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NEWSLETTER Junior School Mother’s Day Breakfast
Year 6 Canberra Excursion
Headmaster’s Message Chaplain’s Message Head of Senior School Issue 2 Term II, 2012
Academic • Christian • Caring
Head of Junior School
NAPLAN NAPLAN tests are scheduled for the coming week for students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9. These tests assess student performance in Reading, Persuasive Writing, Spelling, Grammar and Numeracy and provide valuable information to schools about the strengths and weaknesses of students and inform changes to curriculum and the programming of teaching and learning. As a diagnostic tool it is very useful for teachers to have this information and we welcome the opportunity for our students to be assessed and for school improvement to take place. However, the publication of NAPLAN results on the Government’s MySchool website has raised the stakes for schools considerably. The publication of the NAPLAN results of schools has led to the unhelpful practice by the media of the construction of tables that rank schools. ‘NSW Schools Ranked’ and ‘Our Top 10 Schools’ were typical of headlines this year. The Sydney Morning Herald (27/2/12) for example, based on NAPLAN results, reported that out of 1746 NSW Primary Schools, TIGS was ranked 163, the second placed Illawarra School (by just two places). I find that I immediately succumb to my naturally competitive instinct by thinking how unlucky to miss out by just two places on being the top ranked school. The same report ranks TIGS as number 118 out of 762 NSW Secondary School which is the top non-selective school in the Illawarra. Hooray, we won! - I don’t think so.
Stephen Kinsella Headmaster
NAPLAN tests now have far greater importance for schools than was ever intended and are used inappropriately to rank schools, ignoring the complexity and diversity of the ‘school’ experience. Studies show that student performance in literacy and numeracy can vary considerably due to factors such as family income and wealth, parental education, employment and expectations, and a child’s cultural heritage. The greatest influence is the quality of teaching and the environment in which teaching takes place. Performance at school level also depends significantly on the academic ability of each cohort of students which, for schools like TIGS, can vary each year because of open enrolment policies that are non-selective. Unfortunately, ‘high stakes’ testing, such as is now the case with NAPLAN, where the test is used for purposes other than for which they were designed, can have a profound impact on the behaviour of students, parents and schools. There are occasions now where students are stressed about sitting for NAPLAN tests because of the ‘importance’ of scoring highly. Some parents employ tutors or purchase resources to prepare their children for the NAPLAN tests to maximise their results (this practice is less common in the Illawarra than in Sydney). Schools are tempted to set aside their programs and specifically ‘teach for the test’. This is not surprising given that schools are ranked by newspapers, ‘successful’ schools and teachers are lauded by governments for high performance, and it is hinted that teachers’ salaries will be linked to NAPLAN results. At TIGS, we do prepare students for the NAPLAN tests as you would expect but this is done within the context of our normal teaching programs. We believe this is in the best interests of our students and NAPLAN results confirm that our students perform well above the National and State averages.
Whole School Appraisal Results from the survey recently conducted with parents, students and staff are now being assessed. Over the course of the next few weeks, Mr Nick Clarke (the independent consultant managing the appraisal) will be meeting with representatives from our community to discuss the survey results. Meetings with parents will be held on Thursday, 24 May starting at 7.00am, 10.00am, 4.00pm and 7.30pm. The number attending each session will be limited to 8 parents and each session is planned to last no longer than one hour. Parents are invited to express their interest in participating in one of these meetings by contacting the Personal Assistant to the Headmaster, Mrs Natalie Moore, on 4220 0200 or
Stephen Kinsella
Chaplain’s Message
God’s Generous Invitation
In James 1.17 we learn that “every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” I want to highlight for our appreciation this week just one of these “good and perfect gifts” – the gift of prayer. Prayer is a generous invitation by our Heavenly Father to bring our requests to him. This invitation grows out of God’s personal care and concern for us. Furthermore, we are encouraged to bring our requests to God knowing that he uses our requests in the working out of his good purposes in the world. So prayer is both relational and functional. Through prayer we talk to our Heavenly Father and he uses our prayer to good effect in our lives. For this reason prayer is powerful. God doesn’t invite us to trifle our lives away. God wants us to live fruitful and effective lives. Prayer is a vital means to this end. God knows that; and he wants us to know it as well. Our prayers are powerful in the hands of God Almighty. Sometimes we can feel too powerless ourselves to pray. Again, God has an answer to this. It is not the power of our personal prayers that matter but the power and goodness of the one to whom we turn in prayer. He is able to cause his grace to abound for us. And he will - if we turn to him.
Rev James Rogers
There is an important condition, however. God has our best interests and his glory in mind. Sometimes we won’t know what that involves. Sometimes we will pray for something that is not in our best Chaplain interests or in the interests of the promotion of the glory of God. For this reason, God will sometimes say “no” to our prayers; sometimes he will say “not just yet”; and then there will be times when he will say “yes”. If we don’t remember that God is committed to our very best interests and his glory we might become discouraged in prayer. And God does not want that for us. I want to encourage you to accept God’s generous invitation to pray to him. He really does care for you and he really is powerful enough to use your prayers to good effect in your lives. Furthermore, I want to assure you of my prayers for you. I see this as a vital part of my role as School Chaplain. I do pray for you all and will continue to pray for you with the strength that God provides. You can be sure of that. May God bless you.
Senior School
Following on from last week’s newsletter article I’d like to give you some feedback on the Achievement Awards that I mentioned. It was a great night at Wests Illawarra, last Friday evening at the Wave FM/Wests Illawarra Young Achievers Awards. As you know about 12 of our students had been nominated for these Young Achievers Awards together with many other fabulous young people from throughout the Illawarra region. In a very strong field the following students received awards together with a cheque for $1,500 for the Winner and $500 for the Encouragement Award. • • • • • •
Adrian Whitehall won the Junior Young Achiever in the Arts Category. Dominic Mortimer won the Junior Young Achiever in Citizenship Award. Jonathon Fowles won the Junior Young Achiever in Sport Award. Emily I’Ons won the Encouragement Award in the Junior Academic Achievement category. Jarrod Poort won the Encouragement Award in the Senior Sporting Achievement category. Ex-student Georgia Kollaras was another great TIGS ambassador there on the night. She sang powerfully and beautifully during the Awards ceremony.
To see such diversity and passion represented on the stage that night filled all of us with great hope for the future because we have such pro-active and successful young people to lead the way. Well done to Mrs Fisher who as the Year 9 Dean supports and encourages her students every step of the way.
Monica Watt
Deputy Headmaster and
Head of Senior School
On Monday evening watching the local WIN TV news I was proud to hear that TIGS scooped the pool (or the ocean) at the Pines Academy Surfing Competition at North Beach. Our TIGS A Team and B Team came first and second respectively ahead of Kiama. Well done to: Ollie Birt, Josh Chapple, Angus Cochrane, Stella Crick, Billy Fisher, Grace Hennessy, Tim Kidall Park, Michaela McGrath, Jesse Pupovac, Alexander Seal, Harrison Steele and Jai Tuckwood. Well done to Mr Tout and Mr Oyston. Great coaching! Our Cross Country Teams won each of their divisions at the recent NASSA Carnival. Congratulations to all involved, including Mrs Sharpe! Mention should also be made of Jesse Price who at the recent AFL State Trials was selected to represent Northern NSW Independent Schools. He is passionate about his sport and has developed well. Well done, Jesse, and well done Ms Graydon who has championed the AFL cause both at TIGS and in her role as CIS AFL Committee Member and Selector. Finally, our six Debating teams won all of their HICES debates at Chevalier this week - our Junior, two Middle, two Senior and Open divisions. Special mentions went Emily I’Ons (Yr 9), Penny Drastik (Yr 11), Daniel McNamara (Yr 12), Inez Playford (Yr 10), Ashleigh Doherty (Yr 8) and Elizabeth Martin (Yr 7). Congratulations teams and their mentor and coach, Mrs Dubowsky. What a week it has been! It’s wonderful to see the ways in which we realise our Mission and Values Statement 1.5: It is recognised that students learn in different ways and at different rates and that the gifts each child possesses are unique in their extent and combination. Student learning is organised so that each child is given the opportunity to identify and develop their gifts and talents to the fullest extent.
Junior School
Mother’s Day This week the children have been preparing to celebrate Mother’s Day. Our first Mother’s Day breakfast was a great success. In the past we have spoilt our mums with a garden party morning tea leading up to Mother’s Day. This year however it was suggested that mums would prefer to have a delicious breakfast with the children before heading off to the various activities that our busy mums undertake during the day while the children are here at school. This change emphasises the evolving nature of motherhood as well as the constants that remain. The role of the mother is infinitely complex. Ask any mother at our school how they would define their role and all the answers will be different and significantly so. However it would also be apparent that several consistent themes are important to all mums. The safety of their children, the importance that they place on their children’s happiness and their desire to see their children grow and develop into the very best that they can be.
Judi Nealy
Head of Junior School
These are big ticket items and ones that are best achieved in partnership or community. Our TIGS community seeks to address these important concerns, in fact they align closely with our School’s mission and values; Academic, Christian, Caring. It is a great thing to work in partnership with mums (and dads) in providing an academic program that is safe, nurturing and looks to achieve individual holistic excellence for each child.
It is important that we thank the dads for their planning and preparation as well as for their hard work on the day to make our Mother’s Day breakfast such a lovely event for our School Community. I do wish all of our community a Happy Mother’s Day. I hope this weekend brings an opportunity to share how important the relationship of mothering is and to thank each of our mums for their love and care.
Dates for your diary:
15-17 May – Years 3 and 5 NAPLAN Saturday 19 May – TIGS Great Fete
Class Awards KB KD KM 1C 1M 2P 3M 3Y 4R
4W 5S 5N 6T 6Y 6W
Lillian Glover, Aiden Da Deppo Tyler Sullivan, Daniel Peden Jenna Collins, Sharlae Collins Sarah Partland Cameron Davies, Artan Karwarz Alex Varmedja Molly Parrish, Jessica Hall Shemun Simon, Paige Jenkins Annabel Malouf
Toria Tsakiridis, Mark McAlary, James Gorham Arah Mizori, Jack Scott, Chivonne Barrett Polly Powell, Joanne Karakousis Quincy Tut Zane Dema, Nathan Thompson Camellia Bizimovski, Benon Harris, Thomas Bannigan, Joshua Shalala
Junior School Sport FUTSAL Championships
On Monday 30 April Junior School students represented TIGS at the regional futsal championships in Campbelltown. The age groups represented were the under 12 boys and girls team and an under 10 boys team. All of the teams represented the School well with all three making it through to their respective grand finals. The under 12 girls and under 10 boys team won their grand final and the under 12 boys team were unfortunate to lose their final (3-7).The three teams have progressed to the state finals which will take place in Penrith during August. We wish them well. Under 12 Boys team: Michael Kyriakoudes Austin Pallone Lachlan Philpott Jarod Tuckwood Dylan Sormus Samuel Shalala Benon Harris Under 12 Girls team Zara Winter Sarah Hanlon Ashley Dribbus Taylah Pather
Rubey Williams Tayla Smith Under 10 Boys team Ethan Brunskill Jeseph Druett Rory Hanrahan Dean Borbilas Thomas Main Aaron Elias Harrison Kiteley Nicholas Makdessi
NASSA Cross Country Results
TIGS placed a close third this year in the NASSA carnival. There were many impressive individual results with 15 runners qualifying to compete at the CIS carnival in June. Congratulations to Zara Winter for her 1st place in the 12 years girls, Ashley Dribbus 1st in the 11 years girls, Zoe Dribbus 3rd in the 10 years girls, Austin Pallone 3rd in the 11 years boys, Victoria Summerill 4th in the 9 years girls and Zac Winter 4th in the 11 years boys.
Merit Certificates Celeste Bonaccorso Benon Harris Lili Petreski Camellia Bizimovski Zane Taylor Oscar Tilden Alysha De Ruyter Zane Dema
NSW CIS Hockey
Congratulations to Isabella Sandy in Year 6 who has been selected as a member of the CIS hockey team to play at the PSSA championships in June.PSSA Tennis Congratulations to Mitchell Main who was a member of the victorious CIS Primary Tennis Team at last weeks state carnival.
Junior Cross Country
Champion House – Wolgal Age Champions 9 years 1. Annie McLearie 2. Victoria Summerill
1. Hugo Parrish 2.Dean Borbilas
10 years 1. Zoe Dribbus 1. Aaron Ylias 2. Sarah Van Vreumingen 2. Joseph Druett 11 years 1. Ashley Dribbus 1. Austin Pallone 2. Emma Franco 2. Zac Winter 12 years 1. Zara Winter 1. Lachlan Phillpott 2. Holly Kiteley 2. Dylan Sormus
Canteen News Canteen Corner Online Lunch Orders
As of Term II we are asking parents to go online to order children’s lunch orders. We would like the online ordering system to supersede the brown paper bag form of ordering and are now asking parents to order lunches online. We will of course accept the old style lunch order if you are not connected to the internet or if time does not allow you to make your order online for any reason. Please see the information below regarding the online ordering system:
FlexiSchools Online Ordering
Our School has introduced a great new online ordering system for the canteen called FlexiSchools. This system allows parents, students and staff to place orders from home, work or school at any time up until 9.00am in the morning. The payment is also done online, so you no longer need to have cash to purchase from the Canteen. As well as being convenient for you, the online orders are much faster and easier for the canteen to process - so it makes everyone’s life a little easier. FlexiSchools is well established and tested, operating in hundreds of schools across Australia. Getting online is easy and only takes a second to register. Simply go to and click “Register Now”. Once registered, you can start placing orders immediately. If you have any questions, FlexiSchools provide a great help desk on 1300 361 769, or you can contact them via their website. There are a variety of payment options supported, including Visa, MasterCard (credit and debit), Bank Transfer and Pay Click. The system operates via a pre-paid account, so you don’t need to scrounge for coins in the morning and can easily budget for your canteen spending throughout the term. The system is now available, so we look forward to seeing your next order online!
FlexiSchool App
This app has been created for FlexiSchools by “Iron Tortoise” and can be bought from the iTunes store for $1.99, by searching for “FlexiSchools” or by clicking here: com/au/app/flexischools/id514188579?mt=8
New Flexischools App
Always update your app, as new functions are always becoming available.
Flexischools has now released an iPhone and iPad app!
New Menu for Term II 2012
Please click here to download the menu for Term II. Monday 14 May Tuesday 15 May Wednesday 16 May Melanie Smith Barb Mandelson Marie Mc Corquadale Alice Martin
Thursday 17 May Nicole Anastas Kelly White
Friday 18 May Bronwyn Marvell Joanne Elliott
2013 Enrolments We would like to remind existing families that Enrolments for 2013 and beyond are now being taken, with limited positions in several Year groups available. All new students interested in attending The Illawarra Grammar School are required to complete an Application for Enrolment form. For further information please visit the our website and click on ENROLMENTS or contact Ms Nicci Fripp on 4220 0216 or email:
Public Speaking Congratulations Emily I’Ons Congratulations to Emily I’Ons of Year 9, who represented TIGS in the Rostrum Voice of Youth Public Speaking Competition 2012 on 3 April at Smiths Hill High School. Emily was awarded Runner Up in her division on the evening for her speech relating to current issues in education - a wonderful achievement!
Senior School Careers University of Wollongong Year 10 Future Finder Evening Date: Tuesday 22 May 2012 Location: UOW Hall, Wollongong Campus Time: 6.30pm - 8.30pm Bookings can be made online or by calling UniAdvice on 1300 367 869
TIGS Charity Trivia Night It’s that time of year again, as we are fast approaching the TIGS Charity Trivia Night to be held on Friday 25 May. Please follow this link to place a booking and find details for this wonderful night. All funds raised will be contributed to the 2012 Year 12 Charity, the Friends of the Disability Trust. Teams will be made up of 8 people each, and you may come dressed according to the theme of the letter “D” if you wish. Keep in mind that there will be a prize for the best dressed table as chosen by a highly qualified panel of judges. So for those of you who have come before, and to anyone who is yet to participate, we hope to see you there! The 2012 TIGS School Captains Isaac Kim, Lisa Fernandez, Hugh Allison and Rosemary Davis
TIGS Great Fete 2012 Cake Stall
The Cake Stall is seeking donations of baked goods to sell at our upcoming fete. Some ideas include but are not limited to, cakes, muffins, savoury tarts, fruit tarts, coconut ice, fudge, shortbread, ANZAC biscuits, fruit cakes, toffees, scones, slice - in fact anything baked/cooked. Cake boxes will be available at the junior and senior school receptions to assist with packing. Please label all items (especially if it is gluten free or dairy free) and include a list of ingredients. All donations can be delivered to the IGC on Friday 18 May from 2.00pm or Saturday 19 May before 10.00am For further information or if you able to assist setting up on Friday afternoon or serving on fete day, please contact Alice Martin at
Drop Off Container
The container is currently on site in the same spot as last year in the IGC car park. It will be unlocked from 7.30am - 4.00pm if people have anything for the fete to drop off.
Why Wait in Line?
Place your orders now and collect on the day! This year all pre order items will be available for purchase online at Items available for purchase include: • Rides bands – for use on ALL rides all day • Various types of Indian Curries • Krispy Kreme Donuts • Sticky Date Puddings • Wine raffle tickets • TIGS raffle tickets To purchase any of these items, simply log onto, click on the fete icon to place your order and collect your items at your convenience on fete day!
Performing Arts
All Junior School students and Senior School Performing Arts students will be involved with performing at the TIGS Fete Saturday 19 May 2012. Please click here to download the schedule for the day.
Visual Arts Art After Hours
Our second foray at the Art Gallery of NSW this year saw 45 students from Year 7 to Year 12 experience the fun and learning engagement of the Term II Art After Hours event. This group viewed and were inspired by The Archibald, Wynne and Sulman Prizes. Many of the students chose to get involved in the People’s Choice Competition by selecting and voting for their own personal favourite artwork. In term IV an evening at Sculpture by the Sea in Bondi is planned and students are encouraged to get involved in the cultural life of the School through their attendance.
NAPLAN Dates NAPLAN for Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 will take place from 15 to the 17 May 2012. For more information on NAPLAN please visit
Date: Thursday 24 May 2012 Time: 10.00am
o r M n ing t s eg Venue: Centro Restaurant
(Stewart Street, Wollongong - Opposite Aldi)
Cost: $15pp - includes tea/coffee and a delicious buffet of sweets and savouries RSVP: 20 May 2012 RSVP Contact: Text Mary Shalala on 0423190560 or email Please RSVP for catering purposes Come along and support a great cause with the opportunity to catch up with family and friends.
If you are unable to attend but would like to make a donation please feel free to leave it at either the Junior School or Senior School reception in a clearly marked envelope. All cheques are to be made payable to the Cancer Council.
Senior School Sport Surfing Pines Surfing Acadamy Teams Competition 2012
This week Aaron Cannon (Yr 11) and the Junior Girls Relay Team comprising of Laura Gibbons (Yr 8), Kelsey Cresswell (Yr 8), Kaitlin McKeon (Yr 9) and Alice Fox (Yr 8) participated in the All Schools Swimming Carnival. Aaron swam in seven events. He achieved a silver medal in the 4 x 50m Multi class relay and a bronze medal in the 100m Multi class backstroke event.
There were six schools (eight teams) vying for the Shield this year and, once again, TIGS entered two teams. Both of the TIGS teams had a good blend of youth and experience. The A team won the first heat of the day. Angus Cochrane and Joshua Chapple scored well to lead the team off but there were some nervous moments. The B team were lead off by Harrison Steele and Alexander Seal, who set a solid platform for the youngsters to follow. Second placing in their first heat saw them through to the semis and a match up with the A Team, Kiama and Warilla A – a tough assignment! The semi-final was closely contested. Grace Hennessy got the A team going, with solid scores for her three rides and inside good time. Oliver Birt also scored well. The B Team girls, Michaela McGrath and Jesse Pupovac held their nerve in the challenging conditions and contributed to a consistent team effort, snatching second to the A Team and also grab a place in the final. This was the first time TIGS had defeated Kiama in this competition. This result was to be repeated in the final and see TIGS (A) claim their first Inter-school title in Surfing. Stella Crick, in her last competition representing the School, caught some difficult waves and scored highly. Billy Fisher showed much bravado, taking on the sets in a falling tide. For the B Team, who once again got a good start from their more experienced seniors, Jai Tuckwood and Timothy Kidall Park gave great back-up again to keep the momentum going. Both teams finished strongly and inside the timeframe, to make an unlikely quinella of the event and give great confidence for the future to all those involved.
All Schools Swimming Carnival
Junior Girls Relay Team 200m Freestyle Relay 4th 200m Medley Relay 6th A tremendous result from these students against all the schools in NSW.
Australian Secondary Schools Sailing Championships
During the Easter holidays, two students Nicholas Marzano, (Yr 12) and Alexander Marzano, (Yr 10) represented the School at the annual Combined High School Sailing Regatta at Belmont, on Lake Macquarie. The conditions were unpredictable ranging from windy, still to heavy rain. The students performed extraordinarily well during the event coming fourth overall out of 113 boats, as well as placing first in both the miscellaneous section and their respective division. This was quite a feat, with the course giving a huge advantage to the other boats throughout the competition. It was a very close race with first, second and third on equal places. Our students worked hard and both of the boys on these results snatched the victory on the last race. Nicholas has represented the School over numerous years at the All Schools Sailing Competition with impressive results and we acknowledge and thank him for his commitment.
NASSA Cross Country
Senior Division Champions – TIGS Individual Results (top 3) 13 year Girls – Sarah I’ons 2nd 13 year Girls – Elizabeth Martin 3rd 14 year Boys – Matthew Galanti 1st 14 year Girls – Margot Allison 2nd 15 year Boys – Caleb Stamper 1st 15 year Girls – Maudie Skyring 2nd 16 year Boys – Alexander Seal 1st 16 year Boys – Hamish Paine 2nd 16 year Girls – Lilli Bennett 2nd 17 year Girls – Siobhan Butler 1st 18 year Girls – Emma Ramsey 3rd Well done TIGS!
NASSA Rugby Trials
On Monday, 25 students in the Senior School trialled for the NASSA Rugby Union representative teams. Congratulations to the following boys on their selection. Opens James Needham (Yr 12), Jake O Conhonor (Yr 11) Under 16’s Andrew Barker (Yr 10), Simon Mill (Yr 8), Robbie Gyngell (Yr 11), Bailey White (Yr 9), Manarr Jasim (Yr 10), Beppe Fierravanti (Yr 9), Andre Hollis (Yr 10), Liam Bridges (Yr 9) These boys will now represent NASSA at the AICES trials on Wednesday May 23 2012.
Year 9/10 Sports for Term II 2012
Sport is compulsory for all students at TIGS from Years 7-10. In Years 9 and 10 this compulsory sport is conducted before and after school in a variety of activities. Students may formally be granted an exemption from the above requirement if they can demonstrate their participation in other regular sporting activities. All students are reminded to return their Sport forms. The Year 9/10 Sports Program includes Winter Sports in Terms II and III and a Summer Program in Terms I and IV. The Winter Sports for Years 9/10 have begun for Term II.
NASSA Cross Country was held at Macarthur Anglican School with a slight course change from last year. TIGS was represented with a team of over 75 students. The results are indicative of the talent and depth in all age divisions in cross country running. Congratulations to all students who ran and gained valuable points to steer us to such a successful day. Overall Champion School – TIGS Junior Division Champions – TIGS Intermediate Division Champions – TIGS
Badminton/ Table Tennis Monday - IGC - 3.30pm to 4.30pm Basketball Wednesday - IGC - 3.30pm to 4.30pm Rock Climbing Wednesday - Hangdog Auburn Street Wollongong - 3.30pm to 4.30pm Tennis Wednesday - Beaton Park - 3.30pm to 4.30pm Athletics Wednesday - Beaton Park - 3.30pm to 4.30pm All Sport buses for Year 9/10 Sports will leave from Western Avenue. Contact Mrs Sharpe at school with any questions regarding this program.
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Fete0am - 3.00pm t a e r G S • TIGay 19 May 2012 10.0 Saturd
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camp June 2012 9 r a e Y • iday 1 28 - Fr Monday
Short Term Homestay Required 28 July 2012 – 8 August 2012
Students from Shonan Koka Daigaku Fuzoku High School in Kanagawa, Japan will visit TIGS for a study tour in July this year. Our Homestay Coordinator would like to invite TIGS families to participate in this study tour. Any families interested in providing homestay for payment are invited to contact Sally Ann Gail at the School on 42200269 or via email