Newsletter Academic Christian Caring
Cast from ‘The Wizard of Oz’ performing in the community
TERM II 2016
Headmaster Facebook has 1.591 billion active users (making Facebook the third largest population group in the world, behind China and India)
• Teach children not to provide personal information on any website;
• The average time spent using Facebook is 8.5 hours per week
• Check the internal history on computers used by your children to know what they are doing online;
64% are streaming video
47% are playing games
78% are emailing
54% are social networking
78% are research and browsing
• Check and request records from mobile phones; and
• The time of day when teenagers are online is surprising:
I recently attended a seminar that included advice from the legal profession on the issue of cyber bullying and safety. The growth of the internet has dramatically changed the way we live, work, trade and communicate. The changes to the way students learn has been likened to the paradigm shift that occurred in education with the invention of the printing press. I doubt that there is a single parent not concerned about the down side of the digital revolution, especially for the safety of our children. Trolls, child predators, promoters of pornography graphic violence and bullies have all been given a platform and access to our children that was never previously available. Our homes used to be safe havens for our children but a click of a button on a phone or computer can give these unsavoury types access to our children even in the safety of their own home, even while sitting next to Mum and Dad. Some of the statistics around the use of social media are astonishing:
• Know the websites your child visits and help them set privacy and security settings properly;
• 1.31 billion people access Facebook on a mobile phone
• When teenagers are online:
Stephen Kinsella Headmaster
• Teach your child how to create secure passwords;
• Do not allow your children to have technology accessible 24 hours per day: For example, mobile phones can be left on a charger in a public room; laptops should not be in a bedroom all night. In the event that your child is targeted by a cyber bully, the legal advice is:
27% between 9am and 3pm
49% between 3pm and 5pm
74% between 5pm and 10pm
28% between midnight
• Preserve the evidence. Take screen shots, print full email headers, save text, etc;
8% between midnight and 5am (I suspect that this group are online without the knowledge of their parents as I am yet to find a parent that knows their child is online at this time)
• Tell the school about it. Even if the sender is unknown, the likelihood is that the offender is also bullying the target at school – and may be identified;
• Report incidents to the website owner, internet service providers;
Online activity by our children is unavoidable and one that requires parents to be vigilant in supervising and advising their children at all ages of development. The legal risks alone are considerable and include defamation, misleading conduct, negligence, breach of privacy, breach of copyright, criminal internet offence and sexting.
• Use “report offensive options when necessary;
One area of growing concern for schools is cyber-bullying. The good news is that most students get through their years of schooling without experiencing cyber-bullying. Recent research found that only 7-10% of students of Year 4 to Year 9 age reported they had experienced cyberbullying. The bad news is that the impact on those that do experience cyber-bullying is considerable.
The School has a legal requirement to intervene when cyber-bullying does occur between students, even if it occurs outside the normal confines of the school ground and school hours. The School’s Student Anti-Bullying and Harassment Policy and Plans is provided on the TIGS website and should be read by all parents. It was prepared in consultation with students from the TIGS Student Representative Council (SRC) and provides additional advice that will assist parents in keeping their children safe.
Legal advice for parents provided at the seminar I attended is worth considering: • Do not threaten to take away technological devices if your child is cyber-bullied. This will only make your child feel more isolated and less likely to confide in their parents;
• Block sender offender;
• If what is happening is illegal, report it to the authorities; and • Tell the offender that you do not want to receive any further information from them, and save that statement as evidence.
Unpublished sources: Leneen Forde, Partner, Norton Gledhill, Melbourne Annie Smeaton, Partner, Cooper Grace, Brisbane
Stephen Kinsella Headmaster
Chaplain’s Message A ROOM WITH A VIEW Over the past couple of weeks I have been privileged to work with a teacher in training who is undertaking her first practicum at TIGS. Nada Appleby is a student of Excelsia College. She is majoring in Studies of Religion and Business and hopes one day to teach in schools. As I have guided Nada through the theory and practice of teaching I have had opportunity to reflect upon the craft of teaching myself and have gained a fresh appreciation of how demanding and rewarding it is. Teaching is a very personal business. Teachers are in front-line people business. They bring so much of themselves to the act of teaching and seek to draw out of their students the very essence of who they are. It is a very relational enterprise. There is no greater moment than when both teacher and student are fully themselves in the classroom, both committing themselves to the other and to the grand adventure of learning. Teaching is a demanding business. I have been reminded watching Nada just how physically and emotionally challenging teaching is. Good teachers command the classroom. That takes every ounce of one’s being. And there’s no letting up. Even when the students own the learning the teacher is present, directing and
leading the learning. Teachers are a physical and psychological force of nature! It has been quite enlightening to observe this. Teachers are intuitive leaders. Good lessons are well planned - there is no doubting that. Even so, there is so much that is fluid. Sometimes lines of inquiry seem to have wills of their own. The teacher needs to be responsive to this extemporary learning. This requires breadth, depth, courage and competency. It is not for the faint-hearted. Teachers are fervent learners themselves. The very best teachers are curious about the world and passionate about their particular area of expertise. There is nothing better than witnessing a teacher bringing their own new learning to bear on a unit of work. It is exciting and illuminating. It is difficult for a student to resist the force of an enthusiastic teacher. Good teachers carry others along with them in their thirst for learning. We have many wonderful teachers at TIGS. I say that with all sincerity. I had the real privilege of leading academic staff in a workshop on Monday afternoon. I was so blessed to see the way staff gave themselves fully to the task assigned to them. They are dedicated to the business of teaching and routinely give all for the good
Rev James Rogers Chaplain progress of their students. James 1.17 says, “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father...” God has given us many good and perfect gifts at TIGS - our teachers are amongst the most treasured. Please remember them often in your prayers as their task is enormous. Rev James Rogers
INSTRUMENTAL CONCERT DATES Prep to Year 12 Strings Concert – Wednesday 18 May Prep to Year 12 Guitar and Drums Concert – Thursday 26 May Prep to Year 12 Brass and Woodwind Concert – Wednesday 1 June Prep to Year 12 Piano Concert – Monday 6 June All concerts commence at 6.30pm and are located in the Recital Room, in Senior School. The Strings Concert and Piano Concert will have an additional time for Junior School students commencing at 4.00pm.
Junior School Last week our school co-hosted the Regional Da Vinci Decathlon. The Junior School competition was held at the Illawarra Christian School and the Senior School competition was hosted on campus here at TIGS. The competition involved challenges over many disciplines and there were approximately 200 Junior School students competing from schools situated from Sutherland to Bowral and south to Nowra. The Year 5 team was placed 2nd overall in the competition. With these outstanding results: 1st in English 1st in Maths 1st in Code-breaking 2nd in Cartography 3rd in Science 3rd in Engineering
Judi Nealy Deputy Headmaster, Head of Junior School
DIARY DATES Saturday 21 May TIGS Great Fete Tuesday 7 June Junior School 3-way Conferences Thursday 9 June Junior School 3-way Conferences Friday 10 June PD/Pupil Free Day
The Year 6 team achieved the following excellent results: 1st in English 2nd in Cartography 3rd in Creative Producers These are amazing results given the level of competition and the complexity of each task. The work of Margaret Dubowski must be recognised in her tireless commitment and enthusiasm to organise such a beneficial event for students in this region. The Decathlon provides gifted and talented students a platform to compete against like minds and represent their School. The benefits of such an event are far reaching, not only do the children enjoy the experience but they really rise to the occasion. The Da Vinci Decathlon highlights our student’s ability to be critical thinkers who can work cooperatively under pressure. The Year 5 and Year 6 students were a credit to themselves, their families and the TIGS community. Year 5 - Angus Kiang, Adi Kumaresan, Rebecca Winn, Leo Ding, Pia D’Rozario, Emily Sutherland, Loren Yusuf and Charlotte Palmisano.
Please refer to the previous page of the Newsletter for details of upcoming Instrumental Concerts
Year 6 - Enuri Gamage, Benjamin Lu, Alison Guo, Ameesha Gogulan, Katie Gorham, Michael Marzano, Eloise Goodman and Lachlan Boardman.
RIDE AROUND THE LAKE Thank you to the students, parents and staff who participated in the Ride Around the Lake event as part of Team TIGS. The event raised over $20,000.00 and we contributed just over $1,000.00 which was a great outcome. It was a really enjoyable day with perfect weather, as we cycled around glorious Lake Illawarra. Our team of 27 all finished with flying colours, including 8 students who participated in either the 10km or the 40km ride. I’m looking forward to an even bigger turn-out next year!
Extend@TIGS has a lot of different and exciting upcoming events organised. Last week we had heaps of fun creating crazy mazes, egg carton penguins and paper plate snakes. We also played dodgeball, soccer, relay naughts and crosses and handball. This week we have a range of exciting science, craft and cooking activities planned so please come along and join in on all the fun. Please do not forget to check the Newsletter for our weekly program :)
Week 4 Activities: Monday 16 May Craft: Hungry Frogs Sport: Soccer
Wednesday 18 May Science: Paper Plane Contest Activity: Hide and Seek
Friday 20 May Craft: Recycle Craft Sport: Handball
Tuesday 17 May Activity: Musical Statues Outdoor sport: Dodgeball
Thursday 19 May Craft: Sneaky Snails Sport: Stuck in the Mud
Kai Baker
KP Eva Grimm, Vishaal Rindani
Ashley Armstrong
1M Tobias Knight, Zainab Zafar
Amelia Vartazarian Charlotte Atkinson Hollis Bridgeman-Law
Ashely Parker, Amelia Vartazarian
1Y Riley Cook, Alexander MacKay 2MC Marcus Smith, Subhaan Ul-Haq 2T
Annaliese Brunskill, Rhys Chieng
Pia D’Rozario
3C Riley Grundy, Nelle-May Makowski
Hamish Dutch
3G Samra Tarrant
Sia Gando
3R Zachary Hilton, Chelsy Wayne
Charlotte I’Ons Saxon Gerovasilis Yasmin Matar
Matilda Hughes, Astrid Sperring
4M Isaac Ellis, Alexander Vartazarian 4R Megan Adams, Joel Turner, Christian Vujic, Leyla Yusuf 4Y Mayank Aurangabadkar, Georgia Dolan
Cohen Sawyer
Maddison Tonkin
6C Daniel Grieve, Natalie Parson
Annaliese Brunskill Georgia Dolan Nelle-May Makowski
Nykita McIlwraith,
Senior School VOLUNTEERING AND EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING AT THE TIGS GREAT FETE ampitheatre adjacent to the central spine road. The Fete also provides a great opportunity for authentic experiential learning, which is a key element of the International Baccalaureate (IB) Programme. For example, the Year 9 Commerce classes are currently studying a unit on running a small business. In class they learn about the theoretical skills associated with starting and managing a business. They are able to apply this learning in a practical way by collaborating to establish and manage a stall at the Fete. This year, one group will be running a milkshake business and another has started a show-bag business. Year 11 Business Studies will also be operating a Toasties stall to provide a hands-on experience that students can refer to in their HSC studies.
Greg Lanyon Head of Senior School
One of the most significant events in the School calendar is the annual TIGS Great Fete. This event brings together the school community and is a vehicle for engaging with and embracing others in the wider community. It also provides a great opportunity for our students to contribute to the school community through volunteering. There are a significant number of students who will be working with their parents on stalls and many more will come with their friends to enjoy the fun and food on offer. There are also many students who have made a commitment to various groups that will be performing on the day. The cast and crew of the School production The Wizard of Oz will be rehearsing and performing throughout the day in the IGC. Students involved in cocurricular dance and music ensembles will also be showcasing their talents in the “Hub� stage area at the natural
The real learning that is achieved by facing and overcoming the difficulties of planning the operation, ordering materials, assigning work tasks, training staff, marketing products and keeping financial records, is much more authentic than just imagining what might happen. Students also learn first hand that teamwork is essential to achieve very specific goals. Some of the essential skills of the IB such as communication, collaboration, organisation, critical thinking and IT skills are integrated as part of the process of starting and managing the business operation. In the same way, students studying the HSC VET Entertainment course and TIGS Tech students will have an opportunity to meet with and manage the demands of external clients, such as dance and entertainment groups, who will be performing at the Fete. As well they will be managing the backstage, lighting and sound requirements of the rehearsals for Beauty and the Beast and the Battle of the Bands. Meeting deadlines and pressures provide the authentic learning that is often difficult to replicate in the classroom.
We are proud of the way in which our students want to be engaged in their learning, in their school and in the wider community. Please assist them by supporting their efforts at the TIGS Great Fete on Saturday 21 May.
PHYSICS GUEST LECTURER Last week Professor Anatoly Rozenfeld gave a guest lecture to Year 11 and 12 Physics students. Professor Rozenfeld is the Director and founder of CMRP (Centre for Medical Radiation Physics), and is renowned for his research work on semiconductor radiation detectors and their application for mini-andmicro-dosimetry in radiation therapy, radiation protection, nuclear medicine and space sciences. Professor Rozenfeld discussed links between the HSC Medical Physics course and the variety of rewarding careers in the cutting edge field of Medical Physics. Professor Rozenfeld also generously offered to act as a mentor to those students who wanted to pursue a career in the Medical Physics field. Students were inspired by his enthusiasm for the diverse ways in which Applied Physics can improve the life of people. We would like to take this opportunity to thank Professor Rozenfeld on behalf of the Year 11 and 12 Physics students for taking the time to give his presentation. Mrs Fiona Neal and Mr Glen Stutchbury
Have you been online recently to visit the new initiative of TIGS Foundation? TIGS Community Business Directory enables TIGS families to promote their business/s by advertising their details on the TIGS website. There is an annual fee of $300 per business each calendar year for advertising in the Directory. Applications are currently being taken. The Business Directory will provide an opportunity to strengthen and tighten the bonds between the School, parents and the businesses contained within the School Community. If you are interested and would like to be involved please phone, Lisa Wilson on 4220 0264 or Joanne Danckwardt 0426 264 771, or email:
TIGS reserves the right to decline any advertisement or request changes before accepting any submissions.
Morning Tea Wednesday 25 May 2016 9.30am to 11.30am
The Lagoon Seafood Restaurant Bring your friends and family to join us for another unforgettable year, to raise money for this great cause
$30 per person Includes high tea
RSVP Friday 20 May Please book online, visit Please contact Mary Shalala on 0423190560 or email for more information
Proudly supported by
“Lions, tigers and bears...oh my!”
Academic • Christian • Caring
An International Baccalaureate World School
An International Baccalaureate World School
TIGS Great Fete UPDATE - 1 week to GO! Volunteering is a great way to reconnect with friends and neighbours. Just 2 hours of your time on Fete day will ensure its success, so PLEASE register NOW to volunteer – Follow this link: We particularly seek volunteers with manual handling skills for either the early morning shift for set up or the late afternoon shift for pack up.
SPECIAL CAR-LINE FETE DONATIONS SERVICE On Thursday 19th May we will be trialling a donations drop-off service at the Junior School Car-line before school and at pick-up time. You can bring your donations and raffle tickets with you and we will have staff on hand at the Junior School car-line to unpack them from your boot. No bulky items please.
Thanks for the donations so far, but we need more! We are in need of good quality new and second-hand items. Please deliver to the Storage Container in the IGC carpark, accessible from 6.30am to 4.00pm week days, and by prior arrangement on weekends by contacting the School. • Toys and games • White Elephant (eg. accessories, jewellery, handbags, homewares) – please note electrical and outdoor items are not saleable • Books, DVD’s CD’s Records • Second-Hand School Uniforms • Bottle Stall Donations (eg preserves/jams, olive oil, mustards, cordials, lolly jars, perfume) n.b. labelling your donations is a great help! – Please deliver these to Student Reception. • Wine Raffle - Please deliver your donations of wine to either the Junior or Senior School Office. • Cans of Coloured Hairspray for the Face Painting Stall – Please deliver to the Junior School Office
Please deliver completed baskets to The Piper Centre or the Junior School Office.
Flexischools is now open! Visit: www. to place your order in advance of Fete Day for the following items: Ride Bands, Sticky Date Puddings, Krispy Kremes, Show Bags, Wine Raffle Tickets and our major raffle of a Luxury Escapes travel voucher valued at $4,000.
Donations of fresh fruit and vegetables would be gratefully received on the Friday afternoon before or in the morning of Fete day. Any questions please contact Toni McMillan from the Country Fare Stall on 0412 600 789 or email at:
Please collect a cake box from the Junior or Senior School Reception. Your baked goods can be dropped in at the IGC on the Friday afternoon before or in the morning of Fete day. Any questions please email: Sharon I’ons for the Cupcake Stall at: sgions@ and Nina Field for the Cake Stall at
SELL YOUR RAFFLE TICKETS: Remember to have your Raffle tickets and money back to the School by Thursday 19 May for your chance to win a Luxury Escapes $4,000 Travel Voucher.
Please get in touch with any queries and suggestions. For more information, please visit the TIGS Great Fete website click here.
PERFORMANCE SCHEDULE 10.00am – 10.15am
Infants Choir
10.15am – 10.30am
Infants Orchestra
10.30am – 10.45am
Stage 2 Choir
10.45am – 11.00am
Junior Strings Intermediate Strings
11.00am – 11.15am
Junior Orchestra
11.15am – 11.30am
Junior Concert Band
11.30am – 11.45am
Cantilena Singers
11.45am – 12.00noon
Senior Strings
12.00noon – 12.15pm
Senior Choir Choral8
12.15pm – 12.30pm
Dance Companies
12.30pm – 12.45pm
Elective Dance
12.45pm – 1.15pm
SILENT AUCTION TIGS FOUNDATION WILL ONCE AGAIN BE PROUDLY HOSTING A SILENT AUCTION AT THE TIGS GREAT FETE ON SATURDAY 21 MAY. ALL ITEMS UP FOR AUCTION HAVE BEEN KINDLY DONATED BY PARENTS AND FRIENDS OF TIGS. We look forward to you dropping by our stall outside the Library and placing a bid. Items up for Auction this year include: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Enchanted Cakes by Evette – $250 Gift Voucher for an individually designed couture cake Deluxe Micro-hydrabrasion Facial Treatment at Beyond Beauty Balgownie David Jones Gift Voucher for $250 Diamond Offices Board Room Space for a day Dinner and Show for two and Centro CBD with overnight accommodation at Wollongong Serviced Apartments Driving lessons with All and Night Driving School (2 x 10 - one hour vouchers) IBAH Day Spa Austinmer - Beauty Voucher Formula Ford Race Car Experience – 10 laps Overnight accommodation for two people at the SAND DANCERS B&B Jervis Bay, queen room, including breakfast for two and Jervis Bay Bike Hire for 2 bikes for duration of visit Calvin Klein embossed Snake Skin Ladies Wallet Hot Air Ballooning In The Hunter Valley, 1 hour Hot Air Ballooning over the beautiful Hunter Valley, a la carte breakfast at a local winery and a glass of sparkling wine Corporate Golf Day at Wollongong Golf Club includes four x rounds of golf, two x golf cart hire, lunch for four people Storybook Alpacas, Bargo NSW, Alpaca Rug and matching pair of Rubey Liza Homewares 100% Alpaca Filled Cushions. Eco Extreme Jervis Bay Dolphin Watch Cruise - Family Pass Eco Extreme Jervis Bay Whale Watch Cruise – Family Pass Eco Extreme Jervis Bay Hidden Secrets Cruise - Premium Double Adult Pass
For inquiries please contact Lisa Wilson in the Foundation Office on 4220 0264 or email
Dear Visitors Unfortunately there will be NO parking available on the School grounds on Fete day. However, to help relieve parking and traffic congestion, TIGS will once again be running a free shuttle bus service from 9.45am to 3.15pm that can both pick you and your family up and drop you back. Just be certain to park as close to either of the two routes below and flag down a TIGS bus as you see it come past. Two TIGS buses will be continuously circling with an expected 15 – 20 minute space between services. Jump on board to enjoy another fantastic TIGS Great Fete. PLEASE also take care that when parking you have left the appropriate space for driveways, keeping them clear at all times. The two bus routes are Thank you for your cooperation. The Illawarra Grammar School 4220 0200
Mount Keira Route Mangerton Route
aF am
I H N oli
21 MAY 10am - 3pm
us Shuttle B &
‘NEW ’
Drop off Zone
Hours of fun for the whole family. • • • • •
Live Entertainment Food Market Show Bags Illawarra Hawks Silent Auction
• • • • •
Kids’ Corner Devonshire Tea Laser Tag Face Painting White Elephant
2 ! y a d i l o H y l i m a F a Grand Prize $
Per Ticket
$4000 Travel Voucher with Luxury Escapes
• •
A selection of exclusive special offers to destinations Australia-wide as well as Bali, Thailand, Vietnam, Fiji, Mexico, Europe and more Flexibility to spend the voucher as you please on a combination of flights and/or accommodation
Indulge in a quiet retreat for two, or enjoy a holiday with the whole family Drawn on Saturday 21 May 2016 at TIGS Great Fete For more information or tickets contact TIGS on 4220 0200 If the winner is not in attendance at TIGS Great Fete, they will be notified by telephone.
Senior School Sport NSW ALL SCHOOLS SWIMMING CARNIVAL Congratulations to Nathan De Lutiis, Ethan Dorrian and Kelsey Cresswell for representing NSW CIS at the NSW All Schools Swimming Championships at Homebush on Friday 6 May 2016. All students were fine ambassadors for our school, as they competed against the best swimmers in the state. Kelsey Cresswell Year 12 has competed at this Championship since she arrived at TIGS in Year 7. It is a credit to her that she has maintained her enthusiasm and is still swimming competitively as she embarks on her HSC. Ethan Dorrian Year 11 has represented at this prestigious level since commencing at TIGS in Year 9. At these championships he competed in seven events and is congratulated for medalling or making the final in all seven events. Nathan De Lutiis Year 10 is new to TIGS this year. He handled himself admirably, winning the 200m breaststroke, and in doing so he beat competitors that medalled at the recent Australian National Age Titles. Here are the results from the event: Cresswell, Kelsey - Female - Age: 17 Girls 17&O 100 Free 1:01.44 7th Girls 17&O 50 Back 32.90 10th Girls 17&O 200 Back 2:25.95 4th * De Lutiis, Nathan - Male - Age: 16 Boys 15-16 200 Breast 2:28.54 1st * Boys 16 50 Breast 32.39 6th Boys 15-16 100 Breast 1:10.00 3rd * Dorrian, Ethan - Male - Age: 17 Boys 17&O 50 Free 24.93 7th Boys 17&O 50 Fly 26.52 6th Boys 17&O 200 Free 2:02.83 9th Boys 17&O 200 Fly 2:11.58 1st * Boys 17&O 200 IM 2:12.92 1st * Boys 17&O 100 Fly 1:01.40 5th Boys 17&O 400 IM Finals 4:45.66, 1st
Our Bill Turner Cup Boys’ team played their second game of the competition last Friday after having a comfortable 8-2 victory against Keira in the first round. We played Holy Spirit at home, a team who had won the South Coast division previously, so we went into the game knowing that it was always going to be tough. In the first half we scored first through a Trent Ledwidge header, following up on his good form from game one in which he put in 5 goals. However Keira struck back and were ahead 2-1 at the half. The boys rallied, and soon drew even through a scorching left footer by Thomas Main. His match winning performance saw another goal from his golden boot, before they gifted us with a final own goal. The 4-2 score line was a rousing win and instilled the belief that this year TIGS may go all the way. Watch out Edmund Rice! Coach: Mr Grieve
On Monday 9 May, eight TIGS students, accompanied by Mrs Baird,went to represent NASSA at the ACIES Hockey tournament in Bathurst. The students were: Connor Harvey and Rory Hanrahan from Year 8, Claire Smallhorn and Kirby Golding from Year 9, Erin Golding, Tyler Warnest and Brittony Smallhorn from Year 11 and Chloe Johnston from Year 12. Students played a number of games and all performed extremely well across the day for the NASSA region. Congratulations to Rory Hanrahan named as a shadow player and Claire Smallhorn and Chloe Johnston on their selection in the Open ACIES teams to play at the NSW CIS tournament later this month.
On Friday 6 May, the TIGS U/15 Girls Football team played their first round match of the Bill Turner Trophy against Wollongong High School of The Performing Arts (WHSPA). Both teams were very strong, however WHSPA dominated the game early and were able to score an early goal to take the lead 1-0. TIGS soon lifted and started to dominate possession. They were rewarded with a goal late in the first half, after Margaux Chauvet sent a cross to Iluka Budai who finished well, taking the score to 1-1. The scores remained level until full-time, taking the game into extra time. Just before the end of the first half of extra time, Margaux Chauvet scored a fantastic goal from about 25m out, giving TIGS the victory for the day. TIGS will now play St Mary’s in the second round.
Note: *Swimmer beat last year’s winning time
The team consisted of: Isabella Taylor, Isabel Bodey, Zoe Dribbus, Cartia Taranto, Seh Meh, Anastasia Grozdaonov, Ashley Dribbus, Emma Franco, Iluka Budai, Margaux Chauvet, Claire Nguyen, Amy Logan, Carys Jenkins, Joanne Karakousis and Charlotte Tregonning.
Congratulations on our outstanding results.
Coach: Mr Deck Assistant: Mr Edgerton
Thank you also to Chloe Johnston for her commitment to hockey with TIGS and her representative teams over the last six years. She has been a great ambassador to our school and it has been nice to see her hockey skills and her maturity grow over the years. Mrs Kerri Baird
SENIOR SCHOOL ATHLETICS CARNIVAL The Senior School Athletics Carnival is on Tuesday 24 May at the Kerryn McCann Athletics Field. It is a compulsory school event where all students compete for their House to claim the Inter-House Athletics Trophy. Results from this event go towards the Shell Shield. House shirt and school sport shorts must be worn by all students at this event. If a student cannot participate it is important for them to come along and help with the various jobs that need to be done and assist their house patrons. House points will also be awarded to student helpers across the day. Parents may drop their child at the venue. Supervision will be available from 8.15am at the track. Buses will also run from the school down to Beaton Park from Western Avenue (Years 7 -10) and Princes Highway (Years 11-12) at 8.30am. The carnival is expected to finish at 3.00pm and all students are expected to stay for the duration of the day. The Senior School Athletics
Programme is available for download on OLLE from the Sports Athletics Home Page. If the weather looks inclement please listen to 96.5 Wave FM for cancellations and check OLLE. We look forward to a fantastic athletics carnival with high participation across all age groups and positive House enthusiasm.
NASSA CROSS COUNTRY The NASSA Cross Country will be held in Week 5 on Thursday 26 May 2016 at Sydney Equestrian Centre. This is a compulsory event for the top six runners in each age group from our carnival. Please be aware that the format of the day has recently changed and the bus will now depart at 6.15am from TIGS Western Avenue. Please be advised that a second bus will take senior students back to school after their event. If any other students have concerns about missing lessons they may contact Mrs Lane directly and we may be able to organise an alternative arrangement to help minimise time out of class without depleting our team.
Our Snow Sports Team is almost finalised for the upcoming events in the July School Holidays: • Pymble Race at Perisher Tuesday July 5 • The Northern Region Interschool Snow Sports Championships at Thredbo from Wednesday July 6- Saturday July 9 • Scott’s Race at Perisher Monday July 11
Redlands Cup at Thredbo Tuesday July 12
Snow Sports are offered to all students from Years 2-12 at TIGS. Senior students, please complete the expression of interest on the Snow Sports OLLE page and Junior students can email Mrs Kylee Lane directly klane@tigs.nsw. if you would like to join the TIGS team and register for this event. Please be aware that Mr Kurtis Kaiser will be present to manage the TIGS team however students will be expected to be under the direct supervision of their parents during the competition and must have their own accommodation and travel arrangements to and from the snow.
Aiden Wingate came 1st in the recent XTERRA Triathlon at Jervis Bay. Aiden only competed in his first Aquathon and Triathlon this year through his participation in the TIGS Talented Athletes Programme. Aiden is one of our most consistent and dedicated athletes in the programme and his hard work has paid off. He won by six minutes in his category of 14-15 Years and he came 3rd overall and is now dedicating his summer training to Triathlons and his winter training to Snow Sports.
AICES Touch Football Trials – Thursday 19 May Rugby 7’s – Thursday 19 May
Duke of Ed Information Session and Year 9 Camp Information Evening 5.30pm to 7.00pm Thursday 19 May in the Recital Room
TIGS Great Fete
10.00am to 3.00pm Saturday 21 May
Senior School Athletics Carnival 10.00am to 3.00pm Tuesday 24 May
School Captains’ Trivia Night 6.30pm – 10.00pm Friday 27 May in the IGC
Year 9 Camp
Parent Teacher Interviews Years 7-11 Parent Teacher Interviews will be held in the Goodhew Research Centre from 4pm-7:30pm on the following dates: Year 11 – Wednesday, 8 June Year 8 – Tuesday, 14 June Year 10 – Monday, 20 June Year 9 – Thursday, 30 June Year 7 – Wednesday, 27 July We will be using the booking system Parent Teacher On-Line (PTO) to arrange all interviews. Parents will be sent their login details via email on Thursday, 26 May. The PTO System will be accessible for bookings from 5pm on this date and will close at 10am on the day of the interview. Please ensure the School has a current email address to ensure your login details are sent to the correct place. Parents who do not have an email address listed with the School will be sent their login details via the post. If you have any questions regarding Parent Teacher Interviews please contact Courtney Brooks at: