy are preparing for a trip of a lifetime after signing up to visit Swaziland with World Challenge.
A total of 33 students and four members of staff will fly out for two weeks in the summer of 2019 but they are already busy fundraising to pay for the expedition. Each student needs to raise £2,850 to fund the trip and there are plans for car boot sales, sponsored events and cake sales. Last year, 20 students spent two weeks in Nepal over the summer in the first World Challenge trip to run from Saint John Houghton CVA. Next year’s trip will follow a similar
format with students taking part in a trek and working on a project in the local community. James Wheldon, Product Design teacher who lead the Nepal trip and will be leading the Swaziland expedition, said it was an amazing opportunity for students. He said: “The expedition to Nepal was incredible and students gained so much from it in terms of their personal development. “Swaziland will be another fantastic opportunity to experience a different culture and to help improve the lives of people out there through the community project. “Everyone is excited at the prospect of the trip and there are already some great fundraising plans in place.”
Twins Ben and Ellie Scott, 13, have plenty of fundraising ideas. Ben said: “I’m planning on doing car boot sales and I will also be taking part in a sponsored abseil.” Ellie said: “I just didn’t think I would get an opportunity like this so that’s why I signed up. As soon as we came to the talk and heard all about the trip I just wanted to sign up straight away. My mum is helping me to make cake stands and we are selling them to raise money.” Karen said: “Swaziland is an amazing country and I lead a trip there in 2016, students had a great time and the project was brilliant. It’s a great opportunity to see how another community lives.”
We promise we’ll never put down a healthy dog. Please promise to help us with a gift in your Will. Every year, Dogs Trust cares for over 15,000 dogs in our 20 rehoming centres across the UK. We never put down a healthy dog. By leaving a gift in your Will, your love of dogs can live on and help us make the world a better place for them. For more information email: or call 02 7837 0006
12 Exhibition showcases OIEA students' stunning GCSE Art coursework
Acorn Corner
A page for younger readers
Students learn how to help save the planet
tudents at Saint John Houghton Catholic Voluntary Academy learnt how to help save the planet during a day focused on recycling. The whole of Year 7 took part in a series of workshops led by form tutors and Derbyshire County Council. A theatre company called We Are Gibber also ran a session which began with all students watching a play which follows the story of three Year 8 students all with differing knowledge, attitude and opinions about environmental issues. Students then took part in a workshop during which they learnt the importance of the 3Rs and considered what actions they could take to reduce, reuse and recycle their waste to help protect the environment for themselves and future generations. One exercise involved students guessing how long it would take for different objects to decompose including a mobile phone and a plastic bottle. Eilish Stout-Cairns, from We Are Gibber, said students were surprised by how long it took certain objects to decompose. She said: “They were shocked when we told them it took 450 years for a plastic bottle to
decompose and 1,000 years for a mobile phone. We had a great response from the students and they really took on board the idea of reducing, reusing and recycling.” Other workshops which took place saw students exploring resources used to make common electrical items to gain a greater understanding of where they come from and what happens when they have finished using them. A Dragons’ Apprentice sessions saw small groups of students work together to pitch a reused or recycled item to a panel of judges, explaining what the environmental benefits are. Students were asked to sort through a clean bag of waste that had been fly-tipped to find the culprit and in another workshop they had to make paper bags to sell. Andy Ritchie, Learning for Life co-ordinator at Saint John Houghton CVA, thanked everyone who was involved in the day. He said: “It was a fantastic day where students learnt the importance of Reduce, Reuse, Recycle as well as other environmental issues such as climate change. I would personally like to thank We Are Gibber and the staff from Derbyshire County Council for making the day a success.”
tudents at Ormiston Ilkeston Enterprise Academy showcased their stunning GCSE Art coursework at an exhibition. Final piece coursework by Year 11 students was displayed for family members, students and staff to view in the King George Gallery at the academy. The students used various media including fine art, textiles and fashion and Sarah Griffiths, Art teacher at the academy, said she was extremely proud of the students. She said: “There were over 40 pieces produced in total and it was themed around producing a canvas project for a retail outlet. The work the students have produced is amazing, they’ve been very creative and their work has gone in different directions. We are really proud of all of the students, they’ve done really well. It was lovely to see our students’ families attending the exhibition and we would like to thank them for their support.” Student Heather Eaton, 16, who is hoping to go on and study Fashion and Textiles at New College Nottingham, created a vintage dress using brown paper. She said: “This coursework counts as 60 per cent towards our final grade. We could develop the theme into whatever we wanted and my theme was vintage. I’m really interested in fashion and I sew a lot. I took inspiration for the dress from 1950s Chanel dresses and I used brown paper just to get the colour how I wanted it. The paper really helped to create that vintage look. I was really happy with how it turned out as it was quite difficult.” Nina McNelis, Art teacher at OIEA, said: “We encourage students to be independent in their decision making during their coursework project, whereby they are able to focus on their chosen theme. We encourage the students to
Balance, the key to safe cycling early 300 primary pupils took their first N steps on the road to learning how to cycle safely at balance bike festivals organised by Erewash School Sport Partnership. Pupils from Reception and Year One were invited to the events, held at The Long Eaton School and at Rutland Sports Park in Ilkeston, and took part in a variety of activities with the aim of teaching them how to balance, control, glide and steer a balance bike. Schools which took part included St Thomas,
Charlotte Infant, Field House Infant, Ladywood, Scargill, Dallimore, Shardlow, Firfield, Risley, St Laurence, Dovedale and Sawley Infant. Children were taught how to manoeuvre with their feet off the ground while on the bike and how to improve acceleration and stop in control. They also practiced turning and manoeuvring bikes using the handlebars to navigate around and through obstacles. Sports leaders from Ormiston Ilkeston Enterprise Academy and The Long Eaton School helped out and worked with ESSP staff, primary staff and parent helpers to support the children. Vicky Brierley, from Erewash School Sport Partnership, said the festivals were a great success. She said: “The festivals were a great way to give children a taste of what it is like to learn how to ride a bike and it was great to see so many parent helpers at the events so that they could see what balance bikes are all about. “The problem with stabilisers is that they inhibit the opportunity to learn how to bal-
April 2018
ance. Balance bikes are great for boosting confidence and getting children started. “We ran a number of activities purely focused on balance and core stability which is what they need to learn in order to ride a bike. We also taught the children about the different foot patterns they need, pushing off with both feet and finding their way around an obstacle course. “We need to get children out there on their bikes; cycling is a great activity which all the family can do together.” Nicky Godridge, PE co-ordinator at Field House Infants, said the festivals were an ideal starting point for pupils who wanted to learn how to ride a bike. She said: “We brought seven children from Reception and three from Year One and this festival was just ideal for them. They loved it and it was great to see them growing in confidence throughout the event.”
work towards their strengths such as sculpture, fashion, drawing, graphic illustration. They are able to access a wide range of materials during the course in order to gain confidence and explore exciting creative techniques. “The exhibition has also really inspired many other GCSE Art students in Year 9 and Year 10 who have viewed the artwork during lesson time. The Year 11 GCSE Art students are now working hard focussing on their exam unit of the course. We are really proud of their work ethic and creativity demonstrated.”
The Way We Were South East Derbyshire College (formerly Ilkeston College of Further Education) on Field Road. The site is now occupied by Morrisons Supermarket. A brand new state of the art college was built on Pimlico/New Lawn Road and is now the Ilkeston campus of Derby College.
Above: Another page from the Trade Section of the Ilkeston & District Directory of 1965/66
April 2018
April 2018
Could you be tea room volunteer?
ore volunteers are needed at the popular Old Stables Tea Room at Erewash Museum as it marks its two year anniversary.
Spondon’s Power Stations A century of change and innovation, 1917-2017 This is the twelfth book in our Spondon Archive series. It is different from our usual books, which are generally based on the social history of Spondon. It came to us as a densely-typed history of the power stations associated with the Celanese. The authors felt that it was important that the history of the site was not forgotten after it closed down in 2012 and work started on demolition. Our group felt that this was the sort of industrial history we should be preserving for the future. The technical aspects of the workings of the power stations are described alongside a fascinating look at their social history. With this book, we feel that we have gone beyond the bounds of local history and that it is of interest to anyone who cares about our industrial heritage. The book tells us about a series of four power stations which sat on the plain below Spondon village for a hundred years. They provided the energy which allowed British Celanese to run its profitable industrial base here in Derby. The site was ideally situated next to the River Derwent with rail and road links to coal sources, which provided the essentials for power generation. This provided work for thousands of people over many years. The great buildings are gone; power sources are changing and employment moves on. The history was written by Peter Heath, Site Services Electrical Engineer, who was responsible for all site mains power from 1970 until his retirement in 1997, and Alan Hunt who worked for the CEGB until 1969 and
Local Nature Notes
wings. The female doesn't sport the orange tips, but both sexes are worth a close look Spring is usually well under way by April, with when they alight and close their wings, as the underside of the rear wing is a wonderful most of our resident birds in full song and pattern of pale green spots, blotches and many already breeding, or at least building patches. Orange Tip butterflies are wandertheir nests. Listen out for Blackbirds, Dunnocks and Robins singing in your garden. The ers, flying many miles in search of a mate, whilst the female will hunt out Lady's Smock first butterflies are often on the wing in late March, and occasionally even during the win- or Hedge Garlic on which to lay her eggs, depositing them on the underside of the leaves ter on warm days one or two of the hibernating species like the Small Tortoiseshell can or on the stems. The Orange Tip is single be seen, but April heralds the arrival of those brooded, and its flight period is usually over species that emerge from a pupa or chrysalis by early June, but very rarely a second brood adult might be seen later in the Summer. A such as the Speckled Wood or Orange Tip, that can then be seen flitting along our wood- delight on the eye. land edges and hedgerows. An Orange Tip Jim Steele, male is a beautiful insect for sure, and is an Butterfly Conservation Officer for Derbyshire. unmistakable white, medium-sized butterfly Photograph courtesy of Ken Orpe with those bright, orange tips on the fore-
Energy provider also provided work for thousands
tea room continues to thrive.” Lynne Thorpe, a volunteer at the tea room, says: “We meet some lovely people here and our The Victorian themed tea room is managed customers come from far and wide. It is by the Friends of Erewash Museum and enjoyable and we always try to make people staffed entirely by volunteers, many who feel welcome. Even if someone could help have been there since the beginning. The out on the odd occasion to sell ice creams amounts of days that the tea room is open outside in the summer it would benefit us.” have been extended, meaning that extra Barbara Priestley has volunteered at the tea hands are needed on deck. room since it opened. She says: Helen Martinez, manager of the museum, “I am sure that anybody would find it resays at least five volunteers are needed and warding. We have a lot more people coming they can do as many or as few hours as they here now than when it first opened. Where wish, whether it is one day a week or one else in town can you get a sandwich for day a month. £1.20 and a coffee for £1.50?” The Victorian-themed tearooms were The tea room is open Tuesday, Thursday, opened alongside the learning, community Friday and Saturday 11am until 3pm and and exhibition centre development at the Monday to Saturday 11am until 3pm in the museum, which was completed thanks to school holidays. funding from Heritage Lottery Fund, Erewash Museum is in Ilkeston town centre, Friends of the Museum and Erewash Bora short walk from the Market Place. Openough Council. Volunteers help serve tea, ing hours are Tuesday, Thursday, Friday coffee, cakes and sandwiches. They will and Saturday from 10am-4pm, and Monday also be given food hygiene training. to Saturday during school holidays. AdmisCouncillor Mike Wallis, Lead Member for sion is free. Culture and Leisure, says: Contact 0115 907 1141, email muse“The Old Stable Tea Room has been a great or visit the Facebook success since it opened two years ago and page /erewashmuseum the volunteers that give their time are a great Photo: Pictured above from left: Lynne asset to the community. Thorpe, Sue Preston, Caroline Hailwoods “With spring upon us and lots of exciting and Lynne Mills. activities in store at the museum we just need that extra bit of help to ensure that the
then at the Celanese until his retirement in 1999. You can buy books from shops in Spondon village centre: Spondon News, Housley’s Chemist and Spondon Hardware, all in Sitwell Street, or by contacting: The books, printed by Moorleys of Ilkeston, cost £3.50 plus postage when appropriate. You can see a list of other books in the series at:
Anita Hayes Spondon Archive publications group Hello. I’m Wayne Morledge, proud husband to local artist Rebecca, father of four, and grandfather of one (with another on the way!) and in between the gaps I manage to work as an IT Support Specialist! I’ve got lots of interests but it’s on one of my favourites that I’ll be airing my thoughts and opinions in Ilkeston Life... namely stories. Whether through books, TV series, or video games I’m looking forward to sharing them, and YOURS, through these pages over the coming months. See you soon.
April 2018
The Friends of Straw’s Bridge
GOOD ‘TERN’ FOR THE DAY Members of the Friends assisted by Erewash Borough Council staff pushed out the boat on the main pond at Straw’s Bridge, West Hallam, on Saturday, 17 February. They were launching their latest raft or “floating island”. This raft is designed for breeding terns, having specially raised sides to keep off predators and to prevent the young birds falling into the water before they are ready. The raft is spread with gravel and four ridge tiles provide extra shelter. Shipley Country Park kindly lent their boat, and the Friends’ own fully trained “skipper” towed out the raft and anchored it in the middle of the pond. The raft was bought with funds raised by the group from the sale of merchandise. Visitors to the site will now find that the path around the larger of the two ‘Nutbrook Ponds’ (through the archway) has been resurfaced. If you’d like to know more about the Friends and their work keep your eye on the noticeboard at Straw’s Bridge, find them on Facebook or go to The next meeting will be on Thursday, 12 April at 7pm in the bowls pavilion at Victoria Park. All welcome. Jeff Wynch
Council relaunches ‘Teen Gym’ Erewash Borough Council has extended its Health Club gym membership scheme to enable more young people to make use of the gym facilities at its leisure centres. The relaunched Teen Gym membership is available now for 11-15-year-olds – previously it was just for 14-15-year-olds. The move comes after staff completed the necessary training to permit the younger age group into the gym and is part of the council’s on-going drive to encourage more young people to take up a healthier lifestyle.
Membership is £15 a month, with no joining fee and includes an induction and their own plan. It covers the use of the gym at supervised sessions or with an adult aged 18+ who has had an induction – while it also includes swimming and group exercise classes at all sites Councillor Mike Wallis, Erewash Borough Council’s Lead Member for Culture and Leisure, says: “We are delighted to be able to extend our health club membership and look forward to welcoming more young people to enjoy our fitness facilities. Research published on the Sport England website shows that 11-15 is a vital age range for creating an exercise habit for life.” The new Teen Gym Membership for 11-15 year olds is available direct from West Park Leisure Centre, Long Eaton, 0115 946 1400; Victoria Park Leisure Centre, Ilkeston, 0115 944 0400; Rutland Sports Park, Ilkeston, 0115 930 2033; and Sandiacre Friesland Sports Centre, 0115 949 0400.
Information afternoon for anyone with mental health issues The Erewash Mental Health Partnership Information Event takes place on Wednesday 18 April 2018 at Erewash Voluntary Action, Granville Avenue, Long Eaton NG10 4HD. The event takes place from 1.30 – 4.00 pm. The event is open for anybody who is experiencing or has experienced a mental health condition or living with emotional health and wellbeing issues. In addition those living with a long term condition are encouraged to attend. In fact the event is open to anybody to come along who is looking to take up an activity and wants to gain more information. The aim of the event is to provide information about Erewash community and voluntary groups who offer participation opportunities including volunteering. A number of community groups have been trained in Mental Health First Aid and these groups will be attending to share what activities they offer. A number of local groups will be offering an opportunity to have a go at a creative activity including arts and drawing. There is no need to book just drop in anytime during the afternoon. Refreshments will be provided – tea, coffee, cakes and fruit. The event is completely free of charge. For further details contact Catriona Paterson at Erewash Voluntary Action Tel 0115 9466740 or email
Young Guys and Dolls brimming with enthusiasm and talent
April 2018
Local Performing Arts Scene by Lindsey Rice
uys and Dolls is a romantic musical comedy and isn't a show that I am terribly familiar with. However, I certainly wasn't disappointed with Long Eaton Operatic Society Youth Group's version. The show was on at the Duchess Theatre in Long Eaton from 22nd to the 24th February.
Big songs hit the mark in Annie Get Your Gun
he Erewash Musical Society’s presentation of “Annie Get Your Gun” finds me back at the Duchess Theatre in Long Eaton. It was on from 6th to 10th March 2018. Annie Oakley is the best shot around and supports her siblings using her skill and sells the game she hunts. She is discovered by “Buffalo Bill” and joins his Wild West Show. She meets her match with “Frank Butler” who until then has been Buffalo Bill’s leading man. Her success in the show means she becomes the toast of Europe and although she has fallen head over heels for Frank Butler, her success causes trouble for her chance of romance with him. This show follows their journey and also reveals their competitive side. This production was in the very capable hands of James Bowden, Director who has been involved in numerous different shows over the years. The orchestra were under the watchful eye of Musical Director Martin Lewis. There are some big songs in this show including “There’s no business like show business”, “They say it’s wonderful” and “Anything you can do” all of which were performed very well indeed. The whole orchestra were to be congratulated along
with the sound and lighting crew who seemed to get the balance “just right”. I was particularly impressed with the use of the projector which was used for a large part of the scenery. The costumes had been well thought out and were in keeping for that era. The choreography, put together by Victoria Palmer was thought out very well by the ensemble with some impressive dance routines. It was a pleasure to watch. The whole of the Principal Cast including Rebecca Charnley (Annie Oakley), Dan Bates (Frank Butler) Simon Parker (Buffalo Bill), Alex Tavener (Dolly Tate), Zak Charlesworth (Tommy Keeler), Giselle Tavener (Winnie Tate), Richard Dawson (Charlie Davenport) and Kevin Butcher (Chief Sitting Bull), the Ensemble and in particular the three younger members of the Ensemble Team Irving, Dylan Hoodle (Little Jake), Katie Fitzpatrick (Jessie) and Nadia Potter (Nellie) worked extremely hard to present a very enjoyable performance. Well done to everyone involved in the show. Watch out for Erewash Musical Society’s next show, Made in Dagenham, The Musical which runs from 2nd – 6th October 2018 at The Duchess Theatre, Long Eaton.
sung by Boyzone, ‘The Vaults of Heaven’ and the title song, ‘Whistle down the Wind’. They may say never work with children or animals, but director Kathryn fter the 2014 success of Jesus Christ Superstar, awardMcAuley is bravely taking on both in her directorial debut for the sociewinning Long Eaton Operatic Society are bringing another ty! The show will feature 2 live snakes which are being used under the Andrew Lloyd Webber musical, Whistle Down The Wind, to watchful eye of their owner Amanda from local company ‘Bugs ‘n’ Bones’ who regularly bring unusual animals into schools. Snakes Silus Trent College, Long Eaton, 10th - 14th April 2018. and Ladders have already been down to meet the 2 cast members who Based on the book and memorable Richard Attenborough film of the will be handling them during the show (Louise Watkins - Snake Preacher same name, this adaptation is set in 1950s Louisiana, USA. Three children have lost their mother and they and their father are struggling with and Jack Woolley - Earl)! grief and poverty. One day, the children find a stranger injured and hid- Whistle down the Wind also features 13 local children, some of whom ing in their run-down barn. 15-year-old Swallow seizes on the idea that are members of Long Eaton Operatic Society’s Youth Group, and the he is Jesus and the rumour quickly spreads amongst the town’s children. plot pits their innocence and trust against the cynicism of the adult world, in a story which is just as relevant today. Meanwhile, the adults are on the lookout for a convict on the run – could he be the man in the barn? Shows start 7.30pm plus Saturday matinee 2.30pm. Tickets: £12 stalls, £14 balcony and £10 concessions under 16s/OAPs. Tuesday and Andrew Lloyd Webber’s emotive score combines hauntingly beautiful love songs and explosive rock music with lyrics by acclaimed rock’n’roll Wednesday special offer: £10 stalls and £12 balcony. Box Office 01332 874352 or buy online at songwriter Jim Steinman. Songs include ‘No Matter What’, famously
Curtain up this month...
The set was simple but well designed making it very effective. The scene changes were managed seamlessly by the stage manager (Rob Corner) and his crew, the sound and lighting were both very well maintained (Tom Olding, Rebecca Bradbury, Laura Olding, Dave Dallard and Dave Martin) and it was obvious that special care had been taken with the costumes (Sara Glossop, Judy Watson and Janet Wyatt) to ensure they fit in with the time period. The orchestra were impressive under the guidance of Jack Bratby. This was apparently his first time as Muscial Director and I am sure it won't be his last. The show as a whole was put together incredibly well from start to finish with some fantastic voices and some impressive solos from Abi Barker (Sarah Brown) and Ezzy Parker (Miss. Adelaide) and group numbers. There are some very difficult harmonies in some of the songs and they were excellently delivered. Acting was to a very high standard with some brilliant comedy timing particularly from Robert McAuley (Nicely-Nicely Johnson), Billy Sweet (Nathan Detroit), and Ryan Phelps (Sky Masterson). The choreography was equally impressive put together by Karen Woodhead (Director) and Siobhan Parker (Producer). What was apparent to me was that this is an incredibly tight unit that is brimming with enthusiasm and talent. There was also a huge sense of pride radiating from the audience as they watched the show. Well done to everyone involved on a very successful show. LEOS Youth Group are definitely ones to watch and you can catch them at The Duchess Theatre for their next show, Honk, which is running from the 5th - 7th July.
Review of Tommy on the next page Local theatre groups—if you would like me to come along and review your show for the paper, please get in touch. Lindsey Rice. Email:
Supporting our community
Supporting local businesses
Local Walking Groups Where they are going this month
Erewash Ramblers Sunday April 1st. n.b.10.30am. 8 miles. Ecclesbourne Valley. Meet at Duffield Church car park (SK349427, DE56 4BA). Leader Joyce Mold. Thursday April 5th. 10.30am. 7 miles. Hartington, Wolfsdale, Biggin. Meet at The Waterloo Inn, Biggin - park on road (SK152595, SK17 0DH). Leader Simon Edmunds (07815 558316). Saturday April 7th. 10.30am. 4½ miles. Mount St Bernard Abbey (pictured). Meet at monastery car park, donations appreciated. (SK457161, LE67 5UL). Walk will conclude with Calvary Walk - picnic tables for packed lunch or nearby St Joseph’s tea room. Leader Ann Crean.
The first Independent Chapel in Ilkeston Land for this was given by John Bowes, who was a flax-spinner and rope-maker, and it appears that the building was completed by 1771, on Pimlico. It was designed to seat 120 people, which would have been a large proportion of the population of Ilkeston, only around 1000 people at that date! Revd Galland’s ministry here was to last only 9 years, but in that time the membership roll of the church grew to consist of 46 names, including the Daykins, Potters, Hatters, Mary Sudbury, Grace Bowes, Elizabeth Allsebrook and Sarah Sander. The church was entirely self-supporting in terms of money, and consequently it was not wealthy (there is a record that in 1788 it had to borrow £4 to pay for pulpit expenses); but it managed to build a gallery in 1793. Three further ministers succeeded Galland, but by 1799 the church was in decline. Then along came Revd Joshua Shaw, a man whose tireless energy and commitment brought success in
Theatre Review by Lindsey Rice
Ilkeston Rambling Club Thursday 5th April :A Club Evening at the Prince of Wales, South Street, Ilkeston at 7.45pm Sunday 15th April: An 11-mile walk starting from Rowsley, with lunch at Birchover. Cars leave Stanton Road, Ilkeston car park at 8.30am. Leader: Mike Henshaw. Thursday 26th April: A short evening walk of 4 miles starting from the Carpenters Arms, Dale Abbey. Cars leave the Pimlico, Ilkeston car park at 6.30pm. Leader: Clive Unwin. Thursday 3rd May: Club Evening at the Prince of Wales, South Street, Ilkeston at 7.45pm More details about Ilkeston Rambling Club from Jim Cresswell, 07747 419380
The story of some of the Non-Conformist Churches in Ilkeston
Tommy a treat Monday April 9th. 10.30am. 6 miles. Stanley & Morley Area. Meet at Stanley Village Hall (SK418407, DE7 6FE). Leaders Royce and Jacqui Drew. Monday April 9th to Friday April 13th. Group Holiday to Ilfracombe. Contact Yvonne Ashby for possible vacancies. Wednesday April 11th. 10.30am. Short walk. Breaston. Meet at Blind Lane, Breaston, SK459335. Leader : TBA Sunday April 15th. 10.30am. 9½ miles. East Leake. Meet at car park opposite leisure centre, off Lantern Lane (SK557266, LE12 6JF). Leader Marilyn Brown. Wednesday April 18th. 10.30am. Short walk. Awsworth. Meet at Awsworth Village Hall, SK483438. Leaders Barry and Margaret Chapman. Evening Social Wednesday April 18th. “Aqua Boxes”. A talk given by Michael Tomlinson. West Hallam Village Hall. 7.30pm. Thursday April 19th. 10.30am. 7 miles. Hardwick Estate. Teversal & Rowthorne Trails. Meet at Hardwick Inn - roadside parking. (SK458633, S44 5QJ). Leader Alan Brown. Saturday April 21st. 10.30am. 5 miles. Nutbrook Nature Reserve. Meet at Straws Bridge car park (SK453413, DE7 6HZ). Leader Tony Beardsley. Monday April 23rd. 10.30am. 7 miles. Staunton Area. Meet at Staunton Harold car park (SK379209, LE65 3RT). Leader Barry Wallace (07546 236866). Wednesday April 25th. 10.30am. Short walk. River Soar Area. Meet at Diamond Wood car park, Sutton Bonington. SK504244. Leaders Fay & John Blackburn Sunday April 29th. 10.30am. 10 miles. Vale of Belvoir Villages. Meet at Belvoir Castle car park. (SK817337, NG32 1PA). Leader John Harrison (07989 651787). Visit their website for more details or contact Yvonne Ashby, 0115 930 4054.
April 2018
Tonight, 15th March 2018 I am at the Guildhall Theatre in Derby to see Gatepost Theatre Company’s latest production, The Who’s “Tommy”. After witnessing his father’s murder at the hands of his mother’s lover, Tommy is traumatised into catatonia. As he grows he suffers abuse from his relatives and neighbours. As a teenager he discovers he has a gift for playing pinball. When his mother finally breaks through his catatonic state he becomes a pinball superstar. I’ve never seen this show before but you know it’s going to be one to remember from the moment the band start to play, the first note is sung and the goosebumps appear!. I was totally captivated as was the whole audience throughout this performance which was directed by Chris Collington who also took care of the choreography which was delivered impeccably. Musical Director James Bowden certainly had his work cut out, some of the songs had some very tricky harmonies but all were carried out perfectly with confidence. The band consisting of James Bowden, Bethan Davies-Taylor, Martin Lewis on key-
The Probus Club of Ilkeston Meeting - March 2018 Our meeting this month was once more well attended,with another guest who hopefully will join and swell or membership. The presentation this month was provided by Bob Neill and his wife Del. The Arena Church once again provided us with their excellent hospitality, and we enjoyed an excellent warming meal on this cold day. Bob Neill is a pyrographer, that is someone who crafts works of art from wood by burning designs into them. Bob works from his workshop in Aston on Trent, south of Derby. He has been involved in art & craft all his life. He studied at the - Bangor, Cardiff College of Art, Birmingham University
terms of numbers of people attending church. 120 members had been admitted by 1818, and many Bibles were given out freely round the town. Under Revd Shaw’s ministry, a Sunday School was added in 1808, in a extension built on to
the west of the chapel, and Marlpool Congregational church was founded.
boards, Tim Wright & Mick Glover on guitars, Jeff Widdowson on bass guitar, Jack Helan on drums and Christine Wilde on the French horn did a superb job. This is a rock opera and rocked we were with sound technician Harry Greatorex keeping the sound at just the right level for vocals along with the band. Scene changes were carried out by the cast which enabled it to carry on at the fast pace it was set at. The cast: Tommy played by young Harrison Ince is definitely going to be one to watch for the future. He played this part, particularly his solo vocals with confidence and maturity beyond his years. Captain Walker/Narrator played by Chris Collington drew you into the story straight away, and being someone that has never seen this show before, he made it easy to follow. Mrs. Walker (Kirsty Vastenavondt) and The Lover (Daniel Collington) were both well suited to these roles and gave very empowering performances. Uncle Ernie (Simon Owen) had a difficult role to play and passed it
off extremely well as did Cousin Kevin (Simon Collington). The ensemble made up of Jude Cliffman, Ben Gray, Martin Holtman, Laura Howard, Sarah Knight, Mina Machin, Josephine Pearson, Richard Pearson, Gemma Ryan, Ryan Taylor, Harriet Twells and Stephanie Wright all contributed positively to making this show the spectacular it was. I was particularly impressed that the cast delivered some of the songs in sign language under the instruction of Jean Collington. Over all a fabulous show by Gatepost, if you didn’t get chance to see it, you missed a real treat. I can’t wait to see what’s coming next! Well done to all involved.
and Trent University - Nottingham. By the late 70's he had become part of the pyrographic revival. Bon also runs workshops at his shop for budding artisans. Today however Bob with his wife Del, brought along his quiz “ Bits and Bobs “. These are articles, he claims, are from his grandfather’s shop, and our role was to guess what they are. In fact Bob has 25 boxes each containing 20 articles so he never runs short of “ bits and bobs “ to guess. Our club divided into 5 teams, and we had an amusing and thought provoking hour of guessing with much hilarity. Unfortunately our highest score was only 8 out of 20, which either says something about the knowledge of our members, or more likely the fact that we have lost a lot of our heritage, when
the catchword was “make do and mend “. Many of the items were simple tools made to do simple jobs no longer required today. This was an enjoyable meeting which enabled our members to interact well with one another. The Probus Club of Ilkeston is open to all retired / partly retired men who have a professional background and business men who would like to meet once a month and for other organised events during the year. Our aim is to provide a convivial atmosphere, in pleasant surroundings, to meet for conversation and the development of friendships. We also provide an excellent lunch and a diverse range of presenters. If you wish to learn more, please contact Michael Slater, our Secretary, on 0115 932 6185 or email
The current Marlpool United Reformed Church building.
Ruth Allen
Hello fellow gardeners… Welcome to April’s ‘Life in the Garden’. I have been contacted by a few of you with gardening questions which is great so please do get in touch with your questions, to share an event or send me a seasonal garden photo, I would love to hear from you. Spring is now in full swing with everything bursting into life, riots of colour everywhere but also it is a busy time in the garden, and especially with the Easter holidays and that’s when many venture out into their gardens with lots of jobs to do and those weeds will be starting to make more of an appearance! But remember whilst you’re out in your garden take a moment sit in the sun, listen to the birds, and admire any colour you have in the garden and enjoy. Here are few job to keep you busy in your garden throughout April. Happy gardening everybody and Happy Easter. Apply a high nitrogen lawn fertiliser, mow the grass regular but keep the blades fairly high for the first few cuts Mulch your beds and borders with layer of well rotted manure or garden compost to prepare for the growing season. You can also work in a general purpose fertiliser such as pelleted chicken manure. Lift and divide perennial plants now to improve their health and create new plants for your garden. Divide Hostas before they come into leaf. Plant summer-flowering bulbs such as Lilies, Gladiolus and Crocosmia into borders or containers.
OUR FIRST DAY TRIP OF THE YEAR TO EASTON WALLED GARDENS On Saturday 17th February I got back on the road again and our first day trip of the year took place. Our day started with our usual gathering at the Seven Oaks before making our way over to Lincolnshire and to the Belton Garden Centre was the first port of call. Set in the old walled garden of Belton House it was a great garden centre selling absolutely everything for the garden, a nice selection of late winter flowering and spring plants for sale and they had a large restaurant too. It was then on the village of Easton in the afternoon and to the Easton Walled Garden for the start of their
West Hallam Amateur Gardening Society At our February meeting we held our annual AGM followed by Rod Weston on Carry on Composting. Rod explained that the increasing interest in environment, sustainability and climate change composting it is now being actively promoted by local Councils and environmental concerned households in order to reduce waste sent to landfill. We were told that organic material makes up 60% of household waste ie grass clippings, hedge trimmings, vegetables, leaves and along with uncooked vegetable peelings and cooked food waste. People apparently throw a lot of fresh food away if it is
annual Snowdrop week. On arrival at Easton we were met by Lady Ursula Cholmeley, the owner and custodian of Easton Walled Gardens. She gave us an informative introduction and told us how she has spent over 15 years restoring and replanting these ancient, lost gardens. Once in the garden there was a Snowdrop route that could be followed and passing through the different areas with masses of Snowdrops, there was the famous Snowdrop bank which was such a picture as seen from the bottom pathway. In the borders and beds winter Aconites, Hellebores, miniature Iris, hardy Cyclamen were seen throughout. There were even Snowdrops planted in hanging baskets which made a very pleasing entrance way and they were getting lots of attention from the other visitors. So on the whole a lovely winter garden to visit in February for their Snowdrop week. They have a tearoom, garden shop, and exhibition room with old photographs and an exhibition of botanical art. Thanks go to Ryan, Kelly and the team at the Seven Oaks Inn for our usual super breakfast and to Colin our driver at Harpers Coaches for our safe journey. If you enjoy visiting gardens, flower shows, botanical gardens, stately homes, garden centres and meeting new friends and wanting a great day out why not book on our next coach trip which is to… Coton Manor and Barby Nurseries. See further on for all the details.
GROW YOUR OWN POTATOES! Now is the time to start growing your own potatoes and what better
after its sell by date even though it may well still be edible. Rod explained different types of composting bins that are available for different variety of food items, cooked and uncooked, and how to get the best compost from each type of bin. It was interesting what you can actually compost, not just traditional green matter but you can layer this with shredded computer paper, egg boxes and bedding from pets. For more information see his website which is called Carry on Composting and contains a vast amount of information for people starting composting and for people who want up to date information. Margaret Hewitt
April 2018
Life in the Garden with Steve Walton way than to follow in the footsteps of our young gardeners at Chaucer Junior School who have entered into the Grow Your Own Potatoes National Competition. This is a project that teaches primary aged children about potatoes, with almost 2 million primary school children benefiting from this classroom experience that is linked to the UK curricular. Children learn how potatoes grow and how they fit in to a healthy balanced diet. So fingers crossed for a bumper crop at Chaucer! keep a look out in a couple of months time to see how they get on. Why not have a go at growing potatoes in bags or planters… Growing potatoes in planters is a fun and an easy way if you want to grow your own potatoes but don’t have the space to do so. There are so many different containers to choose from such as patio planters, strong bags, old buckets with drainage in and even seen them growing in tyres stacked up. In the past, growing potatoes in planters has involved, 'earthing up' potatoes as they grow and as you would if they were growing in the ground. But in recent trials it has shown that this isn't necessary, so planting potatoes in your small space has just got even easier. Simply fill an 8-10 litre container with good quality multipurpose compost to around 2.5cm (1") below the rim. Carefully plant 1-2 chitted potato tubers into the compost with the shoots Children from Chaucer Junior School, Ilkeston are growing their own potatoes in their school garden.
County Councillor John Frudd Member for Ilkeston South will be holding a Members Surgery on Saturday 14th April 2018 10am—12 noon At Ilkeston Town Hall, Ilkeston, DE7 5RP
pointing upwards, to a depth of 12cm (5") from the soil surface. Gently cover the tubers with compost. Now all you need to do is water them, place the container in a bright, frost free position and wait for them to grow. Feed potato plants every other week with potato fertiliser and water them when the compost begins to dry out. Its as easy as that! Harvesting times will vary depending on the growing season and the size of tuber you want. Start to harvest first earlies as 'new potatoes' when the plants begin to flower, approximately 10 weeks from planting. I always have a gentle dig below the surface to check the potato sizes - if they are too small simply leave them for another week or so, otherwise lift them. Good luck and enjoy!
in the 1920s by the grandparents of the current owner, The manor house acts as a central focus for the garden, with the walls supporting unusual climbing roses, clematis and shrubs. Landscaped on different levels, it comprises a series of distinctive smaller gardens, providing variety and interest throughout the season, and enhanced by flowing streams, fountains and ponds. Beyond the confines of the garden, there is a magical five acre bluebell wood. As well as enjoying the garden, many visitors will want to explore the extensive nursery, take light lunches or teas from the Stable yard Café, or visit the garden shop. With a full day ahead of you, your day starts off with a breakfast roll and a hot drink from the Seven Oaks Inn, Stanton By Dale which is where the coach will depart from. Our first stop will be at BarPLANT FEST AND EASTER by Nurseries and then on to Coton EGG HUNT for the afternoon. Cost for this trip Sunday 1 April 2018 is £30.00, price includes breakfast, Broomfield Hall Campus, Morley, coach travel and entrance into Coton Manor. For more information Ilkeston, Derbyshire DE7 6DN or to book your place, You can call 10:00am - 16:00 (Plant the booking line on 07413 408751 Fest) 10:30, 11:00 and or email me 11:30 (Easter Egg Hunt Time at Slots) Spring plants, seasonal planters and Places are limited and the outings very popular so early booking is friendly plant advice plus lots advised. I look forward to welcommore... ing you on our next outing. Easter Egg Hunt - £2 entry per Remember please keep getting in child and only at set times touch with your stories, photos, 10.30, 11.00 and 11.30am. events, general gardening advice DAY TRIP TO COTON and help with plant identification MANOR just email me at I Saturday 21st April Coton Manor, a 17th century man- look forward to hearing from you and see you all in May, or house, lies in the peaceful Northamptonshire countryside providing an ideal setting for the ten-acre garden. Originally laid out Coton Manor
Family and Personal Announcements BIRTHDAY MEMORIES
Sheila Wilson A card I cannot give you, No words to write inside. No apple blossom to give you, no hugs, no kisses, no smiles. Your love is all around me. I often touch your things. Your love is all around me. I squeeze your wedding ring. The tears that roll down my cheeks are for you and you alone. Your love is all around, I’ll never be alone. I kiss the cross you gave me, I wear it with love and pride. But there’s one thing that I wish today, for you to be by my side. Love you tons, so glad you came my way. Husband John.
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April 2018
Joyce Blount
Friday 30th March Remembering the happy times together. Sadly missed, Show you care. Remember loved ones with a message in these columns
Winifred Potter August 3 1916---March 17 2018 Will be sadly missed by all the family.
Irene Havill Passed away 14th March 2018 after a long illness. Loved and missed by husband Roy and all the family, also friends at the Salvation Army. Kindnesses remembered.
Hazel Cooper Passed away 15th March 2017. Loving Wife, Mum, Grandma, Sister and Friend. You made the world a better and brighter place. Deep in our hearts you will always stay. Loved and missed everyday. All our love, Brian, Andrea, Helen and Family.
PERSONAL Dear Jean Saunders, Thank you for your note asking for the details of the holiday I went on to Gran Canaria. The hotel we stay at is the Taurito Princess in Taurito Bay. Thompson Holidays. I am afraid I could not get in touch
These smart and robust promotional vehicles are available from our office, the U Choose Smoothie Bar, 1 Bath Street, Ilkeston.
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Litter culprits hit by hefty fines
itterbugs and pet owners who fail to pick up after their dogs are being warned they will be prosecuted if they are caught offending and then fail to pay the Fixed Penalty Notice (FPN) fine. The hard-hitting message comes from Erewash Borough Council as it continues its crackdown on environmental crime and follows a number of successful prosecutions. Six people have been taken to court recently and been hit with fines. Kirsty Taylor, of Borrowash, dropped a cigarette end and left it on the pavement on Derby Road, Long Eaton. No FPN payment was received and the court fined her £220, with a victim surcharge of £30 and ordered her to pay the council’s full costs of £127 – a total bill of £377. James Whitworth (32), of Ilkeston, dropped and left his cigarette end on Bath Street, Ilkeston. He failed to pay his FPN and was fined £220 and ordered to pay a victim surcharge of £30 and the council’s full costs of £127.50 – a total bill of £377.50. Isaac Stack (20), of Ilkeston, was issued with two FPNs when he failed to pick up after his two dogs fouled land at Cotmanhay Pavilion
Open Space. No payment was received and he must now pay a total court bill of £597.50 – a fine of £220 for each offence, a victim surcharge of £30 and the council’s full costs of £127.50. Ben Kerslake (29), of Ilkeston, and Branny Wright (21), of Sheffield, both dropped cigarette ends and left them on the pavement on Bath Street, Ilkeston. They have each been ordered to pay a fine of £220, a victim surcharge of £30 and the council’s full costs of £127.50 - a total bill of £377.50 each. Ryan Oakley (24) Castle Donington pleaded guilty to dropping a cigarette end and leaving it on the pavement on High Street, Long Eaton. He was ordered to pay a fine of £40, with his guilty plea taken into account. He must also pay a victim surcharge of £30 and the council’s full costs of £127.50 – a total bill of £197.50 Councillor Garry Hickton, Erewash Borough Council’s Lead Member for Environment, says: “These cases show that we won’t hesitate to take action against offenders. They may have hoped to avoid punishment, but the fines and costs awarded demonstrate the court’s support for our work. If people don’t want to be out of
pocket, the solution is simple – dispose of waste responsibly. “Littering of any kind is not acceptable and will not be tolerated. It brings down the appeal of our towns and local communities and is dangerous and unhealthy. Much of the waste carelessly thrown out, particularly cigarette ends, does not rot down for a very long time. “Clean-up costs, of course, are met through Council Tax so dropping litter, fly-tipping or leaving dog mess makes no sense at all and is a mindless thing to do. We need the public to take a responsible approach to disposing of their waste.” Over the last quarter, the council issued an increased number of 44 FPNs for litter offences compared to 31 in the same period last year. In the year to date there have been 170 issued compared to 109 at the same point in 2016. Fly-tipping cases have dropped in the year to date, with 116 instances compared to 208 in the same period last year. The council appeals to the public to help the crackdown on environmental crime by reporting offenders and supplying information through the council’s confidential PRIDE-line number 0115 850 8383 or email
he Mayor of Erewash, CounT cillor Mary Hopkinson, will formally launch the overnight
charity ‘Sleep Out’ in Long Eaton to support the drive in raising awareness of the needs of the homeless in the community. The Sleep Out will begin at 8pm on Friday 6 April alongside the war memorial in Long Eaton Market Place. The event has become a popular annual event organised by the Long Eaton-based Canaan Trust – an independent charity which supports those who find themselves homeless. Councillor Chris Corbett, the Deputy Mayor of Erewash, has again pledged support for the charity by signing up for this year’s event – meaning he has taken part in every overnight sleep out since the event was started several years ago. Residents, sports clubs and other organisations are invited to join in the fundraising event and help raise as much money as possible. Those taking part will ‘bed down’ in the area around the war memorial until 7am the next morning. The Mayor of Erewash, Councillor Mary Hopkinson, has also given her backing to the charity and its annual fundraising event: “The Canaan Trust offers vital support every single day of the year to those people who find themselves homeless and the Sleep Out is one of its most important fundraising and awareness-raising
April 2018
Mayor to launch Sleep Out for homeless
events. I salute the people of all ages who take part and would encourage residents to sign up for this year’s event to help raise even more money.” Anyone interested in signing up for the Sleep Out should email or telephone 0115 946 4903. Children under 16 can take part if accompanied by an adult. The young people will bed down on the floor of St Laurence’s Church, which stands alongside the War Memorial. The Canaan Trust, which is based on Main Street in Long Eaton, is a charity that has been working to help homeless people in the borough for more than 20 years.
Local steam train enthusiasts turned out in force to see Oliver Cromwell race through Ilkeston on 3rd March. Paul Hanger snapped this photograph for us.
April 2018
Two Way Family Favourites
All the streets and roads were deserted, buses would only run one an hour factories were closed. Many people found Sundays pretty grim, especially if it was raining, but it was the norm then, no one knew any different. There was general rejoicing I think when the government relaxed restrictions on Sunday trading although there would have been many long faces if it had been known change wouldn’t come until 1994. It was the one day of the week though families could get together around the table at lunch time. Dinner was cooked, put on the table and you all ate together, there were no fast food outlets then. Everyone was still home at that time, two of Ma-ma’s sons, my uncles, were still living with us. We were never short of food, Mama was always baking making bread bottling and preserving. She was a fantastic cook, her and Mam never seemed to stop working, there was a day for every task to be done. They carries on doing what they had done all their lives, even when things were much easier and there was no need for them to work so hard. Dad always sharpened the carving knife on the doorstep, and over the years a deep groove had been worn into the step, he would then carve the meat. Our little dog Dinky would be sitting outside the back door hoping for some scraps. The radio, or wireless as it was called then would be on and the most popular show of the week would begin, its introduction familiar to everyone. The announcer would say, “The time in Britain is
twelve noon; In Germany it’s one o’clock, but home and away it’s time for Two Way Family Favourites.” The theme tune known to everyone, There’s a Song in my Heart would then begin playing, and I dare bet many of those reading this, who were around then, can still hum it now. The programme was hosted by Jean Metcalf and Cliffe Mitchelmore, one was broadcasting from Germany and the other from London. They later met and married. No noisy jazz music was allowed to be played, no banter between the hosts, and definitely no mention of fiancées or girl friends, by decree of the BBC because they wanted to raise the tone and content of the show. Britain was a very narrow society in those days. I do remember though it relaxed more later, the BBC that is, not society in general, not for some time. The show put families in touch with loved ones serving in the forces and most of the country listened in. We had a large army then, and they were serving all over the world. National Service was in force and young men from the age of 18 would be called up to do two years’ service. They made up about half of the army, hundreds were killed fighting insurgents abroad in British territories. The show kept families in touch with loved ones, there were no mobile phones then, very few families had a house phone. If you phoned anyone or received a call it was by prior arrangement, to a telephone box in our case at the bottom of Alvenor Street. The show gave a lot of comfort passing messages to loved ones. Contact would sometimes be made with other far flung countries where the lads and girls were serving and for that day it would become three way family favourites. Service personnel were referred to as BFPO, this meant British Forces Posted Overseas or BAOR, British
Pretty Woman Does Rehab Ilkeston Theatre Company’s latest offering is for adults only Ilkeston Theatre Company have started rehearsals for their latest production “Pretty Woman Does Rehab”. This hilarious comedy play, written by local writer Sam Green, is aimed at an adult audience which is a first for the talented group. The title may sound reminiscent of the iconic 1990 film, but don't expect to see anyone resembling Julia Roberts. It tells the story of Frankie, a tart with a heart, (played by Rachael Flewitt) who unexpectedly falls in love with the upper class Kev (played by Ryan Pound). Their whirlwind romance soon comes crashing down when he discovers her secret!! Not wanting to give up
Army of the Rhine, meaning, soldiers serving in Germany. Many families had sons serving in some branch of the forces. National Service finally finished in 196o-1, some lads hated it some loved it. Some got the opportunity to travel to places they would never have seen, others never moved from Catterick or Aldershot. Speak to any of them now though and they all get nostalgic about their service, and old friends, friends lost forever when they were discharged. After dinner was finished the pots were washed, Dad always did the washing up and I usually dried. When he held out the tea towel for me to dry this particular day, for some reason I said, “No I’m not” “WHAT? YOU WHAT?” he yelled, frightening me! This from a man who never raised his voice to us, his face turned red his eyes stuck out, he had lost it! I panicked, turned and ran, out of the door through the gate down the steps onto Blake Street with him hot on my heels with the tea towel being flailed, ”I’m NOT! I’M NOT! he was yelling. I knew if I he caught me I was going to get my first good hiding! OK OK it would have only been with a dry tea towel, but he would have been mortified later. So I saved him from himself, I was at the bottom of Blake St skidding round the corner at high speed when he was only half way down shaking his tea towel in anger. It was the only time in my life I saw my Dad lose his temper, and the only time in mine I defied him. The family when I crept in a hour or so later had settled down for the rest of the afternoon the pots all washed dried and put away. Dad was in his chair behind the News of The World and acknowledged my return by giving it a shake and a grunt, Mama rolled her eyes and smiled. Mam jerked her thumb toward the front room and
his true love, he sends her to a retreat run by Wendy (Angie Jacks), a soft-hearted life coach. Watch the pandemonium unfold as Frankie is forced to engage in group sessions with some of the other guests at the retreat. Lorraine is struggling to give up her boyfriend who is not at all what he seems, and shy Maria can’t control her musical outbursts, that would have Simon Cowell in tears. Despite their difficulties, the group struggles to get along with each other, with hilarious consequences. Friendships emerge, as they all come together to help each other through their ‘problems’. But will Frankie succeed in winning back Kev’s heart? Performances are Thursday 31st May and Friday 1st June 2018 at 8.00pm in the large marquee at Seven Oaks Inn, Stanton by Dale DE7 4QU. Tickets are £7.50, suitable for over 18s only, available from Seven Oaks Inn. Ring 0115 932 3189 or email: for more information.
Sharpening the carving knife for Sunday lunch said “Piano practice, now.” I went for once without a peep. The paper would be read and there would be much tutting and murmurs coming from behind it. Short comments and knowing glances exchanged about some articles. You weren’t allowed to read the paper though, but your interest was piqued by all these supposedly hidden asides. You would try to make sense of some of all this, by sitting on the lav and reading the paper the next day, pretty difficult when it had been cut into squares and was all mixed up, the relevant newsprint perhaps transferred to where you couldn’t possibly read it. You could
ACROSS— 1. Chewy biscuit (8), 6. Health resort (3), 7. Male duck (5) , 9 Oak, for example (4), 11. Notion (4), 12 Call (4), 14. Grooves (4), 16. Flower (5), 18. Large lorry (1.1.1), 19. Set free (8). DOWN— 1. Trowell pub (8), 2. Lessen (5); 3. Semi-precious stone (4), 4. U.S. crime agency (1.1.1.), 5. Earned (8), 8. Tenant’s payment (4), 10. Unusual (4) 13. Ilkeston playing field (5), 15. Encourage (4), 17. Fasten (3).
come out completely confused. Billy Cotton would be shouting Wakey Wakey for his radio show, this was followed by Peter Brough and Archie Andrews, a ventriloquist and his wooden dummy, and we would listen and laugh. He must have had the gift of the gab to have got that job a ventriloquist on the radio? Well no one ever saw his lips move. After that everyone started snoozing, and kids would disappear to the streets if it was fine, and in my case I’d finished torturing the piano.
Painting and narrative by Betty O’Neill
Our Crossword Puzzle
Answers Across: 1. Flapjack, 6. Spa, 7. Drake, 9. Tree, 11. Idea, 12. Name, 14. Ruts, 16. Aster, 18. HGV, 19. Released. Down: 1. Festival, 2. Abate, 3. Jade, 4. CIA, 5. Deserved, 8. Rent, 10. Rare, 13. Ashes, 15. Urge, 17. Tie.
unday dinner was always special at our house in the 50s, and in most homes across the UK, we were all out of the same mould then I think. Pretty much everything was closed on Sundays, no shops open, only some on street corners often illegally.
April 2018
by Jeff Wynch
arly on Sunday morning bands of sober-clad cyclists will begin their season of battle with Father Time. No loudspeaker blares the news and the layman may wonder where and when these trials are to be held. Under the rules of the Road Time Trials Council it is forbidden to publish the time or date, nor is it possible to state who is engaged in the trial.” This was how the Nottingham Evening Post announced the start of the 1950 cycling time trial season (NEP 22/02/1950)). What was going on here and why the secrecy? It dates back to the late nineteenth century when the National Cyclists’ Union banned massed-start road races because of widespread public opposition to cycling. Fearing restrictions on all types of racing, and even on leisure cycling, they insisted that competition was limited to the track. Others thought racing on the roads could be safe and acceptable if it took the form of a time trial. Under the rules of the Road Records Association, formed in 1888, individual riders started at one minute intervals and anyone caught by the following rider had to drop back so that there was no bunching. The aim was to be as inconspicuous as possible, the riders wearing dark clothing and no numbers. They held dawn starts on quiet country roads, which were never named but only referred to in code to avoid crowds gathering. The veil of secrecy was not fully lifted until the 1960s. Time trials gradually gained respectability and NCU recognition. Under the Road Time Trials Council (formed in 1937) it remained the main type of British road racing until the 1950s, taking off-track racing in a completely different direction to the rest of Europe, where massed-start events, sometimes in the form of “Tours” lasting days or even weeks, were the norm. European competitive cycling was also professionalised at an early stage, whereas it remained strictly amateur in this country. In the 1930s the NCU was finally persuaded to allow these races to be held at Brooklands car racing track and on disused airfields. This was not enough for Percy Stallard, who had already tried his hand in European tours and on the Isle of Man motorcycle TT circuit. He saw no reason why it shouldn’t work in Britain and he made his move during the war years when there was very little traffic on the roads. When the NCU refused permission he went ahead anyway with the Llangollen to Wolverhampton race on July 7, 1942. All 15 of the finishers from a field of forty were suspended from competing in NCU and RTTC events, and Stallard’s suspension was indefinite. His response was to form the British League of Racing Cyclists, plunging the sport into years of conflict.
Clubs could affiliate to the NCU or the BLRC, but not to both, and it was not until 1959 that the rift was healed and the two organisations merged into the British Cycling Federation. Nottingham Wheelers was one of the many clubs that stuck with the NCU and the RTTC, so the time trial course was where you would usually find their competition riders on Sunday mornings in the late forties and early fifties. For several years one of its teams was the best in the Midlands and achieved national honours in 1950. But why am I writing about a Nottingham cycling club in Ilkeston Life? For the simple reason that the team in question was more “Ilkeston” than “Nottingham”: Mary Aldred (nee Wake), wife of Harry Aldred of the local baking family, was also the club secretary and chairperson of the Central District Ladies Cycling Association in the 1940s. Marion Robinson, daughter of Bert Spiby, Head Groundsman at the Rutland Recreation Ground, was the fastest woman in the club until Janet Gregory came along. Janet Gregory of Risley was the youngster of the group, went to Ilkeston Grammar School and soon established herself as the team’s number one rider. Janet married Ken Joy, the champion cyclist, in 1953. The other local sporting personalities I’ve written about in Ilkeston Life so far have one thing in common – they were all men. You wait for ages, and then three women come along all at once! As early as 1945 Marion Spiby (1923-2011) and Mary Wake (1917 -1990) got a few mentions in the press for being part of a winning team, but the Wheelers really began to dominate the district in 1949 when the eighteen year old Janet Gregory was “headhunted” from the Derby Mercury club. That year they won events at 10, 25,and 50 miles, setting a new CDLCA record for 10 miles. In 1950 they triumphed at every distance from 10 to 100. Working out the individual and team winners is quite straightforward in time trials. Each individual is timed and the quickest wins. The times for the three team members are added up and the trio with the quickest overall time wins. Or at least that is how it usually works. In May, 1949, the Wheelers fell foul of the “Bidlake System” which was used to calculate the winner in the Doncaster “25”. (FT Bidlake was the founding father of time trials.) Under this system the team with the fastest third rider won the event, not the team with the quickest aggregate time. In spite of recording the fastest team time ever in a CDLCA 25 mile event the Wheelers came second to Grimsby, whose overall time was eight minutes slower! Times over prescribed distances were collected every year at nation-
al level to decide on the Best British All-Rounder (BBAR). This was done for both individuals and teams, and for women the distances were 25, 50 and 100 miles. For the team award the best performances at each distance were combined and expressed as an average speed. In 1950 the Nottingham Wheelers women’s team beat the field, with a staggering average of 21.032 mph. Bear in mind that the time for quickest rider in the team would be even better – Janet’s speed for 100 miles in 1949, for example, was 27.4 mph. On 16 December Janet, Mary and Marion went to the RTCC awards ceremony at Earl’s Court to collect their prize from Reg Harris, the undoubted British cycling superstar of the day. Harris was a sprinter on the track, winning the world amateur title in 1947. He turned professional with Raleigh in 1949 and reigned supreme for the next five years, winning four consecutive world titles and earning £12000 a year when the average wage was £500. Some readers might even remember the advert – “REG RIDES A RALEIGH”. The picture of the BBAR team shows (from left to right) Mary, Marion and Janet, with the trophy in the hands of the fastest rider, as tradition dictates. The other photo is of Marion and Janet en route to a time trial in Yorkshire, with their racing wheels attached to the forks. They used to cycle to the course on Saturday, race on Sunday morning and cycle back in the afternoon! I hope to bring readers more about the individual achievements of Marion Robinson and Janet Joy in future issues of Ilkeston Life. Janet came back to the area a few years ago and lives in Ilkeston. I had the pleasure of meeting Janet and her daughter recently in the Smoothie Bar, where I was treated to her very full and vivid memories of her racing days. Janet has also kindly allowed me to use some of her photographs including the ones on this page. I would like to thank Janet and Wendy Joy, Brian Spiby and Margaret Slater for sharing information and memories, and to John Hall for his additional research.
Explore with West Hallam History Society We have three trips planned for this summer and would welcome anyone who is interested. The coach picks up on Derby Road in Ilkeston near the Three Horseshoes and in West Hallam and Stanley Common. Our first trip is an evening visit on Wed May 23rd to the OldHouse Museum and Church in Bakewell with guided tours of each venue and light refreshments included. Departing at 5.20 pm. £24 inclusive. On Wed June 13th we visit Kelmarsh Hall and Gardens in Northamptonshire with a morning stop in Market Harborough. Departing at 9.45am. £25 including entrance fees and coach. We round offer the summer on Saturday Aug 4th with a full day visit to Shrewsbury and Attingham House and Park. Setting off at 8.15am we include entry to Attingham and coach travel for £30 or just £20 for National Trust members. If you are interested then please give John a call on 0115 9322356 or email Alternatively come along to our April meeting on Mon April 9th at West Hallam Methodist Church Hall ( next to Bottle Kiln) at 7.30pm and hear a fascinating talk by Rod Pearson on Sheffield: Crosses, crucibles and catastrophes. Megan can be contacted on0115 9309661 if you have any queries about our meetings. We are now in our 40th year and have been organising trips for 36 years so don't put it off; come along and join us! John Disney
April 2018
Letters that say so much rewash Museum is currently E undertaking conservation work on the Margaret Hope Robinson let-
ters – an archive of more than 2,000 letters that give an emotional insight into the lives of families of British prisoners of war (POWs) during the Second World War. In 1944, Margaret Hope Robinson, who was known by her middle name of Hope, was a 29-year-old deputy registrar at Ilkeston Registry Office and was desperate for news of her husband Paul Maltby Robinson, a Major with the Sherwood Foresters, who had been captured by the Japanese forces a few years earlier. She broke Whitehall regulations to interview two repatriated former POWs and produced a pamphlet
about life in in a camp near Bangkok, something which gave vital information to hundreds of anxious relatives. Letters from the families of missing POWs began to flood into Ilkeston as Hope became a beacon of light for them. The letters show the support network that grew amongst the relatives as well as detailing many personal tragedies and memorable stories. Hope kept all correspondence and the archive that she left behind was given to Erewash Museum by her daughter Penny last year. The war had a happy ending for Hope, who was eventually reunited with her husband, a prominent local solicitor. Councillor Mike Wallis, Erewash
Borough Council’s Lead Member for Culture and Leisure, says: “We are extremely grateful to Hope’s family for donating this fascinating archive to Erewash Museum. It is a remarkable story and the letters – from families as well as business letters to newspapers, MPs and other organisations – give an important insight into the day-to-day realities of life on the home front in Britain. They also show the anxieties, frustration, hope and tragedy of the families desperate for news of their missing relatives.” Anyone wanting more information or interested in volunteering at the museum should email
student at Saint John HoughA ton CVA has raised more than £600 for homeless people by sleep-
Sarah Crane, from the YMCA, Megan Harper and St John headteacher Joan McCarthy.
ing outside all night. Megan Harper, 13, and her dad took part in YMCA Derbyshire’s Sleep Easy, sleeping overnight outside at Derbyshire County Cricket Club with fellow fundraisers. So far, a total of £27,000 has been raised although money is still coming in. All of the funds will go towards the YMCA’s Safe Front Door campaign, which provides accommodation related support to hundreds of vulnerable people. Sarah Crane, fundraising and communications manager at YMCA Derbyshire, attended a special Act of Worship at Saint John Houghton
Beeston has a history dating from pre-Saxon times and is located approx 4 miles to the west of Nottingham city centre. Today, Beeston is classified as a desirable residential town and surrounding area. Having a very good shopping centre and with many commercial and industrial foundations, Beeston offers a lot, for both residents and visitors, alike.
The commercial Inn Beeston, following refurbishment, has an excellent range of restaurant food and drinks available. English, Himalayan, Nepali, plus many Indian tastes, can all be experienced. TV screenings for major sporting events, including football, rugby, world cup, plus F1, etc, are enjoyed. To never miss a match, whilst partaking of excellent quality food and beverages, has guests returning time after time. The talented chefs are very experienced and the complementing flavours, of the cuisine, are exceptional. Starters have both vegetarian and non-vegetarian selections that include Chilli Momo and Mountain Mix Pokauda, which has fried assorted vegetables mixed with Himalayan herbs and spices, plus Chicken Choyla (Tandoori chicken mixed with cumin powder, paprika and crushed chillies, onions, garlic and coriander). These are amongst a wonderful array. Main courses offer chicken, lamb, seafood and more, including clay oven productions. Tandoori King Prawns and the Commercial Mix Sizzler have many ‘regulars’. The complementing flavours, in the dishes, entitle justly deserved credit to the chefs and kitchen staff. The very popular Nepali dishes, King of Vegetable Aubergine and Rara Chicken, have ‘devotees’. Naan breads and Roti are offered, too. Desserts include Kulfi Ice Cream, in various flavours. These are very popular, to complete a dining occasion, along with a dessert wine or liqueur, perhaps. Website orders attract 20% discount. There is free delivery (up to 4 miles) for orders above £20. Restaurant booking is advised for popular times. An excellent wines/drinks list is available, also. All dietary requirements can be catered for and parties/occasions in the bar, restaurant and spacious function room, accommodated, easily. Gift vouchers are available – maybe for a surprise? A local pub and restaurant offering English, Himalayan and Indian Cuisine, to a high-quality standard. Commercial Inn Beeston 19 Wollaton Road, Beeston, Nottinghamshire NG9 2NG Tel: 0115 837 5863 Email: As always, Enjoy!
Trevor Langley
Documents being investigated and conserved by museum volunteer Valentina Hartshorn, Collections Officer Kate Crossley-Halls and historian Keith Oseman.
Megan’s £600 sleep out for homeless CVA to present Megan with a certificate for taking part in the Sleep Easy. She said: “Over 100 people slept out in cardboard boxes. It was very chilly and there was a lot of rain. This event raises funds for what we do at YMCA Derbyshire to support vulnerable people.” Megan said she was thrilled with the amount she had raised. She said: “My original target was £200 and I really didn’t expect to raise as much as I have. Sleeping out all night was hard and I got soaked. It was really cold but I was just thinking about the people who have to do that every night.”
Joan McCarthy, headteacher at Saint John Houghton CVA, in Kirk Hallam, congratulated Megan on her incredible effort. She said: “We are extremely proud of Megan who has raised a fantastic amount of money for YMCA Derbyshire. Sleeping outside on such a freezing wet night can’t have been easy but Megan did it. She did it to raise money to support vulnerable people and raise awareness of what it’s like to be homeless. We always encourage our students to think of others and Megan is a great example of just one of our students who is making a difference.”
It’s written in the stars Stars for April 2018 – Localised to Ilkeston area.
LIBRA ~ 24 SEPT – 23 OCT The security of your home and family looks to ARIES ~ 21 MARCH – 20 APRIL be your main theme this month. It’s always With the Sun and ‘Mind Planet Mercury’ very important, of course, but especially so combined in your sign communication togeth- right now. And your reflective, tactful aper with your natural sense of organisation proach, could work wonders. looks like a winning formula this month. SCORPIO ~ 24 OCT – 22 NOV Go for it, Aries! Creativity, in some form or other, looks to be TAURUS ~ 21 APRIL – 21 MAY at a very important stage, this month. You appreciate a heartfelt approach and unWhether your subject is one of the arts, or a derstand the connection between emotions sport, your penetrating mind can get right to and creativity. the heart of the matter. Your ability in this area should serve you well SAGITTARIUS ~ 23 NOV – 21 DEC this month. You may get some unexpected help with food GEMINI ~ 22 MAY – 21 JUNE or health matters, this month. Thinking about various ways and means you This will be especially welcome If your work can use to help others, looks to be your prime involves taking care of others. concern this month, Gemini. CAPRICORN ~ 22 DEC – 20 JAN Between the 18th and 20th could be a very One of your relationships looks to be going emotional time. through change and inner growth this month. CANCER ~ 22 JUNE – 23 JULY Just remember to use your tremendous practiYour ability to sense the truth of a situation, cal sense and drive to reach the right decision. instead of applying cold logical thought, could AQUARIUS ~ 21 JAN – 19 FEB be well employed this month. Looks like it’s time to sort the proverbial And You could well end up in the limelight! wheat from the chaff with regards to a busiLEO ~ 24 JULY – 23 AUG ness deal or proposition of some kind. Your natural leadership qualities look to be in The starting point of this could be far back in sharp focus this month, Leo. time. Take care Aquarius! The hard work you put into getting solid PISCES ~ 20 FEB – 20 MARCH achievement, should get you well earned Charming others with your almost mystical recognition. imagination is a priceless gift. VIRGO ~ 24 AUG – 23 SEPT Opportunities to use it to your advantage, now Communication, of all kinds, looks to be your seem to present themselves more abundantly watchword this month, Virgo. than usual. Your naturally enquiring mind should be kept By Richard Servante. very busy!
April 2018
Matchman’s roundup of Ilkeston Town games
Never-say-die Robins keep up promotion challenge Sat 24th February 2018 - Midland League Div One
Hinckley 4 Ilkeston Town 2 In a game of two halves, Hinckley staged a remarkable second half comeback and turned a two goal deficit into an unlikely win. Ilkeston were comfortably ahead at half time with Tim Hopkinson scoring twice and no one could have foreseen the turnaround in fortunes that was to follow. Town’s lead had disappeared within five minutes of the restart. For sure Ilkeston were on the wrong end of a few decisions which proved costly but it was still an amazing recovery by the home side who made the most of their opportunities. After the shock of losing their lead, Ilkeston set about putting things right but were thwarted by some tough defending and inspired goalkeeping. Hinckley were a different team in the second half and despite having to defend, they were devastating on the break. In their determination to hold on to what they had, the home side’s defenders were guilty of several over zealous challenges for which they picked up a succession of yellow cards and it might have been worse. Hart completed his hat-trick on 69 minutes after Ilkeston were caught out by another clinical counter attack. Ilkeston’s best chance of an equaliser came 15 minutes from time after Hopkinson was unceremoniously brought down on the edge of the penalty area. Shaw hit the free kick well but Hinckley keeper O’Neil was now saving everything thrown at him. In the final minute with Ilkeston’s players upfield and pressing for a last gasp equaliser, Hinckley broke away again
Ilkeston’s Malachi LavelleMoore scored three and had another goal disallowed on an icy cold Saturday at Pershore. Photo: Craig Lamont
and made the game safe. It was a superb day for Hinckley forward, Steve Hart who scored all four of their goals. Tue 27th February 2018 - Derbyshire Senior Cup - SF
Alfreton Town 2 Ilkeston Town 0 The snow and freezing temperature meant the game remained in doubt right up to kick off time but the efforts by the Alfreton staff and volunteers were rewarded. On a snow covered pitch, Ilkeston came close to matching their National League North neighbours but two quick fire strikes from Brendon Daniels proved to be the difference. Both teams mastered the conditions surprisingly well and it was a fast moving game throughout. Ilkeston more than held their own in the first half but without really testing the Alfreton keeper. After the restart Alfreton started to get on top and Jamie Hannis had to save from Chris Sharpe and Craig Westcarr before Alex Marshall went close for Ilkeston with a header. Alfreton’s opening goal on 68 minutes came from free kick specialist Daniels, who expertly lifted the ball over the wall and into the corner of the net. Hannis got a hand to it but couldn’t keep it out. Before Ilkeston could recover the deficit was doubled when Daniels struck again after being fed by Westcarr. Ilkeston rallied but Alfreton keeper Tobias Johansson was in no mood to be beaten. Jamie Walker made a superb run down the left but there was no one who could finish his inviting cross. The closest Ilkeston came to scoring was when Alex Marshall’s effort went inches wide with Johansson beaten.
Stanton Clubhouse Bowls Club
30p where sold
are holding an open day on Sunday 29th April 2018 for anyone interested in playing the game of flat green bowls. We are an old established Bowls Club looking to expand our membership with players wishing to play weekend friendly matches against likeminded clubs, and mid-week games in the local leagues. If you, your family or friends are interested, we welcome you to try this friendly sport. Any age from 7-90 years. Do come along and see what it’s all about. For more information, contact: Secretary, Christine Worthington 0115 9250249 or visit our Facebook page.
Late in the game Hannis had to push a shot round the post and Walker tested Johansson at the other end. The goal that Ilkeston’s performance probably merited would not come and Alfreton will now meet Chesterfield in the final.
A Tom Marshall thirty yarder almost caught out Wilcox but his effort which was caught by the swirling wind dropped just the wrong side of the bar. On 72 minutes debutant Mark Green got the final touch on a Jamie Walker goal bound header to make it 4-0. Ilkeston continued to push for more Sat 10th March 2018 - Midland League Div One goals and Ben Morris had a shot kicked off Ilkeston Town 2 Pershore Town 1 the line before Aaron Xavier saved another certain goal with an incredible goal line Despite totally dominating the match it header. It was a damage limitation exercise took a late goal from Tim Hopkinson to for Pershore and as in the previous game secure the points for Ilkeston. Pershore they defended well with skipper Shaun came very close to earning a point with Griffiths deserving a mention. Deakin in some desperate defending and inspired the Ilkeston goal had only a couple of saves goalkeeping. The visitors had an early scare to make, both from Alfie Bloomer. Hatwhen a Hopkinson header hit the underside trick man Malachi Lavelle-Moore was votof the bar. Most players reacted as if the ed man of the match with Wheatley and ball had bounced over the line but the offi- Morris not far behind. cial waved play on. Lench and Hopkinson tested Wilcox and Walker had shot Tue 20th March 2018 - Midland League Div One blocked. At the other end Bloomer saw Deakin off his line but the Ilkeston keeper Brocton 1 Ilkeston Town 3 got back to save his lob. Walker eventually This was a far from vintage performance put Ilkeston ahead on 36 minutes with a from Ilkeston but they came away with the shot from the edge of the area and just inpoints after a battling display in a physical side the post. Pershore must have been re- game. Ilkeston started well and dominated lieved to reach half time only one goal the early stages but Brocton fought their adrift but within a minute of the restart they way back into the match and probably had were level through Charlie Ntamark. The the best first half scoring chance which fell equaliser gave Pershore a brief spell of to Garbett two yards out. The ball only confidence before Ilkeston forced them to need a touch as it flashed across the goal defend for the rest of the game. The Robins but he failed to connect. Ilkeston’s best bombarded the Pershore goal but couldn’t effort was a header brilliantly tipped over find a way through until five minutes from the bar by Connor Alderman. The goalless time when the visitor’s resistance was fifirst half was followed by three goals in the nally broken. A loose ball in the six yard first ten minutes of the second half. Two box fell to Hopkinson who hammered the minutes in, Malachi Lavelle-Moore conball home for a deserved winner. Hopkinverted Lavell White’s cross to give Ilkeston son has now scored in each of Ilkeston’s the lead. and this was quickly followed by last five league games. Jordan Wheatley smashing in Ilkeston’s second from the edge of the area. Within two minutes of Wheatley’s strike, Brocton Sat 17th March 2018 - Midland League Div One back in the game through Shaun StuPershore Town 0 Ilkeston Town 4 were art. The game was then in the balance as After a narrow win the previous week, Ilboth teams went in search of the next goal keston scored a much more emphatic win which could have gone either way. Fortuin the return fixture at Pershore. On a bitnately for Ilkeston it was they who got it terly cold afternoon, Ilkeston dominated through a fine Charlie Jemson header on 70 from start to finish after the boost of two minutes. In the closing stages Ilkeston had goals in the first ten minutes. Only three a scare when keeper Hannis picked up the minutes had elapsed when Marshall unself- ball from a backpass resulting in a Brocton ishly played the ball to Malachi Lavellea free kick inside the area. The Ilkeston Moore for a tap in. Then seven minutes team had to pack their goal line but they later Lavelle-Moore scored again, this time managed to keep out the shot and scramble with a lovely header from a right wing it away at the second attempt. The win liftcross which wrong footed Pershore keeper, ed Ilkeston to second in the table after Toby Wilcox. The Pershore goalkeeper Leicester Road only drew their game. then pulled off a fine save from Alex Mar- Top of table: shall’s glancing header. The Robins created Walsall Wood P28 W23 D2 L3 Pts.71 several more chances before LavelleIlkeston Tn P31 W21 D4 L6 Pts.67 Moore found the net again, only for it to be Leicester Rd P32 W20 D6 L6 Pts.66 ruled out for offside. Before half time Atherstone P29 W18 D5 L6 Pts 59 Wheatley went close and Pershore skipper Hinckley P27 W18 D4 L5 Pts.58 Shaun Griffiths headed one off the line to R C Warwick P26 W17 D5 L4 Pts.56 keep it at 2-0. Pershore started brightly after the restart but were knocked back by a Support the Robins at the NMG. third Ilkeston goal on 52 minutes as Home matches this month: Lavelle-Moore scored his third after mak7th April: v. Studley, 3pm ing space for himself in the penalty area 14th April: v. Littleton, 3pm and following good work by Billy Bennett.