Issue 3 Term IV 2012

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NEWSLETTER Headmaster’s Message Chaplain’s Message Head of Senior School Head of Junior School

Visiting Year 5 students participate in the CMPS Kids Count Ambassadors Day here at TIGS

Issue 3 Term IV, 2012

Academic • Christian • Caring

10 Things You Should Know About The MYP The Illawarra Grammar School is adopting the Middle Years Programme (MYP) of the International Baccalaureate Organisation as the curriculum framework for Years 7 to 10. TIGS is experienced in introducing IBO programmes having successfully moved from the ‘interested’ phase of implementation of the Primary Years Programme (PYP) in the Junior School to being fully accredited in just three years. The School has set a similar time frame for the introduction of the MYP. The reason why the School has chosen to adopt the MYP is simple: to advance further the successful outcomes of our programs for students in Years 7 to 10. At first glance learning under the MYP will not appear to be very different to the way learning is currently organised. The chief difference will be found in the way the students are learning. To assist those wondering about the MYP, here are 10 things that you should know: 1. There are 3,480 IB World Schools scattered over all continents (TIGS became an IB World School this year). World-wide there are 980 schools teaching the MYP (43 in Australia) and 969 schools teaching the PYP (83 in Australia); 2. The MYP does not provide the curriculum for individual subjects. The NSW Board of Studies (NSWBOS) and the new Australian Curriculum will still provide the syllabus for the subjects studied at TIGS. Students will still follow a standard pattern of study in Years 7 and 8 and have elective choices in Years 9 and 10;

Stephen Kinsella Headmaster

3. The MYP approach to learning has as its focus “teaching students how to learn and on helping them to find out about themselves as learners so that they can develop learning skills”; 4. MYP assists students to become life-long learners (not memorisers). The Learner Profile that underpins learning in our Junior School PYP will continue into the MYP. The attributes of an IB Learner are that they strive to be – Inquirers, Knowledgeable, Thinkers, Communicators, Principled, Open-minded, Caring, Risk-takers, Balanced, Reflective. These attributes fit well with the TIGS Statement of Mission and Values; 5. Learning under the MYP (as is the case under the PYP) will be more explicitly concept-based. The focus is on teaching and learning for the students’ understanding rather than teaching themes and content. The academic disciplines will still provide the skills and knowledge base from which concept-based learning will take place. 6. The MYP requires learning to occur in a global context. Clichés such ‘global citizens’ and ‘rapidly shrinking world’ are based on the truth that students will work, eat, be entertained and be impacted by people, governments and companies that operate on a global scale. Learning in a global context provides students with the knowledge, skills and experiences to be active and effective global citizens; 7. Language acquisition (an additional language) is a requirement of the MYP. The NSWBOS already mandates the learning of a second language through to the end of Year 8. Once the MYP is fully implemented, the learning of a second language will be a requirement at TIGS through to Year 10. However, the MYP recognises that some flexibility is required in schools for students that struggle with learning a second language. Forces requiring learning an additional language go beyond the MYP. In the just released Australian Government White Paper Australia in the Asian Century it is reported that “every school will be made to teach at least one priority Asian language under a national Asian studies curriculum, as part of a comprehensive embrace of the region aimed at exploiting its rapidly growing wealth over the next decade-and-a-half. The Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, said the curriculum changes would be compulsory in return for state and territory governments and private school organisations receiving Commonwealth funding for education.” (SMH 29/10/12) 8. The MYP requires a commitment to action as an outward expression of learning. This fits well with the culture of serving others at TIGS. The IBO says “the action component of the MYP can involve service in the widest sense of the word: service to fellow students and to the wider community. This can be both inside and outside the school and can meet an authentic need, becoming meaningful service - working with people rather than for them.” 9. Study in the MYP concludes with the preparation of a Personal Project - a significant body of work produced over an extended period of time, a product of the students’ own initiative and reflecting their experience of the MYP. Students at TIGS are familiar with this format of learning through the Year 6 Exhibition Project of the PYP and the research undertaken in the Honours Program in the Senior School; 10. Graduates of the MYP receive an internationally recognised credential – The MYP Certificate. This will be in addition to the NSW School Certificate. The School has no plan to introduce the IB Diploma for Years 11 and 12. Students studying under the MYP will be ideally prepared for the HSC. Stephen Kinsella Headmaster

Chaplain’s Message

High cost of Fuel

Last weekend I accompanied two other staff and 15 Year 10 students on the trial Silver Duke of Edinburgh hike in the Megalong Valley near Blackheath. On the way back I was reflecting on how well the camp had gone - with beautiful weather, no injuries and great bonding by all - when the bus suddenly conked out. It was on the off ramp of the M4 still one hour and twenty minutes from home. We moved the students to safety and then started the great process of getting help: joining the NRMA so they could move the vehicle, contacting the School and parents, we even had the police come at one stage to help with the situation (just what we didn’t need after three days in the bush, late Sunday afternoon, tired, hungry and wanting nothing more than to go home). What was a bad situation for me became a nightmare when I realised the cause of our breakdown rested solely on my shoulders, having filled the diesel bus to the brim with unleaded petrol. Why do these things happen? Sure some of us are hit by brain dead moments and do quite stupid things at times. But whether we make mistakes from ignorance, sin or stupidity I believe God has a purpose and can use such occasions. It’s moments like these when you see people in a way you’d never normally. You see their character in a way that is not evident when life runs smoothly. Traits and virtues such as patience, compassion, forgiveness, mercy and grace are given expression where sorrow, suffering and pain are present; often resulting in a deeper friendship and connectedness as you experience the empathy of others. I was taken aback by the willingness of parents to drop everything and come immediately to pick up their own and other students. I didn’t have to ask anyone. I was struck by the positivity of the students with no one complaining and their smiles remaining throughout. And I was grateful to a staff that supported and helped rather than judged and condemned. It made me think of the night before when one student had asked around the fire: Why did God allow sin and suffering to enter the world? Why didn’t he just make us perfect? Perhaps God allowed a world where mistakes are made so that we would experience not just these virtues in others but in God himself. We would come to know God as compassionate, merciful and kind - a God who takes on human flesh to empathise and partake in our suffering; a God who loves us so much that he came to earth to die in my place in order to forgive my stupidity. So next time someone does something silly or sinful use it as an opportunity to show mercy and grace and be reminded that God has done the same for us. And finally, always check what type of fuel you’re putting in your vehicle! Rev Mark Grieve Assistant Chaplain

Senior School

A Rewarding Learning Environment

This week we met with the parents of the 2013 Year 7’s. The Headmaster outlined the rationale behind our proceeding with the IB Middle Years Programme - which features in his Newsletter article this week. After undertaking a considerable amount of work over the last year on the 7-10 Curriculum Review and recommendations to the Headmaster, it was good to hear him synthesise and distil it down to 10 significant elements which will lead to better learning outcomes for students. It’s an exciting prospect for the future.

Monica Watt

It was also good to sit in the audience and hear about the programs and values that make TIGS different and such a rewarding learning environment for your children. From the well maintained and aesthetically pleasing property, maintained with real love and care by our Property Department to the wonderful physical resources particularly the new library, used with much enthusiasm by students engaged in learning. It was also good to hear about the sense of belonging engendered by House involvement and Competitions, the skill-building Outdoor Education Programs with Christian providers leading to Duke of Edinburgh Award, countless Co-curricular activities and our Community Service Program which all enrich and develop each child in his and her own unique way.

It is all very well to have all of these wonderful opportunities but it is important to encourage and support students to get involved. Staff, and senior students who have enjoyed the benefits, do great work here at school to encourage involvement but one of the best ways that parents can help is to model involvement themselves. Belonging, involvement and engagement are not only important for our students but also for parents. It was great to see so many parents at the Year 7 night, including those who have done this so many times they could probably write the script!

Deputy Headmaster and Head of Senior School

Children often pay less attention to what you say than to what you do. So may I encourage all parents to get fully involved in the life of the School and particularly in Orana Events organised by the P&F for your child’s year group and perhaps nominate yourself to be the Orana Representative, get involved in working for the Fete and come along to events with your children. You will benefit and so will your children. Monica Watt Deputy Headmaster and Head of Senior School

Junior School As our students progress through our Program of Inquiry they develop their skills and understandings. The final Unit of Inquiry in Year 6 is student driven. It ends in a display of learning for the whole school to celebrate and enjoy. Our exhibition will be held on Thursday 29 November and will be followed by a Karobran Workshop for parents to unpack what was observed. The Year 6 students have negotiated their central idea with each other and their teacher and have decided on ‘Individuals and groups connect and organise to inform others about ******* and take action’. They have then formed groups to explore lines of inquiry that fit within this central idea.

Judi Nealy

Some lines of inquiry being developed are about: • The Aging Population • The Super Trawler • Live Animal Exporting • Homelessness • Children’s Rights • Graffitti

Head of Junior School

Much of the work is driven by students with teachers and mentors from right across our school working with each group to facilitate their inquiry and subsequent learning. The children will access primary sources, research, design, create and draw conclusions and they will present their learning to our school community at “The Exhibition”. It is really important that this event is not seen as just for Year 6 students and their families. All parents should feel welcome to come and view The Exhibition with their children and we will have a display for learning from each grade to demonstrate the progress that occurs from Pre Prep to Year 6. In fact in PYP schools exhibitions are a shared celebration in the IB community. Members of the Junior School staff at TIGS have been invited to attend and celebrate The Exhibition at St Paul’s Grammar School and Cranbrook School in Sydney. It is really a privilege to belong to a community of learners such as the IB and to share these important milestones with other schools. It makes our experience at TIGS richer and benefits the children from all of our schools. I am sure that all visitors to our TIGS 2012 Exhibition will be impressed with the quality and depth of learning happening at our School and will look forward to their own turn at exhibiting their learning in Year 6. I look forward to seeing you all there!

Student achievement

Rubey Williams has been appointed as a member of the newly formed Australian Alpaca Youth Committee. There are only eight young ladies on this committee from all over NSW. Rubey is the youngest member on this committee at aged 12. The committee meets monthly via SKYPE and are endorsed by the Australian Alpaca Association and many local breeders (including her family). The committee are responsible for promoting and educating young people regarding alpacas including running events at local shows and the Sydney Royal Easter Show from 2013. Well done and congratulations Rubey. Judi Nealy Head of Junior School

Dates for your Diary: • • • • •

Thursday 15 November – Thank You Morning Tea Thursday 22 November – Year Progression Dinner Wednesday 5 December – A Christmas Celebration Saturday 8 December – Infants Pageant Monday 10 December – Years 3-6 Presentation Evening

Merit Certificates

Ethan Brunskill - Academic

Weekly Awards KD KM 1C 1M 1W 2P 3Y 5S 5N 6W 6T

Tyler Sullivan, Ella Fennel Brandon Nugara, Thomas Devlin Jessy Harman Angus Kiang Jamilla Perri, Alexander Bock, Cody Maynes-Rutty Chealsie Hynds Alana Newhouse, Aria Bacic-Johnston, Aydin Arapali, Paige Jenkins Belle Kolodziej Breanna Saad, Min Seo Kang, Sophie Correa, Kassee Dennis, Daniel Tubman, Kye Gosling Benon Harris, Mitchell Main. Holly Kiteley Abbey Hosking, Quincy Tut, Morgan Jackson, Joshua Shalala

Uniform Shop Year 7 2013

Would all existing Year 6 students who are entering Year 7 in 2013 please visit the Uniform Shop and have their uniforms fitted and purchased by 15 November 2012.

Year 10 2012

Would all existing Year 10 students who are entering Year 11 in 2013 visit the Uniform Shop and have their uniforms fitted and Senior Blazers ordered by the 24 November 2012.

Prep 2012

Would all existing Prep students entering Kindergarten in 2013 please visit the Uniform Shop and have their uniforms fitted and purchased by the 15 November 2012. To make an appointment please call the Uniform Shop on 4220 0230

P & F News P&F Annual General Meeting 21 November 2012 7.00pm Goodhew Research Centre - Library All committee positions are open and nominations for the Committee are welcomed for the following positions: • • • • • •

President Treasurer Secretary Committee members x 3 Karobran President Karobran Committee members x 3

To download the P&F nomination form please click here

School Sport NASSA Basketball Open Gala Day

Following on from the involvement of the Junior and intermediate teams in the NASSA Gala day, the Senior Girls and Boys teams participated in their Gala Day on Monday 29 October. Both teams had victories in one game, the girls against Penrith Anglican College 25 – 20 and the boys against Broughton Anglican College 33 – 32 in a tight match with numerous lead changes. All members from both teams made

valuable contributions and competed throughout the day with great spirit, congratulations.

TIGS Sports Presentation Evening

A reminder to all Award recipients from K – 12 that the TIGS Sports Presentation Evening is on Wednesday 7 November 6.30pm for 7.00pm in the IGC. This is an important occasion in the school calendar as we recognise sporting achievements from TIGS students in 2012.

TIGS Netball Club

In preparation for next year you are invited to attend the TIGS Netball Club AGM on Tuesday 13 November at 6.00pm in MG3 (room next to the IGC). If you wish to take up a position on this committee could you please forward your nomination to msharpe@tigs.nsw.

Thank You Morning Tea On Thursday 15 November 2012 TIGS will be hosting a ‘Thank You Morning Tea’ from 10.30am in Rees Hall for the many parents and members of our community who volunteer their time and expertise to benefit the students in our school. We would like to extend a warm invitation to all parents in the Junior and Senior School who assist in the classrooms, on excursions, through Karobran, Orana, the Canteen and in other ways. We look forward to thanking you in person on the Thursday 15 November. For catering purposes, please RSVP on 4220 0200

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