Issue 2 Term IV,2011

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Special Olympics Year 12 2011


Headmaster’s Message Chaplain’s Message Head of Senior School Issue 2 Term IV, 2011

Academic • Christian • Caring

Head of Junior School

Learning Together MADD in Wonderland was an amazing evening. Students from Years 3 to 6 presented an evening of entertainment displaying their skills and talent in Music, Art, Dance and Drama. Also on display were some wonderful works of art from students from the Piper Centre through to Year 2. Judging by the number of cameras, there were many proud parents, grandparents and other family members recording the spectacle. The colourful costumes, well-rehearsed dancing, singing and acting will make for interesting viewing at 18th and 21st birthday parties in the future. It was also pleasing to see our young musicians, both experienced performers and beginners performing in public for the first time, presenting their items so confidently. The future looks promising for our ensembles and choirs in our Senior School. One of the advantages of attending a school that covers Prep to Year 12 is that younger students become inspired by the performances of older students which then motivate them to practice and build their skills to the same level. I hear so often from students how they were first inspired to take up dancing, a musical instrument or seek a lead role in the Senior School musical because of a ‘wow’ experience as a younger student observing our accomplished older students. The orchestra formed by our Year 9 Elective Music students that provided the accompaniment for the evening was impressive and greatly appreciated.

Stephen Kinsella Headmaster

MADD is an important learning experience for students at a deeper level. The School is committed to providing experiences that take students beyond their comfort zone. It is so important that the pathway through the years of schooling provides the opportunity to have new experiences and to acquire new skills. Every child should have the opportunity to sing, dance, act, play a variety of instruments and create works of art. This may open a new avenue for creative expression or reveal an unknown talent that is life changing and will serve them well in their adult lives. Equally it could be a clear message that they do not have any interest or talent in this area but the experience creates an awareness of the skills required and an ability to appreciate the talent of those who are skilled in this way. The combined efforts and skill of the students at MADD in Wonderland produced a great spectacle and demonstrates the synergy that comes from working together and combining with the skills and talents of others. There were some outstanding individual performances as well as many other students excited at trying out new skills. Everyone was contributing to the best of their ability. Congratulations to all students and staff. Congratulations are also in order for the Year 12 students that attended the Sony Foundation Camp held last weekend. A total of 34 students (30 companions and 4 media crew) provided care for 20 students with disabilities for a weekend at Berry Sport and Recreation Camp. The Sony Foundation sponsored the weekend and the NSW Disability Trust provided professional support. Imagine the delight of these children as they had many new experiences such as swimming in the wave pool at Jamberoo Recreation Park, watching a fire hose water fountain displayed by Berry Bushfire Brigade and cooking damper on an open fire. Providing care for a child whose wellbeing is dependent upon others is a wonderful experience that can be life changing for the carer as much as the recipient of the care. Even though weekend commitments prevented some of our students from participating, more Year 12 students applied to participate in the camp than were places available. A desire to serve others is a characteristic that is nurtured at TIGS: “As the School Community cares for each of its members, so it seeks for its students to be caring of others in the wider community. Through the knowledge and understanding of Christian love, compassion and justice, students will be supported to become active participants in society and wise architects of the future.” (Statement of Mission and Values 3.6) One mother of a child cared for at the camp told us “This is the first time in the 13 years of my son’s life that I, as a single mum, have had more than one day’s break and to know that he was having so much fun while I had three days break to rest, is just incredible. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!” The Sony Foundation camp is just one way in which our students are making a difference in the lives of others. Well done. Stephen Kinsella Headmaster

Chaplain’s Message

Chaplain’s Commissioning Service

This week I was privileged to take part in a Commissioning Service to formally mark the beginning of my ministry as Chaplain to the TIGS school community. I was deeply humbled by the occasion and thank all who attended the service and contributed to making it a very special time for me. We were honoured to be addressed at the service by The Right Rev Bishop Peter Hayward, Bishop of Wollongong. Bishop Hayward used as his text Ephesians 4.1-7. The chief imperative in the text reads as follows: I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. Bishop Hayward reminded me that it is not enough to be called to a ministry; I must live out that calling in the manner outlined in the text – with all humility, gentleness, patience and love. These are distinctive Christian virtues. They are born of the Spirit in the life of a believer. They result in unity and peace. Whenever we hear commands such as these in Scripture the Lord Jesus is never too far away. That is the case here. We think of his humility in washing the disciples’ feet; we think of his gentleness in receiving children into his welcoming arms; we remember his patience with the twelve disciples when they just couldn’t grasp the significance of his works and how his works identified him to be the long-awaited Messiah; we remember his love expressed most fully in his sacrificial death on a cross as a payment for the sins of the world. In the end all Christian behaviour is an imitation of Christ. All worthy Christian ministry involves following the pattern Jesus set in his own life.

Rev James Rogers Chaplain

The performance of these virtues is beyond us alone. For this reason I was so thankful for the prayers offered on my behalf and for the song sung by the School choir under the expert direction of Mrs Carolyn Brown, Director of Performing Arts. The song was ‘Spirit of the Living God’. It was a prayer really. It was a prayer which asked God’s Spirit to fall afresh on me so that I might be the person he would have me be. I drank in those words on Tuesday because I know that if I am to fulfil the role of Chaplain it can only be as God equips me by his Spirit. Perhaps you have a similar sense of inadequacy over a task that is before you. Well, I offer you the same words which I gladly received on Tuesday. Perhaps you might make them your own prayer: Spirit of the Living God, fall afresh on me; Spirit of the Living God, fall afresh on me. Melt me, mold me, fill me, use me Spirit of the Living God, fall afresh on me. Rev James Rogers Chaplain

Senior School Growth and Change Term IV is a time of endings and beginnings. There are Orientation and Induction Days for students who will be new to the School in 2012. There has been an information meeting for the parents of Year 7 students in 2012 as well as a meeting for the parents of the Year 11s, recently inducted as Prefects and into Year 12 status in their HSC studies. There are Transition lessons and activities being conducted for Junior School students. 5th and 6th Class have already attended a number of formal events in the Senior School: the Commissioning of the Chaplain, the Prefects’ Induction and will attend some Assemblies. The cycle moves on. Years 7, 8 and 9 are studying for their end of year exams. The HSC Exams are progressing well. The students seem calm and focussed with so many of them secure in the knowledge that they have already been accepted into the University and Course of their choice. Year 10 students should be focussed on their School Certificate Exams. This will be the last year of this public examination and we are awaiting more detailed information from the Board of Studies on what this will mean in terms of credentialing students from 2012 onwards. There have been and will be end of year performances, shows and presentations – the culmination of a year’s work for many students. As some things end and others move forward this is the time when we review our processes, formats and scheduling of events. Some calendar items are totally out of our control – all public exams, sporting fixtures, term dates - but in putting together the Calendar for 2012, which is what we are doing at the moment, it makes us consider the best ways to schedule events and communicate with parents: parent teacher nights, parent information meetings etc If you have any observations, advice or feedback to give on some of our current processes and procedures I would welcome your observations so that we can continue to provide support for you as a parent of a Senior School student. Mrs Monica Watt Deputy Head and Head of Senior School

Monica Watt

Deputy Headmaster and Head of Senior School you





Junior School

Junior School goes MADD

A wonderful celebration of the creativity of TIGS junior students was held last week with the MADD Alice in Wonderland performance and Art exhibition. Student’s art work from Prep to Year 2 was exhibited and it was amazing to see the skill and creativity of our younger students. Congratulations must go to Ms Richards for her effort in organising the exhibition but mostly for the wonderful work she does with our youngest students. Year 3 to 6 students sang, danced and acted up a storm telling the slightly MADD story of Alice and our thanks and further congratulations must go to the Performing Arts team who once again coached our children to a memorable performance. A real strength of the TIGS community is the collaboration across Junior and Senior schools in meaningful ways. This was achieved for MADD with the Year 9 elective music students providing the band for the performance under the guidance of Ms Zink and also with the TIGS Tech Team running all of the technical aspects of the performance. This is authentic learning for the Senior students who are applying their knowledge to a real life performance situation but also for the Junior School students who can look to their future in Performing Arts in the Senior School and see the many opportunities that will be provided for them.

Judi Nealy

Head of Junior School

This week Years 5 and 6 joined the rest of the Senior School body for the induction service for our new School Chaplain. Stage 3 students enjoyed participating in this important event and it was another great occasion that went across both sections of the School. We look forward to getting to know Rev Rogers and Rev Grieve as they participate in the life of our school. Years 3 and 4 headed off to camp at the end of this week for three days at the Youthworks Centre at Waterslea near Nowra. I am sure that they will have many interesting stories to share when they return.

Weekly Awards KH Lili Petreski, Sarah Partland, Michela Cavallarin, Kaeden Hamdan KM

Aidan Archibald, Oscar Ryan


Daniel Aghmesheh, Isabella Atkinson


Chealsie Hynds, Mia Mitchell


Evan Glover, Ella Vartazarian


Aria Bacic-Johnston, Shemun Simon


Thomas Peden, Michael Piela, Megan Ashford, Molly Parrish


Zipporah Corser-Anu, Sarah Tubman, Aanya Rakheja, Cartia Taranto, Zoe Dribbus, Harrison Dennis, James Gorham


Maximilian Sanzone, Joseph Fraser, Shay Harper, Mohammad Saqib, Finn Stapley, Aaron Ylias, Lincoln Tut, Farrah Al-Salih


Zachary Winter, Georgia Webb, Malachi Sigmund, Nicholas Sutherland, Arah Mizori


William Barber, Austin Pallone, Thomas Hobeika, Lana Atkinson


Joshua Shalala, Morgan Jackson, Ethan Jackson, Jonty Swainson, Holly Kiteley, Ashleigh Mill, Aaron Bell, Mika Bliokas


Camellia Bizimovski. Benon Harris, Anish Abey, Oscar Malouf, Byron Leitch


Isabella Sandy, Daniel Dragutinovich, Lucas Heidrich


Natalia Smith, Kai Dreyfus-Ballesi, Meena Jasim, David Perri


George Moustoukis, Jesse Pupovac

Merit Certificates Ellen Manson Jasper Bambrick Rory Swainson Morgan Jackson Nathan Troiani Daniel Aghmesheh Aanya Rakheja Charlotte Tregonning Joshua Shalala Riley Hanlon Jade Hyde Campbell Cleary Farrah Al-Salih Lauren O’Hanlon Maryam Simon Stephanie Moustoukis Benjamin Lu Ah-Young Choi Mathilda Hoy Caitlin Koloski Sarah Jansen Taylah Pather Natasha Pather Meena Jasim Sarah Van Vreumingen Niamh Christopher James Cooper Joseph Fraser Ethan Jackson Aria Bacic-Johnston Lina Lee Amy Lendrum Tian Molnar Aly Hasnain Ben Giason

The Uniform Shop The Uniform Shop has now commenced 2012 Kindergarten fit outs. Preparatory parents who have children entering Kindergarten in 2012 will need to contact the Uniform Shop to ensure your child is fitted out before the end of Term IV. For your convenience the Uniform Shop trading hours have been extended and will be open on the following days: Week 5 Saturday 12 November 9.00am - 2.00pm Week 8 Tuesday 29 November 8.30am - 4.00pm Wednesday 30 November 8.30am - 4.00pm Thursday 1 December 8.30am - 4.00pm Friday 2 December 8.30am - 4.00pm

Thank You Morning Tea On Thursday 17 November 2011 TIGS will be hosting a ‘Thank You Morning Tea’ from 9.45am in Rees Hall for the many parents and members of our community who volunteer their time and expertise to benefit the students in our school. We would like to extend a warm invitation to all parents in the Junior and Senior School who assist in the classrooms, on excursions, through Karobran, Orana, the canteen and in other ways. We look forward to thanking you in person on Thursday 17 November. For catering purposes, please RSVP to Kerrie Tregonning in the Junior School Office on 4220 0250 or via email

Future Problem Solving The Future Problem Solving National Finals were held Friday 7 October to Sunday 9 October 2011 at AJ Paterson College, Queensland. 500 students were invited to compete including 25 from TIGS. TIGS results were excellent and are as follows. 1st place Middle Community Problem Solving Champions TIGS Year 7 Team Tone It Down (who beat Year 8 and Year 9 students) Ishara Wijesinghe, Samantha Schiodtz, Alexandra Lavalle, Heather Varcoe 2nd place Middle Community Problem Solving TIGS Year 9 Team Kids Count Elise Morton; Henry Hulme; Inez Playford 3rd place Senior Community Problem Solving TIGS Year 10 Team MINDS Zoe Wulff, Kezia Eyre, Will Holmes, Alec Adams, Kailee Cross 2nd place Individual Booklet Penny Drastik Year 8 3rd place Senior Booklet team - the Year 10 boys who finished behind a Year 11 and Year 12 team Kieran Devitt, Ben Goodhew, Christian Tsiamis and Tom Oyston The Year 7 team have been invited to the International Finals which are to be held next year at Indiana University Bloomington from Wednesday 6 June to Sunday 10 2012.

Canteen Corner Please check the Website for the NEW MENU! Online ordering available at

Food Safety

Because the food in your child’s lunchbox will be out of the fridge for up to 6 hours you need to make sure that it is as safe and cold as possible. Ensure basic food safety and hygiene procedures in the kitchen before making your child’s lunch ie wash hands, clean working surface. Make sure reduced-fat dairy and lean meat products are either frozen the night before or kept next to a frozen ice brick, water bottle or UHT milk carton in the lunchbox. For a lunchbox choose an insulated bag with an ice brick or frozen water bottle to keep the lunch cold and safe from any harmful bacteria and spoilage. Wash the lunchbox everyday, this ensures that any uneaten food is discarded.

Canteen Roster Monday 31 Oct Jan Osbourne Linda Edmund

Tuesday 1 Nov Snezana Bujaroska Anne Jones

Wednesday 2 Nov Help Needed

Thursday 3 Nov Help Needed

Friday 4 Nov Help Needed

Senior School Sport Try Sailing Day – 6 November 2011

Try Sailing Day is a fun day where people can be introduced to the sport of sailing. This free event will be held on Sunday 6 November between 10.00am and 4.00pm at Port Kembla Sailing Club and Oak Flats Sailing Club. For more information log onto or contact Natalie on or telephone 02 94382077.

Students Success:

Congratulations to Joel Moore (Year 8) and Jonathan Fowles (Year 8) for their selection in the U/15’s NSWCIS Cricket Team. Congratulations to Kuiam Anu on his selection in the Australian Indigenous AFL Team.

Sport at TIGS

If you need more information about the Associations TIGS use as their steps to representation see the following websites: 1. 2. 3.

NASSA Website: AICES Website: CIS Website:

These websites list sporting events, dates and records of upcoming and recent carnivals.

Year 9/10 Sports for Term IV 2011 These Summer Sports for Years 9/10 have begun for Term IV Badminton - Monday - IGC - 3.30pm - 4.30pm Basketball - Wednesday - IGC 3.30pm - 4.30pm Rock Climbing - Wednesday - Hangdog Auburn Street Wollongong - 3.30pm - 4.30pm Swimming - Wednesday and Friday - University Pool 7.00am - 8.00am (TIGS bus to school) Table Tennis - Monday - IGC - 3.30pm - 4.30pm Swimming training is available to all students Please collect a permission note from Student Reception.

P&F Recycled Uniform Service

The Service has now commenced in the demountable behind the TIGS Uniform Shop. The Service is operated solely by volunteers from the School Community. We are still in need of volunteers who can do a maximum 2 hour shift in one of the following times. Tuesdays and Thursdays 8.30am - 10.30am and 2.30pm - 3.45pm. If you are able to help please contact Tania McGuire on 0418 448 814 or email . We are keeping a record of usage of the service so we can maximise the time offered by our volunteers. We are desperately seeking any uniforms no longer needed, to help with students coming into the School or moving into a new uniform. Please leave any donations at Senior or Junior School receptions.

Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting of the TIGS Parents and Friends Association will be in the Library on Tuesday 22 November at 7.00pm. All Executive positions are being declared vacant and many current Committee members are not renominating. Please consider becoming involved to keep the Association current with new ideas. If you have any questions about Executive or Year/Class Representative positions or would like a nomination form please email .


TIGS P & F are now on Facebook. To join and stay connected please search for ‘TIGS Parents and Friends’

Senior School Leadership Induction Service On Friday 14 October 102 Year 12 students were formally inducted into their positions of leadership for their final year at TIGS at the Senior School Leadership Induction Service. In keeping with the School tradition, as Captains we chose and introduced the motif of a Rubik’s cube symbolising the diverse talents and personalities of our Year. Throughout the year we hope to unify all of Year 12 together as a group, thus completing all 50 cubes representing the weeks of our last year together. This was very significant occasion for all of our Year 12 peers and we look forward to spending a productive and rewarding 12 months with you in our leadership positions . Your School Captains and Vice Captains

Isaac, Lisa, Hugh and Rosie

To keep up-to-date with the latest news and events that are happening in and around our School, we encourage you to subscribe to the email Newsletter. Simply visit our website: and sign up on the home page.

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