TIGS Newsletter, Issue 3 Term I

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Headmaster’s Message Building the Future Chaplain Head of Senior School Head of Junior School Issue 3 Term I, 2010

Academic • Christian • Caring

Building the Future Do you remember when TIGS had 5 demountable classrooms in the Junior School? It now seems a long time ago (actually it was last October) that we cleared the ground for the construction of our new Junior School building. Armies of construction workers and tradesmen have descended upon the site and the building has rapidly taken shape. Images on the building progress are available to view by clicking here. Some details about the building: Cost: $4m financed by: $2.5 m - Australian Government stimulus package grant $1.5 m - loan paid for by TIGS families through fees and gifts Ground Floor: • Multi-purpose hall approximately the size of a basketball court with a 4m high ceiling • Kitchen facilities - this will make catering for events easier • Toilets - additional facilities for Junior School students • Storage for sports equipment and other resources • Air-conditioning • Landscaping - the new building will open out onto the playing field and have easy access by two new staircases to the Junior School classrooms First Floor: • 6 classrooms, each with access to 2 ‘wonder’ rooms - withdrawal spaces for small group activities and individual research using ICT resources 4 rooms for creative learning • Covered balconies and walkways linking to the other Junior School building • Covered outdoor eating area • Air-conditioning

Stephen Kinsella Headmaster

The construction of a new building is always an exciting time for a school, so much so that it can be a distraction from good teaching and learning. Apart from having an aesthetically beautiful building, we are looking forward to the completion of the building because: •

It will provide a much needed additional large space for meetings, sport and special events. This will take pressure off the IGC enabling the teaching programmes scheduled in both the Senior and Junior Schools to experience less disruption.

The First Floor learning spaces have been specifically designed to complement child centred, enquiry based learning which is at the foundation of the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program (PYP). The PYP Learner Profile describes the characteristics of students who are life-long learners in an international context. They are: Inquirers; Knowledgeable; Thinkers; Communicators; Principled; Open-minded; Caring; Risk-takers; Balanced; Reflective. The new building will provide a unique environment that will encourage students in adopting these characteristics. It will certainly be a bright and happy place in which to learn.

The completion of the Junior School building will not mean an end to our building plans. The unexpected but welcomed grant from the Australian Government has caused us to reorder our priorities. Building projects planned for the future (in loose priority order) are: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Two new Science laboratories Hospitality facility Sports facility Begbie

TIGS does not have access to large financial reserves. We budget for a very small surplus each year and use any remaining funds to improve our facilities. How quickly we are able to complete these planned projects will continue to depend on parents paying their fees (allowing the servicing of loans raised by the School), the generosity of governments and gifts to the School by current and past members of our community. Our Foundation is always keen to hear from new donors.

We are proud of our campus and the wonderful environment it provides for learning. We look forward to the completion of our new building and those that will follow.

The official opening of the new Junior School building is scheduled for Sunday 19 September which is ‘Back to TIGS’ day. Stephen Kinsella Headmaster

Chaplain’s Connection

“You have searched me ...”

Full-body scanners are on their way to an airport near you. Already our luggage is scanned by x-ray machines, we pass through metal detectors, and are subject to random checks by sniffer dogs and explosive trace detection systems. But, in the current heightened awareness of the terrorism threat, governments around the world are moving to introduce high-tech full-body scanners. I must confess to having mixed feelings. On one level, I’m confident I have nothing to fear. Like random breath tests and speed cameras, it’s only those that are doing the wrong thing that will be caught out. But on another level, there are concerns about personal privacy. To have oneself revealed in such detail to others is always scary. Human nature being what it is, security of information or images cannot always be guaranteed. And, in the wrong hands, such information can harm us. Of course, care is being taken: monitors are kept in a separate room, images are deleted immediately, and new software is being used that blurs or disguises the body. But human rights groups still argue that this is a step too far, that the price of liberty is too high. This week the Pope has weighed in to the debate, saying that, notwithstanding the threat from terrorism, “the primary asset to be safeguarded and treasured is the person, in his or her integrity” [“Pope laments intrusion by airport body scanners”, SMH 23/2/10]. This, I think, touches on the heart of the issue. It’s about protection. The sad reality of human nature is that there will always be those who will take any opportunity to humiliate and exploit us. And so we find we need to protect ourselves by keeping ourselves hidden, literally and metaphorically, from prying eyes. Which brings me to Psalm 139. The writer speaks of how God sees right through him:

John Reed Chaplain

“O LORD, you have searched me and you know me. You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar. You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways. Before a word is on my tongue you know it completely, O LORD ...” (vv. 1-4). And yet he is not afraid or concerned at this degree of exposure. Rather, he says: “How precious to me are your thoughts, O God!” (v. 17). Why is he not worried? Because, with God, unlike our experience of our fellow human beings, we have nothing to fear because we are in the hands of One who is utterly trustworthy. He both knows us and loves us completely. Here is One we don’t need to fear, or hide from.

Senior School As a follow-up to last week’s “Introduction to Co-curricular Activities”, the list should now be up on the website. In addition I thought you might like to have a snapshot ‘Daily Notices’ on just one day this week. These are read out at Mentor time every morning and are also posted on various Noticeboards around the school. There’s got to be something here for everyone! Years 7-12 are invited to join the ASX Stock Market Game. See Mr Lanyon or Mr Ferguson There’s a Languages Competition: create a logo or motto based on the theme “Global Understanding”. J-club anime are showing the movie “Pom Poko” at lunchtime. A great way to improve Japanese skills. Relay teams for NASSA Swimming are practising. AFL team selection is this week. New players are encouraged to attend this Friday. See Ms Graydon. Regular training each Monday 3.30pm – 4.30pm. Touch Football players are meeting with Mr Chamberlain at lunchtime today to practise on the Oval.

Monica Watt

Deputy Headmaster welcome.

Anyone who wants to enrol for TIGS Tech see Mrs Brown at the beginning of lunchtime in Performing Arts Staffroom. TIGS BIGBAND starting rehearsals Tuesday morning 8.00am – 8.40am. New members

TIGS JAZZ WORKSHOP Tuesday lunchtime. All instruments and levels welcome. ‘Jesus Christ Superstar’ rehearsals. Year 7s interested in playing Rugby League for the school please see Mr Tregonning. Thank you to Year 10 Hosts for your great work last Saturday at “Meet the New Parents’ Evening.” Peer Reading has started for Senior School students to assist Junior School students. Mock Trial meeting for Year 11 students at lunchtime Monday. As you can see everything is up and running so please encourage your children to get involved.

Junior School New child restraint laws are coming!

One of the powerful and exciting elements of Junior Schooling is the partnership forged between home and school. As young children begin their time in formal schooling it is crucial that a relationship of shared goals, trust and care is formed between home and school. In a K – 12 School this relationship continues for some 13 years. This is a long term commitment and one which undergoes several transitions in terms of the types and levels of interactions appropriate to each stage of learning and development. Over the last two weeks we have been hosting our “Meet the Teacher” evenings in the Junior School. It is at these events that we nurture our sense of shared endeavour with our parents and the children. Together we are undertaking possibly the single most important task in family life, the education and care of children. The “Meet the Teacher” evenings provide us with opportunities to communicate our agenda for the academic year to come. There will be a whole school focus as well as areas specific to the age and stage of the children. This year our whole school focus areas are: developing our Units of Inquiry using the PYP framework as well as 21st Century Learning and the Choose Respect initiative. These areas of focus are common right across the Junior School from Pre Prep to Year 6 and they reflect our school’s Strategic Plan initiatives. “Meet the Teacher” evening also provided opportunities for Stage Coordinators to communicate clearly their emphasis for each particular stage for 2010. The creation of the Stage Coordinator role in the Junior School has allowed us as a school to have a sense of direction and purpose along with the expertise and contact points to effectively Head of Junior School implement our programmes. It is wonderful to know with confidence as parents that there is an expert educator overseeing each stage of the children’s learning and that each of these stages is guided by a senior member of staff with a view to the entire learning journey and big picture planning right across the Junior School.

Judi Nealy

Lastly it is our intention that our “Meet the Teacher” session provided each parent with time to listen to their child’s teachers, to get an idea of what they plan for learning this year and some insight into how each learning community operates. I thank all of our teaching staff for their commitment to the partnership we share and our parents, for their interest and attendance at this important occasion.

Junior Swimming Carnival Our Year 3 to 6 swimming carnival provided a great opportunity for all our students to test their swimming abilities. The level of participation was again extremely high with all students entering the 50 metre freestyle event. They were encouraged and supported by our Year 10 Sport Science students as well as family and friends, with many students achieving way beyond their expectations. Congratulations to Kogara house on their strong winning performance while Wolgal finished in a tight second place from Aranda.

Age Champions 8 Years

9 Years

10 Years

11 Years

1. Izac Saad

1. Austin Pallone

1. Justus Bacic-Johnston

1. Hugo M

1. Annalise Chadrawy

1. Taylah Pather

1. Holly Kiteley

1. Hailey

2. Michael Kyriakoudes

2. Joshua Buchanan

2. Daniel

2. Evelyn Parrish

2. Meg Farrell

2. Zoe M

Sophie McGuire


Kyah Dema


Charlotte Atkinson Jasmine Cutler


Dean Borbilas


Jessica Hall


Molly Parrish


Sarah Tubman


Chloe Kokiousis


Jade Ryan Benon Harris


Hannah Scott


Che Stubbs Lina Steinke


Myles Verdi



Tigs Extended During Week 3 at TIGS EXTENDED we explored and created things made from egg cartons. The children created caterpillars, spiders, lady bugs, and glasses, just to name a few.... The children have settled into school now with our homework supervision in full swing... Afternoon tea is always a huge social event every afternoon. A big thank you to the canteen for our healthy afternoon tea.

5/6W Perri Moustoukis, Ishara Wijesinghe 6C

Zoe Correa Giancarlo Esposito


Bree Dennis


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12 Years 1. Jack Mackenzie-Wood

y Van Vreumingen

1. Grace Hennessy

l Laing

2. Angus Malouf 2. Ashleigh Doherty

Glasses mad e fr egg carton om s

Lina with her egg carton creation




Aika doing her written homework

Who said homework needs to be done inside?

Year elected ly w e n e e ary th intensiv febru to an t 15 n e e h w t s day day captain ut the On Mon e o ic h g v u o d g. Thr ains an r and trainin 6 capt d leade ip o o h g s r a e s e lead w to b activitie day of rnt ho f the a o le e s m t o g tool . S uden plannin be one the st o a t is s n ich it mea ctivities rt’ wh what ded ‘po trust a lu , c le in p o e p yed ts and we enjo ship. g even in iz n leader a g t n r o a v r r fo and t se llenging g abou a in h c lk a y t t ver and a abou t also er ide t fun bu t e s b a w ay hool. as a The d yone h nior Sc u r J e v e e h t that ader in i think good le a e b how to


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TIGS Senior Swimming Carnival

The Senior School swimming carnival was a great success. Participation was excellent and the House spirit was encouraging. Fourteen swimming records were broken on the day. The TIGS swimming team will compete next Wednesday 3 March at Homebush. Congratulations to Aranda house for winning the first Shell Shield event for the year.

Age Champions for 2010 12 Year Girls 1st Kaitlin McKeon 2nd Emily I’Ons 3rd Margot Allison

12 Year Boys 1st Callum Waldock 2nd Maxwell Lill 3rd Sachin Gasper

13 Year Girls 1st Madeline Laing 1st Tahlia Jackson 3rd Olivia Poate

13 Year Boys 1st Joel Moore 2nd Alexander Brodie 3rd Lachlan Scott

14 Year Girls 1st Kailee Cross 2nd Kate Martin 3rd Jaymee Kerema

14 Year Boys 1st Michael Armstrong 2nd Jaiden Fullerton-Harvey 3rd Samuel Gibbs

15 Year Girls 1st Emma Poate 2nd Lauren Hatton 3rd Amy Carberry

15 Year Boys 1st Richard Bujaroski 2nd Jack Millar 3rd Anthony Keating

16 Year Girls 1st Emma McKeon 2nd Emma Ramsey 3rd Nikolina Panovski

16 Year Boys 1st Mateya Tomii 2nd Jake Anastas 3rd James Needham

17 Year Girls 1st Olivia Wallace 2nd Sophie Gibbs 3rd Emily Debrot

17 Year Boys 1st Jason Bujaroski 2nd Brandon Saveski 3rd Miles Waring

18 Year Girls 1st Lauren Aitcheson 2nd Siobhan Rooney 3rd Georgia Crisp

18 Year Boys 1st David McKeon 2nd Ryan O’Connor 3rd Vijay Pather

1st an 2nd d K oga a 3r d r 4th Colig a an Wo lga l

Senior School Sports AICES Tennis

Congratulations to Fred Newman (Yr 9) for his selection in the AICES Open Tennis team. He will compete in Sydney next Wednesday with Stella Crick (Yr 10) and Kirsty McRae (Yr 9) in the CIS Tennis trials. We wish them the best of luck.

Cycling Success

Congratulations to Bridget Mullany (Year 8) for her remarkable performances at the State Cycling Championships on the weekend. Her results included: 1st in the Under 15 Individual Pursuit 2nd in the Under 15 Sprint 2nd in the Under 15 Time trial It is important to acknowledge this success as there are no cycling events in our school calendar. Well done Bridget!

Click here for NASSA Cricket and NASSA Hockey news

TIGS Prayer Group

Lions Youth of the Year Quest

Please join other TIGS parents and friends on Friday 19 March 2010 at 8.50am for a time of prayer and quiet reflection till 10am.

Three of our Year 12 students, Naomi Wootton, Megan Wulff and Olivia Yeatman, were involved in the Lions Youth of the Year Quest at the Club level last Thursday. They were wonderful ambassadors for our school and delivered excellent prepared and impromptu speeches. Naomi came first out of the contestants at the Gerringong Lions Club and will go forward to the District Competition. We wish her all the very best and congratulate all the girls on their achievements.

Everyone welcome , please come to the recital room off senior square , drop in when you can , your company is valued. Enquiries Naomi Spencer at home on 4422 4166 or email naomi@shoal.net.au

TIGS P&F Association Welcome to all and especially our new families joining the School this year. We hope we can provide you with all the information necessary to make being a part of the TIGS community an enjoyable experience. Orana P&F Meeting Wednesday March 10 7.30pm, The Goodhew Centre (Library) All parents, including interested Junior School parents, are welcome to come and hear Mr Warwick Adams, Director of Studies at TIGS, give a presentation on the 2009 HSC and School Certificate results. Warwick will also speak briefly about yourtutor and the NAPLAN/My School results. This will be a general talk and will not be about specific students and will be followed by the General Meeting.

Karobran P&F Meeting Tuesday March 16 7.00pm, The Goodhew Centre (Library). All interested parents are welcome to come and hear Mrs Dianne Bryant present information on the Japanese Program that has been extended to include Year 2 students this year. Agendas for these meetings will be sent out closer to the dates. If you have any questions you would like to ask either the P&F or at the meeting please feel free to send them to pandf@tigs.com.au or call Barb (Orana) on 0409 969044, or Tracey (Karobran) on 0402 007446, and they can be added to the agenda.

BREAKING NEWS The P&F Auction Night has been postponed from Friday March 26th to Friday September 3rd. This change has been made necessary by the huge demands socially and financially on parents in March. There are several other important community functions, which we were unaware of when we selected the date for our function, which will involve School families. Plus remember to keep May 22nd free for the Annual TIGS Great Fete ....... We look forward to sharing some, or all, of these events with you throughout 2010!

Monday 1 march Pizza Dates on the menu should read 4/MArch, 18/march and 1/april 2010 We are in need of new Volunteers this year. If you would like to join our friendly team please download a canteen volunteer request form from our school web site, complete and return to the school attention the canteen. Alternatively you can ring the canteen directly on 4220 0241 7am – 2pm or email canteen@tigs.Nsw.Edu.Au

Denise Jenner – Dennis Tracey Fulton

Tuesday 2 march

Snezana Bujaroska Anne Jones

Wednesday 3 March Kylie Doherty Zina Ainsworth

Thursday 4 March

Marie McCorquodale Help needed

Friday 5 March Help needed Help needed

Book returns and eXchanges

Our Bellbird representative will be here over lunchtime on Wednesday 3 March seated outside the main staff room in the Senior School court yard. Students are welcome to come along and return/exchang any new text books they may have.

Visual Arts and Photography News TIGS Photography Competition

Announcing the Photography Prefects and Senior Leaders’ Photography Competition! This fun new initiative will be in the form of a scavenger hunt but with PHOTOS. Students from year 7 - 12 can enter. They don’t have to be an Art or Photography student and they can use any type of camera. Entries close March 22 (Monday week 8). There are many competitions and activities available for students to get involved in, please click here for a summary. Written by Quynh-Dan Nugyen, Samantha Elliot and Zoe Wong.

Art After Hours

Yes it’s on again this year! The first trip is on Wednesday evening 24 March. We will be viewing Artexpress 2010 HSC Body of Works, the Hymn to Beauty: The Art of Utamaro, Wilderness: Balnaves contemporary painting, Colour, Rhythm, Design and The Dreamers. This program has been designed for senior school students to enjoy the unique experience of seeing art first hand in a major art institution – The Art Gallery of NSW.

Design Competition Sponsored by Eckersley’s and The Semi-Permanent Exhibition

This competition is open to senior students and the winner receives return airfare, accommodation, tickets to the semipermanent exhibition and $500 worth of art materials. Please click here to download your entry form or visit www.semipermanent.com for more information.

The Creative Arts Camp 2010 and Beyond Bundanon Exhibition

During week 2, Year 11 Creative Arts students, Music, Drama, Art and Photography ventured to the Creative Arts Camp at Riversdale and Bundanon situated on the Shoalhaven River. We were lucky enough to experience Arthur Boyd’s home and studio and to view some of his influential artworks. The experience was great as we were allowed to journey outside the classroom to collaborate with other creative students and to experience nature. We participated in a range of workshops including African Drumming, Drawing, Sculpture, Representing Metamorphosis, Music and Drama. Some of our works as well as the documentation of the camp will be displayed at The Beyond Bundanon Exhibition at 6pm, on Friday the 19th of March and next day at Expo Day. Written by Olivia Wallace and Carna Feldman.

To keep up-to-date with the latest news and events that are happening in and around our School, we encourage you to subscribe to the email Newsletter. Simply visit our website: www.tigs.nsw.edu.au and sign up on the home page.

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