TIGS Newsletter Issue 2 Term II, 2010

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NEWSLETTER Headmasters Message NAPLAN Head of Senior School Head of Junior School Chaplain Issue 2 Term II, 2010


Weeks Until

Academic • Christian • Caring

Fete Day

National Assessment Program National Assessment Program - Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) testing for students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 will occur during the period 11-13 May. NAPLAN tests assess the Reading, Writing, Language (Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation) and Numeracy of students across the country. The information is then made available to schools, parents and to the general public through the My School website. Teachers are given valuable objective feedback on the skill level of students, including areas of strength and weakness that allow teaching strategies to be adjusted for the needs of each student. This is a great benefit of external assessment and is valued by teachers at TIGS. Each child is tested every two years so progress can be monitored to indicate if the strategies are working. Aggregated information for the School as a whole also provides objective information that gives a snap shot of the overall performance of the School and allows for the celebration of achievements and the identification of areas needing review. This is the bread and butter of good teaching: assessment; review; revised strategies for teaching and learning; improved student outcomes. NAPLAN is just one of the many measures that teachers at TIGS use to assess the academic progress of students. NAPLAN results give excellent feedback on the Literacy and Numeracy skills that they test but no teacher would make a judgement on the academic development of a student using just these measures – and neither should parents.

Stephen Kinsella Headmaster

I was astonished to search the internet (‘NAPLAN tutoring’) and find that there are 11,300 sites offering assistance to students to improve their NAPLAN results. It is difficult to understand the forces that would drive a parent to invest in such tutoring. It is alarming that an assessment test designed to inform educators teaching children is seen by parents as a ‘must pass’ examination similar to the HSC. This must surely be an example of the tail wagging the dog. With the emergence of the My School website and the ranking of schools by the media (The Australian had its turn last Saturday) there is increasing pressure on schools to focus on improving NAPLAN results as distinct from focussing on good teaching that will improve, amongst other things, literacy and numeracy. Schools are now making choices. Do they seek to maximise their standing in the media’s league tables by focussing on maximising success in the NAPLAN tests, or do they focus on good teaching that delivers genuine improvements in teaching and learning and therefore student outcomes? At TIGS, we know that our teaching and learning strategies deliver excellent outcomes for our students. Our website contains information on the success of our students which is the envy of other schools. Click here for example, over 30% of our graduates last year were offered an unconditional place at university before they sat for their HSC examinations. The universities certainly think we are getting it right. We hope that our students perform at their best in the coming NAPLAN tests. We have guided our students on what to expect in the tests so that they can perform at their best and provide us with the information we seek on their developing literacy and numeracy. The individualised care we give in guiding each student through the years of learning will be stronger for it. However, we will not be sacrificing our teaching and learning programs and the overall quality of student learning at the NAPLAN altar. We will continue to focus on the best interests of our students and not on what might happen in the media. Stephen Kinsella Headmaster

Chaplain’s Connection


This year’s school production will soon be upon us. I look forward, as always, to seeing the God-given talents of our students on display. I have special anticipation concerning this year’s production because it is about Jesus. Jesus Christ Superstar has not been without controversy. The original Broadway show and some subsequent productions were the subject of protests from some Christians, concerned about the image of Jesus presented in the show. Any time a story is retold, a certain amount of artistic license is exercised. Dialogue has to be written, characters developed, and scenes staged. In the process it is perhaps inevitable that the author’s ideas, presuppositions, and opinions are injected. Superstar, although based on the last few chapters of John’s Gospel, clearly betrays the views of the writers. Tim Rice, who co-wrote the show with Andrew Lloyd Webber, was quoted as saying “It happens that we don’t see Christ as God but simply the right man at the right time at the right place.” This is of course completely at odds with the way the Bible speaks of Jesus. The Jesus of the Bible claimed from the beginning that he was the Son of God; and he saw his death not as an unfortunate outcome of historical circumstances, but as the culmination of the plan of God. Of course, the producers also get to exercise artistic license. Having discussed the challenges that this show poses for Christians with the TIGS production team, I look forward to seeing their creative skills at work in their interpretation of the show. My greatest concern with the show as originally written and produced is that, although based on John’s Gospel, it leaves out the last two chapters. The show ends at the crucifixion with an item called “John Nineteen: Forty-One”. John 19:41-42 reads: “At the place where Jesus was crucified, there was a garden, and in the garden a new tomb, in which no one had ever been laid. Because it was the Jewish day of Preparation and since the tomb was nearby, they laid Jesus there.”

John Reed Chaplain

John chapters 20 and 21 go on to tell of the discovery of the empty tomb, and the disciples’ encounters with the risen Jesus. And it is the resurrection, as much as the cross, which is central to the Christian faith. At the cross, Jesus paid the penalty for our sins. In the resurrection he is vindicated and restored – and so are we. The risen Jesus stands as a guarantee of the new life God offers us. As the apostle Paul put it: “If Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins … If only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are to be pitied more than all men.” (1 Corinthians 15:17-19).

Senior School Every Tuesday we have Assembly which, you might be surprised to know, is now completely student-driven. It is entertaining, energetic and often a multi-media experience for us all. The School Captains, Prefects and Senior Leaders update students on Fundraising, Community Involvement and student successes in all areas. There is often a musical item and we pray together, again led by one of the Prefects. It’s inspiring to see so many students presenting, giving awards and prizes for competitions that they have organised and generating enthusiasm within the student body basically because it is student-driven and student-centred. Last week we could see the power of such student involvement and motivation in the Music, Dance and Drama Competition and the fabulous Showcase on Friday Night. If you missed it, you missed a wonderful celebration of the empowerment of a TIGS education – boys and girls working together to be the best that they can be – in whatever field of endeavour they undertake.

Monica Watt

Deputy Headmaster

And this week at Assembly we heard from Tilly and Billy (ask your child/ren about them). We heard about the winners of the Language Competition; we heard about successes at AICES, NASSA and All Schools Swimming (see Sports News for the great results) the Year 12 Jazz Band played, we heard about the Careers Expo, the English Competition, the Fete Photography Competition and the up-coming Slave Auction to raise funds for Triple Care Farm. It was crowded; it was lively; it was fun and aspirational. What a fabulous environment created by our students for our students.

Junior School What is the most important thing children learn in the Junior School? The answer to this question can vary depending on who you are asking. For some, it is to get along with others. No one can deny that the social skills developed and nurtured at school are life long requirements, the ability to negotiate, compromise, state an opinion, empathise etc are all highly valuable and useful skills. Others would say to read, write and spell. Of course these skills are very important, one cannot participate in the world in a meaningful manner unless one is an effective communicator, and of course communication is the reason for reading and writing. Still others would be adamant that it is numeracy that is prime in early learning, and who could deny that this was the case. We want our children to be numerate and confident as they count, pay, measure, weigh, negotiate and so on. All of these skills are very, very important but if they are not related to the student’s world and seen as meaningful how can we teach them? I would propose that the ability to find out, to inquire, along with the appreciation and love of learning, the valuing of creativity and the willingness to take risks using the skills of literacy, numeracy, social skills and others is the most important learning to be done in Junior School. It is this learning that allows children to USE skills with purpose. It is this learning that engages our children to think about their world, to see connections between disciplines and to begin their training as creative problem solvers of the future. Our program of Inquiry in the PYP allows us to pursue this type of learning and associated skill development. This term the central ideas being studies and their key concepts are listed for you. Perhaps you can add in some way to the learning happening in your children’s or even another child’s classroom.

Judi Nealy

Head of Junior School

At Karobran this term we will be workshopping some of the important elements of the PYP. Please come along if you can spare the time. You will find the activities interesting and informative and they will equip you to have great conversations about the learning happening at School. Naplan is upon us and we have been preparing the children for their NAPLAN experience however we have been doing this in the context of real and meaningful learning in our classrooms. It is of course a given that our children need to be skilled in Literacy and Numeracy and we work hard to design learning experiences that will develop this skill development. I am looking forward to the children finishing their NAPLAN examinations, feeling proud of their efforts and confident of their results.


Please vsit the Schools Website for information on Vacation Care during the June/July holidays (28/6/10 – 2/7/10) and December (13/12/10 - 31/01/11) School holidays.

Junior School Sports TIGS Netball Club Results from Round 2, 1 May 8 yrs TIGS Pearls won 13-2 9 yrs TIGS Sapphires lost 18- 1 10 yrs TIGS Sparkles won 9-7 11yrs TIGS Diamonds Bye 11yrs TIGS Crystals won 23-12 12 yrs TIGS Eliminators lost 26-6

IS on again this term!! After the successes of this program last Term they will be continuing into Term II. Please click here to down load your registration form or flyer.

Kristopher Saad On the 21 April, the excited Year 5 classes went on an excursion to the Minnamurra rainforest. When we got there we had our morning tea and one of the knowledgeable tour guides told us about the history, biodiversity and explained the layers of the rainforest. I learnt a lot! After that we were sorted into our groups with our own tour guide. We walked along bouncy bridges looked at fascinating trees and saw plants that I had never learned about. There were two types of trees that I liked the best, the Stinging Leaf tree and the large Strangler Fig. We also spotted some eels and saw a water dragon laying on a rock near the water. Later our tour guides left us and we walked the steep long walk to the falls. It was beautiful! Once everyone had reached the end we began to walk back. On the return trip we saw a male Lyrebird doing his mating dance and call. How unexpected! We then had our lunch, stepped on the bus and left for school. I enjoyed the interesting excursion and hope to go to the rainforest again sometime.


Nicholas Chiaverini, Gabriella Valenzuela, Benjamin Lu


Alana Newhouse


Zachary Birch


Lina Lee


Olivia Barber, Mia Stone, Xia Lian Wilson, Krishnendu Gupta, Thomas Peden


Soraya McCann


Harrison Dennis, Hunter DanckwardtBruce, Alexia Zafiriou, Sufyaan Ul-Haq, Aanya Rakheja


Ruby Tilden, Cartia Taranto


Nicholas Sutherland


Austin Pallone, Chivonne Barrett, Kayla Tillotson, Georgia Webb


Aiden Wingate, Sarah Hanlon


Emily Evans, Ethan Hennessy, Isabelle Lomax


Oliver Dostal, Aika Hammond, Samuel Goodhew, Anish Abaey


Beck Harper, Michaela McGrath


On the 21 April, Year 5 went on an exciting excursion to the Minnamurra rainforest. When we arrive, we sat in on an interesting talk about rainforests and their many features. We were then introduced to our guides and set off on our treck through the temperate rainforest. We saw many exotic plant and animal species such as the giant Strangler Fig and the Lyrebird. The Minnamurra rainforest had a lot of fascinating history behind it such as the logging of the Red Cedar and local farm industry. It was a 3.2 kilometre walk to the top but every step was worth seeing the magnificent force of the waterfall at the end.


rainforest reports

Daniel Laing


5/6W Nathan Troiani, Himali Wijesinghe, Rebecca Adams 6C

Daniel Lombardi, Jacob Hall, Harrison Pearce


Brad Savage, Simon Mill, Angus Malouf

P&F Recycled Uniform Service The new co-ordinator for the ‘P&F recycled uniform service’ is Jacey Dema. Please feel free to phone Jacey regarding this service on 0417467035.

‘Meet the Headmaster’ is on again. New parents to the School, existing parents, prospective parents and any members of the community are welcome to join our special gathering at a venue near you. The purpose of this event is to provide you with an opportunity to meet with the Headmaster and members of the TIGS staff in a location close to your home. For the Southern Illawarra and Shoalhaven region the event will be held on Tuesday 11 May 2010, 6.00pm – 8.00pm at ‘Gabbys at Berry’. As canapés and refreshments will be provided an RSVP is essential. Southern Illawarra and Shoalhaven RSVP: Friday 7 May, 2010 | Phone: 4220 0233 |Email: ldimoski@tigs.nsw.edu.au Please Note: This is an event where students are free to say at home and study

2011 ENROLMENTS Please be aware that Pre-Prep to Year 11 Placements for 2011 are limited and are filling fast. Please ensure that enrolments for siblings are completed as soon as possible so that we know how many places we have available to new families. Please visit our website: www.tigs.nsw.edu.au or contact Ms Nicci Fripp on 4220 0216 if you require Application Forms.

Senior School Sports NASSA Tennis

Last Wednesday, the TIGS tennis team competed in the NASSA Schools Tennis competition at Campbelltown. This young team were looking to improve on last year’s results, when the boys came third and the girls second. The boy’s team (Fred Newman, Mark Perri, Adrian Haise, and Dominic Riordan) faced a huge challenge in the first round, playing last year’s winners, Thomas Hassall Anglican College. It was a tight-fought contest, but the boys won through, and then went on to win their next two matches easily to make it into the final. They then played their best tennis of the day to beat Macarthur Anglican School comfortably. The girls team ....... click here to read the full story


Congratulations to Tegan Richards for her selection in the U/16 CIS Hockey Team. Also to Ross Sharpe for his selection in the U/16 Hockey Talented Athlete Program.

CIS Football Cup - Thursday 29 April 2010

Hopes were high after making the Quarter Finals in successive years, but it was always going to be a challenge in 2010 when meeting Inaburra High School, last year’s runner-up, in the first round of this knockout competition.

It was an evenly poised game throughout, with both teams having a number of chances. With a nil all score line at half time the game was theirs for the taking. The heartache came 15 minutes from full time when Inaburra managed to beat our keeper and we were forced to press to try and get a result. This left us open to counter-attack and their second goal....... click here to read the full story

Bill Turner Cup – Girls

TIGS Year 7-9 Girls Football team competed in Round 2 of this competition. Playing against a very polished Figtree High School team the girls showed great determination and enthusiasm on the field but unfortunately were defeated by a very good team. Standout players for TIGS included Bridget Mullany, Maria Kyriacoudes, Lucy Donavan and Elizabeth Dominis but all girls should be congratulated on their efforts. Girls Team: Bianca Edwards, Madaline Miller, Sophie Meyerson, Claire Bonham, Helena Bonham, Caroline Hamilton-Smith, Jessica Defraites, Elizabeth Dominis, Bridget Mullany, Lucy Donovan, Kristen Chadrawy, Maria Kyriacoudes.

Rugby Union

Under 8’s TIGS Uni 15 (William Ciot, Joshua Jansen & Bede Davison each scored one a piece) - Shamrocks 20

Under 9’s TIGS Uni 30 (Michael Kyrakoudes 3 tries, Austin Pallone 2 tries, Blake Barkley 1 try) - Avondale 20 Under 10’s TIGS Uni 20 (Joshua Buchanan 1 try, Ethan Jackson 1 try & James Wildin 2 tries) - Campbelltown 25 Under 11’s TIGS Uni 17 ( 3 Tries Flyn Kilby 1 conversion Jack Faulks) – Avondale 30 Under 12s: TIGS Uni 17 (Ellery Hurkett 2 tries, Jack Mackenzie-Wood 1 try) Campbelltown 5 Under 14s: TIGS Uni 10 (Noah Davison and William Lamb 1 try each) – Campbelltown

CIS Swimming and NSW All Schools Swimming Carnivals

Just when we thought our swim season could not get any better this week we had three of our swimmers; Aaron Canon, Jarrod Poort and David McKeon race at the NSW All Schools Championships and all three swimmers medalled at the championships. The swim meet contained athletes that had competed and medalled at the recent Australian National Championships and our young athletes were able to match them stroke for stroke. In fact both Jarrod and David dug deep and swam to victory in their chosen primary events. Jarrod won gold read the full story


click here to

Music and Drama Showcase

A big thankyou to everyone who was involved in the Showcase last Friday night. Our fundraiser for Emu Point raised $2885.20, which will be used for an irrigation system within the community. From all accounts it was a great success. We would like to make some special mentions; in particular thankyou very much to the performing arts staff and prefects, tech crew, house patrons and captains, all the students involved and the parents who came along on the night

TIGS Charity Trivia Night 2010

As part of their fundraising efforts for the TIGS 2010 Year 12 charity Triple Care Farm, the School Captains invite you to attend a Trivia Night. Triple Care Farm is a drug and alcohol rehabilitation centre, which provides an ideal environment of peace and healing for emotionally hurt and troubled young people, aged 16 to 24. Date: Location: Cost: Theme:

Friday June 4 (Week 8 Term 2), 6.30pm – 10pm The Illawarra Grammar Centre (IGC) $10pp (Tables of 8) “All good things start with T”

Please bring your own food and drink, however if you wish to pre order an Antipasto Platter for the evening the cost will be $25 per platter and they will be distributed on the night. The evening will be hosted by Jade from WaveFM’s morning show, and first prize is dinner for the winning table, kindly donated by the Lagoon Restaurant. There will also be prizes for the best dressed table, a lucky door prize, a raffle and a number of competitions on the night – so don’t forget your coinage!

No student or persons under the age of 18 are permitted to attend this event. Click here to down load your Trivia night order form.

Science News 2010 Years 11 and 12 NSW Minerals Council Bursaries Year 11 and 12 students are eligible to apply for a Minerals Education Bursary offered by the NSW Minerals Council. The bursary program is designed to attract and retain senior secondary students’ interest in the minerals industry as a possible future career of choice through a coordinated program of activities and contact with the minerals industry. Applicants are required to make a written application detailing their recent academic record, personal attributes, and interest in the minerals industry. Successful applicants will receive a cash grant of $500 for Year 11 students and $1000 for Year 12 students. The closing date for applications is Monday 10 May 2010. Please see Mr Sormus or Mrs Murphy for application forms and further information. 2011 National Youth Science Forum – Current Year 11 students The NYSF offers current Year 11 students who are interested in studying science, technology or engineering at university a chance to find out more about careers in these areas. The aim of the NYSF is to inform, inspire, and challenge students to consider what working in different fields is really like. Students have a unique opportunity to talk to dozens of practicing scientists and engineers at and about their work. The program runs in Canberra and Perth during January 2011. The closing date for applications is 30 May 2010. Note that applications must be endorsed by a Rotary Club. Please see Mr Sormus or Mrs McMaugh for further information. Information about the programme is also available online at http://www.nysf.edu.au

Saturday May 22, 2010. 10am - 3pm

The Great Fete is only

2 weeks away! Click here to read the full Fete newsletter put together by the P&F.

We need as much help as possible!. So please, If you are available to help on Fete day Saturday 22 May, 2010 between 7am and 4pm please email pandf@tigs.com.au or return the ‘reply slip’ attached to the bottom of the ‘TIGS News’ document to either Junior School or Senior School reception.

The new menu for Term II and III can be found on the Schools web site, please check for new specials and price changes.

Monday 10 May

Leilani Donovan Janene Sunderland Lauretta Bussoletti

Tuesday 11 May

We are seeking new volunteers for this year, if

Jan Scott Megan Donnelley

you would like to join our friendly team please click

Wednesday 12 May

here to download a canteen volunteer request form and return it to the school, attention the canteen.

Heather Rugg Nichole Anastas Pam Parkinson

Thursday 13 May

Alternatively you can ring the canteen directly on 4220 0241 7am – 2pm or email canteen@tigs.nsw.edu.au

Vanessa Cross Brigita Dominis Assunta Disibio

Friday 14 May Anna Ziegelaar

Help Needed

Careers Event The Illawarra Grammar School Tertiary Information Evening Students of Years 10, 11 and 12 and their parents/guardians are cordially invited to attend this evening designed to provide detailed information on tertiary study. This event will be held at the School on Tuesday, 1 June from 6.00 – 8.30pm. It combines a market stall format with more specific information seminars. Students and parents will be invited to attend the market from 6.00 – 7.00pm, followed by three 25 minute seminars of their choice. Representatives from universities, TAFE and private tertiary institutions have been selected to cater to our student audience and will provide detailed information during the seminars including: • • • • •

new career options and newly introduced courses appropriate tertiary institutions for a chosen career scholarships, university schemes including Early Entry, Access, Bonus Points and Accommodation cadetships, traineeships, apprenticeships appropriate subject selection for Years 10 & 11.

Registration for this event is essential. An information booklet and registration form will be sent to parents shortly.

Creative Arts FaceArt10 is about secondary school students having fun by creating artwork of a face for a T-Shirt design. Students can create art by painting, drawing, assembling, taking a photo of, or building a great face. Students need to download the T-shirt template, then talk to your teacher about submission requirements. Each school’s winning artwork goes on to represent their school in the State competition. Students are reminded to vote again for the art they prefer to represent their State. Each piece of winning artwork from each State goes on to compete to become the National Winner. Students are again reminded to vote for the art they prefer as the best in the Nation. Artwork with the most votes wins and is the winner of FaceArt 10! Email reminders will be sent to registered students and all registered schools to vote as soon as each voting round begins. For all art students, ArtExpress is now showing at Wollongong City Gallery and is a must to see. Titled Just Imagine the artworks are outstanding. The exhibition runs to 30 May.

TIGS Biggest Morning Tea Date: Tuesday 25 May, 2010 Time: 9.00am – 11.00am Venue: Piato Grand (47/22 Market Street, Wollongong) Cost: 15pp which includes a delicious Morning Tea RSVP: 20 May, 2010 Contact: Mary Shalala on 0423190560 or email Mary@gig.net.au

Come along and support a great cause with the opportunity to catch up with family and friends. All welcome.

proudly presents

Jesus Christ Superstar


Tickets Now On Sale Reserved Seating

Performances Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Saturday

16 June 2010 17 June 2010 18 June 2010 19 June 2010 19 June 2010

7.30pm 7.30pm 7.30pm 2.00pm 7.30pm

Adults $20 Students/Concessions $10

Tickets available from TIGS Reception Phone: 4220 0200



Number of Tickets:

Please Tick Preferred Performance:

Adult Ticket - $20pp Student/Concession - $10pp

Payment Method:

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Saturday

Email: 16 June 2010 17 June 2010 18 June 2010 19 June 2010 19 June 2010

7.30pm 7.30pm 7.30pm 2.00pm 7.30pm

Cash Cheque (The Illawarra Grammar School) Credit Card Name on Card: Card Number: __ __ __ __ / __ __ __ __ / __ __ __ __ / __ __ __ __ Exp: __ / __ Signature:

Collection of Tickets:

Senior School Reception Mail Send home with student - Student’s Name:

To keep up-to-date with the latest news and events that are happening in and around our School, we encourage you to subscribe to the email Newsletter. Simply visit our website: www.tigs.nsw.edu.au and sign up on the home page.

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2010 - 2 June

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